View Full Version : Increased thickness after joining LHC ?

July 2nd, 2012, 09:58 AM
Anybody have increased hair thickness since joining?

July 2nd, 2012, 10:05 AM
My hair has gotten alot thicker. I don't have measurements but I can tell by feel that my hair is about 20% thicker. My hair might be just a little less fine also. I credit henna, castor oil massages, and supplements for most of the benefits.

July 2nd, 2012, 10:11 AM
My hair has gotten alot thicker. I don't have measurements but I can tell by feel that my hair is about 20% thicker. My hair might be just a little less fine also. I credit henna, castor oil massages, and supplements for most of the benefits.
Wow, that's great! :)

July 2nd, 2012, 10:12 AM
Thank you for starting this thread. I actually just wanted to comment that every time somebody posts 1-year / 2-year / ... anniversary with LHC, I always notice thicker texture on the photos without fail! It kind of makes no sense when the hair is long (new hair growth would be only close to scalp), but the hair still looks thicker!
I've joined very recently, but I feel that my thickness is already benefiting from throwing away my brush and more religious oil application (less shedding, better texture).

July 2nd, 2012, 10:33 AM
Mhm... I have some new growth, but I think that my growing fringe contributed the most to overall thickness :)

July 2nd, 2012, 10:35 AM
No. My thickness waxes and wanes. I've gotten as low as 3.8 inches, as high as 4.2 inches. I don't know if it's measuring variations or ???

July 2nd, 2012, 10:39 AM
No. My thickness waxes and wanes. I've gotten as low as 3.8 inches, as high as 4.2 inches. I don't know if it's measuring variations or ???

You know, Spidermom, I just hope to have a 4" pony by the time I reach 58. :flowers:
I have that now... (about 4.5" now) and from here it will just... you know. Wane. I think.
Your hair is impressive.

My thickness, yes mine has gotten thicker during the last year or so but it's not necessarily because of LHC, it's because it's growing back after my monster shed in 2008 when I lost like 40% of it. It took this much time to grow it back. Still nowhere close but better than it was in 2008...2010.

July 2nd, 2012, 10:40 AM
Meteor- I have also noticed that many "anniversary updates" seems to show increased thickness! i guess I'm curious to know if this really happens often, and if I should get my hopes up....:-)

July 2nd, 2012, 10:43 AM
I can't remember my exact measurement when I joined, but I did gain thickness. This is probably just because of my halo getting longer though. I know it was somewhere around 3.5" and I measure 4" now.

July 2nd, 2012, 10:46 AM
Yes! Since I have given up the blow drier, round brush, flat iron and teasing comb (sheesh no wonder my hair was so trashed:rolleyes:), I've noticed new growth all over my head and increased thickness in my pony tail.

My sister-in-law, who I've never told about my new routine, even noticed the other day that my hair is thicker. That made me so happy, that someone who didn't know the changes I've made would notice the difference. :cheese:

July 2nd, 2012, 10:59 AM
Yes! Since I have given up the blow drier, round brush, flat iron and teasing comb (sheesh no wonder my hair was so trashed:rolleyes:), I've noticed new growth all over my head and increased thickness in my pony tail.

My sister-in-law, who I've never told about my new routine, even noticed the other day that my hair is thicker. That made me so happy, that someone who didn't know the changes I've made would notice the difference. :cheese:

Good for you! :D I'm hoping that if I keep taking care of my hair like I have just recently started, I can see some thickening too, even if it's just a little bit!

July 2nd, 2012, 11:02 AM
Not yet! (I just joined this month.) I'm excited to start trying some of the methods listed on here though. I'm about to take some measurements and pictures to keep up with changes and whatnot. ^_^

July 2nd, 2012, 11:04 AM
Mine seems to have thicken.

