View Full Version : Are There Any Ladies on Here Who Do NOT Oil?

May 19th, 2012, 09:50 PM
This is just for my own curiosity. Sometimes I feel like oiling does not suit my hair and I was wondering if anyone on here has gorgeous long hair but does not oil. I tried Neelbrighadi oil but it made my head itch quite a lot. Coconut oil is ok but if I get a tiny bit too much on it doesn't wash out and makes my hair greasy for days. Sometimes I also feel like I lose more hair when I oil. I did like Nightblooming's Triple Moon Oil, I am just on a very tight budget so I am trying to figure out which items are absolutely necessary for my hair. I know there are many oils, but I live in an area where they are limited! Any thought on this? Is oiling not for everyone? I usually mix aloe vera gel in with my conditioner and then do a rosemary rinse as well.

May 19th, 2012, 09:54 PM
I had never tried oil before LHC and I have had hair to about TB before. Oil is not really my "thing" but I occasionally use just a tad on my ends. Probably just because I have it around and get tired of always using my conditioner. I haven't noticed that any oil makes my hair any better. My hair is my hair and never looks much different, whatever I do. If something changes it for the worse (like heat styling), I note that and try not to repeat it. So, you can definitely have healthy long hair without oil. It is all about finding what works for you.

May 19th, 2012, 09:55 PM
I wouldn't call my hair "gorgeous and long," but it's waist-ish and in okay condition. I don't use oils. I've tried several times over the years, but oils don't do anything for my hair except make it snarly and lint-prone. :shrug: My hair seems to do better with silicones and serums.

May 19th, 2012, 09:56 PM
I don't oil, I may have tried it once and don't remember, or I just bought the coconut oil and used it for other things. I just know I have the oil, and don't oil my hair. I don't have the time or the patience to mess with it, and my current routine is working fine for me.

May 19th, 2012, 10:19 PM
I don't have beautiful or long hair, and I don't oil. I'll put some conditioner (pea sized amount) and put it on my ends after I shower to combat my dry ends that are left over from years of chemical dying and heat styling. Oil has never really worked with my hair either. It makes it not good. I've tried 4 different kinds and I like none of them.

May 19th, 2012, 10:38 PM
I don't oil, my hair is past knee. I just shampoo and condition every day and am very gentle with my hair, always wear it up. I tried oiling and wasn't impressed, just not for me.

May 19th, 2012, 10:48 PM
I find it that oiling mostly leaves my hair feeling icky and heavy... so I avoid it... of course there are some times in which I am tempted to see if it works, so I oil again, only to find out it has the same effect than the last time I tried (unexpected, huh? haha) and it's also very hard to remove; it really saturates my hair. I've tried with coconut, almond and EVOO, all of them having the same result.

Oiling is not for me, honey is what truly makes my hair happy.

May 19th, 2012, 10:57 PM
I just hit classic, and I don't oil. Never actually tried it. I've been thinking maybe I should give it a go, but I'm an incredibly lazy benign neglect person, so I probably won't get around to it.

May 19th, 2012, 11:37 PM
I didn't oil for years because the few time that I tried it, I ended shampooing 2-3 times in a row, making my hair totally out of shape.

I read a few months ago that CWC was a good way to take off oils. I tried it and was suprised, oil was all gone and hait was super happy !

Maybe it's the way to take it off that make your hair unhappy or it's just that your hair doesn't like oil at all !

May 20th, 2012, 12:33 AM
I appreciate all the responses! It is so good to know that long hair is possible without oil. I might lay off for awhile and see what happens.
Finnenna, I like you idea about conditioner on the ends. I might try that with my conditioner because it is herbal and 100 % natural and chem free so I don't see what it would hurt as long as I didn't put too much. It also has some oil in it but of course it's mixed in with other things.
NymphSpirit, that is me exactly! Both EVOO and coconut oil really saturate my hair. Maybe it's just not for me.

May 20th, 2012, 12:34 AM
I find it that oiling mostly leaves my hair feeling icky and heavy... so I avoid it... of course there are some times in which I am tempted to see if it works, so I oil again, only to find out it has the same effect than the last time I tried (unexpected, huh? haha) and it's also very hard to remove; it really saturates my hair. I've tried with coconut, almond and EVOO, all of them having the same result.

Oiling is not for me, honey is what truly makes my hair happy.
How do you use the honey? That is an interesting idea.

