View Full Version : I'm quite lucky really

April 2nd, 2012, 02:09 PM
I've decided I want hair from a young age, so by the time I'm 18 (just over 4 years) I will have reached my hair goal and be able to maintain my hair for the rest of my life. It must be really frustrating as an adult to want longer hair.

How old are you, and how old were you when you decided you want long(er) hair? :)

April 2nd, 2012, 02:13 PM
I've always wanted long hair. but when i was a teen i wanted to experiment. nothing wrong with that. so i chopped all my hair off. i dont think its harder to grow it out when you are an adult. it really all depends on how well your body is functioning so it can actually do its job. when i was a teen, long hair wasnt a priority. now it is. we all go through different stages.

April 2nd, 2012, 02:14 PM
I was like, 11? 10? When I started growing my hair out (or however old I was in 5th grade). 8 years, a lot of crazy stylists, self-trims, and a health-induced shed later, and I am not yet at my goal.

I don't see how it would be frustrating as an adult to grow out long hair though. You at 13 decide to grow out your hair. It will take time. Someone who is say, 20, or 40, or 60, will still decide at one point to grow out their hair and it will still take about the same time to achieve their goal.:confused:

Is it really going to take you 4 years? You look like you have 1 year until the length reaches waist, and maybe 2~3 years until your shortest layer reaches waist. (assuming your profile goal length is correct).

April 2nd, 2012, 02:18 PM
I've always wanted long hair , I also had long hair since I was very young , there was a time when I had short hear ( I was maybe 12 ) it was first and last time . Beside that one time I always had BSL or longer and now at APL + it is the shortest it has been in the last 20 years and it is driving me nuts , but I am growing back , hope to be happy again by the end of the year at BSL.

April 2nd, 2012, 02:23 PM
I had a good run with heat styling and teasing. I'm actually happy I'm growing my hair out now because now I've done all the damaging stuff and I'm over it.

April 2nd, 2012, 02:57 PM
I started wanting longer hair when I was 17. I grew it to hip by the time I was 19, and then cut it to chin after a very traumatic event.

I'm now growing it out again, and want it longer than before- I want to grow it to classic this time! :) I'm 23.

April 2nd, 2012, 03:07 PM
I'm 23 and had long hair multiple times..When i was 11 i went from MBL to a pixie and at 12 i started to grow it out again.
I was 16 when i cut my hiplength hair back to a bob,i experimented a lot those years and now i have tailbone length hair growing to classic:-)

April 2nd, 2012, 03:09 PM
I have a 13 year old daughter. She had hip length hair and was over the long hair and cut back to between shoulder and APL. She loves it shorter instead of longer.

Our goals and hair ideals change throughout our life.

For 13, you are very computer savvy and articulate. I do hope you have asked proper permission from adults to post your pictures on a public forum.

I have had my hair short and long and everywhere in between. I suppose I go through phases. I don't see one as a disadvantage to another. I have done dye, I have done pixie, I have done shag and even (gasp) mullet. I have done perms and straighteners, feathers and teasing, etc. You may get long hair and decide, like my dd, that it was not for you afterall.

I really liked my hair when it was about APL with a medium curl perm and shag cut. It was easy to care for, cute and looked good on me.

I honestly am not sure why I decided I wanted long hair again and have no date when I decided to grow, it just sort of happened from neglect. When I started getting compliments on my hair length, I started paying attention to the length.

I had waist length hair when I was 20, then not again until I was 33. It was around then I decided to really grow it "super long" (what I called super long then was hip length). Once I got there, well...I have no idea where I will stop.

April 2nd, 2012, 03:13 PM
At 27 I have finally decided to go for the long hair I have dreamed of since I was about 3!! In reality I never would have been able to grow my hair long as a teen because I started bleaching it at age 11 or 12 and kept up with that until I was 25! My hair was in terrible condition as I flat ironed it every day from about the age of 14 until 22! So yes, in one way you are lucky b/c you will know how to properly care for your hair at an earlier age. You will know about everything from different shampoo methods, combing methods, protective styles and hair toys, and things to avoid like the blowfryer and flat iron and so on. And although that is certainly an advantage, no matter the age anyone tries growing out their hair, they will have relatively the same growth, possible set backs, and changing goals that you yourself may have at some point in your life.

