View Full Version : "help hair shake" has anyone tried this yet?

July 16th, 2012, 06:41 AM

Hello everyone:) just wondering if anyone tried this yet...

July 16th, 2012, 06:45 AM
There are several threads that talk about whey protein as a promoter of hair growth. This doesn't look that much more special than a regular whey protein shake, and is probably more expensive just because it's branded for hair. If you do try whey protein, go for whey protein concentrate as opposed to whey protein isolate, because the latter has actually seemed to cause hair loss in some trials (which have been posted about here before as well). One of the things I would be wary about is that the product you linked to doesn't specify what kind of whey protein.

September 22nd, 2013, 02:00 AM
Hi Sunshine80,
I was given the Help Hair Whey Protein Concentrate shake following a hair transplant in Australia. I did a fair amount of research and found the maker, Dr Shapiro originally developed this shake to assist hair transplant patients to achieve quicker / better results following their procedure. The Australian doctor I went to highly recommended I use this product a month before the procedure and for a further five months post transplant. The doctor also advised it was better to use whey protein concentrate as opposed to using the whey protein isolate. Apparently the isolates can cause issues with excess testosterone.
Anyway for me I couldn't be happier. The transplanted hair came through better than I had expected and my existing hair feels better and thicker and I shed less now than I did prior to using the Help Hair shake.
Hope this help :)