View Full Version : Any former "scene" kids here?

July 2nd, 2012, 09:56 PM
This is probably a thread aimed towards the generation on this thread. ;)

However if you're older and you're curious, "scene" is a subculture typically associated with 13-22 year olds and is still very recent. And normally, it involves a lot of hair abuse. This includes frying your hair with flat irons until it's at an inch of it's life, bleaching it and dyeing it often many times a month, and teasing it so much that even the 80's would feel that it's over-done. If you google "scene kids", you'll see what I mean.

It really is an eyesore, but at one time I loved it. When I was 13 I teased my hair, dyed it, and flat ironed it until it was thin and broken. My ends are still very tattered-looking to this day. They're veterans. They've gone through hell and back. After I turned around 15, I stopped with the teasing and frequent dyeing but I still kept up the flat ironing. At 16 I started dying my hair black and now that I'm freshly 17, I'm done with anything that involves abusing my hair.
When I was in Jr. High, a couple of my friends actually ended up getting WIGS because they fried their hair to the point where they ended up with "chemically shaved" heads.

Did you ever go through this phase? If so, what did it do to your hair? If you've never participated or are of an older generation, what do you think of this? Does it make you chuckle or do you think it's cute in it's own gaudy way?

July 2nd, 2012, 10:01 PM
I actually wish I'd abused my hair more at that age. I dyed it some but nothing major.

I wound up cutting it all off in several horrid haircuts when I was 17 or 18. So any crazy bleaching-dying-frying jobs would have been cut off anyway. That's why I wish I'd done more of that. I'd love to have blue hair NOW but I don't want the damage that comes with it. I should have done it when I was in high school. :)

July 2nd, 2012, 10:03 PM
Oh yes I did a bling strand in October of last year.

July 2nd, 2012, 10:05 PM
Most of the music I listen to is "post-hardcore"...and a lot of "scene" kids go to the shows I go to. I think at one point, maybe back in 2006-2007, some of the scene looks were new and creative, like a throwback to the 80's, but tweaked. I never really liked the shape of the scene-girl cuts, which look mullety to me, and I always cringed at the bleaching and teasing involved. Now, the scene has evolved even more into 80's, bad acid-wash and all, and the former scene kids have mostly grown into hipsters, and hipster girls tend to have long, more natural looking hair-even if achieved with extensions. Even the scene boys use flat irons! I once saw a guy (think he was a merch guy or something) plug a flat iron in at a venue and just start running it through his hair to make sure it was still perfect. It was pretty funny.

So, I guess like most trends, it is interesting when you first see it, but once everyone starts doing it, it's easier to see the faults.

July 2nd, 2012, 10:06 PM
I'm "of that generation" and I still think it's weird. :lol:

I dyed my hair random colors but never used bleach or heat when I was younger. Just never had any interest in it. (AKA laziness)

July 2nd, 2012, 10:06 PM
I kind of was:P I layered my hair and teased to make it pig, I bleached some strands of my hair and dyed it blue, I bought alot of bows and hair clips and dressed like a skater and even attempted skating for a while , haha:P my hair is strong though, I just had to cut off 1 inch or so and it wasnt too bad

July 2nd, 2012, 10:07 PM
Well, the "scene kid" thing was a little bit after my time. Actually, considering where and how I grew up I feel more a part of Generation X than Y. But I always wanted Jareth's (David Bowie's) hair from Labyrinth, and that's basically the same thing. My hair refuses to do anything - take color or even bleach, hold curl, spike, etc. - so I actually skipped that whole hair-killing mess and just collected wigs to torture instead. And once I discovered hair falls, the wigs went into storage and I started using falls instead. I still do, from time to time, especially for conventions.