From what I have come to learn, you may want your hair one way and decide years later you are ready for a change...whether that's layers, shorter hair, bangs, growing out bangs/layers, rebounding from a bad cut/trim, playing with henna/indigo, color, blunt cut vs V cut, shorter hair or growing to terminal, as long as you are passionate about your hair, you will always have dreams and goals for it no matter how young you start out!! :)

April 2nd, 2012, 03:14 PM
I am 24 and at age 22 I started growing my hair after shaving off my dreadhawk.

I had just had dreadlocks for almost three years, before my hair had been neon pink, blue, purple, green orange and everything in between..

My younger years (between 13 and 19) were primarily for experimtnation and doing crazy things as I did not need to have a job or social acceptance.

Now I still don't need social acceptance (i guess being in fringe groups for so long makes you not desire it anymore heh lol), and it is the perfect tim for me to grow my hair. I have time now and the patience to take good care of it and enjoy the process.

April 2nd, 2012, 03:25 PM
I wanted long hair since grade school, but I never acquired the patience to leave my hair alone and let it grow until my mid-40s. It's a good time for me to have long hair; I'm not sad it took so long.

The idea of choosing a length as a teen and maintaining that length forever-after is pretty foreign to me. It's fun to experiment, although when you try something that looks great on somebody else but not so great on you, it's upsetting.

April 2nd, 2012, 03:27 PM
I decided I'd try out longer hair when I was 25, after a decade of cute short styles. I don't expect I'll keep it for the rest of my life. I like to keep my possibilities open, but right now having long hair is working for me. The nice thing about growing my hair out as an adult is that time seems to move much more quickly. A year or two is quite a short time to me now so there's not so much 'waiting.' I'm also in better health than I was in my teens, so my hair grows at least as quickly and looks better.

April 2nd, 2012, 04:18 PM
When I was a teen I had long hair. I ended up cutting it then letting grow until I was in my mid 20's and now I'm growing it out. I miss my long hair.

April 2nd, 2012, 04:49 PM
I always liked long hair but it wasn't that important to until when I was 12 years old... in 7th grade I cut my hair to my shoulder and I regretted it very much. I grew it out quickly to bsl and then things started to slow down. I would maintain it for a year, grow it out, cut it shorter again, for a long time. It didn't get shorter than BSL or longer than tailbone. I joined the LHC 3 years ago when I was at bsl or waist length... don't remember now. I've been maintaining tailbone for almost a year now, but I think I want to try for fingertip! My goal with my hair is to enjoy it, though, so I'm not committing to any length for the rest of my life. As far as the foreseeable future goes, though, I hope it will be long as that is how I enjoy it most now :)

April 2nd, 2012, 05:33 PM
I've wanted long hair since I was probably 14... but wasn't willing to take care of it properly. Blowfrying, flat ironing, teasing, brushing while wet, dying, etc... Last December I was 17 and decided I wanted to grow my hair out while focusing a lot on health and thickness.

April 2nd, 2012, 06:18 PM
I've always pretty much had APL+ hair. Every few years I cut it back to shoulder and grow it out again. Although I decided last year around my 24th birthday that I wanted hip length hair.

April 2nd, 2012, 07:00 PM
I had long virgin hair (MBL) at 14 - 16, and since then always had SL - APL length (from dark brown to bleach blonde.) Now I am 21 and have been growing my hair without bleach or heat for a year and probably have another year or just less to go till my goal. I also find that time goes faster as you get older.

