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View Full Version : Does this seem like excessive shedding? (pic)

July 12th, 2012, 02:18 AM
This was what I got from a pick comb after washing my hair. I had already lost a lot with the washing. It's all full length hairs with the root bulb. This is common with every brushing. I try to only finger or pick brush right now with a BBB every other day or so. Everytime it's a full brush or comb of hair. I counted it once a few weeks ago and it was over 75 hairs that time. It's been like this for months now and I'm worried I'm going to start thinning soon.

July 12th, 2012, 03:08 AM
I think it actually seems like more if you don't comb or brush daily (because the loose hairs just stay on your head, but are loose anyway).
Anyhow, I don't think it looks like excessively much, considering the length of your hair. It's not much more than what my hair sheds per day, and mine doesn't thin out.

July 12th, 2012, 03:11 AM
Doesn't look excessive to me.

I did a little experiment a few weeks ago where i washed my hair then tied it up when it was dry and didn't brush until the next morning, then I counted the hairs. I got about 60 the first day after washing. And just over 80 on day 2.

I think that's about average and my hair is definitely not thinning, so I wouldn't panic about it :)

July 12th, 2012, 07:13 AM
Do you use a wide tooth comb to gently detangle? Finger combing is fine for a general detangling, but to get your hair really combed out, you need to finish detangling with a comb.

It looks to me like you're brushing your hair before it is thoroughly combed...thus pulling out more hair than need be.

Also, to help eliminate hairs in the shower drain, be sure and brush your hair thoroughly before you wet it.

Lastly, how you use your fingers during the shampooing and conditioning process can help prevent excessive hair loss.

July 12th, 2012, 08:24 AM
Looks pretty normal to me too, I have approx that in the same amount of time also, yet I never noticed any thinning.

July 12th, 2012, 08:32 AM
I've had bunches like that frequently. I'm on the fence as to whether it's bad or not, but one thing about it is that when your hair is longer, the hair bundles look worse than what they are interwoven like that.

July 12th, 2012, 08:45 AM
Nope, I've shed much more than that a time.

July 12th, 2012, 08:51 AM
It looks a lot to me. especially since you mention 75. avoid brushing or combing while its wet. And try stretching washes if you wash everyday or every other day. Maybe you should check your shampoo and conditioner too.

July 12th, 2012, 11:08 AM
How should I be using my fingers during washing? I ususally scrub my scalp pretty well with my finger tips then gently massage my hair with shampoo. I have a wide mouth pick right now. Working on getting a wood comb. I shampoo every 5-7 days. I'm starting to suspect my shampoo.

The last time I lost a lot of hair it was my iron levels. I just had it checked a few month ago an it was pretty good but I haven't needing my maintenance supplementing.

heidi w.
July 12th, 2012, 11:27 AM
Do you use a wide tooth comb to gently detangle? Finger combing is fine for a general detangling, but to get your hair really combed out, you need to finish detangling with a comb.

It looks to me like you're brushing your hair before it is thoroughly combed...thus pulling out more hair than need be.

Also, to help eliminate hairs in the shower drain, be sure and brush your hair thoroughly before you wet it.

Lastly, how you use your fingers during the shampooing and conditioning process can help prevent excessive hair loss.

OK, it might be you're in a shedding phase and about to enter a resting phase and growth phase. 75 hairs is not considered abnormal. I shed a lot after a given hair wash. It's just the way its always been so it is my normal. After a hair wash, I have to rinse the tub out and remove the lost hairs in the tub, and search the bathroom floor for shed hairs as well depositing all into the garbage bin. It's my normal. And the longer your hair, the more it appears that you're losing a big ball of fur. Because longer hairs can really mount up, even if your count remains the same.

Also, ditto on what Madora said. It is very important to detangle the hair extremely well before a given hair wash to remove the shedd hairs. That's what I do. Also when washing my hair, I do separate my hair in the back. This helps. This morning I washed my hair and actually lost less hair than usual. That's how it goes sometimes for me.

It's considered normal to lose as many as 100 hairs per day. So I wouldn't worry a whole lot quite yet. If your hair comes out in big clumps, then it's time to see a doctor and have a blood screen to rule out anemia and thyroid issues. Both can increase shedding, thyroid increases it a lot; anemia increases shedding a little bit.

heidi w.

heidi w.
July 12th, 2012, 11:31 AM
How should I be using my fingers during washing? I ususally scrub my scalp pretty well with my finger tips then gently massage my hair with shampoo. I have a wide mouth pick right now. Working on getting a wood comb. I shampoo every 5-7 days. I'm starting to suspect my shampoo.

The last time I lost a lot of hair it was my iron levels. I just had it checked a few month ago an it was pretty good but I haven't needing my maintenance supplementing.

You might need to wash on a different schedule. 5-7 days is kind of a long time to wait between hair washes. I wash every third to fourth day, on the outside two weeks when I'm really busy, but then my hair by then is an absolute puddle of muck, and major itch sets in. I have Seborrheic Dermatitus. Not a fun issue to have, really.