July 2nd, 2012, 10:09 PM
Most of the music I listen to is "post-hardcore"...and a lot of "scene" kids go to the shows I go to. I think at one point, maybe back in 2006-2007, some of the scene looks were new and creative, like a throwback to the 80's, but tweaked. I never really liked the shape of the scene-girl cuts, which look mullety to me, and I always cringed at the bleaching and teasing involved. Now, the scene has evolved even more into 80's, bad acid-wash and all, and the former scene kids have mostly grown into hipsters, and hipster girls tend to have long, more natural looking hair-even if achieved with extensions. Even the scene boys use flat irons! I once saw a guy (think he was a merch guy or something) plug a flat iron in at a venue and just start running it through his hair to make sure it was still perfect. It was pretty funny.

So, I guess like most trends, it is interesting when you first see it, but once everyone starts doing it, it's easier to see the faults.
What's what drew me to the whole trend. :P Back in 1006-2007 when scene kids were brand new, I was right at the age where kids like to be special snowflakes. XD So I did it because it made me stand out and I liked feeling different.

July 2nd, 2012, 10:10 PM
Well, the "scene kid" thing was a little bit after my time. Actually, considering where and how I grew up I feel more a part of Generation X than Y. But I always wanted Jareth's (David Bowie's) hair from Labyrinth, and that's basically the same thing. My hair refuses to do anything - take color or even bleach, hold curl, spike, etc. - so I actually skipped that whole hair-killing mess and just collected wigs to torture instead. And once I discovered hair falls, the wigs went into storage and I started using falls instead. I still do, from time to time, especially for conventions. Oooh. Jareth. Don't even get me started on him. -swoon-

July 2nd, 2012, 10:12 PM
Well, the "scene kid" thing was a little bit after my time. Actually, considering where and how I grew up I feel more a part of Generation X than Y. But I always wanted Jareth's (David Bowie's) hair from Labyrinth, and that's basically the same thing. My hair refuses to do anything - take color or even bleach, hold curl, spike, etc. - so I actually skipped that whole hair-killing mess and just collected wigs to torture instead. And once I discovered hair falls, the wigs went into storage and I started using falls instead. I still do, from time to time, especially for conventions.

I LOVE Jareth's hair. *lol* I had Joe Dirt hair in high school (there is no surviving photographic evidence thank God! lol)

I'd love to see some pictures of your hair falls if you don't mind. I'm trying to imagine doing something other than just making your ponytail longer, but I can't figure it out! But I'm intrigued by the idea! :D

July 2nd, 2012, 10:24 PM
Now I feel old, I was doing all of that before some of "the scene" kids were even born... I'm going to go knit in my rocking chair now... I did bleach a streak of my hair blond then hit it with purple haze after the rest of my hair was blue/black a little more than a year ago though and I am growing out my natural silver "highlights" so that I can hit them with manic panic without bleaching so maybe I'm still not "over" some aspects of "the scene" style. Although teasing my hair never sounded good and heat has more or less been a no no on my hair forever so my looks were either water styling or natural (aside from the burgundy or purple or pink or whatever color happened to be on my head that week and the occasional straightener).

July 2nd, 2012, 10:41 PM
I was more CyberGoth/Industrial when I was young, I guess. I bleached my hair white, put in hair extension classic-length dreadlocks (read: HEAVY synthetic hair that ripped out my hair by the roots) and wore spiky goggles that got tangled up in my hair, again ripping it out by the roots. Then I dyed it all red, tried "natrually" dreadlocking it and hated it, bleaching it white again. -.-;

I never really teased it, but did the straight-iron it to hell thing, or crimped it until it sizzled.

Also went through a punk phase used to put it up in a two-foot tall Liberty Spike hairdo using Elmer's Glue, wrapping it all in tin foil into spikes and blowfrying it. (Think porcupine spikes everywhere in a haphazard fashion.)

Then got bored of that, and flat-ironed it again. -.-;

No wonder I finally found this place. My hair sent Google a psychic message for help, I think.

July 2nd, 2012, 11:04 PM
I had that sort of hair (but crimped not flat-ironed)in the late eighties/early nighties. It was awesome! Don't regret it at all, and still think scene hair looks great.