May 20th, 2012, 01:25 AM
I never oiled before about two weeks ago when I finally found some jojoba ol. My hair is really thin so anything at all heavy makes it lank. It's quite cheap too so maybe work a go? I have stupidly dry ends from bleeching (3 times!) but I think if I had virgin hair it would be alright without. It comes out easily with my shampoo as well.

May 20th, 2012, 01:47 AM
I don't oil. I tried several types when I first joined LHC, but in the end I realized it's just not for me. My hair prefers 'cones (^(oo)^)v

May 20th, 2012, 01:51 AM
I don't oil. Not now, and neither when my hair was still almost tailbone.

It just doesn't work for me. I tried several kinds of oil, but they all leave my hair dry and brittle most of the time.

May 20th, 2012, 02:01 AM
I haven't yet tried any deep treatments with oil but I have tried putting coconut oil on the ends when my hair was dry - it sort of just sat there and didn't feel good.

I melted some coconut oil a couple of days ago and put it on wet hair as the only thing I left it and it went very curly but also heavy, very dark in shade and crunchy. I did manage to crunch most of it out through the day.

My best success with using coconut oil was putting the cone free conditioner I use for co washing on as a leave in and then putting coconut oil on top of that but only on the very ends and lightly and this way it turned out better than just using the co wash co as a leave in on it's own.

I found some grapeseed oil yesterday which was cheaper at £3.60 and I scrunched a tiny amount into my ends when my hair was dry yesterday and my hair seemed to like it a lot but it's a very light oil.

As for treatments I am quite nervous about using them for a treatment without finding out a few of the ways people manage to get them out of their hair before I slap it on! :)

May 20th, 2012, 02:03 AM
I don't oil, my hair is past knee. I just shampoo and condition every day and am very gentle with my hair, always wear it up. I tried oiling and wasn't impressed, just not for me.
Ditto...not worth the time and trouble.

May 20th, 2012, 05:48 AM
I've tried lots of different oils. and the only one my hair can tolerate is Argan, in tiny quantities.
In larger amounts, that, the same as every other oil makes my hair gross, greasy, brittle and crunchy.
Oils suit some peoples' hair very well, but they're certainly NOT necessary, in every case, to grow long healthy hair.

May 20th, 2012, 10:46 AM
Never used oil. Brushing 100 strokes a day with my bbb kept my hair healthy, soft and shiny.

May 20th, 2012, 10:51 AM
Yea! I didn't realize there were so many people on here who did not oil. It's very encouraging, because all of you have such lovely hair so at least now I know it is possible! :)

May 20th, 2012, 11:01 AM
Olive oil turned my hair into a greasy, crunchy mess, as did the much-praised coconut oil. Tiny, tiny amounts of baby oil were okay-ish but more often than not has a tendency to leave my hair stringy. I've switched back to coney conditioners as a result, although I only use SLS/cones half the times I wash my hair now.

May 20th, 2012, 11:09 AM
Well, I don't know about long and gorgeous, but my hair is past waist and in decent condition, and I don't oil. I occasionally did pre-wash oilings for a while, but even that never really seemed do anything for my hair that I can't get with just conditioning it in the shower. And oiling it between or after washings is just disaster - flat, limp and stringy hair ahoy.

May 20th, 2012, 01:06 PM
My hair is a couple inches past classic and I don't oil. My hair has more of a tendency to be greasy than dry, so there isn't really any point.

May 20th, 2012, 01:15 PM
I've never been able to get oil to look good on my length, although I do usually use some Triple Anointing Oil on my scalp about an hour before washing.

Panacea works really well for me, but oil never absorbs and just sits there looking weird. And I never noticed a change in condition while I was giving it a shot.

May 20th, 2012, 01:18 PM
I work with a girl who has gorgeous tailbone-long hair which she does not oil. The ends are blunt. She rarely even wears protective styles!!! She leaves it down everyday, she has not had a major cut in 4 years, she trims about an inch or two every few months, and her hair just grows and grows and grows. She was blessed with thick blonde hair (individual hairs are thick, and she has a LOT of it on her head.)

So very lucky! So, NOT oiling can work for some people, but I assume it has something to do with her very thick hair; it is very strong and she has some to spare, so losing strands due to any damage/breakage is probably not noticeable.