Um, you can consider detangling your hair first, then scritching the scalp skin in advance of a hair wash to improve your hair wash and not have to scratch your scalp skin with your fingernails. Scritching is done with a fine toothed comb, a comb about the size of a large doll's comb. It can loosen scalp skin debris and help it to slough off more reliably in a given hair wash. I do that for my S.D. situation, and it makes a big difference.

Have you tried scalp washing, so you can keep up with hygiene without washing all your length. You have long enough hair to be successful with scalp washes....

heidi w.

July 12th, 2012, 11:31 AM
Looks normal to me!

heidi w.
July 12th, 2012, 11:36 AM
When I wait too long between hair washes, I get more shedding.

heidi w.

July 12th, 2012, 11:38 AM
If your hair comes out in big clumps, then it's time to see a doctor and have a blood screen to rule out anemia and thyroid issues. Both can increase shedding, thyroid increases it a lot; anemia increases shedding a little bit.

heidi w.

this is interesting , I never would of thought that anaemia would cause shedding. my mother has Very thick hair and doesn't appear to ever be loosing a winter coat, she has been very anaemic he whole life and for years chronically so on prescribed high dose iron especially the years between motherhood and menopause.
I too am (though much more slightly) anaemic. I have always had decent amount of shedding tho, but I always put this to my hair type being wavy/curly and dry , hair just sticking round till I comb it out or condition. have never thought it excessive and i do notice times when it is more than others but never felt like my hair was thining

July 12th, 2012, 11:51 AM
Inozz, don't worry. From the photo and as well from your hair count, it is well within the range of "normal" daily hair loss. My Aveda hairdressers for decades have said that we lose an average of 100 hairs a day. If, like me, you wash weekly and do not comb/brush daily, it adds up and seems like a lot when we next wash and detangle/comb.

July 12th, 2012, 11:53 AM
Looks pretty normal to me. I think I lose about twice as much, from brushing before washing to combing it out afterwards.

July 12th, 2012, 02:22 PM
How should I be using my fingers during washing? I ususally scrub my scalp pretty well with my finger tips then gently massage my hair with shampoo. I have a wide mouth pick right now. Working on getting a wood comb. I shampoo every 5-7 days. I'm starting to suspect my shampoo.

The last time I lost a lot of hair it was my iron levels. I just had it checked a few month ago an it was pretty good but I haven't needing my maintenance supplementing.

Try a gentler shampoo every 3 or 4 days? Gently brush your hair before you shampoo and then don't comb it when wet. Would it hurt to start taking an iron supplement? Just 18 mg per day or every other day just in case? It looks like a lot of hair shed to me, but my hair is much shorter and thinner than yours and the long haired ladies say it looks OK, so they know best but I can see why you would worry.

July 12th, 2012, 02:27 PM
Maybe...I've only shed like that a few times but it was a seasonal shed. I would switch from your BBB to a wide tooth comb for a while to see if the shedding continues. And if it does continue, I would start eating protein, taking a multivitamin if you don't already, or maybe even talking to your doctor. It could be hormonal.

July 12th, 2012, 03:39 PM
How should I be using my fingers during washing? I ususally scrub my scalp pretty well with my finger tips then gently massage my hair with shampoo. I have a wide mouth pick right now. Working on getting a wood comb. I shampoo every 5-7 days. I'm starting to suspect my shampoo.

The last time I lost a lot of hair it was my iron levels. I just had it checked a few month ago an it was pretty good but I haven't needing my maintenance supplementing.

The longer I leave my washes the more hair I get coming out. My scalp seems to like a good sulfate free shampoo and being washed ever 3 days. Also I use monistat for the shedding and hair growth. Less shedding but the growth I'm not sure about.

I lose about 60 min. to over 100 a day.

If I was to recommend anything it would be to do the ponytail circumference. I did that because I get times where I shed a lot. It hasn't changed since March 2012 when it went from 2.50 to 2.75 over 6 months of looking after my hair when I joined.

July 12th, 2012, 03:41 PM
When I wait too long between hair washes, I get more shedding.

heidi w.

Me to. Sorry, this is like a double post but I also wanted to say my scalp gets sore if I wait too long between washes. After it gets a bit tender I shed, shed, shed!

July 12th, 2012, 03:46 PM
I think it looks pretty normal. I wash my hair every other day, and I get at least 100 hairs during every wash. Then there is no telling how many I lose during day to day activities on top of it (finger combing, putting my hair up, etc).

I don't think you should be worried unless you begin to see bald patches or notice your hair becoming much thinner.

July 12th, 2012, 08:33 PM
Does not seem excessive to me. I shed alot, probably more than that and my hair has gotten alot thicker since being on LHC. I find it sheds more when it is very hot.

July 12th, 2012, 10:02 PM
That seems a lot compared to what I lose but honestly everyone is different. I wouldn't worry unless you can see a decrease in your ponytail circumference.