View Full Version : Sweaty scalp :(

July 29th, 2012, 10:45 AM
We have had some hot weather as of late and my scalp has been sweating big time. My braids get soaked through and I hate it. I am also going through pre-menoplause as well. :disgust: Anyone else have this happening to them?

July 29th, 2012, 12:50 PM
I'm not pre-menopause, but I do sweat more than the average person. Drinking sage tea twice a day helps. It doesn't stop me from sweating, but I don't sweat as much as I usually do.

July 31st, 2012, 04:47 PM
Thanks cwarren :)

July 31st, 2012, 04:51 PM
I hate feeling sweaty and sticky. I usually CO every other day, but the last few days I have been washing my hair every day. I have a very narrow comfort zone when it comes to temperature, and lately it has been far outside what I can easily tolerate around here.

July 31st, 2012, 04:59 PM
I've already gone through menopause and I had terrible hot flashes and sweating. What helps is to have more and smaller braids. So if you are making one braid, try two. This give more of your scalp air flow to dry out and it will feel great.

July 31st, 2012, 05:01 PM
I went through menopause last year, rather early, I think. I still get hot flashes, and they've been a regular thing again with the hot weather, even though we have A/C.

My buns get soaked through, and it really is a miserable feeling. I don't have any desire to go on hormones, and I don't have any answers.

Just know that you're not alone. :blossom:

July 31st, 2012, 05:14 PM
Well I'm not menopausal but it has been one hot summer here and I like to spend time outside hiking and fishing. My hair gets soaked whenever I'm outside on one of my walks. It really is terrible. I usually spray it with some dry shampoo.

July 31st, 2012, 05:32 PM
Thanks ladies :)

FrannyG I too do not want to go on hormones. I hate taking meds. My mother never seemed to go through Menopause. She said she went through it in the week she spent in the hospital after having me. She was 42 at the time. I think that was really strange.:ponder:

July 31st, 2012, 06:27 PM
Thanks ladies :)

FrannyG I too do not want to go on hormones. I hate taking meds. My mother never seemed to go through Menopause. She said she went through it in the week she spent in the hospital after having me. She was 42 at the time. I think that was really strange.:ponder:

Well, since completing menopause is defined by not having a period for a year (in my case since December of 2010), I don't really think that one can go through menopause in a week.

I'm quite sure that your mother went through something, but it certainly wasn't menopause in one week. It makes for an interesting story, though.

My mother had a relatively early menopause as I did, and she had hot flashes well into her 60s. :/

August 1st, 2012, 04:08 AM
I am still having menses- not as often as monthly. I have been having hot flashes and night sweats for the last 5 years, and I have major issues with them in the summer every year. I currently use some bioidentical estrogen to take the edge off and progesterone for the same reason. I used to go through an M.D., but realized that she was "over-dosing" me ie a much larger amount of bioidentical hormones so that it shows in measurable blood levels vs. using enough to control/alleviate unpleasant symptoms which will not show up in purported "normal" lab values; so I go according to symptoms now since I understand the way it all works, having thoroughly researched the subject.
There is an observation and thought among experts in the field that hot flashes are not always addressed by the use of hormones and that they are being provoked by some other process in the pituitary-hypothalamus axis. In my case, I cannot control hot flashes with hormones; I can only lessen the severity and the accompanying heart palpitations. To me it is worth it. From my research on bioidenticals, there is no danger from their use. The MDs aligned with and paid by the pharmaceutical industry ALWAYS/WILL ALWAYS state that the use of bioidentical hormones is the same as their (the pharmaceutical companies) hormones because they cannot control and patent bioidentical hormones for their exclusive use to make money.
I have the sweaty scalp syndrome every summer. I keep my hair up because it is worse if the back of my neck is covered. The part of my head that the bun is covering does stay moist; I also change to a low ponytail. I spray the area all the way around my head with water and that helps in the worst of the heat.