July 25th, 2012, 12:47 PM
Hi again. I've recently decided to change up my collection. I am selling off my less worn hair toys to facilitate some new purchases. Pay pal you pay the fees. Shipping included (I adjusted to total to include shipping for a larger box.) $120 Sold, Thanks!
If you want to pay exact post price, the toy lot is $100 even, but I'm shipping from Canada, so the price could be higher depending on where it goes.
Makers included LongLocks, Jeterforks, Sticks and Stones, Pacific Merchantile, quecraft, Epstone and many miscellaneous pieces added in.
If this collection does not sell within 1 week, I will be re-posting, but charging higher prices for each piece. This is a deal!
If you want to pay exact post price, the toy lot is $100 even, but I'm shipping from Canada, so the price could be higher depending on where it goes.
Makers included LongLocks, Jeterforks, Sticks and Stones, Pacific Merchantile, quecraft, Epstone and many miscellaneous pieces added in.
If this collection does not sell within 1 week, I will be re-posting, but charging higher prices for each piece. This is a deal!