April 2nd, 2012, 07:21 PM
I had long and short hair all my life. My hair was really long in 3rd grade and cut it back to pixie. Then I grew out to waist length for a few years and cut it back to pixie in 9th grade. I maintained it short at shoulder length during highschool and in the Navy. After I served four years, I was honorably discharged at 23 yrs and grew my hair out to BSL before cutting back to Pixie again at 27. I maintained it at pixie for a year before deciding to grow it back out to waist. I have always liked really long hair but just wanted a change once in a while. You may feel the same as the years pass.

April 2nd, 2012, 09:05 PM
I always liked long hair. :) I was 11 when I wanted long hair. I did have a different style a few years ago but I'm back again because I like long hair so much. As you get older you learn what you like and you forget what others think, you just do what is best for you.

Happy growing, hon. :)

April 2nd, 2012, 09:14 PM
I just wanted to start growing my hair out last year, so when I was 21. As a kid I always grew my hair long BSL (without knowing) and would cut it above my shoulders every summer. As a kid I really didn't even think about my hair. In high school I just wanted something easy to take care of, and short curly hair was so easy!:D

April 2nd, 2012, 10:00 PM
I never really actively sat down and said, "I want long hair." My parents didn't interfere with my hair, so it grew. By the time it was long enough for me to be noticed for the length of my hair, I wanted long hair more actively. I think I've long had kind of a background goal of "knee," but, who knows.

April 2nd, 2012, 10:08 PM
I never really actively sat down and said, "I want long hair." My parents didn't interfere with my hair, so it grew. By the time it was long enough for me to be noticed for the length of my hair, I wanted long hair more actively. I think I've long had kind of a background goal of "knee," but, who knows.

Sounds like me. I have always had TBL hair, and my parents didn't really push it or anything. I just liked to feel different :) I think this year is the year I have officially wanted 'long' hair. I never really considered mine that long, so now I want classic or longer! I just turned 24.

April 2nd, 2012, 10:53 PM
I've had short hair and long hair. I actually like the growing out process, at least once a pixie cut grows out past chin length! I think it is fun to try out different styles.

elbow chic
April 2nd, 2012, 10:59 PM
About 27, 28? I'm thirty now. I kept it pixie-short in the army, and liked it fine. But when I got out and had babies I didn't keep up the salon visits, so it grew out to APL-ish in fits and spurts.

Decided to grow it out from there. I remember always wanting long hair as a girl but had no idea how to care for it really-- it is baby-fine and damage-prone and it gobbles up conditioner. ;) So it'd always get to a little past my shoulders, turn dried and fried and horrible. I always thought that was just the nature of my hair, when really all it probably needed was some dang conditioner, a good oiling, and a few protective styles. Oh well.

Anyway, I don't find it frustrating at all. This is probably the first time in my life when I have had the kind of time, patience and lifestyle where babying my hair along is (mostly) more of an enjoyment than a burden.

April 2nd, 2012, 11:58 PM
Very true! I've had long hair (waist or longer) for as long as I remember, so I've never had to suffer through growing it out. I'm probably the only LHC member who would love to slow down my growth rate - then I wouldn't have to touch up my roots all the time and I could cut it like, every other year or something (^(oo)^)`

April 3rd, 2012, 02:16 AM
I was in colorguard in high school and we had to keep our hair bun-able so mine was just below shoulder long, it was sophomore year when I quit and to be defiant and prove I was completely done I chopped it off. People cried, my best friend's bf at the time had an unnatural and creepy love for my hair. I tried to battle with hair salons for the rest of high school to cut my hair the way I wanted it and when I graduated I was 17 and I finally gave up and started the benign neglect because i hated everything about my hair. I cut it once after that to a pixie, hated it madly and just kept it up and away until bsl when I decided I wanted it to be mid back. At mid back now I want it to be classic, in 6 to 8 inches I may change my mind for longer or I may stick to the plan to maintain. Only the naughty mess knows.

