View Full Version : Help! My super fine thin hair just won't grow!

July 20th, 2012, 11:53 AM
I am trying to grow out my hair and have not cut it in over 2 years and it just doesn't seem to be growing. I did have a perm in it and cut off most of it which I wish I had never done. My hair was BSL before the cut and I cut it off to shoulder length.

The only length I have gained is maybe an inch besides what I gained when my hair relaxed.

It is super fine and thin so I have to be very careful of what I put on it or use in it. I use to wear it down alot but now I either braid it or wear it up most of the time.

I have tried vitamins, coconut oil treatments with an assortment of EO's and some scalp massage. I have also tried Cassia treatments a couple of times mixed with sage and cinnamon water. Nothing I do seems to make a drastic difference in the growth pattern.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I am sooo disappointed in my hair growth...

July 20th, 2012, 12:03 PM
Your hair is either growing and breaking off or if it isn't growing then there may be a medical reason that you need to rule out. Have you seen a doctor? Are you using heat applicances? Do you eat enough protein and iron? There are many things it could be, I hope you find out what it is so that you can have hair you love.

July 20th, 2012, 12:11 PM
I just had blood work done and the only thing they found was a was just a little low on iron. But I am not sure of what all they checked. I may not be getting enough protein. ??? I do have a thyroid problem that has been in the normal range for several years now.

They only heat I use is a blast of the hair dryer on special occassions. Even then I do not completely blow dry it.

July 20th, 2012, 12:32 PM
Hair doesn't seem to grow when you're watching it too closely and wishing for length. My advice would be wear it up and get busy with other things. Once every month or two months, get a length picture. It's helpful to wear a patterned shirt for this so that you can see changes of where your ends stop. Make sure your hair is in the same state each time you get the picture. For example, don't have it be damp in one picture and dry in the next. When I did this, I'd get the length picture the day I was ready to wash it because it was straightest on that day.

July 20th, 2012, 01:09 PM
Maybe you still have some damage left from the perm? Do you have split ends? My hair grows very very slowly... but when I take care of it and oil the ends every day and then wear it up and forget then it does grow! 2 years is a long time, I would look closely at my diet and make sure to take a vitamin. I need to start doing that more as well.

July 20th, 2012, 03:19 PM
I'm also thinking that you had or have damage on the ends from the perm. There could have been some breakage going on. If you rule out medical problems, and you have, then breakage is the logical conclusion.

I know you'll hate me for this, but maybe a small trim might get rid of the damage, and you may start to see growth. My daughter had a perm a few years ago, and then she started growing her hair, without any cut. The perm had relaxed completely, but the damage remained, of course. She literally went for a year without gaining any length, but her hair was growing at an average rate, because we could see her roots from her sun highlights from the year before. Once she cut out the damage, her hair seemed to grow tremendously quickly.

Also, take photos of your hair monthly, but don't compare them month to month. Wait three months and compare your length from the original to the most current shot.

Good luck to you. :blossom:

July 20th, 2012, 03:57 PM
I know how you feel, I have super fine hair too which seems to grow very slowly. I take vitamins and use deep treatments and oils and I had my hair chopped at the start of this year and cut quite a bit of length off so I am now seeing hair growth since I cut off my damage.
I hope you see some growth soon. Like the girls said I have done the same and don't measure every day and leave it up alot or else I become obsessed with my lengh. I will only measure it every three months or so.
Good luck!

July 20th, 2012, 04:09 PM
As long as you're handling your hair gently (no heating appliances, air drying, detangling before brushing, wearing it up, very small trims when needed) it should grow.

Keep up with the scalp massage and only wash when you need to.

It may be that you are too anxious to see hair growth and while I certainly know how you feel (been there!) you should relax and be patient. Wait at least 3 months and then check on your progress.

Be sure you are getting enough protein and other minerals. Iron plays an important part in hair health but don't overdo the daily required amount! Good luck!

July 20th, 2012, 04:47 PM
are you using any heat styling? if you are that will deffinately contribute to it not growing.