May 20th, 2012, 01:28 PM
I used olive oil a few times in the past, but I got bored and it didn't really do much, so now I don't oil and my hair seems okay with it :D

May 20th, 2012, 03:15 PM
I've tried oiling, but it doesn't seem to make much (positive) difference for me.

EVOO was a mess. It took me weeks to get my hair back to normal, it kept clumping and looking like it needed to be washed...ugh.

Coconut didn't seem to make much difference either way.

The only reason I use oils now is because sometimes my scalp gets too dry, so then I'll massage in a little bit of skin-friendly oil like safflower (not the best for hair, but good for skin - coconut oil on my skin gives me painful breakouts). As long as I only use a little bit, it doesn't seem to make me look greasy, but then, I have very thick hair that tends to hid greasies well.


May 21st, 2012, 02:12 AM
Also, I meant to say this earlier and forgot - don't forget that we have men around here too, it's not just ladies. Don't want to exclude the fellas!


May 21st, 2012, 04:51 PM
Also, I meant to say this earlier and forgot - don't forget that we have men around here too, it's not just ladies. Don't want to exclude the fellas!

I'm sorry if I offended anyone! :( I was just speaking to the ladies as a lady myself but I did not mean to leave out men. I apologize.

May 21st, 2012, 05:10 PM
I use coconut oil as a leave in, but i only apply a little to freshly washed damp hair which has had some conditioner smoothed through first. I don't bbb or anything, just spread it through, tangle teeze and leave. I certainly works a lot better for my curly hair than cones of the past (i do notice my hair looks a bit darker though, despite coconut oil being white :/ ) and is quick and easy.

My hair is quite fine and flyaway so coconut oil mixed with aloe vera makes my hair behave when i bun or braid.

Sunflower, olive and canola oil all just made my hair look a greasy mess. So far coconut on the lengths has been the only one to work, ive got some almond to try out though just because it was super cheap. Pre-wash oilings and long, heavy applications just make my hair frizz!

May 21st, 2012, 05:22 PM
I've tried using different oils but only jojoba works for my hair. I do oil my ends at night using just a drop. But, I've found that chamomile tea w/ a little bit of honey in it as a rinse after CWC is doing more for my hair than anything else I've found so far. It's really great for controlling my frizz.

May 21st, 2012, 06:00 PM
I use coconut oil on my length when I wear braids, but it's not for conditioning-- just so I don't have those pokey-out hairs. :p I'll occasionally use coconut oil on my ends, but honestly, my hair doesn't seem to care one way or another about oil. My scalp does, though. Every time I oil, I shed like crazy! My scalp hates it. :(

May 21st, 2012, 06:07 PM
I have never tried oil, despite all the advice on this board.

May 21st, 2012, 06:07 PM
I do not oil. Until very recently in my life I've been fighting the greasies, and oil was the last thing I'd want to put on my hair. Now that I'm WO or SO/NW ( bouncing back and forth, cannot decide) I fear oil would be a terrible mistake.

Slug Yoga
May 21st, 2012, 06:18 PM
I don't. I feel like I "should," but I never got the hang of doing it on a regular basis (as opposed to for deep conditioning). Never got the hang of the amount I should use, so my hair would look too oily too fast.

May 21st, 2012, 06:21 PM
Apart from using baby oil on my ends, I've never tried oil. Prepackaged hot oil treatments, yes, I've tried those, but not straight-up, regular oils.

May 21st, 2012, 07:16 PM
I don't oil. I tried several types when I first joined LHC, but in the end I realized it's just not for me. My hair prefers 'cones (^(oo)^)v

I used olive oil a few times in the past, but I got bored and it didn't really do much, so now I don't oil and my hair seems okay with it :D

Both the above.

I just sort of stopped doing it and cannot remember how long it has been. I have desperately tried oiling, though, just sure it would give my hair that edge. It always seemed to at first, then after a few times...nothing. I woudl get excited, then get disappointed and try another oil.

I do like oils, though, just not really for my hair. I used them in winter, I think, most, to keep moisture in. I just use S&C and lots of cones and AVG for my braids. I still experiment with products here and there but the old Pantene Routine is what I keep going back to.

Long and gorgeous? Only on photo days. LOL

May 21st, 2012, 07:18 PM
I don't really oil. Unless you count using a tiny dot of Moroccan oil on my ends after showering when damp. But I don't oil my whole length and leave it on, washing it out hours later.

