View Full Version : New natural dye/haircare source in the UK

July 28th, 2012, 11:35 PM
I don't know whether this website has been mentioned before but I thought it worthwhile linking to it anyway. It sells henna, indigo, amla and cassia as well as other natural products on the rest of the site. I have some of the henna and indigo in the cupboard that my mum gave to me so I will let people know about the quality later today. Prices are a little cheaper than Henna Boy although there are less different types of henna for sale.

www.suvarna.co.uk (http://www.suvarna.co.uk/pure-henna-indigo.html)

August 4th, 2012, 08:58 AM
Any verdict on the henna and indigo yet? I'm particularly looking for some high-stain indigo that doesn't break the bank!

August 4th, 2012, 09:24 AM
I thought no-one had read this thread!!!

Yeah, it worked well thanks, about the same as henna boy really. There's a patch near my parting that's a lot more red than black but I think that's my fault for not covering my head properly

August 4th, 2012, 01:41 PM
I mixed up some indigo this afternoon and then chickened out and just henna'd! What a waste :( That's what I'm worried about, not applying it well enough and it ending up patchy. It is too pricey to keep messing up :/

August 4th, 2012, 02:56 PM
I'm quite interested to try the Palette by Nature deposit-only dye. I see they have neutral browns. :)

I've been using Surya henna cream Golden Brown and Dark Brown 50/50 and I like it but there's always a bit too much red.
Proper powdered henndigo end up much too dark on me.

Thanks for posting this or I'd never have heard of it!

August 4th, 2012, 06:13 PM
Sort of off topic...but I wish there was a store where you could buy ALL these things, in person.
I am sure that one exists somewhere, but even at all the weirdo hippy stores here in California, I have never found henna, or as many wonderful oils and herbs as you can find online.
The Co-op in my town has light mountain henna, but I never was interested in that stuff.
Although, there are stores here that come pretty darn close to having all the things I desire to try and like. Luckily that same Co-op here has SOOO many oils, EOs, aloe, all organic body care, etc... :) I am in heaven in that store