July 20th, 2012, 05:34 PM
I had the same problem - permed/colored hair breaking off and not growing. I started using Indian herbs for hair washing, catnip teas for conditioning and henna and indigo for color. My hair grew from my shoulders to my waist in a year. There are lots of threads on all these methods. I also gave up all heat styling and wore my hair up all the time. Gentle combing, no brushes.

All these things helped grow out healthy, shiny hair. Check out my albums and good luck on your hair journey!

Forgot! coconut oil on the length after washing. Went from daily washing to about every five days.

July 20th, 2012, 07:30 PM
I'm probably not reading this carefully enough so please correct me:

1. Last hair cut, 2 years ago and NO trims since?

2. Has it ever been long

3. Are you dieting or on medication which effects hair growth.

4. How long is your mothers hair or sisters. Getting an idea of genetics which play a really big part.

5. What supplements have you tried or lotions eg monistat?

If that's what you're saying then you mean it hasn't grown in two years?

edit - what age range do you fall in? Do you dye at all.


1. Try whey protein. Can't hurt.

2. Biotin helped me grow better nails and I think hair.

3. Monistat helped thicken my hair shafts but that is probably a combination of supplements, whey protein, monistat and better care.

July 20th, 2012, 07:37 PM
Oh yes, the trimming is a very good point. I've had periods of almost zero growth because my ends were breaking off. My hair really does grow its best if I get regular small trims.

July 20th, 2012, 07:53 PM
If your hair was about BSL length when you had it permed, and you cut back to APL, you still have (guessing) about 12" of perm-damaged hair left (assuming your entire length was permed, that is). I suspect that hair, which is now your ends, is breaking off. My best advice would be to do regular trims until the damage is all gone, while babying your hair as much as possible in the meantime. When the damage is gone--and it'll take a while, so be patient, because it will be gone eventually--you'll have completely healthy hair and it will grow! :)

July 21st, 2012, 12:57 AM
I use Original Mane & tail horse shampoo. My hair was stuck just past midback until 2010 AT age 54. Since high school. It grew to waist. And now its at hip. wearing it up helps. I read online that dehydrated chopped onion & dehydrated minced onion makes the hair thicker. I put a capful in my shampoo. My hair felt thicker. I have used both. Certain grocery stores & wall mart sell horse shampoo. Hope this helps.

July 23rd, 2012, 11:42 AM
First off let me say I measured my hair this weekend and lo and behold it has grown!!! It is now 20.5" so in 2 years it has grown about 3.5". It has not grown the average of .5" month but it is growing albeit slow. I will try to post some pics.

1. Last hair cut, 2 years ago and NO trims since? - none

2. Has it ever been long - yes, waist - tailbone length.

3. Are you dieting or on medication which effects hair growth. - no dieting - estrogen

4. How long is your mothers hair or sisters. Getting an idea of genetics which play a really big part. - mothers - fine, thin and shoulder length. Sisters - waist length, fine but healthy.

5. What supplements have you tried or lotions eg monistat? - tried eo's, Cassia and coconut oil have not tried monistat.

If that's what you're saying then you mean it hasn't grown in two years?

edit - what age range do you fall in? - almost 50.

Do you dye at all. - NO

July 23rd, 2012, 12:59 PM
It has grown some. I bet once any remaining damaged parts are cut off that it will come in more quickly. You may be having breakage because of damage. If it were me, I would cut off any remaining damage to stop further breakage.

Just hang in there. In time you will have the long, healthy hair that you want!

July 23rd, 2012, 03:06 PM
Do I read correctly that since had it permed and cut, you've had the hair relaxed? Relaxers are as bad as perms in terms of damage and breakage. I wouldn't make any judgments about how your hair is or isn't growing until that's fully grown out and cut off.

In the meantime, do take care of yourself. Hair often doesn't grow if your body isn't healthy, which means that you need to get your protein consumption, iron, and thyroid all under control.