View Full Version : Does the idea of disappointing LHC friends upset you?

June 27th, 2012, 12:59 PM
As I was contemplating a hair style change recently, I almost went with a teeny trim off the bottom instead of the face-framing fringe and long layers that I wanted because so many LHCers favored that. I couldn't make up my mind all the way to my appointment with the hair stylist, but when I was sitting in the chair and opened my mouth to say "the usual", I felt such a stab of personal disappointment that I went with the change.

So - as the title asks - anybody else hesitate to make a change for concern about disappointing LHC?

June 27th, 2012, 01:02 PM
No. I know they wish me well..but bottom line, it is my hair. After all, it will grow again:D

June 27th, 2012, 01:08 PM
Not really, i know most people here would tell me to give up my bleach highlights for example but I love them too much!

June 27th, 2012, 01:10 PM
Every single decision I make, I think in my head - WWLHCD? (What Would Long Hair Community Do?) :P

And I think it really varies from every individual on here. There are so many people with so many hair types and different routines... there is no "right" way to do things that will make absolutely no one wag a finger at you. So, I just try to push the WWLHCD thoughts out of my head and proceed with what will make me happiest.

Take for example one of my recent threads about cutting bangs back into my hair. The majority of LHC members that replied told me that I didn't need them, or something of the sort. That surely my updos weren't as harsh looking as I was thinking they were, and that my forehead wasn't as broad as I was making it out to be. In the end, I got my bangs back regardless to what the majority here said (though it was ALL very useful information and I wouldn't have made the thread if I didn't value all opinions). I love my bangs. I think I am just a bangs kind of gal.

Another example is my inability to stretch washes. I wash daily or every other day. That seems to be sacrilegious around here.

Anyway - all that rambling to say, yes. LHC does have quite an effect on decisions regarding my hair, and I don't even have BSL hair yet AND haven't even been around here that long. I don't have a huge friends list. I can imagine you, Spidermom, would feel much more of a desire to keep your followers and admirers happy since you have so many of them.

In the end though, I think we should all just do what makes us happy and works for us, regardless to what others deem wrong or right.

June 27th, 2012, 01:10 PM
I do. I had not dyed my hair since last August and this month I went black. Semi permanent but still I felt like I was disappointing or letting down the LHC members by not growing out natural hair.

I sat down and tried to figure out who I was actually growing my hair out for. Me, or a bunch of (lovely) folks online who don't know me and only see the back of my head in pixels.


- I want long hair. I am treating it well most of the time and trying to up my health goals - healthy hair will grow longer and stronger than unhealthy hair.

- I want long black hair at the moment. Therefore I am going to dye it, and to heck with the idea of disappointing people online. If I decide I want long red hair in six months' time, I trust that LHC members will either support me with the usual 'colour chameleon' comments and amused :D faces, or they'll stop reading my blog because they're fed up with my colour indecision. And if they're the latter type of person then I don't tend to interact with them much anyway ;)

But yes, basically I do worry that my own hair choices will upset other LHCers. It sounds silly to me when I write it down though. After all it is my hair.

June 27th, 2012, 01:11 PM
Sometimes I feel a little tinge of guilt/embarassment for not being the perfect LHC member... but at the end of the day I know everyone here is really nice about the changes we make... even if we decide to cut everything off and start from a pixie they will always be there to compliment and send good vibes.

June 27th, 2012, 01:16 PM
I do. In the past, I would go from long to short without much thought. I didn't think about how long it would take to grow back. I would just chop. Now, I've been wanting something different for... over a year!!! And I still haven't done more than trim from hip to mid-back. I know that it's my hair and that I'm the one who lives with it, but I guess I just am way more cautious than before.

June 27th, 2012, 01:23 PM
I started lurking the NW/SO thread shortly after I joined LHC and remember thinking that that was WAY too hard-core for me. Well.... I started my own NW experiment a month ago and without the support of the other crazies there I would have never made it that far.... :cool: (I'm not sure this will be for me for good, but I love experiments and that is a good one!). So yes, these days I feel guilty towards my LHC buddies if I use dry shampoo :D :D :D

June 27th, 2012, 01:38 PM
Funny Loviator, when you started talking about dyeing black, I thought about what I could say along the lines of "again with the color change?" without being offensive but remembered your prior comment to me about being a color chameleon. For you I'd say "never permanent because you're going to change your mind".

