View Full Version : How often do you trim?

June 3rd, 2012, 06:29 AM
I usually trim my hair every 2-3 months to keep split ends at a minimum. Sometimes, I feel as if my hair doesn't 'need' a trim yet because the ends feel and look fine. But, I trim anyway as preventive measure. I self-trim while my hair is still curly by twisting small sections and clipping off the ends with shears (about half an inch).

Doing this takes a looonnggg time!! It can take about 2-3 hours. If I'm watching tv while trimming, it can take up to 6 hours... :thud: I'm growing out my hair so I'm not trimming to keep my hair at a certain length. I'm trimming to decrease breakage from split ends and increase my retention rate.

How often do you trim? What is your trimming method, especially for those with curly hair? :D

June 3rd, 2012, 06:32 AM
My hair isn't as curly as yours, only 2c/3a, but I'll add in my two cents...

I haven't trimmed since October and don't intend to at all in 2012. I S&D to keep the split ends at bay, which is enough for me. Whenever I trim I feel as though I lose length...

You must have a lot of hair if a trim takes two hours, though. :confused: That's just... too much. Is your hair too thick to take bigger sections at once? Why do you twist them and not just cut straight across?

June 3rd, 2012, 06:40 AM
I trim whenever I feel like it, basically, which has worked out to about every 4 months-ish? but I've gone over a year without trimming before. I use Feye's method, either a really shallow V or a U shape. I guess having mostly straight hair makes it a lot simpler.

June 3rd, 2012, 07:07 AM
Usually about once a month, since I maintain. In May I trimmed at least 3-4 times though, and I plan on trimming today again :o for no reason really, I am just a bit tired of the tailbone-ish length that it has been for a while.

June 3rd, 2012, 07:12 AM
My hair isn't as curly as yours, only 2c/3a, but I'll add in my two cents...

I haven't trimmed since October and don't intend to at all in 2012. I S&D to keep the split ends at bay, which is enough for me. Whenever I trim I feel as though I lose length...

You must have a lot of hair if a trim takes two hours, though. :confused: That's just... too much. Is your hair too thick to take bigger sections at once? Why do you twist them and not just cut straight across?

I have thick and dense hair. If I clip larger sections, I won't be able I clip as many ends as with smaller sections. And I can't clip straight across because my hair is too curly to do so. I twist my hair to stretch the length and ends a bit more to trim. I could cut straight across if I were to flat iron my hair but I'm not going to flat iron until around October or November.

How do you S&D? And how long does that usually take?

June 3rd, 2012, 07:15 AM
I trim whenever I feel like it, basically, which has worked out to about every 4 months-ish? but I've gone over a year without trimming before. I use Feye's method, either a really shallow V or a U shape. I guess having mostly straight hair makes it a lot simpler.

I'll have to check out Feye's mehod when I straighten my hair in the fall/winter. Thanks :D

June 3rd, 2012, 07:15 AM
I'm not about to recommend flat-ironing anyway.

I'm not sure whether S&D is good for thicker hair. I know mine isn't very thick so it's easy to do. I just sit down whenever I have the time and snip away... S&D is cutting off just the split ends, which is why I think with a big amount of hair it would be difficult/long to "sift" through your hair looking for split ends.

June 3rd, 2012, 07:16 AM
My mom trims my hair every 8-10 months I think :)

June 3rd, 2012, 07:17 AM
I haven't cut or trimmed my hair since summer 2005.

Every once in a while I might do S&D but I'm not sure when I did the last one.... maybe 6 months or a year ago? My hair is almost always up so I don't see or notice the ends. There's not much end-tangle so probably things are ok down there. ;)

June 3rd, 2012, 07:20 AM
Usually about once a month, since I maintain. In May I trimmed at least 3-4 times though, and I plan on trimming today again :o for no reason really, I am just a bit tired of the tailbone-ish length that it has been for a while.

How much do you nor ally trim each month to maintain?

June 3rd, 2012, 07:26 AM
How much do you nor ally trim each month to maintain?

