View Full Version : Self trimming layered, curly hair? Advice needed!

July 6th, 2012, 05:04 PM
I'd like to try to clean up my ends a little bit as I have tried deep moisture, light protein, and clarifying (on consecutive weeks so I could tell the difference between the treatments) without any real improvement. There aren't too many splits but my ends are a bit uneven and flyaway and extremely dry. I have also been S&D-ing a lot which may be contributing to some of the unevenness.

I tried to make an appointment for a trim with my regular hairdresser (who I really liked and trusted) but unfortunately she has moved across the country and won't be cutting my hair any time soon. I would like to trim off about a half inch (a true half inch not a two-inch half inch) but am TERRIFIED at the prospect of going to someone who is going to butcher my hard won length (which isn't even that long), so I'd like to make an attempt at trimming my own ends. The problem is I have nightmare layers all through my hair.

The bulk of the layering is at the crown and kind of circles my head all around. It was cut using the technique where the hair is pulled straight up from the top of your head then cut to a sort of angle back and down, if that makes any sense? This has resulted in a circumferential layer that is just about collarbone length, maybe 15 or 16 inches long total. The longest bits are just above my bra strap when wet, 23 inches or so. The other problem is that the long underlayers are nowhere near as damaged as the top/canopy layers. I've tried to take photographs to help explain the situation, but I cannot get the lighting to show the structure of my layers properly as my hair is very dark, it just looks like a big poofy cloud. Oh and to complicate things further I am a wavy/curly with 2c/3a hair.

Should I just take my heart in my hands and go to the salon? Or is there a way to do this on my own (maybe a variant on Feye's method)? My goal is waist length all one length, but I know this is years away! Is there any way to "vet" the stylist before going under the scissors? Thanks for reading through all of this!

July 6th, 2012, 05:41 PM
Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean, that sounds fairly similar to the way my layers used to be cut. When I started cutting them myself I pulled the layered sections up into a ponytail on the top of my head, towards the front, and trimmed off the ends, which gives the layers a sort of U shape. If you wanted them to start at the same length all the way round you could probably use a creaclip or something similar. Then use Feye's method as normal to trim the longer bits. Keep in mind though that it won't look exactly the same as salon cut layers, and while I like the way it looks on my hair, I can't say how well it will work for you as your hair is curlier than mine.

If your goal is eventually to have your hair all one length, trim less off the layers than off the length whenever you trim. That way the layers will grow out eventually, but without looking untidy in the process.