View Full Version : Vitiligo in the hair.

July 23rd, 2012, 12:55 AM
This may be a long shot, but does anyone here have ventiligo that's spread into their hair? I do. I get SOOOOOOOOOO many questions about my natural white streaks in my hair. Questions like "Did you dye it?", "Were you born with it.", ... I love it! I didn't develop it till I was a freshman in high school. I had actually dreamed of having it since I saw the first X-Men and I saw Rouge, I was like 6. haha And the weird thing is the white only develops on my right side of my hair. I dyed my hair burgundy after a few months black(natural hair color) and 7 months later my white is slowly moving back in. Unfortunately the dye caused some hair fall out -_-. But I digress.

July 23rd, 2012, 12:56 AM
Do you mean vitiligo?

July 23rd, 2012, 01:00 AM
Oh yeah sorry, it is 3am! xD

July 23rd, 2012, 01:05 AM
Are you sure it's vitiligo? As in, have you been diagnosed by a doctor? From what I understand, it presents in the extremities and around the nose or mouth, and in sporadic patches. I've never heard of it affecting one spot in the scalp and hair. To have this ONLY show up on the scalp and suddenly affect your hair, and only in the one spot where it's actually cool, as in the Rogue temple location, would be akin to winning the lottery.

Perhaps you've had some damage in that region that affected the melanin in that one patch?

ETA: There's this thing called Waardenburg syndrome that would explain a white patch in the hair. But it also comes with other symptoms, like hearing loss. And some other stuff, I can't pronounce. Might wanna get your hearing checked.

July 23rd, 2012, 01:36 AM
Yeah, I was diagnosed. I have a white splotch on my face that covers my right cheek and goes over to the lips and below my eye.

July 23rd, 2012, 06:41 AM
Are you sure it's vitiligo? As in, have you been diagnosed by a doctor? From what I understand, it presents in the extremities and around the nose or mouth, and in sporadic patches. I've never heard of it affecting one spot in the scalp and hair. To have this ONLY show up on the scalp and suddenly affect your hair, and only in the one spot where it's actually cool, as in the Rogue temple location, would be akin to winning the lottery.

Perhaps you've had some damage in that region that affected the melanin in that one patch?

ETA: There's this thing called Waardenburg syndrome that would explain a white patch in the hair. But it also comes with other symptoms, like hearing loss. And some other stuff, I can't pronounce. Might wanna get your hearing checked.

There was a girl who went to my school who had it right at the center of her hairline! She also had a patch on one leg (that was visible, anyway... she may have had more on other parts of her body). The hair looked kinda cool! It was obvious it was natural (as the skin was pigmented differently) and that it only occurred in that one location on her head!

July 23rd, 2012, 06:47 AM
I don't, but that's sounds so unique and pretty! :crush:

July 23rd, 2012, 08:00 AM
I have vitiligo! I don't have any patches on my scalp, they're all on my hips, shins and back, mostly.
Mine didn't show up until I was about 9 or 10.

July 23rd, 2012, 09:07 AM
There was a guy at work who had this...he had a white spot on top of his head! I thought it was really cute. :D

July 23rd, 2012, 10:37 AM
I've got vitiligo- pretty much head to toe. I've also got the associated Koebner phenomenon, which means I get additional patches around where I've had injuries.

While I don't seem to have any 'organically' appreaing patches on my scalp, I do have a patch that grows in white around where I sliced my scalp open on a cabinet door. As a result, I've been dyeing since I was 16-ish.

Along with vitiligo, you get an increased chance of thyroid disorders and other auto-immune diseases, so make sure you get screened/stay on top of your health.

The good bit? You won't get a melanoma in an affected area.