View Full Version : SLS=immediate grease

June 28th, 2012, 10:46 AM

My scalp is whacked. I'm just saying. :rolleyes:

I've never had any problems with my scalp until the last year, when all of a sudden, if I used a sulphate shampoo more than once or twice in a row, the crown of my head (just the crown) will get ridiculously, stuck-to-my-head greasy by the time my hair is dry after a shower (the rest of my scalp is perfectly clean). And it will get worse and worse unless I switch back to CO washing, or something equally gentle.

I'm blaming the years of being health-conscious (concerning SLS)

Any body else have a similar problem (or know exactly what this is or how to fix it)? :confused:

June 29th, 2012, 01:13 PM
Well, the way that the Curly Girl books explains it is that when you overdo it cleaning as it it the case with the use of sulphates; your body in response overproduces sebum/oil to make up for it. The same could happen to the skin. That's why I cut out SLS in my body products as well. As a result my skin feels more hydrated