How much do you you normally trim*

June 3rd, 2012, 07:27 AM
I trim about every 3 months. I used Feye's method for a while, but now that my hair is healthier I usually just microtrim it by taking small sections of hair, and snip of the very end. My hair is layered and wavy, so it dosent matter if it is not super even. This way I get many ends to, not just the longest ones.
When it gets longer, I will probably use Feyes method again, for a U shape, I think.
I will also start S & D when my hair gets longer, but I don't have many splits ATM, my hair is between APL and BSL now.

June 3rd, 2012, 07:32 AM
I'm not about to recommend flat-ironing anyway.

I'm not sure whether S&D is good for thicker hair. I know mine isn't very thick so it's easy to do. I just sit down whenever I have the time and snip away... S&D is cutting off just the split ends, which is why I think with a big amount of hair it would be difficult/long to "sift" through your hair looking for split ends.

Ok. I think you're right. I tried to S&D a section near my nape. It seemed it would take forever to finish my entire head so I just decided to trim instead of S&D

June 3rd, 2012, 07:38 AM
My mom trims my hair every 8-10 months I think :)

Wow. And your ends are doing fine on that schedule? I'm trying to see if I can stretch to trimming every 4-5 months to keep from cutting away too much

June 3rd, 2012, 07:51 AM
Wow. And your ends are doing fine on that schedule? I'm trying to see if I can stretch to trimming every 4-5 months to keep from cutting away too much

Yes. But I really never get split ends. The only reason I trim that "often" is to even out the hemline because some of my hairs grow faster than others :)

June 3rd, 2012, 08:08 AM
My hair's pretty curly too. I usually wash and french braid it to straighten it out a bit. Next I use a wide tooth comb to detangle, then a boar bristle brush. By now it is as straight and smooth as it ever will be. Then I use Fayes straight across by making a pony at the nape, and putting elastics all the way down. Then I snip off either 1/2 or 1 inch every other month, because I am getting rid of old bleach and reshaping my hem. Last year I grew, this year I shape. Next year I will grow again, so I will switch to 1/4 inch every other month. PS- I use the "trimming by the moon" method. The regularity has helped alot.

June 3rd, 2012, 08:10 AM
Here's the link for Feye's method, in case you haven't found it yet: http://feyeselftrim.livejournal.com/

It's actually an ideal method for wavy hair, in the 2-range. Wavy hair is more forgiving because mistakes are less obvious than on straight hair. Curly hair--if I were as curly as you, I would go to a place like Deva Chan (http://devachansalon.com/), which specializes in dry cuts for curly hair, and get a cut there. Lots of stylists have no clue how to work with curly hair and will wet and straighten it to cut it, and you get the dreaded pyramid look as a result.

But to answer your original question, I microtrim about 1/2" to even out my hemline once every 3 to 4 months. My hair grows unevenly into a natural V, and I want it to be more of a U, so I use the straight-across version of Feye's self trim.

June 3rd, 2012, 08:41 AM
I actually get a trim (from a hairdresser! Eek!) every 10 weeks. It's normally an inch I think, which explains why my hair grows so slowly. WhenI didn't get my hair trimmed for 2 years about 5 years ago I didn't like how it looked when it was long. But, that's probably got something to do with the fact I wasn't S & Ding at all and also because I used to do dye my hair a lot, use heat on my hair, aggressively brush my hair etc.

But even still I don't want to change my routine now, because my hair looks healthy. My hairdresser did get really miffed when I told her I wanted to change my 6 weekly trim to 10 weeks. But otherwise how would it actually get a change to grow! :(

Gah, what a load of babble! In answer to your question an inch or half an inch every 10 weeks. :D

June 3rd, 2012, 08:58 AM
Once or twice a year now.. I'm trying to skip 2012...

June 3rd, 2012, 08:58 AM
I had a lot of damage pre-LHC (and still some abuse from mommy-hair-care days) so earlier this year I gradually trimmed off 3 inches over a few months. It's a bit of length, but no one ever really notices and the ends looked so much better.
I haven't established a schedule for myself, so I only trim 1/4 of an inch when I notice that there are a lot of split ends at the end of my hair and I rather trim than S&D, which is what I do for the length of my hair.

