View Full Version : GRAHHHHHH! Really, hair? Really!?

April 13th, 2012, 05:10 PM
So yesterday I was brushing my hair with my Tangle Teaser, and in looking at the ends for no good reason, I found quite a few splits. This angers me because I don't know where they came from. I went two years without trimming and didn't have any splits. I only trimmed my hair back in Nov. because I wanted a blunt hemline. I didn't get one; I would've had to trim off too much hair.

Whatever happened here had to be fairly recent, or I would've noticed before now. Or at least, the problem would be worse. I haven't been using any heat or chemicals, only used a comb or TT, and did it gently from the ends up. I've got four possibilities:

1) ACV rinses. I don't think this is the culprit. It's diluted (2tblsp to about 2 cups of water), I'm focusing it on my scalp rather than the length and ends, and it only sits for as long as it takes to soap up and rinse off my body before it gets rinsed thoroughly and followed with several handfuls of conditioner.

2) Extra virgin olive oil. I don't think this is it, either. I switched to olive oil at the same time I started the ACV treatments (a couple months, maybe). I'm going back to coconut oil since I haven't seen any difference and coconut oil is easier for me to use. I have no idea how or why olive oil would make my ends split when coconut oil didn't; I use it the exact same way.

3) My Tangle Teaser. When I was looking at reviews for it on Amazon I noticed that for every one calling it the greatest invention in the hair history, there was one saying "it's terrible; it ruined my ends!". I just took that to mean that as with everything else in the world, it just doesn't work for everyone; nothing works for everyone. And I admit I haven't always been as careful with the TT as I am with my comb; I'm not immune to hype.

4) I've considered the possibility that my hair just naturally splits at this length. The last time my hair was this long, years ago, it had worse splits than this. I assumed it was because I was ripping the pick attachment of a blowdrier through it, sometimes breaking off teeth. But I haven't been doing that, so...

I suspect it's either 3 or 4. Or a little of both.

I trimmed my hair again today, but I don't think it did a lot of good. I used Feye's method for a blunt hemline, but it still isn't blunt. I would have to go all the way back to shoulder for that, and that isn't happening.

This just feels so unfair. I only used heat on my bangs, and I stopped that when I started growing them out. No blow drying or flat ironing anything else. For years. I prefer my hair straight. The braid waves I've been rocking on the rare occasions I wear it down are alright, but I like the way it looks straightened better. For years I've put up with not having my hair look the way I really wanted it to for the sake of not damaging it, and for what? It's damaged anyway. If I'm going to be in a cycle of grow some/trim a little no matter what I do, then why shouldn't I have the hair I really want, rather than the best I can get with just oiling and damp-braiding like I've been doing?

Have any of you had this experience?

April 13th, 2012, 05:13 PM
Sometime people just get splits, just because- not because of anything they are doing! There are tons of people on here who don't dye, use heat, are very gentle with their hair and still get splits.

April 13th, 2012, 05:17 PM
Just wearing your hair down causes splits. Think of how often your hair gets caught on your purse strap, rubs against your hair, ect. :/
Also, wind can cause damage too, along with sun making the hair more brittle.

April 13th, 2012, 05:18 PM
yes, me! i always keep finding those splits on my hair and i get really mad because i take a lot of care than before when i use to flat, dye, and do horrible things to my hair, but i came to the conclusion that maybe the thing causing them is my old pair of scissors im going to buy new ones but im waiting till my next trim because if i buy them now maybe i get anxious for trying them and ended up cutting my length, maybe the same thing is happening to you

April 13th, 2012, 05:27 PM
Sometime people just get splits, just because- not because of anything they are doing! There are tons of people on here who don't dye, use heat, are very gentle with their hair and still get splits.

This. ^^ I don't think it's because of something you did or used. Sometimes these things just happen.

April 13th, 2012, 06:11 PM
This. ^^ I don't think it's because of something you did or used. Sometimes these things just happen.

Yeah, I have the bad feeling my hair just splits. But I'm going to put the Tangle Teaser away for a couple months anyway, and see.

@ lolot: I don't think it's my scissors, since they didn't cause any problems when I was using them to trim my bangs.

April 13th, 2012, 06:21 PM
The only time in my life my hair has ever had splits was the brief time that I used my tangle teazer :(

My cats have it now and I haven't had any more splits.

April 13th, 2012, 07:29 PM
I blame the tangle teaser, some people do have bad results with it. *big hugs* I hope your hair feels better soon. :)

April 13th, 2012, 08:51 PM
It doesnt matter how well you try to care for your hair, the weather, pollution, dust, your clothes, can wreck havok....and considering you havn't cut your hair in two years.....have you even done any S&D?

Try to find a balance between good haircare and having the style that you want. Life is too short.

April 13th, 2012, 09:29 PM
Your hair could just be getting to a length where it experiences more friction--from handbag and backpack straps, from the backs of chairs, tangles from rubbing against clothing--and that's causing splits.

Also, depending on your hairtype, it could be at a length where it is starting to tangle more easily and severely.

Hold off on the tangle teezer for now, do an S&D, and see how your hair fares.