June 27th, 2012, 01:41 PM
I don't worry about letting LHC down with my hair. My hair isn't down to my ankles though, so I don't have a thread full of people telling me not to cut it.

I worry about non-hair stuff and LHC though. I worry about arguing against someone on LHC, especially when they are someone I admire or consider a friend. I guess I don't want them to think less of me because I don't agree with them.

June 27th, 2012, 01:48 PM
I don't worry about letting LHC down with my hair. My hair isn't down to my ankles though, so I don't have a thread full of people telling me not to cut it.

I worry about non-hair stuff and LHC though. I worry about arguing against someone on LHC, especially when they are someone I admire or consider a friend. I guess I don't want them to think less of me because I don't agree with them.

Yes, this too. Though I have not made many friends yet. I think that is why I have only been lurking and occasionally posting in the off topic boards - I want to make friends, and I am worried that I will offend someone and deter a potential friendship.

June 27th, 2012, 02:07 PM
I don't worry about letting anyone down by not living up to LHC standards, after all I'm possibly the worst long standing member for crimes against hair.... But I don't wish to offend or upset anyone and I seem to have a talent for this in real life :o

June 27th, 2012, 02:10 PM
I just figure if they were really my friends, they would support what ever hair decision I choose to make. Maybe some people would judge me if I cut it all off or colored it black, but if they aren't a positive influence, then why should I care what they have to say?

June 27th, 2012, 02:11 PM
I hadn't even considered this.

Then again, my hair is only APL and partially natural/mostly hennaed and I don't think anyone is really that worried about what I do with it. But it is my hair, and I will do what I want with it. It shouldn't matter to anyone else. When I ask for advice, it's just to get all possible views. I don't let it make me feel guilty if I make a decision that doesn't go along with the majority.

June 27th, 2012, 02:17 PM
Not so much because I think that primarily everyone here likes to admire other members' hair and seek inspiration but in the end their main concern is their own hair. So is mine. But since being here I'm much more firm with my hair decisions, I don't freak out everytime I find a split hair or can't detangle easily etc. When I'm thinking about giving up and cutting back to chin length I say to myself: all those hours spent on TLHC studying threads and learning hair stuff just to give up? No no no! So there's definitely some strong motivation for me from the LHC.

June 27th, 2012, 02:18 PM
Not really, i know most people here would tell me to give up my bleach highlights for example but I love them too much!

Yes, this is me too lol! I know that giving up my beloved highlights would mean my hair would be healthier in the long run. But would it make me happier? No way!! I love my light blonde hair, it's "me" and makes me happy. I'm not too worried what others think.

June 27th, 2012, 02:22 PM
I have some. I'm not planning any cuts or anything, but even the last time I dyed with deposit only dyes - will LHC approve putting rainbow in my hair?
Or I keep it in a ponytail a lot of the time. I know I'm letting LHC down. Or I brush it with a regular brush before my showers. LHC blasphemy, especially for curly hair!
So I worry and consider it, but I still do it.

June 27th, 2012, 02:30 PM
No. There was a time, say 4 or 5 years ago, that I was conscious of disappointing LHCers, but it didn't stop me from doing what I wanted to.

I've made some poor decisions (as you well know--brown dye!), I've made some good decisions, but all of the decisions have been my own.

I recall that after having grown out my bangs, I made a post asking if I should cut them again. The answer was a resounding "NO!". However, I realized that a lot of members here have a hard time dealing with bangs and their opinion is coloured by that. Others believe that "ideal" long hair is all one length. But I feel like myself with bangs. Also, with my hair type bangs are easier for me to manage than having them grown out and falling in my face.

Additionally, I colour my hair with chemical dye, to hide the greys. Another definite no-no. I don't see myself stopping that any time in the foreseeable future.

I respect everyone's opinions. Having said that, I'm the one that has to live with my hair and the way that I look. If I'm not happy when I look in the mirror, that effects me, but it really doesn't affect anyone here at LHC.

June 27th, 2012, 02:45 PM
I like to think of LHC as a supportive, friendly resource, but yes, I can see how people would be concerned about being disappointing. I guess I just try not to judge people's choices- I don't know what's happening for them. Lord knows sometimes I just get those stupid urges to do dumb stuff to my hair...LHC helps me curb them, but not because I'd be disappointing, more because I can look at women whose hair I feel I can achieve if I am patient.
Sometimes a change is th best thing though, I see the odd thread with someone who has cut off a foot (or two) of hair and feels lighter, freer, and looks fantastic!