June 3rd, 2012, 09:07 AM
I had the split ends so bad that I was trimming about 1/2 inch once a month for the past 3 months. I finally decided ENOUGH and trimmed off about 3 inches a couple of days ago. I hope this means I can go longer between small trims now, at least 2 months.

June 3rd, 2012, 09:09 AM
Twice a year I get a half inch trimmed off.

June 3rd, 2012, 09:09 AM
I do the exact same thing as you, haha! Sit there for hours snipping away. Just a bit less than you (half a cm, I think) and once every 3 to 4 months. And I plan to do feye's method once a year to even the hemline. :)

June 3rd, 2012, 09:24 AM
Due to the fact that I like to maintain my hair & not grow it, I have always thought it would be ideal to trim a few inches every 3/4 months. However, I'm lazy & I only ever end up trimming it twice a year.

June 3rd, 2012, 09:47 AM
Usually 1 to 4 times a year; it depends. It's been since September 2011 that my hair's been trimmed, since I'm currently on the no-trimming challenge.

June 3rd, 2012, 09:54 AM
How much do you you normally trim*

Normally, I'd say about 1,5 centimeters (bit more than half an inch) but I seem to have had a growth spurt this past month, no matter how much I trimmed, it stayed at pretty much the same spot on my body. Either I had a growth spurt, or my behind is getting bigger and bigger, making it hard for my hair to pass that place :D

June 3rd, 2012, 11:40 AM
I use Feye's method for a slight V shape (which is how my hair grows naturally; I just like for it to stay looking crisp) every 3 months. I typically cut just about half an inch off, so I cut roughly a third of my overall growth. I never S&D. No need to. My hair's not prone to splits, if I keep it up all the time and handle it gently. What split ends do form are trimmed off every three months.

June 3rd, 2012, 02:01 PM
I'm stretching my trims from every 3 months to now 4 months so I can get my layers a chance to grow out between trims. I have a great hairdresser who understands my goal, so luckily she cuts no more than 1/2 an inch!

June 3rd, 2012, 02:04 PM
Usually, I'll trim about every 4th month - grow, grow, grow, trim - grow, grow, grow trim - but this year I am doing the "No Trims in 2012" challenge, and I'm going to try to make it until January 1, 2013 with no trims. My last was on Dec 31, 2011.

June 3rd, 2012, 02:14 PM
I haven't cut or trimmed my hair since summer 2005.

Every once in a while I might do S&D but I'm not sure when I did the last one.... maybe 6 months or a year ago? My hair is almost always up so I don't see or notice the ends. There's not much end-tangle so probably things are ok down there. ;)

I may have to start having my hair up most of the time until I reach my goal length to cut back on trimming. My problem is that I love having my hair out :boohoo:

June 3rd, 2012, 02:16 PM
I trim about every 3 months. I used Feye's method for a while, but now that my hair is healthier I usually just microtrim it by taking small sections of hair, and snip of the very end. My hair is layered and wavy, so it dosent matter if it is not super even. This way I get many ends to, not just the longest ones.
When it gets longer, I will probably use Feyes method again, for a U shape, I think.
I will also start S & D when my hair gets longer, but I don't have many splits ATM, my hair is between APL and BSL now.

My hair is layered too. I also don't mind my ends being super even because I rarely wear my hair straight. Surprisingly, my ends looked pretty even the last time I flat ironed my hair :)

June 3rd, 2012, 02:19 PM
My hair's pretty curly too. I usually wash and french braid it to straighten it out a bit. Next I use a wide tooth comb to detangle, then a boar bristle brush. By now it is as straight and smooth as it ever will be. Then I use Fayes straight across by making a pony at the nape, and putting elastics all the way down. Then I snip off either 1/2 or 1 inch every other month, because I am getting rid of old bleach and reshaping my hem. Last year I grew, this year I shape. Next year I will grow again, so I will switch to 1/4 inch every other month. PS- I use the "trimming by the moon" method. The regularity has helped alot.

