View Full Version : L-Cysteine

June 22nd, 2012, 02:03 PM
So I have spent a small chunk of the day researching amino acids in relation to hair growth and found L-Cysteine, however when I searched LHC for any more information on it I couldn't really find anything. I decided to make a thread for anyone that has had experience with taking (or interested in taking) it, what dosage / brand was taken and for reports of any speeded hair growth/ added thickness/ other results.

Here is some info on it:


This sulfur bearing amino acid makes up almost 8%-10% of each hair strand. L-Cysteine helps accelerate hair growth and increase overall diameter of each strand. L-Cysteine supplementation also increases elasticity in the skin and added strength to the hair and nails."

Taken from here: http://www.fromshorttolong.com/2011/11/maximizing-your-hair-growth-potential.html

It's about halfway down the page although I found the rest of the page very interesting to read. :)

June 25th, 2012, 05:59 AM
I don't know why there's no responses to this - this is a great find especially since its something discussed so little here at LHC!
Will look out for this to replace my Cod Live Oil supplements, since I don't feel I'm getting much a difference out of it and it's effectiveness is speculated.

L-Cysteine is good for overall fitness too, I know bodybuilders talk about it.

June 25th, 2012, 06:19 AM
I used to take it for my hair, but never saw any difference...

June 25th, 2012, 06:43 AM
I see a lot of talk about vitamins around here...
Careful not to overdo it, cause vitamins are not as harmless as you might think, an excess of something can have bad side effects.

June 25th, 2012, 07:07 AM
Sometimes the best way to find an old thread on TLHC is to Google it with the forum added on, say "L-cysteine long hair community". When I can't find a thread I know I have read, this is how I usually finally find it.

I have tried many different ones, all in turn and all for at least 90 days or more and never saw one iota of difference. I guess because I eat pretty healthy, I get everything I need from my diet and supplementing doesn't help me at all. As with a lot of vitamin/supplement discussions, most feel it only does any good if you are lacking to begin with. Unless you are a vegetarian who doesn't take care to eat proteins in other sources, or have some metabolic issue that would make you deficient in a particular nutrient, most people these days eat enough to get what they need without supplements.

I would like to say 'It can't hurt, so give it a shot" but because of my own experiences, I would say be careful. I almost always had some adverse affect from taking supplements, from constipation to insomnia to heartburn and even twitches (St. John's Wort gave me an eye twitch). They may be "minor" but if symptoms show up on the outside, what is going on on a cellular level can we not see?

I am currently supplement free. I don't even take vitamins. I am paying attentiont o my diet and making sure I get what I need through digestion and lifestyle (the sun is the best source of vitamin D).

June 25th, 2012, 11:19 AM
The whey protein shake mix that I use has all the amino acid supplements in it.

June 25th, 2012, 03:38 PM
Oh, great! I was starting to think there would be no replies to this thread :D

Nice google tip WaitingSoLong, that is actually how I managed to find the only other thread on this ammino acid!

Thanks for the warning WaitingSoLong and Natural Shine, I am always careful to research the maximum dosage / minimum effective dosage when taking a new vitamin/herb and have never had a bad reaction to them, only positive outcomes.

I would say my diet is 90% vegetarian as I really don't eat protein (from meats) often and I have tried to supplement with Whey protein which contains ammino acids previously, though I have not been consistant enough with that. I have ordered L-Cysteine and an ammino acid complex to rotate it with as i'd like to experiment with it. There have been good results from threads such as "egg shake" and "whey protein for folicles" with increased growth rate from all the protein so i'm willing to try.
What originally got me interested in this was the "Hair Formula 37" which is basically taking a multivit then 6 dosages of amino acids a day (someone reported the amino acid part of it is what really helped growth).

I will report my results however I have never managed to speed growth rate at all (5" a year) with anything, not with MN, sulfur, tea sprays, supplements + the other 100 things i've tried, although I have changed the quality of hair greatly and have solved my by-the-handfull hair loss problem/ cruddy nails so i'm happy with that.