View Full Version : Question about ponytail and tangling

July 1st, 2012, 03:50 PM
Hey! :)

So, I usually wear my hair in a ponytail, using those ouchless stretchy bands. My hair is all one length, down past BSL a bit. Lately, I am using either Dermorganics S/C or Tresemme Naturals S/C, but it really seems like it doesn't matter what I use because the length is always getting tangled. I have to finger comb through it multiple times a day.

Am I doing something wrong? Maybe not using enough conditioner? Should I really slather it in on the length? I thought I was, but maybe it's not enough. Or am I doing everything correctly and it's just par for the course?

I used the Tresemme last night and my hair feels soft, I guess, but I'm still running into the problem of it getting all tangled together.


July 1st, 2012, 03:56 PM
Hey! :)

So, I usually wear my hair in a ponytail, using those ouchless stretchy bands. My hair is all one length, down past BSL a bit. Lately, I am using either Dermorganics S/C or Tresemme Naturals S/C, but it really seems like it doesn't matter what I use because the length is always getting tangled. I have to finger comb through it multiple times a day. Ideally, I'd like to get away from Dermorganics because I'm looking for cheaper S&C.

Am I doing something wrong? Maybe not using enough conditioner? Should I really slather it in on the length? I thought I was, but maybe it's not enough. Or am I doing everything correctly and it's just par for the course?

I used the Tresemme last night and my hair feels soft, I guess, but I'm still running into the problem of it getting all tangled together.

(I hope this doesn't send twice, as it gave me an error.)

The tangling issues engendered by ponytails make them very nasty. No matter what you use, tangles happen in ponytails. Also, if you wear ponytails a lot, you'll begin to notice breakage where the ponytail is held. In time, the hair in that area will begin to thin.

Better to avoid ponytails if you can. The tangles from ponytails need to be taken care of every so often. This can lead to damage from detangling.

July 1st, 2012, 03:57 PM
Some people just have tangly hair. My hair is that sort of hair. I can detangle, braid and leave it, then unbraid and I'm knotty.

More conditioner might help, and S&Ding if the tangles are caused by damage. I found coconut oil helped a bit.

July 1st, 2012, 04:03 PM
My hair tangles if I have it in a ponytail. I think it's from friction or static against my clothes. I braid it instead now, that keeps it safe, untangly and out of the way :)

July 1st, 2012, 04:04 PM
As you're gaining more and more length, ponytails become all the more problematic. They are prone to tangling issues, esp. if the hair is very long. I think maybe you've reached a point where it's time to try other updos, like braids or buns. I very much doubt that it has something to do with your wash routine.

July 1st, 2012, 04:22 PM
I think it's really because the length is loose, more than anything else. It doesn't matter how much conditioner I use, if I leave my hair loose it's tangled in a matter of minutes. You might want to try braiding to reduce the tangling.

The other thing that will increase tangling is splits, because they tend to grab onto other hairs. An S & D session may help with that.

July 1st, 2012, 04:22 PM
Forgot to mention..wear ponytails frequently can lead to traction alopecia, something you don't want to deal with!

July 1st, 2012, 04:31 PM
Thanks for the replies so far!
I guess I could try braiding, I just can't braid my own hair to save my life. lol It always ends up lopsided or pulling. I guess I just need more practice as I have a hard time getting my hair into a presentable bun, as well. It just doesn't want to stay in place. That's one reason I was just doing ponytails as it was easy peasy.

July 1st, 2012, 04:33 PM
Pony tails are ok when you cannot do any other updo due to hair being too short, wearing a pony tail past bsl is the same as wearing it down, the ends are swinging about and get wrapped round each other, weather such as hot sun or strong winds also cause it to get damaged and split, these splits then get knotted around other hairs hence why it's tangly. Buns are much more hair friendly as they contain the bun and protect the ends.

Tangly hair can also be more noticeable when hair needs trimming or clarifying, try clarifying your hair and if it's still tangly you will benefit from a small trim, once trimmed try to use buns as your to go style, YouTube and on here have some great tutorials.

July 1st, 2012, 05:53 PM
Why don't you try a bun or braided ponytail? I don't wear regular ponytails anymore because it gets all tangled up too. If I braid my ponytail though, it completely solves the problem.

July 1st, 2012, 06:20 PM
I think it's mainly a length being loose issue, but a detangling spray or oil might help give a bit of slip.

July 2nd, 2012, 03:47 AM
According to this thread ponytails seems to be very evil. :D But is it really the truth for all of us?

I'm a couple of inches (or less, dunno exactly) from TBL and wear ponytails several times a week. So far I haven't faced any serious problems or tangle issues The most dangerous scenario is that part of my hair gets stuck somewhere and causes an accident. Perhaps locating my ponytails quite high does help and length seems to be shorter that way. On other hand they are always almost on the same spot of my head, which could lead to breakage. Well, for safety reasons I can't wear ponytails everyday. I'm looking for the future quite frightened, is there soon going to be day when I can't wear one of my favourite "updos" anymore? Perhaps that's the stage where I'll only maintain the hemline, not growing more length.