July 2nd, 2012, 11:13 PM
I wasn't into that but I remember the scene style from as early as 2002, it definitely didn't start in 2006 because that's when I finished high school and it was quite prominent in my high school *cringe*.

ETA: I used to frequent madradhair (http://madradhair.livejournal.com/) (which was before Facebook haha) and the whole thing was loaded with scene, oh the coontails!

ETA 2: Thinking back the only scene things I was tempted by were surface piercings, I was so sure getting one on my wirst was for me. I did straighten my hair, tease and hairspray to death but it was never long.

July 2nd, 2012, 11:57 PM
I've never done anything truly horrid to my hair, even though I am of the "scene generation." But I have always liked the look, especially on guys. Not because it's trendy or cool or different, either; I loved it before I knew anything about those social things, I was probably six. I just liked the hair, the makeup, and the overall feel of it.

Now I'm the rogue, tree-hugging, anti-trend chic, and would never think of cutting and dying or wearing makeup or clothing like that. I make my own style, man. :p

July 3rd, 2012, 12:26 AM
You decide:

That was what happened when I brushed my curls out. FRO ANYONE?
Take this into consideration: I was 11 when I became scene. :bigeyes: I was a secret scenie weenie though, my parents didn't know. But when I went out, BAM comb-over.
Anyway, I then cut in bangs and layers, which I'm still growing out :rolleyes:. I also straightened every day/twice a day and blow-fried. Good thing I went/go to a Catholic private school (I couldn't dye my hair and the teachers always told me to get my hair out of my face- even when my bangs were clipped back :angry:)or who knows what I would do to my hair! I also PURPOSELY dried my hair out by using head and shoulders/soap/dish detergent. I know, I know, I'm insane! :pins:

July 3rd, 2012, 12:39 AM
i wasn't really scene ever. i kept pretty natural hair until i was 17, and then i cut it all off and started dying it. i dyed it dark red for a while, and then it got shorter, and i dyed it hot pink, and then black, and then dark purple, and then for almost a whole year a bright reddish purple. all the while straightening it every single day and using no conditioner because it made it flat. just shampoo. i teased it a little for volume too.

then one day i decided it would be a good idea to bleach it blonde. which lasted about two weeks before i dyed it brown again because i couldn't deal with touching up the roots so often. that was when i started growing it long again. that was more than two years ago and i'm still growing out bleach and heat damage. sigh.

the only things that might make it scene were my stretched earlobes at 00 gauge, and my monroe piercing, which i still have. i'm not actually sure what you would call me at that phase of my life.. i was kind of a hippie punk. now i'm just a hippie. haaaaahaha.

July 3rd, 2012, 01:29 AM
i wasn't really scene ever. i kept pretty natural hair until i was 17, and then i cut it all off and started dying it. i dyed it dark red for a while, and then it got shorter, and i dyed it hot pink, and then black, and then dark purple, and then for almost a whole year a bright reddish purple. all the while straightening it every single day and using no conditioner because it made it flat. just shampoo. i teased it a little for volume too.

then one day i decided it would be a good idea to bleach it blonde. which lasted about two weeks before i dyed it brown again because i couldn't deal with touching up the roots so often. that was when i started growing it long again. that was more than two years ago and i'm still growing out bleach and heat damage. sigh.

the only things that might make it scene were my stretched earlobes at 00 gauge, and my monroe piercing, which i still have. i'm not actually sure what you would call me at that phase of my life.. i was kind of a hippie punk. now i'm just a hippie. haaaaahaha.

High five for hippie-ness! :hifive:

July 3rd, 2012, 01:55 AM
I was never scene, and I'm pretty sure I'm too old for it to have been possible. Though I did know kids when I was a teenager who did their hair up this way. And I was a teen late 90's to early 2000's.

