View Full Version : Thank you LHC!

May 28th, 2012, 12:26 PM
So I've always had longish hair and treated it pretty good. Still my hair felt a little straw like and my DH said it stuck to him like velcro. Since coming here I've modified a few things like using oil and rarely brushing (combing instead.) I noticed the difference in texture awhile ago and it seems fairly silky now, especially the growth I've gotten over the 1 1/2 years I've been here.

Well this whole time my husband hasn't really commented unless it's to joke about me being on here. He doesn't comment on the new styles I've learned unless I ask him. Then he just says it's nice or pretty, but that they all look the same. LOL

The other day he was touching my hair and commented on how nice it felt! He also said how happy he was that it didn't try to overtake him anymore! :cheese: I reminded him it's all because of the site he teases me about. ;)

I just wanted to thank all of you on here for this. The advice and support on this site is invaluable to me. I know I'm not on much anymore, but I still look to this site when I need.

May 28th, 2012, 01:02 PM
Your hair is pretty. I am happy for you and I can't wait to see my hair in another year and a half. I want to ask you..I know that in general your hair improved a lot but do you see a difference between the hair you already had and the hair you grew since you joined..?

excuse my grammar or spelling mistakes

May 28th, 2012, 02:19 PM
I know what you mean. My virgin hair is soooooooo soft and shiny. :D I mean, the rest of it is great, too, but I can't wait until all of my hair is virgin again! From the ears up is just wonderful.

May 28th, 2012, 04:30 PM
onlyfor him Other than the texture difference between the older hair and the newer growth not really. The only thing is I was pretty good before I found this place. I only washed my hair twice a week. I didn't straighten or blow dry. I only dyed about once a year, if that, with temporary dye. If you do any of that, or all of it, there will probably be a huge difference in the hair you have now and the new growth.

Dwell in safety That's going to be a looong time for me, but I am looking forward to that day too! I used a semi-permanent black dye November of 09 that didn't completely come out. I can't wait until that is all out of my hair. Right now that's around SL. LOL

May 28th, 2012, 04:58 PM
I understand that feeling my hair has improved from the things I've learned from here.