July 2nd, 2012, 11:09 AM
Kinda. Ive been snooping around this site for a few months before I actually signed up, so its been a few months since ive been caring for my hair the LHC way. Personally, it is a little thicker, but with my ahir it deff wont be anywhere near noticeable until it is completely past BSL, since I did a few inches off my ends to completely get all my bleach out, its just an inch or 2 above BSL now :( saddnesss

July 2nd, 2012, 11:32 AM
Yes, my hair has become thicker in both ponytail circumference and in my hemline. I did frequent microtrims to get rid of the layers, thinning, and damage that I had and now I do frequent dust trims to keep my hemline even. I have no idea what made my ponytail thicker, though, although I'm guessing it's just gentler washing and detangling. :shrug:

July 2nd, 2012, 11:37 AM
Yes, my hair has become thicker in both ponytail circumference and in my hemline. I did frequent microtrims to get rid of the layers, thinning, and damage that I had and now I do frequent dust trims to keep my hemline even. I have no idea what made my ponytail thicker, though, although I'm guessing it's just gentler washing and detangling. :shrug:

How much length did you cut off when you did the microtrimming and how often? What abut dusting? I want to be able to do frequent microtrimming while still growing...

July 2nd, 2012, 02:03 PM
I've noticed a .25" increase since joining, which was about seven months ago. I attribute this to taking better care of my hair by using no heat, no cones, no sulfates, and allowing my hair to be its awesome natural self. Shakin' what my momma gave me.

July 2nd, 2012, 02:41 PM
In the days when I neglected and damaged my hair (at the same time, go figure :P), it was pretty thin.

Also, when I first went natural, I had this thin spot near my crown;


Happily, I can report that my hair appears thicker (less breakage, I assume) and that thin spot seems to have mysteriously vanished, or at the very least, isn't so thin (ignore how my hair looks lighter around the crown, it's the lighting or something :rollin:);


Good hair care pays off :)

July 2nd, 2012, 02:47 PM
Not really, but the condition of my hair has really improved, no split ends!

July 2nd, 2012, 02:50 PM
How much length did you cut off when you did the microtrimming and how often? What abut dusting? I want to be able to do frequent microtrimming while still growing...

When I did frequent microtrims, I cut off half of my growth rate, which for me is 0.5", once a month. Now that all of my layers are gone, my ends haven't thinned and don't need as much trimming anymore (last microtrim was in December 2011). I'm sure you can figure out how much and how often you need to microtrim and hope that it works for you if you try it.

As for dust-trims, I just go about as if I were using Feye's Method, only I just trim off the hairs that are a bit longer than the hemline. I also do this once a month or every other month and I lose no more than 1/16-1/8". It seems to keep my ends healthier than just letting them go without a trim for 3-4 months.

July 2nd, 2012, 02:51 PM
My pony circumference has increased from 2.75" to 3.5" since I joined in November( or december I don't remember...). But has been at least 6 months.

I attribute this big increase in thickness to three things:
1) I have tons of new growth, because a lot my fine hairs melted off when I was bleaching my hair to platinum blonde 2 years ago.
2) Henna. It seems to really beef up my fine strands (I have about 50/50 fine and medium strands).
3) Scissors haven't touched my head in a year. Every time I went to the hair dresser, they bemoaned my many strands and reached for the thinning shears.

July 2nd, 2012, 02:56 PM
my hair has definitely gotten a little thicker, and less frizzy. WAY LESS FRIZZY :D.

I think my baby hairs are growing out, adding to my thickness. I'm very pleased!

My friend is jealous when I told her that, she tried to tell me my frizzy little baby hairs will never grow out.. HAH, they already are! I don't have much longer until I can fit them into a pony tail.

I'm really loving my hair now that I've joined LHC :crush:

July 2nd, 2012, 02:57 PM
Yeah mine certainly seems to have done! Not by much, but it feels thicker, and my braid has gotten a little thicker on the ends. I suspect it's possibly due to ACV rinses (can hair even thicken up that way, or appear thicker?) and my (now) daily use of my BBB. Thanks Madora for the BBB article btw, I would never have used one correctly if it hadn't been for that article! :)

July 4th, 2012, 09:36 PM
Yes! I was growing back from a shed around the time I joined. Now it's grown back enough to fit into my ponytail, and I've gained half an inch of thickness!

July 4th, 2012, 10:46 PM
Yes,I went from 2.5 to just over 3 inches.My layers grew out,I stopped highlighting,hot blowdrying and brushing[am curly] and learned of all the new wonderful gentle hair toys .

July 4th, 2012, 10:56 PM
It seems to vary from between 2.5[a few days after washing,it's a fine texture ]to3 inches to almost 3.5[if I just washed it ,then it is more like a pouf ball at 3-3.5 inches]and it does seem thicker at the spot where the pony is banded.

