View Full Version : Another newbie!

June 30th, 2012, 11:18 PM
Hi, I'm Kaitlyn! :) After lurking forever, I finally decided to make an account and I am super excited to embark on another hair growing journey.

My hair background(I tend to ramble, sorry in advance!) : My mom never let me cut my hair when I was little, so until I was about 5, I had classic length hair. I then discovered scissors on Good Friday of that year and cut it super short, almost jaw length. (It wasn't a very good Friday for my mom who cried when she saw what I had done). Throughout the rest of my childhood, I had shoulder length hair, because I hated long hair.

My hair grew super fast and within one year, I could go from shoulder length to a little longer than mid back length. I loved my long hair so much, but at 17 I started bleaching my hair and curling/straightening it. My hair got extremely damaged and I decided to just cut it to shoulder length.

Now at 21, and seeing the chemical/heat damage, I've decided enough is enough. I want healthy, long hair again. I have decided to stop dyeing my hair and I have given my blow dryer, straightener and curling irons to my sister for safe keeping. I can't wait to have long hair again :)

July 1st, 2012, 02:49 AM
Welcome Kaitlyn! Sounds like you're off to a great start :)