View Full Version : Sibylla's Soft Treatment--help needed

July 30th, 2012, 11:19 PM
I tried this "kitty litter" treatment today. It did not do anything good for my hair. It was tangly and dull when I rinsed out. Has anyone got suggestions for me?
I wanted softness and I got the opposite.

I used pure Fullers Earth product which is the same thing as Bentonite clay, fyi.

July 30th, 2012, 11:29 PM
Clay in your hair? That sounds like it would be VERY drying and would leave buildup. :(

If it were me, I'd clarify and then condition the heck out of it!

July 31st, 2012, 03:50 AM
What is this sibylla's soft treatment? I've never heard of it.

I do know there are some people on here who use clays to wash their hair but I haven't really read up on that so I have no suggestions.

July 31st, 2012, 04:54 AM
MinderMutsig, it is from this thread, invented by member Sibylla in 2008.


I have not tried it but there are 14 pages of folks who have.

July 31st, 2012, 05:31 AM
MinderMutsig, it is from this thread, invented by member Sibylla in 2008.


I have not tried it but there are 14 pages of folks who have.
Interesting, I'll read up on that. Thanks!

My first instinct says clay and salt on your hair can never be a good idea but skimming the thread it seems lots of people had good results with it so I guess it's worth it to research it some more to see if I want to try it.

July 31st, 2012, 02:27 PM
Loviatar--thanks for finding the thread. I have been lurking here for so long but I couldn't find it again.

PS I love Sherlock too, Freeman is best Dr. Watson ever.

Ok, so a good conditioning undid that clay experiment! Thanks all for the input. I am going to search that thread for clues. Ha, Sherlock again.

July 31st, 2012, 04:04 PM
omg, the same happened to me! and my hair was dry and tangly even after deep conditioning, it took like 3 treatments to get betterD: I want to know why it didnt work

July 31st, 2012, 11:35 PM
omg, the same happened to me! and my hair was dry and tangly even after deep conditioning, it took like 3 treatments to get betterD: I want to know why it didnt work

Actually 36 hours after this kitty litter experiment I am still trying to revive my hair. I made up some nice scented oil so I am currently sporting heavily oiled braids. All the tangles are out and the shine is back.
Here are some clues as to what may have gone wrong.
In the original thread many reporting good clay results had hennaed hair. I do not. Then the thread reports good results from sea salt, and less talk about the clay results. The softness was attributed to the salt.
I don't think I will try this again but for anyone who does want to try ... Walmart carries pure Fullers Earth clay kitter litter for about a dollar. Brand name: Kitty Diggins It is all natural, no fragrance, no additives for sensitive or allergic cats. I would suggest putting it through a coffee grinder in order to get a nice powder.

August 1st, 2012, 12:12 AM
I used Natures Clay for face and body products but the only time I have used it on hair is if it was already in a shampoo bar I purchased or made. Sorry you had a bad experience :-(

maybe try SMT treatment to get some softness back? :?