April 3rd, 2012, 02:47 AM
I'm 31, and while I've always had some length to my hair, I only decided to actively grow it this year. I found LHC while looking for tips on getting a good hair cut (at least I think that how I found it! I was wanting to cut back to a bob at the time...) and it stopped me in my tracks. I did a total 180 flip (my boyfriend was VERY happy!) and I'm now growing with a target length of waist by the end of the year. I want to go longer, not sure how long yet, but I know I do better with mini milestones ;)
At your age, I would never have had the patience, or strength of will to grow as I am now. I was very influenced by fashion, and by my peers, and my hair followed suit for the most part. Of course you might be totally different, hats off to you if you are. I wish you luck in your growing journey, I'm sure we will all help where we can :)

April 3rd, 2012, 03:25 AM
I have pretty much always wanted long hair. Except for the few times where I decided it would be better if I cut it :rolleyes:. This has occurred enough through my life that I've never really had hair longer than waist!

I grew it for awhile as a child, then had it cut before I started school. Decided to grow it long again, and then 4 years later cut it off... decided to grow it long again, and then first year of high school (year 7) I cut it to shoulder... kept it shortish the next few years as I was perming it, and then growing out the perm and then cutting it blah blah. Cut off all perm at the start of year 10 and then grew it again, until I got a bad perm at the end of first year uni... straightened it, dyed it black, got damaged... a couple of years later decided to perm AGAIN, by this time it was FRIED... and broke off... and I chopped it into a pixie.

Then I grew it again, periodically cutting it... it kept mostly longish (APL+), until I was 30 when I decided to bleach it and cut to a pixie. Kept it short for a few months (which was a record for me lol... usually I'd cut it short and grow it again straight away... I never EVER maintained short hair). Then I grew it again. And then I got a bad layered cut with blonde foils, looked okay for awhile, but got too damaged... cut it to shoulderish... grew it long again... and it was all good until a major shed thinned it... I still persisted, but it looked too bad. So I cut off a few more inches than I wanted. And then ANOTHER shed... but am still growing. And that leads me to NOW.

Phew. So yeah, I think 99% of the time I've wanted long hair, but that 1% has ruined it for me!!! LOL. I think I am over all the dyeing and stuff now, and I've decided I JUST.WANT.LONG.HAIR.

April 3rd, 2012, 04:34 AM
I don't see why it would be fustrating to grow out your hair as an adult. Teens have to wait just as long as adults for their hair to grow.

But to answer your question, I've always wanted long hair and when I got to about age 10 my mum let me start to grow it. I'm 22 now and my hair is about MBL.

April 3rd, 2012, 04:41 AM
I am not sure why it should be frustrating for an adult to want longer hair.
I am an adult, and my hair is growing fine ^^
no matter how old a person is, growing hair long takes the same amount of patience and care.
personally, taking care of my hair is one of the reasons why I grow it long, I just love to pamper it ^^

I had my hair long as a kid, then cut to shoulder at 15, let it grow back and cut to shoulder again at 22, and now it is near classic, longer than it has ever been.

April 3rd, 2012, 05:35 AM
I had long hair up until I was 12. At the age of 13 I wanted to experiment, and I'm glad I did because I got it out of my system now. I chopped it all off, experimented with colours and (under)cuts and crazy layers. I wore it wavy or straight or curly.

I'm 19 now and I want long hair since about two years ago. It's been a year since I found this community and since I actively grow it out. It's down to my waist and I want it to be hiplenght. If (!) I decide to maintain there for years and years to come, I too am excited to see how it will look by the time I'm 30, after all this time of great care and henna!

April 3rd, 2012, 05:58 AM
LOL! From reading some of the responses in this thread, I feel like many of us have "forgotten" what it is like to be 13. Sometimes being past 20 can seem like such an astronomical age that you can feel like you'll be past enjoying life by then! So if your hair is grown out while still young enough to enjoy it, that's a plus. :p

I feel like that came out wrong, though I really have no idea how to explain it better. Just that - I think I get the OP's perspective. It will be nice to look back on her college years when she is 40+ and see the pictures of her with her hair already grown out long and gorgeous.

