View Full Version : Question for the extra-long equestrians

July 14th, 2012, 07:55 PM
I ride and train dressage horses, and have always worn my hair in a single english or french braid while riding. I've recently reached classic (Hurray!) but discovered an interesting new problem while I was riding a friend's horse last week. The tail of my braid kept getting caught under my butt on the saddle! I have really narrow shoulders, so bringing it forward it won't stay, it just bounces back. My saddle has a shallower seat than hers, but I'm sure it won't be long before I'm having the same issue there! I usually tuck it in my bra strap while I'm cleaning out my horses' hooves, because I don't want it falling on the hoof or the ground, but that's more than a little dorky and not very professional looking.

SO, my question to those with Classic+ hair who enjoy riding horses, how do you keep it out of the way and protected? I also always wear a safety helmet while riding, so any sort of updo or anything that would affect the fit of my helmet is a major no-go. I can do a french braid because my hair is very fine and so it doesn't add hardly any bulk under the helmet. I also definitely prefer something that I can do quickly and easily.


July 14th, 2012, 08:19 PM
would it be possible to fold the end up to met your nape then secure it? (forming a kind of loop)

i dont have much experience with this... sorry!

July 14th, 2012, 08:30 PM
been a while since ive been on a horse but my 2 cents would be to keep the braid fold it up on its self a few times after youve put your helmet on and then secure with a flexi-8. nice professional and not too bouncy :)

July 14th, 2012, 08:34 PM
Hmm, an excuse to finally buy some flexi-8s... ;)

July 14th, 2012, 10:15 PM
J wears short boots yet, but I slather her hair in conditioner, put into pigtails, then loop them up usually in thirds or so, add another elastic, then braid. If her full length is down, her braids hit her pony just walking, never mind jumping.

At home or practice, braids, tie them in knots, spin pin. Shortens them enough, but they aren't centered yet. Not sure what we'll do then.

July 15th, 2012, 01:24 AM
I second folding the braid up. I wonder though if a flexi would hold while riding? I was thinking folding the braid in half and wrapping it in a ribbon or something. You could do a French braid, tuck the tassel inside of the part against your scalp (unless you have a really thick tassel that would affect your helmet), and then wrap it in ribbon. Or you could learn a braid that eats up more length.

July 15th, 2012, 01:33 AM
I usually wear a low bun, it doesn't interfere with my riding hat. It's traditional to wear a riding hairnet when competing or hunting here in the UK, that could be the answer to your problems. They are very cheap but heavy duty & come in various colours :)

July 15th, 2012, 02:48 AM
i remembered another one i dont know what its called but you basically do a topsy tail then when you go to pull it through again you dont pull it tight. you just keep wrapping till you have a chigon looking thing and put a scrunchie over the bun part to hold it. fluffy fabric kinds work best but can look a little 80's for some people. i dig it though :)

July 15th, 2012, 03:27 AM
I used to fold the braid up too when wearing a helmet to go riding. :)

July 15th, 2012, 05:16 AM
I usually wear a low bun, it doesn't interfere with my riding hat. It's traditional to wear a riding hairnet when competing or hunting here in the UK, that could be the answer to your problems. They are very cheap but heavy duty & come in various colours :)
How does this hairnet looks?
I don't have really long braid yet but it would be nice to do a bun while riding.

July 15th, 2012, 05:19 AM
would it be possible to fold the end up to met your nape then secure it? (forming a kind of loop)

That's what my friends who ride do!

July 15th, 2012, 06:25 AM
I don't ride any more, but when I stopped I was beginning to have the same problem as you. What I did to protect my hair was this: I got a Buff (http://buff.eu/en/ROM/home) and wore it pirate-style, which is like a cap with a tail pocket. The tail pocket is supposed to just hang there looking cool (I surmise, anyway) but what I did was fold my braid in half, then half again, and stuff it into the pocket. The Buff was nice and stretchy so everything fit fine (although my hair's not particularly thick). Then I wrapped a ponytail holder around the bundle twice, and voila. Hair is protected both from the helmet rubbing on it directly on top of my head, and from being sat on/yanked/stepped on/caught on things/what have you.

The only thing is that, depending on how low your helmet sits over the nape, there may not be room. I never had a problem with my old helmet, but when I went to get a new one, a lot of them had a size adjuster dial at the back that got in the way or tilted the helmet too far foward. I had to put the Buff on and wrap the braid up when trying them on to make sure I got one that would work.

July 15th, 2012, 06:35 AM
when my hair was much longer when I was in school I used to either english braid and tuck into my clothes (the majority of the time in the UK I'd be wearing a coat or jumper anyway) or I would do as mentioned and loop the braid. Depending on thickness and your hat you might be able to do a low bun, but i know this tends to be uncomfortable with the hat I ride in

July 15th, 2012, 06:48 AM
How does this hairnet looks?
I don't have really long braid yet but it would be nice to do a bun while riding.


They look pretty traditional, not the sexiest things in the world but do the job! :)

July 15th, 2012, 06:54 AM
Sorry - double post

July 15th, 2012, 07:02 AM
I'm not an equestrienne (but I love horses!).

Could you do a regular English or Dutch braid, then take the end and weave it up through the braid several inches and secure with a hair friendly elastic?

July 15th, 2012, 09:38 AM
My helmet does come down pretty low over the nape, so a lot of the low buns and things like that don't work as well. I am going to need to come up with a new option for shows eventually, but that's at least another year off, so I'll wait and see where my hair is at that point before panicking about it!

Consensus seems to say loop the braid. I'll try that today and see how it goes. I love the buff idea Toof, but like I said, if you had problems with the helmets interfering with it, mine certainly will! I am due to buy a new helmet for show though, so maybe when I do that I'll aim for something that doesn't come down quite as far in the back. Tipperary doesn't make show helmets anyway, that I've seen (granted, haven't shopped for a helmet in a few years...)

Thanks everyone!