If I'd have wanted to do it, I'd have found a way. But I'm pretty sure if I had done any crazy colors or anything the least bit strange, I'd have been beaten to within an inch of my life. My mom freaked out on me when I was 16 for cutting my hair from between hip and TBL back up to BSL. So... making my hair short AND colorful... I shudder to think of the consequences.

Even so... I wouldn't have seen the allure, then or now.

As for how I feel about kids who do this? Don't care even a little bit. Their body, their choice. I think 13 is old enough for it to be their own choice, provided the parents make sure their children know the potential consequences before they do it. Such as, "If you put this much bleach in your hair, you MIGHT end up bald and have to grow it out. And hair grows very slowly, so make sure you are willing to risk it."

If I had my own children, which I don't, my view would be thus - I'll let them do what they want to their hair, but I WILL NOT contribute even one penny financially to abuse and damage. So if they want a flat iron, they can save up babysitting money to buy it themselves. If they want bleach/dye/any other product that is damaging, same deal. Do it if you want, but my moolah's not going toward anything that is harmful to their hair, skin, or bodies.

July 3rd, 2012, 02:08 AM
I loveee scene hair. I tried doing it once but I didn't really know how. I kept teasing but it wouldn't stay up lol, plus I don't think I could pull it off so I decided to just admire it instead.

July 3rd, 2012, 02:09 AM
High five for hippie-ness! :hifive:

i highly recommend a general hippie mentality to anyone looking for a happy, stress-free life. the best thing i've ever done for my health and appearance is just relaaaax. my hair grows faster when i'm not so anxious either. no wonder hippies are known for their long hair. not that they all take care of it.. :rolleyes:

July 3rd, 2012, 09:24 AM
It was after my time but I ust googled it and found a hairstyle that I actually really like, bad i know!.

Rufflebutt its all your fault! :)


Im really considering a semi dye now!

Lady Neeva
July 3rd, 2012, 09:42 AM
I was too busy burying my face in books to care much about my hair. It was braids all the time.

July 3rd, 2012, 10:17 AM
I was in high school in the early-mid 90s, so I DID go through a stage of Manic Panic and crazy color dyes. However, I really REALLY didn't want to bleach all of my hair to get the fun colors, so I did a few inch-wide strips. Of course, those bits of hair ended up super-fried.

Now, when I want to have a little fun with color, I either do chalking, or I have some clip-on extensions I made with platinum blond hair that I dyed on my own. Win win!

July 3rd, 2012, 10:21 AM
It is funny to me when younger people act like something they did a year ago was SOOOOO long ago hahah.
I think I tried to be like this when I was 13....8 years ago.

July 3rd, 2012, 10:36 AM
I will be 26 next month and I don't really remember anyone in school being "scene". So maybe I am too old? Or maybe it was just too new for me to notice?

Sure, I had friends who dyed their hair crazy colors (myself included... I put my hair through horrible abuse in high school) but I don't remember seeing anything like what I see when I Google "scene hair."

In school I was always a loner. I wasn't really any specific group. I was just me. I guess if you had to classify me, I would have fallen into a weird hippie/punk category. I honestly cannot put my high school self into one specific category. lol. And like a previous poster confessed, right now I am just more of a hippie than anything else.

July 3rd, 2012, 10:44 AM
Hehe I had tons of scene/borderline raver friends, but mostly I just left my hair alone. It's been fish bowl green, purple, brown and red, but overall I've always liked my color.

Now clothes, that's a different story!

July 3rd, 2012, 11:20 AM
They always have new names for these teenage subcultures, but it's honestly hard for me to tell the difference. I googled "scene kids" and it reminds me a lot of the goth/emo trend from when I was a teen.

I was an "indie kid," which is to say that there wasn't a particular fashion to follow, but I was very expressive with my hair. I died it a lot of colors and had many "sculptural" short hair cuts. I also dressed pretty outrageously. I rocked it because it was just who I was.

As far as the scene hair goes, I saw some pictures of really cool expressive and artistic hair cuts, and I also saw some pictures of people who looked like they were hiding behind crazy overdone hair and makeup. Just like any trend/style, some people rock it and some people don't.