June 27th, 2012, 03:21 PM
I think hair should be fun. My own hair does not feel particularly glamorous or exotic to me and honestly I think there'd be something wrong with me if it did. It is fun to play with, but it can't tolerate every possible thing I can dream up... some stuff is safe for my hair, other stuff isn't. So for myself, I try to stick with fun and safe things.

For the rest of y'all... I'd rather see the blondes trying deposit only rainbows if that's what they dream of, or bangs if that's what you love best. My hair will never do a cascade of curls. It won't do pompadours and Edwardian fluff. In short, how am I supposed to live vicariously in a world of fun hair if you guys who have different hair don't fool around with the stuff that makes it different and cool?

June 27th, 2012, 03:23 PM
I dont worry about disappointing anyone. I am glad I know that certain thing I do will damage my hair even though I am impulsive and do it still.

June 27th, 2012, 03:32 PM
No. I don't get worked up over it. I have always marched to the beat of my own drum and know that if I ever walk away unhappy its my own dang fault.

June 27th, 2012, 03:37 PM
I admit I worry I'd be a disappointment at meets. I'm very socially awkward and "no oil painting" and well, clicking the 'Post Reply' button is a lot easier than getting up the nerve to say something aloud. (Though I really dislike conflict online and offline.)

In terms of what I do to my hair, I don't think so really. Occasionally when someone's recommended something to me and it doesn't work for me, I feel bad (and a little frustrated), but that I can put down to 'YMMV' and move on. The social stuff is more troublesome.

June 27th, 2012, 03:39 PM
Meh, not considerably. I guess it really depends on your popularity on the LHC though, and how well you are known. I think those certain members feel more pressure from the community when it comes to what they do with their hair. So a member like me, who isn't as well known probably feels less pressured. If that makes any sense.

June 27th, 2012, 04:50 PM
Meh, not considerably. I guess it really depends on your popularity on the LHC though, and how well you are known. I think those certain members feel more pressure from the community when it comes to what they do with their hair. So a member like me, who isn't as well known probably feels less pressured. If that makes any sense.

I agree.

I still ask opinions because I do value the knowledge here... but I don't think I feel as much pressure because I don't think anyone really cares what I do with my hair. :shrug:

June 27th, 2012, 05:01 PM
Funny Loviator, when you started talking about dyeing black, I thought about what I could say along the lines of "again with the color change?" without being offensive but remembered your prior comment to me about being a color chameleon. For you I'd say "never permanent because you're going to change your mind".

I would not have found that at all offensive, Spidermom. I would have known you weren't trying to be rude. :flowers:

SouloftheSea, you may think you are not well known but somewhere there is someone who sees you as a bit of a hair idol. Personally I love your hair colour and overall 'look'. :)

June 27th, 2012, 05:15 PM
This is one of the main reasons I always react with positivity when someone posts about anything they want to do with their hair. It's not like I was holding a gun to their head saying "Shave it off!!!!" "Bleach it!!!" :) If it's what they want to do, and it will make them happy -- always go for it! I was very afraid my first 3 months here and eventually I did decide to get highlights even though I got lots of compliments on my natural look. It's weird, because the beauty industry drives so much pressure to look one way, and then the organic/natural crowd makes a tsk when you go another way.

I 100% encourage everyone to do whatever makes them happy (as long as all individuals involved are consenting adults). :D

June 27th, 2012, 05:36 PM
I've never been let down by anyone here. I agree its your hair ultimately you have to decide what you want.

June 27th, 2012, 05:43 PM
Perhaps a little. But if that gives me the extra push to commit to growing my hair out then so be it ^_^

June 27th, 2012, 05:45 PM
I try to be nice to everyone here <3 I'm still new, so I worry more about inadvertently doing something stupid and you all face-plaming at me and saying oh the horror. Haha I think, once I get my own idea of what works for me, that's what I'll do. I'm pretty boring on the hair front, Ive dyed in the past, and it hasn't been all that exciting. I like my hair color.

