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June 13th, 2012, 03:20 PM
Maybe I'm having end envy and need to s up it up, buttercup, but my mostly fairy tale ends are tiresome.

I'm curious if those of you with post mid thigh lengths, male and female, had fairy tale ends at say, tailbone/classic.
I'm guessing I have them because I haven't had more than a self-inflicted micro trim for three years.

Am I delusional thinking I can micro trim for a while and get thicker ends?

I joked elsewhere that I wanted terminal minus three inch hair, to have blunter ends.

Now, I do think other people have great fairy tale ends. Just not mine.

Pic here in meet report (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=2156185&postcount=5)

June 13th, 2012, 03:43 PM
Looks like fairytale ends to me, and perfectly reasonable ones. Mine are worse, but my hair is thinner. Your hair looks great, I think. :)

.... although what got to me in that Meet report was your gorgeous dress and LuxePiggy's shoes, good heavens, I haven't had on anything like those in probably 4 decades - maybe 5! :D

Fairytale ends are easier to deal with in an updo, at least in my experience. If you are planning to wear your hair down very often, you might feel better with a blunter hemline, but then you would lose length. Bad set of choices there, isn't it.

Slug Yoga
June 13th, 2012, 05:05 PM
Have you been maintaining your hair at this length or close to it for those 3 years, or growing it out? Because if it's the latter I definitely think the explanation is in the fact that you have had infrequent trims, and the longer you grow your hair/maintain it long, the thicker it will become. Some hairs are going to grow faster, and all the hairs are at different stages in their growth cycle, so it would be pretty weird if you didn't have fairytale ends in 3 years with no trims I'd think!

My hair is only TB length but I grew it out almost straight from a pixie with very little trimming, and had fairytale ends at maybe waist, I think, it's not because it was terminal or something, it's because it takes about as much time for your hair to reach maximum thickness at a certain point on the length as it does to grow it to that length in the first place. (I didn't get that at first when I heard it, and was also worried that my taper would not improve. But eventually I figured out how that would work.)

Edited to add: And as more time passes I can definitely tell that the thickness is moving down my length.

June 15th, 2012, 01:48 AM
Slug yoga, (great name)
Three years ago I cut about seven inches off. Since then, I've let it go with benign neglect.
Occasionally I'll notice that the longest length is three hairs, and micro trim them back to where there are at least 20 hairs.

Embee, hair was down for meet. Typically it lives in a bun. With one stick. Exciting, I know.
The dress is by my ex husband. That one was a gift....probably Hanukkah. I have six dresses by him.

And weren't Piggy's shoes amazing? I told her I loved shoes like that because eventually, those women will need massage!
Her ends were nicely blue.

June 15th, 2012, 02:52 PM
Now, I do think other people have great fairy tale ends. Just not mine.

Too bad ;). I like yours.

June 15th, 2012, 04:03 PM
truepeacenik your hair looks so much like mine it's almost uncanny, especially at the ends. Mine just begins to taper a bit higher up. You're about where I hope to be a few years down the road. :)
I think it's that straight and fine hair fairytales this way when grown with no trims (I'm on about five years since a trim now.) I don't think there's a way to know if the thickness will move down except wait and see. Mine is slowly creeping downwards.

Have you seen Cinnamon Hair's site? She has some great pics showing her thickness moving down until she got blunt ends at knee.

June 15th, 2012, 10:35 PM
Hi truepeacenik, I went for 2 years without a trim, and it was the most I could stand. My ends were getting a bit tapered, too, and I ended taking off four inches a few months ago. That put me at lower thigh-length. I'm so glad I did it -- I really enjoy the length, but my hemline was really starting to get under my skin. It really didn't amount to that much at the ends.

I've gained back some of the length and can see where the hemline is getting thicker. Bottom line is that I was a little wary to trim, bit the bullet (figuratively speaking) and ended up much happier with the result.

June 16th, 2012, 02:32 PM
And weren't Piggy's shoes amazing? I told her I loved shoes like that because eventually, those women will need massage!

Hahaha! I hear you! Better not say that too loudly or you could get in trouble - see Rini's thread about the "Insulting to Silvers" article :D

I wouldn't need massage, I'd need a cast and some crutches...

... and she could walk reasonably well in them? Amaaaazing.... ;)

June 16th, 2012, 02:47 PM
I think the only way to keep ends on the thicker side is to trim so that slower growing hairs can catch up to faster growing hairs. I have seen a few people around who must have had very even growth because their hair didn't thin out very much even at extra-long lengths. But those people are rare.

June 16th, 2012, 03:42 PM
I think your fairy tale ends are beautiful.

June 16th, 2012, 04:57 PM
Thcikening up with trimming is very possible, although it greatly depends on your terminal length.

I can thicken up my hair easily and quickly at TB length, because many hairs still make it there, but at longer lengths it takes longer and I may not get my hair to be as thick.

I had decent ends at upper thigh length in mid 2009, but when I grew my hair to mid thigh in 2011 it looked very thin and I trimmed.
Now I am waiting for my hair to thicken up until the next postpartum shed and maybe after I am done having kids I will grow longer again. :D