View Full Version : Have Any Of You Ever Worked With Rose Hips?

June 19th, 2012, 08:25 AM
:blossom: I was just wondering if any of you guys have any experience with rose hips. You can apparently make tea out of them but, you can also find rose hip fruit oil and rose hip seed oil..

Apparently rose hips are the fruits of rose plants but, I have never once seen them. And I have seen a lot of rose plants.. :confused:


June 19th, 2012, 09:35 AM
I adore rose hips. I have gathered and dried them to make tea and hair rinse, and I use rose hip seed oil on my skin. They are the beautiful fruits that remain after the rose flower has died. If you prune your fading blossoms back to encourage new growth, you will not likely see rose hips form. They have a very high vitamin C content, I believe, and are beneficial in many ways.

June 19th, 2012, 09:36 AM
Rose hips are that bulbous area right under the petalsIf your were to remove the petals, you'd be left with the pollen center, and the hip. Did that make sense?

As to what It's used for, I have no idea.

June 19th, 2012, 10:06 AM
Hmmm my only experience is that I used to monch down on the rose hips on this one bush when I was 6 years old in Montessori school and wed walk to the park and go on little nature walks all the time. Haha as far as I can remember they tasted amazing. But Sorry, nothing else to share.

June 19th, 2012, 10:35 AM
In the article it mentions what we call rose hip soup, nyponsoppa. It's superyummy and sweet. I've never tried making anything myself from rose hip, maybe I should? :)

June 19th, 2012, 10:44 AM
Be careful with them - when I was a kid we used them for home-made itching powder.

June 19th, 2012, 10:58 AM
Well my main concern is that there seems to be too different oils.. One extracted from the seeds of the rose bush and one made from the rose hip itself.. They are both however labeled as rose hip seed oil:

One is orange and made from the fruit:


And I know this one is clear in color:


What is the deal here?? :confused:

June 19th, 2012, 11:04 AM
I only know that there is rose hip tea, and it is delicious, by the way ;)

Dr. Hank McCoy
June 19th, 2012, 11:06 AM
Sorry, The on ly thing I've ever seen then in is tea.... and its yummy :D

elbow chic
June 19th, 2012, 11:09 AM
You gotta not dead-head the roses at the end of the season, so they'll develop. As you say, they're the fruit of the plant.

People cut the roses off when they start getting ugly and brown, in hopes of forcing the plant to rebloom, or as a way of preventing pests from finding lodging for the winter. But if you want rose-hips that would be like cutting off apple blossoms-- of course you would get no fruit if you cut off all the blooms!

June 19th, 2012, 11:44 AM
In the article it mentions what we call rose hip soup, nyponsoppa. It's superyummy and sweet. I've never tried making anything myself from rose hip, maybe I should? :)

Oh man, I haven't had that stuff in years! My parents have a bush in their yard. The roses aren't much to look at; I think it's only there for the rose hips.

June 19th, 2012, 12:09 PM
As far as I know the itchy component is the fine hairs/fibres on the seeds.

During WW2, when she was a girl my mother would gather wild rosehips from the hedgerows to sell. The government bought them to make rosehip syrup, for its high vitamin C content which was often given to children.

June 19th, 2012, 12:26 PM
I LOVE rose hip tea. I get dried (broken up not whole) rose hips from the herb store and just steep them much hotter than regular tea and for longer. And voila a tea that tastes like sun dried tomatoes and is positively energizing. I also mix it in to my herbal teas when I have cold because of the high vitamin c content.

June 20th, 2012, 06:45 AM
I LOVE rose hip tea. I get dried (broken up not whole) rose hips from the herb store and just steep them much hotter than regular tea and for longer. And voila a tea that tastes like sun dried tomatoes and is positively energizing. I also mix it in to my herbal teas when I have cold because of the high vitamin c content.

Oooh, that sounds good. Nice replacement for rose hip soup without all the sugar.

June 20th, 2012, 07:27 AM
I remember eating rose hips straight from the rose bushes as a kid. Not a good idea:p But rose hip oil as an antioxidant serum is supposed to work really well. I haven't tried it yet myself, as even the tiniest amount of oil on my face makes me break out. Perhaps I'll try it on my hands, neck, and décolleté.

June 20th, 2012, 07:31 AM
I used to use the oil on my face.

June 20th, 2012, 07:50 AM
when I was a child we went to pick rosehips for day's, and then my parents made wine out of them :)
it is a bit of a complicated process though, wine making. we also made wine out of pears :)
because I was a child at the time I never got to taste them, and now neither of my parents has kept wine making as a hobby.

one of my favorite jams is rosehip jam, I buy it in the supermarket, but maybe you can make it yourself with a good recipe.

June 20th, 2012, 07:55 AM
I bought a huge box of rosehip tea bags for hair rinses. Didn't notice any amazing effects on hair, though it worked okay. Ended up drinking the tea, and enjoying it a lot!

So, I like it better taken internally than applied externally :)

June 22nd, 2012, 05:53 PM
Well my main concern is that there seems to be too different oils.. One extracted from the seeds of the rose bush and one made from the rose hip itself.. They are both however labeled as rose hip seed oil:

One is orange and made from the fruit:


And I know this one is clear in color:


What is the deal here?? :confused:

I'm pretty sure that all rosehip oil / rosehip seed oil is made from the seeds inside the rosehips, and people just label it differently.

What exactly are you looking to use it for?