I'd love to go to a meet! I'd be consumed with hair envy and end up on the floor writhing with jealousy, but it'd be so much fun :3

I wouldn't worry about disappointing someone, I'd worry more about disappointing yourself! You only get one life, and your hair will always grow back!

elbow chic
June 27th, 2012, 05:49 PM
Yeah, but generally it's been in a good way for me, since I've got a scissor-happy history. ;)

Lots of ppl here are really into the all-natural, one-length look but plenty are also into dye/layers/etc, so I don't feel like it's stifling. I don't much care for groups that get... groupthinky but never get that vibe here. If I were in your position, LHC's collective opinion would have weighed pretty heavily on my mind, too. And I don't think that's bad or pathetic or anything-- it's a good group with good advice, of which you are an important long-standing member!

And, ftr, your hair look stupendously fabulous! :D I think long layers are beautiful!

June 27th, 2012, 06:54 PM
As I was contemplating a hair style change recently, I almost went with a teeny trim off the bottom instead of the face-framing fringe and long layers that I wanted because so many LHCers favored that. I couldn't make up my mind all the way to my appointment with the hair stylist, but when I was sitting in the chair and opened my mouth to say "the usual", I felt such a stab of personal disappointment that I went with the change.

So - as the title asks - anybody else hesitate to make a change for concern about disappointing LHC?

Oh, I think about that all the time, especially with all my cuts. But you know, people really do understand. It's likely they had the same thoughts, may have done the same things and may have loved the change!

I think because it's a "family"-like atmosphere, that makes us maybe more worried about disappointing. But people really do understand one another or at least try to here, and I like that.

June 27th, 2012, 06:55 PM
I haven't really thought about it, to be honest. I suppose it's because my hair has not reached awe inspiring status :p. Truth be told, my hair probably never will, so I'll never have to face the "OH NO!! She cut her beautiful, thick, long, gorgeous hair!".

June 27th, 2012, 07:00 PM
I cut my hair about a month ago from almost hip to barely APL so I know how the OP feels. Being on LHC kinda brainwashes you. Just being on a site where people are obsessed with getting long hair got me into the mentality too. For so long I was obsessed with gaining length then all of a sudden I was chopping it all off. It felt odd and a bit like I was a "quitter" at first but right after I got it cut I loved it and felt ecstatic. If anything I think I was more brave getting rid of something after years of having it. It takes guts to take a risk and make a change.

June 27th, 2012, 07:07 PM
I haven't really thought about it, to be honest. I suppose it's because my hair has not reached awe inspiring status :p. Truth be told, my hair probably never will, so I'll never have to face the "OH NO!! She cut her beautiful, thick, long, gorgeous hair!".
Oh, I think you're quite wrong about that. You'll be surprised. :)

June 27th, 2012, 07:13 PM
Before going with henna I was pretty active in the Renegreys and really loved that. But I SO wanted to try henna. The colors people were getting were so beautiful. So I hennaed and I love it, I don't regret that decision but I do regret not being a Renegrey anymore ya know?

I love those women. I look up to those women. And I want to be one of them, someday. So yeah, when I hennaed I was worried about what they would think. And I could tell they were slightly sad but they were still supportive, and wonderful. I'll be back, they know I will.

June 27th, 2012, 07:30 PM
At times I have felt a bit of LHC guilt...mainly when I was debating over the winter whether or not to use a blowdrier on my hair. I was just so tired of always being damp-headed, but I felt like I would be "betryaing" the LHC standard of hair-care if I used my blowdrier. Ultimately, I used the blowdrier a few times, it made me happy to have dry hair.

June 27th, 2012, 07:46 PM
I agree.

I still ask opinions because I do value the knowledge here... but I don't think I feel as much pressure because I don't think anyone really cares what I do with my hair. :shrug:

Exactly. And spidermom, because you are so well known and loved by so many members, perhaps this is why you feel afraid of disappointing your friends on the site? Because you could possibly feel like you have an expectation to live up to in terms of hair?

SouloftheSea, you may think you are not well known but somewhere there is someone who sees you as a bit of a hair idol. Personally I love your hair colour and overall 'look'. :)

Oh thank you, you are so sweet! :o Now that makes me wonder... lol.

June 27th, 2012, 08:09 PM
Well, yes, to an extent. But I see it as a positive thing, not negative. I want to keep my hair long and in great condition, and LHC wants that too; so far we're walking in step....

