View Full Version : Favorite hair styles for mommys

April 3rd, 2012, 01:05 AM
My boyfriend and I are expecting our first in 5 and a half months or so. I'm also basically my baby cousin's babysitter, I spend 75% of my time watching her as her parents can't right now. She's 6 months old and a little hair monster! If my hairs down she's sticking it in her mouth, weaving it in her little fingers and pulling out chunks at a time, tugging on my braid. I've come to the conclusion that updo's are going to be my hair's best friend for the next few years (if I want to have any hair left!) I ordered my first 60thstreet fork, ficcare and flexi-8 the other day to prepare.
Any momma's out there want to share your favorite ways to protect your hair from little children?

April 3rd, 2012, 02:00 AM
I'm not a mum, but work in a childcare centre and have little nieces and nephews running around and braided buns are awesome :) Buns in claw clips/forks are also good.. unless you're sat on the floor 'cause I've found my nephew loves pulling my hair forks out.. Basically anything that's up and out of the way is great! That's why I like a braided bun, no hair sticking out either so nothing to grab a hold of.

April 3rd, 2012, 05:50 AM
I'm going to be a mom in about 2 months! :) I plan on just wearing my hair up in a bun with hair sticks, like I normally do.

April 3rd, 2012, 06:20 AM
I work at a nursery school in the infant room. I like to do a french braid with the tail folded up and held with a flexi8. The interlaced braids style is also very comfortable and will hold all day with only one or two pins.

April 3rd, 2012, 06:26 AM
Congrats! Your best friends are going to be buns. If your braid is long believe me the baby will find a way of tugging at it. That's why I stopped doing them until recent. I would be careful with with using hairsticks, especially if they are long. Sometimes when you go pick up the baby you could poke him/her in the head or face with them when you put it on your shoulders.

April 3rd, 2012, 11:49 AM
I didn't even think about that with hair sticks. A hairstick or fork to the eye would be terrible!
Hmm hopefully having to bun my hair at all times will benefit my hair in the long run. Thanks for the advice!

April 3rd, 2012, 11:52 AM
I got my hair cut short. I was pretty successful at putting my hair up out of baby's way during the day, but when I had to get up in the middle of the night to deal with baby, I always had bits of hair stringing down, and baby's fingers - sometimes with barf or poo on them - were always grasping whatever hair they could reach. Ick! There - 1/2 inch - grab that if you can!

April 3rd, 2012, 08:43 PM
I didn't even think about that with hair sticks. A hairstick or fork to the eye would be terrible!
Hmm hopefully having to bun my hair at all times will benefit my hair in the long run. Thanks for the advice!

You might try spin pins. They're pretty awesome.

April 4th, 2012, 04:54 PM
When my boys were younger, especially the older one, my hair was waist and shorter, and I would leave it down, and he would always be fascinated with it... he loved to pull my hair. Eventually, after repeatedly getting upset with him and telling him to leave my hair alone, he finally stopped touching it. Then the younger one came.. now-a-days, he'll pick at the hairs on the top of my head when I'm sitting on the floor.. he'll pull out one hair lol Or pull at the end of my ponytail. So I will at that point put it up in a lazy wrap bun w/stick. But they're getting better.. and I'm also getting better at not letting him get behind me on the floor if my hair is down.. heh

April 4th, 2012, 06:11 PM
I'm due in August and planning on buns held up with flexi-8's or spin pins. They're pretty awesome. Out of the way completely and nothing for baby (and eventually to toddler) to grab.