And really, how many of us look at childhood or college photos and inwardly cringe at our old hairstyles? Seems a reasonable thing to feel lucky that you'll have long hair by college. After all, our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will see those pictures one day! Once they are taken, you can't go back and re-do them with longer hair.

April 3rd, 2012, 06:00 AM
I started growing when I was 14, and I'm now 22, so I think I get both sides of this. :p

And, actually, I think it's easier to 'want' long hair as an adult. I have more patience now (ok... sorta), and a few years doesn't seem like such a very long time. ;)

April 3rd, 2012, 06:07 AM
I've decided I want hair from a young age, so by the time I'm 18 (just over 4 years) I will have reached my hair goal and be able to maintain my hair for the rest of my life. It must be really frustrating as an adult to want longer hair.

How old are you, and how old were you when you decided you want long(er) hair? :)

I wanted hair when I was young too. :p hihi.

I wanted long hair from a young age, 10... but I was obsessed with maintaining healthy hair, therefore I kept cutting it. it never reached it's goal, and I'm still trying to reach my goal of Classic.

April 3rd, 2012, 07:36 AM
Hah! I decided I wanted long hair at 15.

I'm now 23 and still don't have it :D

April 3rd, 2012, 07:44 AM
Im 26, decided i'd try growing my hair long last year, never had any desire before that, I always had pixie cuts and loved them.

Good luck on your growing journey!

April 3rd, 2012, 07:48 AM
I was like, 11? 10? When I started growing my hair out (or however old I was in 5th grade). 8 years, a lot of crazy stylists, self-trims, and a health-induced shed later, and I am not yet at my goal.

I don't see how it would be frustrating as an adult to grow out long hair though. You at 13 decide to grow out your hair. It will take time. Someone who is say, 20, or 40, or 60, will still decide at one point to grow out their hair and it will still take about the same time to achieve their goal.:confused:

Is it really going to take you 4 years? You look like you have 1 year until the length reaches waist, and maybe 2~3 years until your shortest layer reaches waist. (assuming your profile goal length is correct).

I have really slow growing hair :o
I just feel if I grow my hair now I can spend a happy life with my long hair, whereas if I only realised I wanted long hair later in life I wouldn't have as much time to enjoy it :')

April 3rd, 2012, 08:45 AM
Well i don't really agree with OP, because when i was 13 there was no way i could go to shop and buy whatever haircare product i want, i didn't even know how to use internet to find stuff that help with growing healthy hair. So in that perspective is easier to grow hair when you are older.

April 3rd, 2012, 08:57 AM
Well i don't really agree with OP, because when i was 13 there was no way i could go to shop and buy whatever haircare product i want, i didn't even know how to use internet to find stuff that help with growing healthy hair. So in that perspective is easier to grow hair when you are older.

That is true. I used to use my horse hair care products (I was in 4-H and showed horses) and that is why I always had healthy-enough looking hair when I was young. Cowboy Magic detangler and shine is the best stuff in the whole world and I found it by accident when I was, like, 10 years old! This product has cones in it, so I was lucky my hair likes cones.

April 3rd, 2012, 09:23 AM
Nope, not frustrating at all being an adult and wanting to grow long hair. I had long hair when I was 12, cut it, had it long again, and repeat.

April 3rd, 2012, 11:32 AM
I have probably wanted to grow long hair about as long as I have grown long nails which is since I was 19. I have never put up the resistance to my parents to actually grow my hair because of all the trouble I had with them letting me grow my nails. Last year I finally just told them no more haircuts and I am letting it grow. I still take much flack for it since my parents don't see it as an option for men to have long hair. I get repeat reminders that they like my hair shorter.

heidi w.
April 3rd, 2012, 11:34 AM
I am now 52. I decided on having long hair somewhere in my 30s, and just resolved to never cut it again. So far, so good. It's now over 4 feet long. I am 5' 1" so it appears long, but it's nowhere near as long as other people I know who are far taller than I am. My hair is now mid-calf length, and that's where I keep it trimmed. It looks its best at this length.

heidi w.

