View Full Version : Green tea rinse to bring out ashy hair tone?

July 16th, 2012, 09:27 AM
Hello LHC,

So,i happen to be a natural cool blonde that lighten her hair color slightly with the help of lemon juice and honey. It works,however i noticed that it tends to make my hair less ashy looking and more of a medium toned blonde with golden bits. In search of something to counteract that,i thought maybe green tea rinses might help bringing out the ashy tones (which are,i believe,"green" tones). Has anybody tried that? Does it work?

On an another side note : i happen also to have some kombucha green tea cultures laying around,and i know it is possible to make kombucha "vinegar" instead of kombucha tea by leaving a culture ferment for a long time. Is there anybody that even heard of that? Can hair benefit from a kombucha vinegar rinse just like it benefits from ACV,and be given ashy tones?

Thank you all

March 24th, 2013, 12:57 PM
I've heard that green tea may help to bring out reddish tones, actually. I've been doing green tea/lemon/honey rinses for the past couple weeks and have seen no change in my hair color so far, but a lot of improvement in shedding. Worth a try, though!

March 24th, 2013, 01:04 PM
I don't know if tea does that but you could always mix some veggie dye (Manic Panic, Directions...) to conditioner and then use it like regular conditioner. Maybe purple or violet would work. Just don't leave it on for too long and don't use too much dye. If you end up trying it be really careful at first. I am not really sure but there is propably information about this somewhere.

March 24th, 2013, 03:05 PM
Green tea brings out golden tones, I tried.

March 25th, 2013, 06:02 AM
I used to use ACV rinses, but hated how it brought out the red in my hair. I switched to white vinegar, and my hair is very ashy now. My hair is dark brown, so YMMV, but since I made the switch, there is no gold or red undertone to be seen.

March 26th, 2013, 02:18 PM
I tried some green tea rinses a while back. I didn't notice a change in colour, but my hair is dark blond, so it might work on lighter hair. The tea is yellow in colour, not green to me, so it'll more likely give your warm tones. The first rinses made my hair more shiny, but after a couple of rinses it build up and my hair felt coarser, so I stopped using it.

March 27th, 2013, 03:01 AM
You want a purple toner, like manic panic or a purple shampoo. Purple is the opposite of yellow on the color wheel so therefore counteracts overly yellowness and turns it ashy once again. Believe me, if you leave it on too long, it will in fact turn your hair gray, not purple. Go to a beauty supply store like Sally's and you'll be sure to find what you need. Green will not do anything; green counteracts red tones, so only use it if your hair is reddish. .