But there are times when I feel a bit guilty. If I use the hairdryer, for example. Part of me is wagging a finger, going, "What would LHC say?!" but I'm making a judgement, because I'm not getting my hair too hot (think warm wind), I'm only using it on my head, not the length, and I want my hair dry now, dammit. So I shrug that off.

In the bigger picture, there is always the pressure to conform to the expectations of the great outdoors; to get a fashionable cut and colour my greys. LHC helps to counteract that, and there are so many people here who have supported me in my decision to swim against the tide, to grow long and keep my silvers. If I ever feel the urge to bolt off to the salon the thought of disappointing those lovely people does help to restrain the urge.

June 27th, 2012, 08:14 PM
you may think you are not well known but somewhere there is someone who sees you as a bit of a hair idol.

So very true.

June 27th, 2012, 08:21 PM
I always feel bad when I see the post that says"I cut my hair, can I still be a member?". I think more times than not though you don't see those people for a while, but I understand.

June 27th, 2012, 08:35 PM
A lot of my routine has the "WWLHCD?" in my mind at all times. I feel a twinge of guilt if I need to blow dry my hair a little before running out the door, or for wearing the same style too many days in a row. But you know, this place is pretty awesome and not stiffling at all, and even if I had my hair ankle length and decided to chop it into a pixie and tie dye it, this community would be supportive, albeit (theoretically) lamenting my hair, and I would feel guilty a bit, but not to the point where I wouldn't do it!

I happen to think your hair is just lovely with your new layers and fringe, and it is still one of my favorite heads of hair on this forum!

June 27th, 2012, 10:16 PM
In the past, I would go from long to short without much thought. I didn't think about how long it would take to grow back. I would just chop. Now, I've been wanting something different for... over a year!!! And I still haven't done more than trim from hip to mid-back. I know that it's my hair and that I'm the one who lives with it, but I guess I just am way more cautious than before.

I feel this ay but it's not because I will disappoint LHCers, it is because I will regret it myself.

I feel more like I would disappoint the people I know IRL than anything and I don't want the comments (IRL). Online I can just ignore them if I don't like what they say!

People here are usually supportive and understanding of individual hair choices. A lot of time, though, the pressure to stay long or grow longer comes from those with shorter hair than my own who see my hair as something to desire, whereas I see it as a nuisance I am afraid to let go of.

June 27th, 2012, 10:20 PM
I feel this ay but it's not because I will disappoint LHCers, it is because I will regret it myself.

I feel more like I would disappoint the people I know IRL than anything and I don't want the comments (IRL). Online I can just ignore them if I don't like what they say!

People here are usually supportive and understanding of individual hair choices. A lot of time, though, the pressure to stay long or grow longer comes from those with shorter hair than my own who see my hair as something to desire, whereas I see it as a nuisance I am afraid to let go of.

Since you have been my hair idol from the beginning, I'm ashamed to say that my heart would break just a little if I saw your hair cut. But a bigger part of me would be happy if you were happy :)

June 27th, 2012, 10:27 PM
At times I have felt a bit of LHC guilt...mainly when I was debating over the winter whether or not to use a blowdrier on my hair. I was just so tired of always being damp-headed, but I felt like I would be "betryaing" the LHC standard of hair-care if I used my blowdrier.

But there are times when I feel a bit guilty. If I use the hairdryer, for example. Part of me is wagging a finger, going, "What would LHC say?!"

I always feel bad when I see the post that says"I cut my hair, can I still be a member?". I think more times than not though you don't see those people for a while, but I understand.

A lot of my routine has the "WWLHCD?" in my mind at all times. I feel a twinge of guilt if I need to blow dry my hair a little before running out the door, or for wearing the same style too many days in a row.

WOW I cannot believe so many people would feel guilty for going against a TLHC standard? I like the advice, the new ways of caring for my hair I never considered before this place, but if I choose to dry my hair (which I do a few times a month) I couldn't care less what TLHC thinks about it. It's MY hair. And I am making an informed decision. At some point the joy of having long hair fades too far into the "standard" and becomes a burden instead. If drying my hair means I will never have floor length hair then so be it.

I think most people here agree that everyone has the right to do whatever they want to their hair. I'd say ALL people, but I hate to use superlatives, it ALWAYS gets me in trouble ;) Just don't come on here and complain about splits or whatnot when you choose to do those things you know full well cause them and then expect sympathy.

