View Full Version : Two sheds after a baby?

June 3rd, 2012, 11:29 PM
I hear that most people have a shed around 3 months PP but I have also heard a lot of women shed when they wean. :confused:
My hair is still thicker then before my baby even though I shed already and I have a lot of new growth:disco:. I'm worried I'll lose it.:(
Did you shed twice after your baby(s)?

June 4th, 2012, 03:38 AM
Not twice, but once was enough. I lost at least half my hair, starting when she was almost exactly 3 months old, because it started on my wedding day. Every time I touched my hair, handfuls fell out - over a thousand hairs a day.

Going on biotin seemed to stop it, or at least help it stop on its own. DD is three, and I am still regrowing; the new growth is between shoulder and APL now.

If I understand your post correctly, your baby is already here, and you have not started shedding yet? How old is your baby? If you have not had any shedding, maybe you are one of the lucky ones. Most long haired women I know in real life did not have any shedding at all!

I'm pregnant with Baby Kitty Number Two and have not had that thick, gorgeous pregnancy hair yet (I am only 16 weeks) and hoping and praying my hair continues to shed, because if I go through that again I swear I am going to chop into some short punky do. That shed was probably one of the most self-esteem ruining things EVER.

June 4th, 2012, 04:44 AM
Hi , I had the two sheds. I had one after the baby and then the other after weaning. It was very obvious because i breastfed for 2,5 years . It wasn't too severe but i noticed it, I do have thicker hair so it wasn't super noticeable.

June 4th, 2012, 11:41 AM
I think this is just one of those things that varies from person to person and pretty impossible to predict. Good luck! :flowers:

June 4th, 2012, 12:30 PM
I didn't get the thick hair during pregnancy that everyone raves about (my hair was just the same, but did grow like weed) and I did have one shed that I honestly paid hardly any attention to (after having a baby my priorities changed and my hair hit the bottom of the list). I am still not done breastfeeding 14 months later, but my hair has been slowly but steadily climbing the priority list again :o so I hope there will be no apres-weaning shed :patrol:

I'd just say: Eat your vitamins and don't worry about it as there really is nothing you can do about it since it's hormonal and by worrying you'll probably just make it worse.

Good luck!

June 4th, 2012, 01:52 PM
Katze I'm sorry I was not clear. Yes my baby is here he is 7 months old. I did shed already at about 3 months.
I have a halo of regrowth I am hoping to keep when I wean eventually. :)