View Full Version : I'm so bored with my hair, and in a rut. Help?

June 18th, 2012, 01:01 PM
I wish I'd never cut my hair. I do this every few years: think about how cute a bob would look on me, espcially with a rollerset. Then the lady cuts it a bit too short, and I'm miserable for months. I'm only at shoulder length right now, a little below shoulder when my hair is less curly/I flat iron it.

I used to be on this site, but then I forgot my name and password and it was ridiculous and I gave up. So I'm wondering, if I go wash my hair now and snap a few pictures, can you guys help me label my hair again? and maybe give me some styling options? As it is, I don't leave the house very often, but I am on webcam fairly often with people and I hate that I look so frumpy. I just do the "messy bun" and the "throw it up in a clip" look.

I just wish it was long again. Even BSL would make me so happy. I feel like a kid with such short hair; it doesn't suit my face or body type at all. When I get it waist length, like it was before I STUPIDLY cut it, I was even thinking about getting a V hemline...but now I'm not sure. I used to get layers. but I think they always made them too short. I'm just at a loss.

So yeah, if I go do that now (it's wash, then let air dry, then take pics, right?) can you guys help me label my hair, and also maybe just give suggestions as to what YOU'd do it if it was YOUR hair? I always play it safe and regret it, but I'm so uncreative.

June 18th, 2012, 01:35 PM
I am sure someone could try to help you. Maybe someone will post the article for hair typing here for you...
I find it very hard to tell someone what their hair is or isnt in just a picture. It is nearly impossible for me to hair type based only on a pic.
I guess my best and worst advice would be to just be patient :) What a horrible phrase because it is impossible for me to be patient. I am so impulsive but if I want to do something bad to my hair I step back and ask myself "will doing this ultimately help me in my hair goal to have long pretty healthy hair?" Usually the answer is NO.
I am 4 inches away from BSL (my bsl is very low) and I will admit that it is hard for me to do updos but hair chopsticks always worked for me. Give yourself a fun variety of hair toys. It really does help because you focus on how to use your new toy and makes wearing it up more fun. I am trying to wear my hair up alot and just forget about it but this is sort of hard at times yet it works great.

June 18th, 2012, 01:52 PM
I've tried to type myself before, but I think I was wrong. Plus, my hair has changed, I think, over the last year or so. Then again I was no-pooing a while ago and am currently every-other-time shampooing/when I remember now. So yeah. I love using apple cider vinegar, it makes my hair so soft, BUT it also makes it very poofy and frizzy and my hair ha a hard time holding any type of curl, so I don't do ACV washes very often. I've also tried plopping before, and I do like it, but also don't do THAT very often because my hair takes FOREVER to dry. HOURS. lol.

That's what I've been doing--wearing it up as much as possible to avoid damage, and also so that when I take it down, it seems longer than it was before. I'll look up the self-typing post right now, then see what I come up with. But I probably will come back with pictures later tonight. I'm really looking for something to keep me from wanting to shave my head lol.I'm just so bored with it.

June 18th, 2012, 02:05 PM
Did you take a look at this (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/vbjournal.php?do=article&articleid=227)hair typing article? I'm not sure how old it is or if it was around last time you were here.

My hair was a little hard for me to type as well. Don't worry too much about it. It doesn't have to be perfect. You have straight/wavy/curly hair or something in between. You have thick/medium/thin hair or something in between. Don't stress too much about it. Also take a look at people's signature photos and take note of their type. ETA: I say that an my signature isn't really my hair type lol - bad example. In mine, my hair was blow dried so it looks straighter.

My all time favorite video was taken down by the user on youtube for some reason. I'm so bummed - I loved sharing that video. It was my go to style when my hair was shorter. But take a look at "boho" or "bohemian" <insert length here> hair tutorials on youtube. Lots of great ideas! I like bohemian in particular because I like messy looks that look kind of complicated but really aren't. Also a great way to dress up your hair is to put some pins in it - I really like simple diamond pins like this (http://www.amazon.com/Rhinestone-Flower-Silver-Tone-Bobby/dp/B004JKORPQ/ref=sr_1_48?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1340049866&sr=1-48&keywords=bobby+pin). Just hide the length part and it looks like you have little diamonds in your hair. Even good for braids or any updo.

Well, I hope I've helped a little. If I find that video, I'll share it. But it's never there when I look anymore.

ETA: Oh if your bored, have you considered semi-permanant colors? I use Manic Panic which is not permanant and is a vegan dye. It will not damage your hair and it will wash out (though some are harder to get out than others. I don't bleach my hair and receive great results with Vampire Red which can be seen in my album.

June 18th, 2012, 02:12 PM
Did you take a look at this (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/vbjournal.php?do=article&articleid=227)hair typing article? I'm not sure how old it is or if it was around last time you were here.

My hair was a little hard for me to type as well. Don't worry too much about it. It doesn't have to be perfect. You have straight/wavy/curly hair or something in between. You have thick/medium/thin hair or something in between. Don't stress too much about it. Also take a look at people's signature photos and take note of their type. ETA: I say that an my signature isn't really my hair type lol - bad example. In mine, my hair was blow dried so it looks straighter.

My all time favorite video was taken down by the user on youtube for some reason. I'm so bummed - I loved sharing that video. It was my go to style when my hair was shorter. But take a look at "boho" or "bohemian" <insert length here> hair tutorials on youtube. Lots of great ideas! I like bohemian in particular because I like messy looks that look kind of complicated but really aren't. Also a great way to dress up your hair is to put some pins in it - I really like simple diamond pins like this (http://www.amazon.com/Rhinestone-Flower-Silver-Tone-Bobby/dp/B004JKORPQ/ref=sr_1_48?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1340049866&sr=1-48&keywords=bobby+pin). Just hide the length part and it looks like you have little diamonds in your hair. Even good for braids or any updo.

Well, I hope I've helped a little. If I find that video, I'll share it. But it's never there when I look anymore.

ETA: Oh if your bored, have you considered semi-permanant colors? I use Manic Panic which is not permanant and is a vegan dye. It will not damage your hair and it will wash out (though some are harder to get out than others. I don't bleach my hair and receive great results with Vampire Red which can be seen in my album.

Yay someone posted it! That article makes it very very easy to hair type yourself IMO.