June 27th, 2012, 10:32 PM
Since you have been my hair idol from the beginning, I'm ashamed to say that my heart would break just a little if I saw your hair cut. But a bigger part of me would be happy if you were happy :)

OMGosh :o I am flattered! Seriously, the grass is always greener I guess because I am just not seeing what you see! :shrug:

I do admit if I cut my hair I would probably disappear from TLHC for awhile because of those who would mourn it for me. LOL. I just wouldn't want to hear any negative comments after I made the decision because it is such a hard decision to make (which is why I still haven't made it, gee I know it has been a year).

June 27th, 2012, 10:59 PM
Meh, not considerably. I guess it really depends on your popularity on the LHC though, and how well you are known. I think those certain members feel more pressure from the community when it comes to what they do with their hair. So a member like me, who isn't as well known probably feels less pressured. If that makes any sense.

I agree with this also.

It seems to me the whole "I'm not here to decorate your world" mantra should apply just as much within LHC as it does with our external friends and relations.

June 27th, 2012, 11:07 PM
I agree with this also.

It seems to me the whole "I'm not here to decorate your world" mantra should apply just as much within LHC as it does with our external friends and relations.

I really like that mantra. That will stick with me for a long time for sure.

But honestly, I don't think the more popular members should feel like they would disappoint anyone, because no matter what choices anybody on the forum makes, everyone supports them and understands their decision 100&#37;. Spidermom, everyone loves your new 'do and I think that stands testament to what I'm talking about. Everyone here just wants everyone else to be happy with their hair.

June 27th, 2012, 11:20 PM

I know I don't post very much, but you are one of the members I really enjoy following. It is your hair, and do with it what you will. You are a great presence here, and I like your advice. I don't think you would disappoint me no matter what you did with your hair. It is your personality I care about.

Your hair in your newest siggie pic looks gorgeous, I think the haircut went very well, IMHO.

June 27th, 2012, 11:28 PM
I'm afraid I don't really care if I disappoint anyone, lol. On the other hand, I spent most of this week driving myself insane trying to make my mother happy, so I'm a hypocrite on that point. :p

June 28th, 2012, 06:13 AM
Before going with henna I was pretty active in the Renegreys and really loved that. But I SO wanted to try henna. The colors people were getting were so beautiful. So I hennaed and I love it, I don't regret that decision but I do regret not being a Renegrey anymore ya know?

I love those women. I look up to those women. And I want to be one of them, someday. So yeah, when I hennaed I was worried about what they would think. And I could tell they were slightly sad but they were still supportive, and wonderful. I'll be back, they know I will.
We all love you, Nae, always have, always will! :blossom:

akka naeda
June 28th, 2012, 09:39 AM
No, it's my hair.

I think actually the forum can have a negative effect on people which is why you get people with "hair guilt" if they have to cut/brush/blow dry/bleach etc. And since the aim is to have long hair, if you're susceptible to this way of thinking, the longer your hair the more likely you are to be affected by it.

June 28th, 2012, 09:48 AM
I do, in a way, because few people know how important my hair is outside of LHC. You guys *get* why cutting more than half an inch is a Big Deal.

That said, we're a little hair-crazy, so I do try to temper that with some hair reality at times (i.e. the world will not end if I take off more than half an inch on accident). :lol:

June 28th, 2012, 09:58 AM
I think it's taken me so long to quit henna because of guilt based on LHC members' prevailing attitude to chemicals - even though plenty of us use chemicals to dye our hair.

So I can have LHC-worthy hair that's as long and glossy as I like - in a colour that doesn't suit me. Or chemically dyed hair that may be dry but at least I don't need a lot of makeup to make the look work.

I've flipped between the two ever since I've been here. I know it's really weak. :rolleyes:

June 28th, 2012, 03:04 PM
I should try not to worry about disappointing LHC friends, the old "you're not here to decorate our world", comes to mind. That you do happen to add beauty to our world, is just one of life's wonderful unearned bonuses, not a right by any means. :)

Your new cut now has me looking into the possibility of bangs :) I have locs, so I don't yet know if/how that would work.