People should do what they want with their hair, but abusing it to the point that your hair falls out is kind of self-defeating isn't it?

July 3rd, 2012, 12:18 PM
I had the scene cut and flat-iron, but my mom never let me dye my hair. WHY DOESN'T SHE UNDERSTAND ME!!! lol
I was quite the little scene kid, and my hair did suffer for it.

July 3rd, 2012, 12:57 PM
I will be 26 next month and I don't really remember anyone in school being "scene". So maybe I am too old? Or maybe it was just too new for me to notice?

I'm a year younger and I remember scene and emo "subcultures" appeared when I was already in college. Well at least I started to notice them then. I'm not sure, I even know the difference between emo and scene. Ravers and metalheads were more popular when I was in high school.

They always have new names for these teenage subcultures, but it's honestly hard for me to tell the difference. I googled "scene kids" and it reminds me a lot of the goth/emo trend from when I was a teen.

Yes, it's hard to keep track. ;) Now the hipsters became popular I think. I think most of those new ones are pretty temporary.

July 3rd, 2012, 01:19 PM
I'm 50, so I'm an observer. I for one, love the scene look and I've really enjoyed seeing girls with scene hair.

I think it's great to express yourself with hair and clothing at that age.

My daughter did her fair share of experimenting with and destroying her own hair in high school, but by then became a serious actress, and with that came simple, healthy long hair.

I think many of us from across the generations have some fun hair stories to tell of our youth. :)

July 3rd, 2012, 01:22 PM
Got a former one right here! Haha! I had the choppy, mullety layers complete with the teasing, hairspray in copious amounts, and flat-ironing it to death. I had all the layers for the bangs in my eyes, but I refused to realize that it was my cowlick that was causing my bangs to not lay flat. So I just flat-ironed it over and over in that spot to make it lay flat to no avail. Oh yeah, and the fake coontails. *Shudder* Me and most of my friends weren't allowed to dye our hair, so we would take lemon juice and lighten the snot out of it then stripe it with mascara. :confused: I'm pretty sure we were so silly! Haha! Looking back I prob looked pretty goofy, but I guess they're memories!

July 3rd, 2012, 01:31 PM
If my private school had allowed messing with hair to that extreme, I probably would have my freshman year of high school. It would be gone by now, and that would be OK with me. :laugh: I liked that look at the time, even though it really didn't suit my personality.

July 3rd, 2012, 01:40 PM
I sorta did. I had razor-cut hair, layered, but I never really teased it. Hairspray, yeah, and straightening, but everyone did straightening so it wasn't really anything too out of the ordinary.

I like scene hair, but I think it really wasn't my thing. It's cute, though, and if that's what someone wants with their hair, then rock on! I think it's really cool ^^


July 3rd, 2012, 01:47 PM
I think when it hit depends on where you are. I grew up in So Cal, and it hit there when my younger sister was in high school. She's 4 years younger than me, so that would have been circa 2001-2005. I didn't go for it, but she did - a weird cut that spiked up in the back with long bangs in the front, different colored layers and underlayers, black and bleach, etc. She didn't do coontails, but she did other scene-y stuff.

I think So Cal is the first place in the US where it really hit, but it's hard to say. I saw the beginnings of it with some of the Indies and Emos when I was in high school, but it didn't really become Scene until after I went off to college.

July 3rd, 2012, 06:34 PM
I loveee scene hair. I tried doing it once but I didn't really know how. I kept teasing but it wouldn't stay up lol, plus I don't think I could pull it off so I decided to just admire it instead. If your hair is too fine to hold up a tease, then you need to texturize it. By that, I mean spray it to death with hair spray until it becomes crunchy. XD Trust me. The most your hair is caked with product, the better your "scene hair" looks. Some people even choose not to wash their way very often so that it can hold a tease better. Basically, you need to make your hair filthy.