April 3rd, 2012, 12:32 PM
I've never had hair much past BSL - and I decided mid forties that I wanted long hair, and joined LHC about that time. My hair was somewhere on my neck at the time, and now I am just barely BSL. So, new lenths - here I come! I have no idea how long my hair can grow, or how it will look, or anything else long hair related, but I am enjoying my journey, and hanging out here quite a bit!!

April 3rd, 2012, 12:47 PM
I started growing my hair long at 13, then got an awful perm and started over with growing my hair long at 16. In the last few years my hair goals got messed up due to health problems causing major shedding (getting close to figuring out the problems & fixing them). For now my hair is shorter than I have had it in several years.

April 3rd, 2012, 01:36 PM
I have always liked long hair, but when I was a kid, it was always short. There was a girl in my 2nd grade class who had really long hair. IIRC, it was around waist-length. It was straight, and one day, she came in with curls. I asked her about how she got it to be curly, and she said she braided it and when she took the braids out, it was curly.

I think sometime at the end of middle school/beginning of high school, I started refusing to let my mom dictate the short hair cut to the stylist. My sophomore year in high school was the year I found my first split end, and my first gray hair. Since then, I've always been battling with split ends, but I hardly ever blow-dried my hair.

At some point, my grandma gave me satin pillowcases because she heard it helps with tangles. I used those all throughout high school, but when I moved away to college, they disappeared (I don't know if my mom still has them, but she might have thrown them out.)

I found this site when I decided to henna my hair. When I started reading it, all these memories came flooding back. (2nd grade girl who braid-curled her hair, my grandma's satin pillowcases...) I had no idea I was getting lessons on growing hair so long ago.

It's almost been a year since I've been lurking around on this site. I've been learning a lot!

April 3rd, 2012, 03:07 PM
I've wanted my long hair back since I cut it at 12... however I also get annoyed with/see someone with cool hair. Then I cut it and start to grow it again... I think it will be like that... forever! Well, until I get older at least... then I'll be an old granny with long hair xD

April 3rd, 2012, 03:15 PM
Well i don't really agree with OP, because when i was 13 there was no way i could go to shop and buy whatever haircare product i want, i didn't even know how to use internet to find stuff that help with growing healthy hair. So in that perspective is easier to grow hair when you are older.
Very true. I wanted long hair as a teenager and wasn't allowed it. Maybe it was for the best because I would have had no idea how to take care of it and it would have looked a mess. At least now I can do my research properly. :)

April 3rd, 2012, 06:11 PM
I don't see how it would be frustrating as an adult to grow out long hair though. You at 13 decide to grow out your hair. It will take time. Someone who is say, 20, or 40, or 60, will still decide at one point to grow out their hair and it will still take about the same time to achieve their goal.:confused:

13 year olds are usually shorter than adults though - so the hair doesn't have as far to go! (^(oo)^)

Diesel Tech
April 3rd, 2012, 06:43 PM
I was about 24 when I started to grow my hair. At first it was just to see how long my hair got before it irritated me and I cut it off. I never really wanted long hair growing up, and didn't even plan on keeping my hair until after I let it grow for a couple of years. I'm just below my shoulder blades and I'm now waiting to see how long terminal will be for me.

April 3rd, 2012, 07:31 PM
13 year olds are usually shorter than adults though - so the hair doesn't have as far to go! (^(oo)^)

I've been the same height since I was like, 12. I guess I'm an early bloomer.