I think I could use your ponytail method on stretched out hair but my hair is layered. I wouldn't be able to clip all of the ends :(

June 3rd, 2012, 02:20 PM
My hair's pretty curly too. I usually wash and french braid it to straighten it out a bit. Next I use a wide tooth comb to detangle, then a boar bristle brush. By now it is as straight and smooth as it ever will be. Then I use Fayes straight across by making a pony at the nape, and putting elastics all the way down. Then I snip off either 1/2 or 1 inch every other month, because I am getting rid of old bleach and reshaping my hem. Last year I grew, this year I shape. Next year I will grow again, so I will switch to 1/4 inch every other month. PS- I use the "trimming by the moon" method. The regularity has helped alot.

Also, for the "trimming by the moon" method, how often is the trimming?

June 3rd, 2012, 02:21 PM
Ive trimmed twice in one month I think. Not alot...very very micro trim but I felt it needed it.
Usually though once a month or whenever I feel like I need to. When I trim I only take 1/8- 1/4 of an inch. I trim with the Moon so I just trimmed on the 1st :)

June 3rd, 2012, 02:23 PM
Here's the link for Feye's method, in case you haven't found it yet: http://feyeselftrim.livejournal.com/

It's actually an ideal method for wavy hair, in the 2-range. Wavy hair is more forgiving because mistakes are less obvious than on straight hair. Curly hair--if I were as curly as you, I would go to a place like Deva Chan (http://devachansalon.com/), which specializes in dry cuts for curly hair, and get a cut there. Lots of stylists have no clue how to work with curly hair and will wet and straighten it to cut it, and you get the dreaded pyramid look as a result.

But to answer your original question, I microtrim about 1/2" to even out my hemline once every 3 to 4 months. My hair grows unevenly into a natural V, and I want it to be more of a U, so I use the straight-across version of Feye's self trim.

My hair also grows into a natural V. I didn't notice this until I saw my hair straightened last month. I didn't see any Deva Chan locations near my area so I'll have to search for a similar type of salon :D

June 3rd, 2012, 02:26 PM
I actually get a trim (from a hairdresser! Eek!) every 10 weeks. It's normally an inch I think, which explains why my hair grows so slowly. WhenI didn't get my hair trimmed for 2 years about 5 years ago I didn't like how it looked when it was long. But, that's probably got something to do with the fact I wasn't S & Ding at all and also because I used to do dye my hair a lot, use heat on my hair, aggressively brush my hair etc.

But even still I don't want to change my routine now, because my hair looks healthy. My hairdresser did get really miffed when I told her I wanted to change my 6 weekly trim to 10 weeks. But otherwise how would it actually get a change to grow! :(

Gah, what a load of babble! In answer to your question an inch or half an inch every 10 weeks. :D

I self trim because I'm terrified of going to a hairdresser to trim my hair lol... The last time I went to a salon was about 2 years ago when I decided to grow out my natural hair. The hairdressers always cut off more than I wanted. When I was a high school freshman, a hairdresser decided to cut my hair all the way up to my ear.... I was not happy!! :mad:

June 3rd, 2012, 02:33 PM
I trim every year or so... sometimes every year and a half. I S&D all the time, though. I have someone I trust trim my hair.

June 3rd, 2012, 02:36 PM
An annual trim is what works for me.

June 3rd, 2012, 02:44 PM
2-3 months because I'm growing out thin, dyed ends and I want to get rid of them as fast as I can. I would trim every month, but my hair is pretty short as it is, and it's getting harder to use Feye's self trim method. After that I hope I could do it every 5-6 months.

June 3rd, 2012, 06:37 PM
I trim once or twice a year, when the ends get noticeably velcro-y and are instantly tangled when I've just detangled. I use Feye's straight-across self-trim and it takes less than 30 minutes per year. My hair is moderately curly, but I trim it (dry) when it has been braided or bunned to tame the curl. My hair is split-prone, but wearing it in buns and braids helps stave off my splits a lot. I also find that putting a few drops of oil on the ends of my hair seems to help postpone splits and the need for trims. I never S&D: hair is nice, but my sanity is precious to me.