July 4th, 2012, 11:04 PM
Went from 2.4 to 2.75 since I first started

July 5th, 2012, 12:26 AM
Actually yeah. My individual hairs used to be mostly F but now more of them are M. I'm still F/M but I've got more coarser individual hairs. ^^ I am sure my pony corcumference went up a bit too, but hair's just a teensy bit short to tell- I'll wait a few months to figure that out :)


July 30th, 2012, 09:30 AM
I've just found a whole bunch of new baby hairs growing in.. I don't know whether to be happy or annoyed!

My hair is definitely getting thicker, but it's going to be a while before they can fit into my ponytail. I can't wait to measure it though!

July 30th, 2012, 10:09 AM
I think my increased thickness is just actually, new growth. Using different approaches to hair care, using my BBB, and scalp massage with oils and EOs has really helped with it.

August 2nd, 2012, 09:35 AM
I hope to be able to one day say I see increase in thicknes.s I just came on to this site. but how do I discover which techniques to try?? I know I can search for BBB, but how do I decide and find those techniques that are pertinent to my hair, it's curly and medium thickness and fragile!

August 2nd, 2012, 10:20 AM
i joined 2 weeks ago so no lol but my ponytail is 1.7 though it is curly :( does anyone know tips or threads i could see to help me get it up to 2?

August 2nd, 2012, 10:25 AM
I want those tips too. I'm the opposite of everyone else. My hair is poofier and thicker when it's brushed out. When it's curly, that's when I lose volume/density /thickness. And sleeping on my curls, they get completely flattened out to basically nothing, so I kind of miss my big poof. That's when they used to tell me that I should thin it out. Please share those tips!!

August 2nd, 2012, 10:36 AM
i joined 2 weeks ago so no lol but my ponytail is 1.7 though it is curly :( does anyone know tips or threads i could see to help me get it up to 2?

The only way to increase your ponytail is to grow your hair longer so that more of the short hairs have a chance to grow and increase the thickness.

You are given only so many follicles at birth and there's nothing you can do to make your hair thicker.

You can coat the hair with henna but henna involves a lot of upkeep.

To help with hair growth, you might want to consider daily scalp massage to aid in better circulation in your follicles.

August 2nd, 2012, 10:39 AM
thanks Madora!! yOu are great!! Just a question, when you do daily scalp massage, how long and do you have to use oils?? and if you do use oils daily, will you get oil buildup/weighted down roots that will make me look greasy and less hair?? I only shampoo 2-3 times a week, and I don't know if my hair could handle oils daily. But if you massage without oils, is it bad on the hair?

August 2nd, 2012, 10:59 AM
Mine has gotten a little thicker too :]
When I first measured in November, I had about 5cm (which I put as i/ii) but I measured again yesterday and had 6.5 cm :]
I really want to get it up to about 7.5, or three inches.

August 2nd, 2012, 11:55 AM
I have indeed! I haven't measured my ponytail (off to do that right now!) but it feels like it covers much more of my shoulders than it used to.

Interestingly enough, I had a hard time perfecting my CO-washing routine, and when I first started my hair felt over moisturized and I actually liked the way it looked better when it was all dried out by sulfates because it gave the illusion of being thicker. I finally sucked it up and had some patience, found a suitable CO conditioner and washing schedule, and my hair has gotten so much healthier, and therefore FEELS thicker. Not sure if it actually is!

August 2nd, 2012, 01:46 PM
Mine has gotten a little thicker too :]
When I first measured in November, I had about 5cm (which I put as i/ii) but I measured again yesterday and had 6.5 cm :]
I really want to get it up to about 7.5, or three inches.

wow thats impressive! mine is only 1.7 and ive been experiencing some shedding as well! i really want it to get thicker and coarser.. can u please tell me what kind of routine do u have and what did u change about your hair to get it to go thicker :) ?

August 2nd, 2012, 02:19 PM
i joined 2 weeks ago so no lol but my ponytail is 1.7 though it is curly :( does anyone know tips or threads i could see to help me get it up to 2?

If your hair is curly, try searching for the Curly, Wurly thread. There you will find lots of advice on caring for curly hair.
Good Luck:D

End highjack!