View Full Version : Sudden urge to cut my hair short

July 4th, 2012, 09:15 AM
So I got my hair cut into a bob in Oct 2011, I started to miss my long hair and around the end of Feb 2012 and I started to grow it again. I really loved having short hair, I think it's really cute and everyone said I suited it but I got kinda bored of not being able to do much with it. I've been growing out my hair for about 5 months now and I'm a little bit past collar bone and I'm completely torn between growing it and getting it cut short again! I just can't decide what I love more, I don't know whether to grow it long which is going to be a long process and harder to take care of or just cut it short and have limited styles... advice???

July 4th, 2012, 09:21 AM
Don't cut it. It's easier to take care of when it's long. Aren't you curious to see how long you can get it.? You have to try to grow it long once in your life.

July 4th, 2012, 09:21 AM
Oh, you like your hair both long and short, but you get bored when you couldn't do so much with it. And on the way to get long hair again you will get bored many times, But in the long run, I think you would like it to be long since you missed it because you can do much more with it then. Hang in there - let it grow!

I mean you did become a member at THLC, didn't you? =)

July 4th, 2012, 09:23 AM
TLHC, of course!

July 4th, 2012, 09:26 AM
Before you cut, why not try a faux bob?


It's super cute and rather easy to do. The girl in the video uses some not so lhc friendly methods, but I'm sure you could curl just as easily with hot rollers instead.

July 4th, 2012, 09:32 AM
the longest i've had my hair is to a few inches above my waist and it took forever to dry and style and it drove me crazy :(

July 4th, 2012, 09:32 AM
Before you cut, why not try a faux bob?


It's super cute and rather easy to do. The girl in the video uses some not so lhc friendly methods, but I'm sure you could curl just as easily with hot rollers instead.

That's a good idea for when someone wants to have a fresh look.

July 4th, 2012, 09:36 AM
Grow it with me! Keep me company. :D

July 4th, 2012, 09:38 AM
Only you can decide which is what you really, really want :) But this does sound to me like you deep down would prefer short(er) hair:

the longest i've had my hair is to a few inches above my waist and it took forever to dry and style and it drove me crazy :(

But as you said the urge to cut is sudden, maybe give it the "2 week rule"? i.e. if after 2 weeks you still really want to do it, then go for it :)

July 4th, 2012, 09:47 AM
I wouldn't run to the salon just yet. Give yourself time to think about it.
Try looking for some inspirational long haired pictures as well as short and see what you *really* want. If you get it cut and then miss long hair again you are just setting yourself back more, so I would say you should wait atleast a couple of weeks and see how you feel then.

Some people like short hair better, and that's okay!

Did you know how to take care of your hair the last time it was long? Was it damaged? That can all affect how easy/hard it was for you to manage!

July 4th, 2012, 09:57 AM
Many of us with hair past, say, BSL don't dry or style it in the conventional sense. We air dry it, and "styling" is in the form of updos and braids, which with practice don't take long at all. I can slap my hair into a bun that looks pretty nice in seconds. But if you want to do the same kind of styling on your long hair as you did on short, it's going to take more time for sure, and if you don't want to spend that time, a shorter length might work better for you.

There's always a compromise--if you want long hair, you generally have to forego doing some of the things you can do with shorter hair, because of damage (daily flat ironing, for instance). Sometimes that ends up not being what people are willing to do, and they decide on a length that's less than what they had originally intended. Do what makes you happy with your hair. There's no point in having long hair if you're not happy with it.

July 4th, 2012, 10:32 AM
If you're not really dedicated to having long hair, the growth process must seem tedious indeed. Do what most appeals to you. But do give it two weeks, and if you're going back and forth with it at all, wait. Try some new styles.

July 4th, 2012, 10:39 AM
Like spidermom says, give it two weeks. Think about it. You are approaching, or may well already be in an awkward stage, so the urge to cut it is perhaps only going to get worse during this entire time, towards shoulder and APL. That figures into it too. You just have to get past this stage.

July 4th, 2012, 10:53 AM
Only you can answer that question, the LHC is not Just for long hairs it's for everyone with an interest in looking after their hair. I'd hate to think people only thought the forum was for people with long hair. My way of thinking is if your already feeling bored after just 5 months, then maybe long hair isn't really for you and that's fine. If you want to cut it in a cute short style, then have it trimmed, it's about being happy at the end of the day. Your hairs not going anywhere and can be grown long if and when you feel the time is right.
Good luck in making the decision that's right for you :)

July 4th, 2012, 11:48 AM
I'd try the fake bob.