April 4th, 2012, 02:19 AM
Very true. I wanted long hair as a teenager and wasn't allowed it. Maybe it was for the best because I would have had no idea how to take care of it and it would have looked a mess. At least now I can do my research properly. :)
Well i did have quite long hair in early teens and it was actually healthy no matter that i used sulphate shampoos and coney conditioner. Around 14 i decided i want a shorter hair cut, then i dye it red, and then orange and after all that it was in pretty bad condition, so by the time i was 18 i bleached it for the last time, after that coloured some more. Also then i flat iron it constantly. I will be 20 in two weeks, i still have some damaged ends, but my hair is in pretty much good condition. (I don't know is this is relevant, but here we are considered grown ups when we are 18 ) And i'm happy that i colour it then than now.

Also, my DBF's niece have around hip length hair and she is around 10, her parents are divorced, so she spent weekends with father (DBF's brother) and his wife, which really try to take good care of girl, but during week, when she stays with mother she don't even brush her hair and so she always come to father with tangled mess. But her mother wont let to cut girl's hair which is awful.

April 4th, 2012, 02:32 AM
I'm 24 now and I don't really want LONG hair (BSL would be long enough for me, but that's not even my goal right now!).

I actually consider myself lucky that I sort of bleached my hair to death and got to experiment with all sorts of short, fun hairstyles for years :) I actually really enjoyed that and am not sure if I would have done that if I didn't destroy my hair. My hair is all healthy now and since I have tried out so many things, I am now really ready to grow it out :)

April 4th, 2012, 04:26 PM
I've always wanted long hair - when I was a kid (less than 10) I never cut it just had it micro trimmed but my hair for some reason would never grow past my shoulders. By the time I hit 12 I convinced my mom to let me put highlights in my hair and by the time I was 13 I had done a full dye for the first time. Shortly after that I cut my hair for the first time and its was a huge cycle of cutting and dying from then until very recently. During my service in the Army I kept it short enough to be left alone so that it would be easy. I have had my hair every color under the rainbow from black to bleach blonde and purple to orange. I have also had my hair as short as a buzz cut (actually it was a chelsea cut the first time around - shaved head with bangs left intact) and as long as shoulder. I just recently decided to start growing my hair out in a healthy manner - I only use henna to dye my hair, I don't use heat process (which isn't that hard for me because I think straightening is annoying), I don't perm, I don't use sulfates, and I oil daily. I am currently at almost shoulder again and am looking forward to seeing what my terminal length is even though I'm sure terminal for me is probably going to be short for LHC standards. I dream about having MBL or waist length hair but I'm not sure that its an attainable dream.

I don't really regret my time experimenting with my hair though - it was fun and like another poster said you don't have to worry about a job or social acceptance when you are in your teens. I think its great that you want to grow out your hair but the idea of growing it long and then maintaining for the rest of your life from the age of 18 seems a little daunting. Don't limit yourself - if you want to grow your hair that's fine but don't put yourself in the mindset to not try anything else you want because of it, you just might want to cut it later down the line (especially if you ever want to have children because babies pull on and chew hair). Just keep your mind open. It is great that you are learning at a young age how to care for your hair, LHC is ultra informative so make sure you read as much as you can on here. Happy growing sweetie!

April 5th, 2012, 12:19 PM
I've decided I want hair from a young age, so by the time I'm 18 (just over 4 years) I will have reached my hair goal and be able to maintain my hair for the rest of my life.

Good for you! :)
Just remember it's ok to change your mind and experiment now and then ...

It must be really frustrating as an adult to want longer hair.

Not at all! :D

April 23rd, 2012, 01:46 PM
I had classic length hair until I was 14 and then I wanted to be a rebel and cut it all and dye my natural blonde locks jet black. I have been short since (shoulder was the longest since classic) and now I decided for my wedding I wanted long blonde hair again and then after getting the color right I put the Suave Keratin 30 day Smoothing Treatment in my hair and it fried it and I had to cut my hair into a pixie (the shortest I have ever had it) So now I am starting over for real this time. Oh and I am 23

April 23rd, 2012, 01:50 PM
I had waist length in high school and wanted a change afterwards. So I cut it all off. It grew out pretty fast to mid back and I decided I wanted to have Alice's hair from Twilight so cut it all off again. Now it's back to waist about three years later (age 25) (would have been less with trims). It's okay to play around and change your style. It will grow back :)

