View Full Version : Help!! Frizz on top layer of hair

July 7th, 2012, 06:18 PM
Hello! So I am still mostly new to the forum and am doing a lot of reading to learn as much as I can. I am still getting the hang of things here, but I was wondering if there is anyone who can give me any tips or tricks to reduce frizz.

I am trying to go for a less fussy routine (currently I use mousse and diffuse my hair) and have recently started letting my hair air dry with a little curl cream in it after plopping for 20 minutes. The problem is, while drying, and once completely dry, the top layer of my hair turns very frizzy (happens all year round, not just during the humid summer months). It's like I have a thin halo on top of all of my hair (that's the best way I can think of to describe it). I do have highlights, and so I am wondering if perhaps this top layer of hair is just dry and needs more TLC? I try not to touch my hair at all while it is drying, and any drying I do is with a cotton shirt, not a towel. I have also tried cold water rinse at the end of my shower. I have tried smoothing it down with moroccan oil, but that only helps slightly.

Any tips/tricks would really be appreciated!

July 7th, 2012, 06:33 PM
I can't use it but people have good results useing aloe as a gel to calm frizzies.

I suspect your hair is damaged from the highlighting and may need to be treated differently from your underlayers.

July 7th, 2012, 06:38 PM
Are they all tiny, very short hairs, that stick up from the rest? I have some of those. They happen whenever one of my hairs breaks off, or gets pulled out. The new hair grows out, but is so short that it just sticks up and curls etc. Looks sort of like frizz, but is actually healthy, super short hair. Frustrating :laugh:

July 7th, 2012, 07:06 PM
Are they all tiny, very short hairs, that stick up from the rest? I have some of those. They happen whenever one of my hairs breaks off, or gets pulled out. The new hair grows out, but is so short that it just sticks up and curls etc. Looks sort of like frizz, but is actually healthy, super short hair. Frustrating :laugh:

No, I don't think it is. I do have those also, in short little tufts by my temples, and those (although they're annoying) I put up with.

July 7th, 2012, 07:18 PM
I have this phenomenon, too, Stufie. I have never dyed my hair, so I can't attribute it to that. For me, it is caused by the nature of my hair type, which is the same as yours...2a. Actually, my hair consists of straight strands and curly strands all mixed together. When my hair is very clean, the curly hairs really show up. With my white hair, it makes me look like a witch!

Therefore, I use various sprays on the canopy only, which can include diluted conditioner, diluted aloe vera gel (my least favorite), and full strength, cheap hair spray (my favorite). By the second day after shampooing and conditioning (yes, I use both every 3-4 days), the frizzies are no longer a problem.

July 7th, 2012, 09:25 PM
I have this problem too. Ever since I joined LHC & stopped blowdrying my hair, my hair frizzes like crazy while drying. I have tried various oils, but they only seem to help slightly, and also make my hair stringy if I'm not careful with amount.

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.

July 9th, 2012, 03:14 AM
Have you tried rubbing a dryer sheet on the top layer of your hair?

July 19th, 2012, 08:37 PM
I am having the exact same problem and It's really annoying.
I'm gonna try COwashing and see if that helps.

July 19th, 2012, 09:12 PM
So far the only thing that has helped me is product: mousse or gel. I try to get more product into the crown layer than the underneath layers. Anything with PVP is good. I wish I could move away from product, but I don't know if I can.

July 19th, 2012, 09:27 PM
Deep conditioning and CO have improved my frizz dramatically, even those little short tufts.

Reducing frizz is all about adding moisture to the hair and preventing damage.

Here are lots of tips I've picked up from around the interwebz, as I suffer from frizz frequently:
oil/serum/pomade/gloss on humid days
leave in conditioner
no drying alcohol (denatured alcohol, ethanol)
lots of conditioner
use gel, cream, or mousse
use oil/serum/pomade/gloss partway through the day
add products to wet hair
use SPF product on your hair
oil the hair
smooth towel - use a kitchen towel or t shirt instead of terrycloth or microfiber
satin pillowcase
comb/detangle when hair is covered in conditioner
don't comb/detangle when hair is wet
comb/brush gently
never brush or comb
protect form the sun and wind (put up or wear a hat)
wear a swim cap
cut off split ends
air dry, or use a diffuser or hood
don't use a comb or brush with sharp tines
don't fuss a lot with your hair during the day
no chemical treatments (straightening, perm, color)
use heat-free styles
don't pull hair tight when styling
cold water rinse
vinegar rinse
coconut oil deep conditioning
protein treatment (if hair is thin, porous, or weak)
clarifying and conditioning
conditioner only washes
no sulfate shampoos
don't shampoo

July 19th, 2012, 09:31 PM
Yehh my frizz has been terrible lately. But it's been extremely humid here almost every day so I just think its from that for now :p

July 19th, 2012, 10:13 PM
Smoothing coconut oil over the surface frizz almost always eliminates it or me. Lately though I must say that I kind of appreciate that thin layer of frizz. I think it makes your curls or wurls look more natural and can be very pretty as long as your curls are defined underneath. This pic has been kind of an inspiration as to why not to completely eliminate the surface frizz .. http://openwalls.com/image/21657/thumb3_taylor_swift_in_water.jpg

July 19th, 2012, 11:43 PM
So far the only thing that has helped me is product: mousse or gel. I try to get more product into the crown layer than the underneath layers. Anything with PVP is good. I wish I could move away from product, but I don't know if I can.

I'm the same way! I love hair products...mousses, gels, leave ins, I use alot soem days and nearly non others, but I hate going without, my curls aren't defnied as much! Oh and Darksky amazing Taylor Swift picture, love it! Her hair is gorgeous! Mine is not at all delicate looking like that though sadly...

July 20th, 2012, 12:06 AM
I agree with DarkSky, I've had success with coconut oil, and like earthnut said, co-washing. I haven't tried the aloe trick but I might when it's less humid out.