June 3rd, 2012, 07:34 PM
Trying to push it as long as possible, but I'd say that by 3-4 months I need a "micro trim" (1/4 inch?).


June 4th, 2012, 06:50 AM
I do the exact same thing as you, haha! Sit there for hours snipping away. Just a bit less than you (half a cm, I think) and once every 3 to 4 months. And I plan to do feye's method once a year to even the hemline. :)

Haha. I feel a bit better knowing that I'm not the only one spending so much time just on trimming! :D

June 4th, 2012, 08:02 AM
I self trim because I'm terrified of going to a hairdresser to trim my hair lol... The last time I went to a salon was about 2 years ago when I decided to grow out my natural hair. The hairdressers always cut off more than I wanted. When I was a high school freshman, a hairdresser decided to cut my hair all the way up to my ear.... I was not happy!! :mad:

Wow, that would really frustrate me! That did happen to me once when the hairdresser took three inches instead of one about 4 years ago but as I wasn't growing my hair then it didn't really bother me.

I'm lucky enough that my hairdresser knows my hair growing needs and I've been going to her for years. She knows to cut off the bare minimum luckily. I wouldn't trust anyone else to cut my hair! Sadly, not even me.

June 4th, 2012, 02:39 PM
Well I haven't trimmed my hair since January 2011 lol. I just S&D

June 4th, 2012, 02:58 PM
At the moment I trimmed just once this year, before that not for over a year. I am planning to do another microtrim in the fall somewhere. But that is about it for this year. I go inbetween trims 6 months to sometimes 2 years. It all depends on how much I trim, when larger trims, few inches are done, then I can easily do 2 years without, but when they are microtrims I do once per 6 months on average.

June 4th, 2012, 03:43 PM
I guess it depends on what you mean by "trim." I haven't had more than 1/4" trimmed off my hair since 2009. I do microtrims (1/4" or less) whenever it seems necessary--sometimes monthly, sometimes every six months. I do S & D regularly as well.

June 4th, 2012, 03:58 PM
Only when I notice that I need it. So far that's about every 6-8 months and I usually only need to lose about a half inch so that isn't too bad. I could probably avoid it if I would s&d but I'm not that patient

June 4th, 2012, 04:05 PM
I love to trim my hair so I have to talk myself out of trimming. I'm still growing out a pixie/head shave so my hair is all different lengths and it grows at different rates. I usually trim about 1/4 inch every 2 months, but not the whole hemline, just the little longer bits. Even cutting that tiny bit off makes a difference, makes my hair feel so much better!

June 5th, 2012, 05:37 AM
Once a year? I went to a hair dresser for the last time in early 2011, then I didn't trim until March this year. I never find any split ends, but I figured they had to be there, so I cut off a cm or so. I can't S&D much of my hair since it's too short for me to be able to get all the ends in view.

June 5th, 2012, 06:23 AM
I trim whenever I feel like I need it. I S&D when I see a split end, and I use Faye's method to take off about a half an inch every 5-6 months. This is because I am trying to grow out my layers and I am willing to sacrifice a few inches of growth per year in order to get my hemline to be all one length.

June 15th, 2012, 02:55 AM
I havent trimmed my hair for 1 year now. Think im going to do a mini-trim soon :)

June 15th, 2012, 03:06 AM
At the moment I trim each month or so (I got a little scissor happy last month, eek!) to thicken up my ends. My taper is wicked, but I have a lot of baby hair growing down. I plan to maintain at waist for at least another year before I decide if I'd like to grow further. I use Feye's v shape method on damp hair, it's really not too tricky once you get used to doing it.

June 15th, 2012, 06:36 AM
1/2 cm every 3 mounths for me!

June 15th, 2012, 04:12 PM
I trim when my hair cannot comb or hardly... about each 6-9 months a few cm, about 5cm.

June 15th, 2012, 04:16 PM
I don't have a set schedule, I just trim as needed. It seems to be about once, maybe twice a year. I just got 1/4 inch taken off yesterday.