View Full Version : Tips and tricks for growing out a pixie/short hair

June 22nd, 2012, 08:36 PM
Hello there :)
I just thought I would share the tips and tricks I have learned from growing out my own pixie/short haircut to save you the annoyance I went through.

-make sure you have a style which will grow out well- I have learned that some styles grow out horrible and make your hair look mushroom like...make sure your hair is cut right before you start your journey.

have plenty of clips, headbands, bobby pins and more- These will be your lifesavers and make your bad hair days or awkward lengths look so much better.

Keep the back short- So people prefer to let the back grow out, but personally I made sure to avoid the mullet look. Keep it short until the front gets caught up. It helps you have a more cleaner look.

Don't cut your hair every few weeks wait longer- You will end up cutting off the growth and be just were you were last time you got a haircut.

Use your ears- when you can start to tuck your hair behide your ears, use this to your favor.

Get a style every other haircut- I know that at least for myself having a style kept me from going insane. I would also normally choose a style which was a tad longer that what I currently had so when it grew out it would still look great.

Avoid heat products at all costs[B]- I know you might love straight hair but you are just causing damage if you do it everday. Once in a while is ok, but avoid often use.

Have any tips/tricks? Share them here :)

Lady Neeva
June 22nd, 2012, 08:38 PM
Benign Neglect, along with bucketfulls of patience.

elbow chic
June 22nd, 2012, 08:58 PM
post-partum depression! By the time you've emerged from your hormonal sleep-deprived angst enough to care what your hair looks like, it's grown out to your chin!

June 22nd, 2012, 09:04 PM
Enjoy the new things your hair can do when short!

It won't last long, so enjoy the 2 minute shampoos, super-fast drying, almost no product use, and the wash 'n go ease!

Also, if it's short and you're growing out, it's probably incredibly healthy. Enjoy it and make it a challenge to keep your hair that healthy as it grows out. :D