View Full Version : Babyfine nape hairs

April 19th, 2012, 12:10 AM
I was wondering... does anyone else have medium or corse hair everywhere but the nape?

My hair is very sturdy and medium almost everywhere. Accept where is ultra baby fine at the nape. They are not the short wee nape hairs that never grow, they actually get to be like 7 plus inches before they break off in any sort of light breeze.

If you do have the baby fine nape hairs, how the heck do you grow those things out and keep them from getting broken off by everything??

With backs packs, purses, and the wind I feel like I will never grow them out to a manageable length. :(

April 19th, 2012, 12:18 AM
I was wondering... does anyone else have medium or corse hair everywhere but the nape?

My hair is very sturdy and medium almost everywhere. Accept where is ultra baby fine at the nape. They are not the short wee nape hairs that never grow, they actually get to be like 7 plus inches before they break off in any sort of light breeze.

If you do have the baby fine nape hairs, how the heck do you grow those things out and keep them from getting broken off by everything??

With backs packs, purses, and the wind I feel like I will never grow them out to a manageable length. :(

Hmmmm... Well, mine curl up if it's at all humid, which is quite charming, so I don't mind them. How do you style your hair? Chronic, tight ponytailing might be a problem.

April 19th, 2012, 12:21 AM
A basic shorter hair fork twist, a low pony, or half up half down.