April 23rd, 2012, 07:09 PM
13 year olds are usually shorter than adults though - so the hair doesn't have as far to go! (^(oo)^)

You'd think so but I haven't grown since then :D

April 23rd, 2012, 07:17 PM
I've always like long hair.. But I'm also a very impatient person and impulsive! So when I see a cute cut I want it! I've gone back and forth most of my life so now at 32 I'm holding out as long as I can.. Trying to focus more on health than anything else.. Like the bleach and flatIrons.

April 23rd, 2012, 07:17 PM
I never thought it would be frustrating to grow longer hair as an adult... in fact, I am SO thankful for my teenage years of hair experimentation. My hair has been everything from blonde to blue and I loved every minute of it. I'm glad all that is out of my system and now I can focus on maintaining HEALTHY hair, no matter what length it turns out to be.

April 23rd, 2012, 07:32 PM
I don't think I grew conscious of my hair until I was your age - 13! I started growing it out since then, with some bad hair cuts, heat damage, and bleaches in between. I'm 20 now and I'm growing out damage from when I was 17/18 and I thought being platinum blonde was the coolest thing ever - I have dark brown hair!

April 23rd, 2012, 07:47 PM
I have always gone through cycles of long hair and short hair although I am not going to cut it short again way to much work. I remember being like 8 or 9 and going with my dad to cut off my hipish length hair to chin length, when I was 15 I went and chopped off my waist+ hair to just above shoulder and then I really got into hair dye and dyed my hair just about every color there is. And now I am going mine out to between hip and bcl but focusing on cutting off layers while around wasit ish length.

April 23rd, 2012, 08:08 PM
I must be the exception, because I've never really gone through that experimentation phase. The shortest my hair has ever been was about BSL, and that was only briefly: other than that, it's always been somewhere between waist and tailbone.

A few years back I did yearn for a change, and considered a drastic cut... but then I decided to grow longer instead. :D At least time goes faster the older you get. :wink:

Carrie Ingalls
April 23rd, 2012, 08:16 PM
I never really decided to have long hair or to grow my hair out. I hit knee length when I was 15 and started trimming a little every year, then I hit floor length when I was 18 and started to maintain at ankle length. So, I really don't remember ever having short hair (shoulder length when I was 4.5 years old).

April 23rd, 2012, 08:22 PM
I first grew my hair out when I was 15 until I was about 19 it was about hip length and I cut back to shoulder I was bored at the hairdressers waiting for a friend of mine who was cutting and colouring her hair. I made a snap decision to cut mine too. I ended up with a shoulder length cut with a fringe permed down the bottom the perm didnt take well since I had hennaed religiously during growing out. So I thought in for a penny in for a pound and its been every colour under the sun since then and cut again and again. It was only about 2 years ago at the age of 23 I decided to grow again I loved having long hair and I missed all the styles I could do with it. My original goal as a teenager was knee length now I decided to grow to terminal. I am glad I got to experiment with my hair though.

April 23rd, 2012, 08:26 PM
I think I did the opposite to you. I had hair to my butt when I was in primary school and then when I got to high school I started cutting it shorter and shorter until I got to chin length. It took me until I was about 15 to decide to grow it out again only to cut it again to chin in Year 12.

In some ways when you are older time seems to pass a little quicker.

Whatever your hair goals - best of luck.

April 23rd, 2012, 09:06 PM
I had very long hair several times when I was still in middle school, unfortunately I didn't know how to take care of it or style it, so I often got fed up and cut it off. Like others, I am glad to have all of my experimental cuts out of my life. I'm happy to know at least one part of my identity. I don't necessarily want long hair, I just don't want short hair anymore. I'd be happy with any goal from BSL to hip really. I didn't really start paying attention to the length until this site. Before, it always seemed long. Now, not so much, since I have images to reference.