July 4th, 2012, 11:48 AM
Like spidermom says, give it two weeks. Think about it. You are approaching, or may well already be in an awkward stage, so the urge to cut it is perhaps only going to get worse during this entire time, towards shoulder and APL. That figures into it too. You just have to get past this stage.

What she said! :agree: I'm trying to grow from barely brushing shoulder to APL (almost there)...it's a tedious process and an awkward stage, but worth it in the end.

Wait at least 2 weeks. I get the urge to cut/trim all the time.

You might want to join the no trims challenge thread. That has helped me A LOT!

July 4th, 2012, 11:54 AM
I went through this same frustration when I was between SL and APL. If you can hold out for few more inches, or to BSL, things get lot easier. I remember how frustrating it was, and here I am now wearing my hair all up in one french braid that I did myself for the first time ever, something I couldn't do a week ago. You'd be surprised, what and inch or two can do in terms of manageability.

July 4th, 2012, 12:36 PM
So I got my hair cut into a bob in Oct 2011, I started to miss my long hair and around the end of Feb 2012 and I started to grow it again. I really loved having short hair, I think it's really cute and everyone said I suited it but I got kinda bored of not being able to do much with it. I've been growing out my hair for about 5 months now and I'm a little bit past collar bone and I'm completely torn between growing it and getting it cut short again! I just can't decide what I love more, I don't know whether to grow it long which is going to be a long process and harder to take care of or just cut it short and have limited styles... advice???

Doesn't mean you don't look good with short hair, but I think people tend to say positive things about new short haircuts. Not trying to be a hypocrite, but I find I say the same comments to my co-workers at the office. What else is there to say? It would be almost rude to be silent.

It's easier to comment on a short haircut as it is very obvious than someone who is growing their hair out. Never had a co-worker say to me, "Nice growth!" LOL :D

July 4th, 2012, 01:27 PM
Wait at least 2 weeks. I get the urge to cut/trim all the time.

You might want to join the no trims challenge thread. That has helped me A LOT!

I'm past hip and I still -on and off- get the urge to cut it all off. It doesn't get any easier. I have joined the no trimming thread, and -yes- it does help!

July 4th, 2012, 01:45 PM
I get urges to cut my hair short from time to time, and then I remember how quickly I became bored with short hair. I too have always received compliments when I get a shorter cut, but then the same friends tell me that they prefer my hair long when they look back at the old photos.

It only takes a moment to cut hair, but it takes months and years to grow it again.

I recall that you were also thinking of changing your hair colour very recently. It sounds to me as though you are just feeling the need to change something about appearance.

I say go with the two week rule, assess what your reasons would be to cut or colour your hair, and then go from there.

In the mean time, you could experiment with hairstyles or try some different makeup, if you are a makeup wearer.

The two week rule is good, because it prevents those "urge cuts" that we so often regret. You did say yourself that you were bored with the short bob.

On the other hand, if in two weeks you still want to make a change, go for it!

July 4th, 2012, 03:05 PM
I have to agree with the 2 week rule and may even suggest extending it to a month to think about it. Summer is hard on your hair with the heat and extra care you have to put into it. Take time to think what you really want for yourself, how you feel in the hairstyle you choose, and avoid impuse an decision.

July 4th, 2012, 08:15 PM
You need to ask yourself a couple of questions...

How did you feel about your hair when it was short? and How did you feel about your hair when it was long? If you genuinely LIKE short hair, and like your appearance with short hair, and found long hair to be a PITA... then cut it!

I am growing long hair because EACH AND EVERY TIME I've cut my hair short I've disliked it (I may have enjoyed the convenience of it... but I didn't really enjoy looking in the mirror... nor getting comments from people who told me how good I used to look with long hair :rolleyes:).

So for me, if I EVER get an urge to cut, I force myself to remember how annoying short hair is, and how much I dislike seeing myself with short hair. Heck, I don't even like how short my hair is NOW and it's back about BSL length (shorter side of BSL though).

So yeah, only you can decide the pros and cons of having short vs long hair. It doesn't sound as if you've been growing for THAT long either, so it's not as if you'd be cutting off 3 to 4 years (or more!) of hard work!

Here's another thing... when I was growing my hair through the awkward stages I NEVER EVER EVER had the urge to cut back just because it was annoying. Ever. (My only urges to cut my hair short have come when my hair is difficult or damaged or something, and is already reaching a long length and I've somehow convinced myself that it'd look better if I "start over"). So yeah, if you're already thinking of cutting back, then long hair may not be for you ;).