June 28th, 2012, 03:53 PM
I feel kind of guilty for ditching my cone free shampoo and conditioner because my hair was miserable without cones, and for coming back with bottles of the Tresemme Split End Remedy shampoo, conditioner and leave-in-conditioner. But...my hair is so happy with the new routine!! :D I think LHC will forgive me for this transgression, and I think my hair will grow longer and healthier because of it. Otherwise, I do "what LHC would want me to do." I've thrown away my old brush in favor of a BBB, detangle with a wide tooth comb instead of just tearing through it with a brush, S&D, opt for small trims, am trying to wear my hair up more often, etc.

I'm GLAD you went with what you knew you wanted and what would make you happy!! I always get the feeling that we are all here to be friends and compliment each other, and I never get the feeling that anyone here wants to judge anyone else or demean anyone for making a hair decision that was against the unwritten LHC code. :)

June 28th, 2012, 05:36 PM
We all love you, Nae, always have, always will! :blossom:

Aww Luluj, you just totally made my day! I am all teary and everything. (Hard day with my ailing and super grouchy grandpa.) I love you ladies too.

June 28th, 2012, 05:50 PM
No, not at all!

One of the reasons why I love LHC so much is that everyone here is so supportive in whatever choice one would want to make. LHC has made me accept my hair just the way it is and it has taught me to understand my hair so I can take care of it and make it look it's best. Nothing but love for LHC. And i could not imagine someone here objecting to what I would want to do.
And if so; I'm the kind of person who could care less what others think about me (and I mean that in a good way :)). So, no problems here.

Although I do understand that if you're a long term member with quite a long and beautiful mane you might worry about others members reaction if you do a drastic change to your hair. I understand. But I still believe everyone will support you! :)

June 28th, 2012, 06:01 PM
I don't feel as if I'd be letting anybody down if I made a drastic hair change (after all, in the many years I've been hanging out here, I've made MANY changes!)....but I do think of the lovely LHC members who have cheered me on in my silver hair journey whenever I'm thinking of doing something drastic (like dyeing it!). I use the comments/opinions for motivation. It keeps me on track :D

June 28th, 2012, 06:24 PM
reality is you shoot your own foot so no.

LHC is good for inspiration and people who "GET" the hair thing.
Also nice feeling the support behind you if you ask for it. So many people who are impatient in real life you feel like the last one standing , here you feel you have company.

June 28th, 2012, 06:45 PM
There is a lot of different kinds of hair and hair styles here. Don't feel bad for changing your hair Spidermom!
I sometimes feel like I should be doing the curly girl method and not using my brush so my hair will appear smoother and less frizzy and people won't see frizz and assume it is trashed hair. Every time I hear something about fried hair or unhealthy hair I cringe a little bit inside. I bought henna to try, but it didn't help my texture the way a chemical would. My hair looks better than it did a year ago but I'm keeping my brush darn it!!! Mostly its people like my sister who needle me because they think its funny that I'm vain. She thinks my food issues are bad enough she won't pick on my weight so she picks on my hair instead. She use to poke me all the time when she was little too. Most people here don't mean to be that pokey! Your hair looks great. I am really happy you didn't chicken out on account of maintaining a reputation on the boards as a perfect hair role model!!!

June 28th, 2012, 07:01 PM
I wouldn't have worried about it. Different people obviously favor different things, but that would never stop me from doing something. Besides, everyone is pretty open and supportive either way. I've seen people bleach, dye, henna, stop henna and cut really long hair into a bob or a pixie, and they all still have a bunch of people supporting them. One or two people may bring the unnecessary comment about how sad it is that they gave up on such long beautiful hair and bla bla, but for the most part, people can still see the beauty in something new.
It's just hair, no one will think less of you if you choose against the majority.

June 29th, 2012, 03:08 AM
I recently cut back from waist to BSL because my ends were just ridiculously tapered, so I now have a very LHC approved blunt hemline, but I also felt guilty because waist is my goal.

I recently decided, after reading someone's blog where they shaved their hair to regrow virgin hair, that I want to get virgin hair from root to end. I even briefly contemplated going for he shave, but short hair doesn't suit my face at all, so I'm going to maintain at BSL until it's all virgin. I'm actually S&Ding right now!

June 29th, 2012, 07:21 AM
It is not the LHC that I worry about disappointing (although there were times I used hot sticks and hair spray and I felt like a bad LHC member) I worry about disappointing my non-cyber friends. I have been told to NEVER dye my hair and sometimes I wish I had the guts to try henna. I also am well know for braiding my hair in complicated looking styles and if I don't I feel like I am going to disappoints someone.