May 21st, 2012, 07:27 PM
I have been oiling since January and not quite sure what I think yet to tell you the truth. I may end up being one that doesnt oil. I had wonderful results with Mira hair oil but stopped because its way too expensive. My hair hates coconut and I use castor oil and 100% argon oil on my scalp and 100% sweet almond oil on the length. I oil every other night, sleep with it in, and wash out in the morning. I still dont really know what to think about it. Its not like I wake up with really nice hair. Trying to figure out what my hair likes and is good for it is exhausting!:lol: I may end up ditiching the oil and doing smt's. So undecided:(

May 21st, 2012, 07:30 PM
I use coconut oil on my length when I wear braids, but it's not for conditioning-- just so I don't have those pokey-out hairs. :p I'll occasionally use coconut oil on my ends, but honestly, my hair doesn't seem to care one way or another about oil. My scalp does, though. Every time I oil, I shed like crazy! My scalp hates it. :(

I started using olive oil this week. My hair loves it but I'm having the same scalp issues. My scalp is now sore, red, and VERY tender. I'm scared to try any other oils now. I was going to try coconut next. I don't think I will now. My hair was doing fine without the oil anyway.

May 21st, 2012, 07:46 PM
*un-lurk mode*
When I first started on LHC I doing a natural routine with oil and organic products. I felt like my hair was a mess. Oil (no matter which I used) made my hair crunchy, stringy and tangled. I loved the concept of pampering and applying the oil through my hair. Unfortunately concepts didn't didn't translate well into reality for me.
Glad I found this thread. I always felt left out of the oil bandwagon here since I went back to conventional products. I guess oil is not for me, kudos to those who can use it with good results.
*lurk mode*

elbow chic
May 21st, 2012, 09:14 PM
I tried it for awhile. Like the idea... but in practice it mostly just gives me buildup.

May 21st, 2012, 10:16 PM
I've often wondered if oiling is only good for those of us who don't produce a lot of natural oil to begin with.

I could go years without washing my hair and still never have an oily scalp. I literally pour oil on my hair and it disappears, soaked up without a trace.

However, my friends who have to wash their hair to avoid oiliness or build-up...they can do just fine without all the leave-ins. They just need to keep their hair clean, conditioned and away from mechanical stress.

May 22nd, 2012, 03:41 AM
I said on the baby oil thread I was going to stop using mineral (baby) oil, and after one more attempt at using it on dry hair I decided just use it on my skin once and for all.

As a wet hair leave-in it stopped a great deal of frizz, but that only lasted for as long as my hair was damp and air drying. My hair felt horrible as it was drying. I would occasionally either use the oil either by itself on towel-dried hair or in tandem with a Suave coneless conditioner.

As a dry leave-in, I think it takes around 24 hours to really soak in, and even then I really don't know.

I found better detangling with olive oil, but I don't think I am sold on the oils in general.

May 22nd, 2012, 05:41 AM
I've often wondered if oiling is only good for those of us who don't produce a lot of natural oil to begin with.

I could go years without washing my hair and still never have an oily scalp. I literally pour oil on my hair and it disappears, soaked up without a trace.

However, my friends who have to wash their hair to avoid oiliness or build-up...they can do just fine without all the leave-ins. They just need to keep their hair clean, conditioned and away from mechanical stress.

My scalp oil (sebum) never comes close to reaching the ends of my hair. It seems to have worked its way down to about shoulder length by the time wash day comes around but that is it, which is why a lot of people only oil the length or ends.

May 22nd, 2012, 06:04 AM
I have never oiled my hair, it gets oily enough without my help!

May 22nd, 2012, 06:15 AM
I don't oil my hair. I have fine wavy hair. I tried it for a while but really didn't like what it did to my hair - it made it dryer, straighter and it appeared even thinner than it already is. I do CO religiously though and I'm thinking about trying mineral oil on my ends. I just cut them off so they're ok for now.

May 22nd, 2012, 06:55 AM
In general, oiling tends to weight down my hair and make it look clumpy/greasy. It's a fine line (pun intended!) between keeping my hair weighed down and wanting it to have slip/movement.

After many years of experimenting, I've come to realize regular oiling is not great for me. I do use a little something (MO or conditioner) on the ends after a shower, but otherwise I save the oiling for DTs (coconut).

Long but Not Gorgeous (still workin' on that) :D