View Full Version : Long hair + older man = extreme reactions

July 24th, 2008, 11:22 AM
I haven't had long hair since I got married in 1988. Today, I am 41. And the reaction to my longer hair continues to get extreme reactions. People really do hate change, and I understand the sentiment myself. While most like the change, the few negative expressions are almost always to an extreme degree. My brother calls me up last Thursday and says, "Bree wants to talk to you." Bree is my 7-y-old niece. She's sobbing. I mean, SOBBING. In between sobs she says, to her once beloved Uncle David, "Uncle David, I don't like your long hair. You're ugly and you look like a girl!" And continues crying, hysterically. She had seen a recent photo. Tom Erwin, a 94-year-old charter member of our Kiwanis Club who STILL ATTENDS each Friday meeting, offered me 25 cents to get a hair cut. (:rolleyes:) My pastor's wife said she thinks I'm going through a mid-life crisis. My sister-in-law says my Facebook photo looks gay. Whoever knew long hair could expose such anger. On the other hand, my wife loves it, and I have gotten very nice reactions from women around me. Not really sure where I'm going with it ... any similar reactions?

July 24th, 2008, 11:37 AM
As far as I'm concerned as long as you like it, who care what everyone else thinks. Your wife likes it so that's a plus. Don't quite understand why your niece would cry hysterically, most young kids don't really put much importance on looks.

July 24th, 2008, 11:39 AM
25 cents?? I fail to see why you didn't jump on THAT! :rollin:

No offense, but this was actually a pretty funny post. All these people, emotionally invested in your hair in such odd ways.

July 24th, 2008, 11:50 AM
Older men with long hair are very cool, IMHO. Just take a look at this extremely charming grandpa: http://www.flickr.com/photos/eecue/89861884/sizes/l/

July 24th, 2008, 11:54 AM
Oh honestly, every time I see an older man with long hair it actually draws my positive attention (to the "hey they're attractive" kind of way) so i must say as long as you and your wife like it don't pay attention to the negative reactions lol. I'm telling you right now I'm gonna make my husband have long hair lol

July 24th, 2008, 12:15 PM
Hey - older men? I am 40!
Look - better to look like old wizard or viking than ...
Listen - people react to hair! Good or bad - reaction is there!
So I am growing it to the floor - and I am going to notice good reactions only:)
For the bad ones - who cares!

July 24th, 2008, 12:25 PM
First of all, welcome to the LHC, Lipovic! I would most definitely hang in there, and thankfully, your wife appreciates your long hair. It is only natural that some people may give you a hard time, and the best thing to do is ignore those neagtive comments. The rewards of having long hair are well worth it!

I am an older guy with long hair, turning 55 in a couple of weeks. Although I get a few negative comments, I also get some positive ones too.

July 24th, 2008, 12:29 PM
That's really freaky your niece was reacting that way. Any chance your brother was egging that on?

July 24th, 2008, 12:31 PM
Since when was 41 classed as an 'older' man?

First i find it strange that a 7 year old would sob over you growing you hair, it seems that somebody has put their feelings onto her. If my daughter said that to somebody id be extremely annoyed at her for her rudeness to an adult.

As for the other comments, just let them go over your head. It is your choice and nothing to do with anybody how you wear your hair.

These people need to get out more if all they can do is make pointless comments, regarding your hair!

Welcome to the LHC by the way and you grow as long as you want to! you find much support here!

July 24th, 2008, 12:32 PM
Look - better to look like old wizard or viking than ...
LOL! Oh I love that!

lipovic, welcome to our little place on the web! On my 60th Birthday, I was told (by my brother) to cut all of my hair off. What a lovely Birthday present! Seriously, you will hear everything (good and bad). If you enjoy your hair, that is good enough. :)

July 24th, 2008, 12:33 PM
That's really freaky your niece was reacting that way. Any chance your brother was egging that on?
Exactly what I was thinking.

Off topic~Torty, I have 1 little fuzzy, mostly torty. She has a white tummy but is still a doll!

July 24th, 2008, 12:40 PM
I think that comments on hair are the most bizarre thing after all!
We should have long hair as it is only natural to have it!
But – yes –some little kids are afraid of me – I look strange to them!
But on the other hand my students love me! They feel at ease with someone who is not in gray suite and way too serious!
So just grow it!
I had the same problem when I started – now I don’t care! I love my long hair! Longer the better!

July 24th, 2008, 12:47 PM
Hey - older men? I am 40!
Look - better to look like old wizard or viking than ...
Listen - people react to hair! Good or bad - reaction is there!
So I am growing it to the floor - and I am going to notice good reactions only:)
For the bad ones - who cares!

I agree. As a man with long hair, depending on your style, you can not only look like
1. a wizard
2. a viking
but also 3. a rock star
All of which are awesome.

July 24th, 2008, 12:50 PM
i am really confused. your hair doesn't look that long to me! and i think it looks nice, fwiw.

people are weird.

July 24th, 2008, 12:55 PM
I agree with the idea that your brother had your neice do that lil spiel.

Your hair isn't even long, it's medium--ish

We will all support your efforts here if you decide to be badl or grow or cut or color or whatever you wish to do!!

Welcome to TLHC and happy growing! :)

Oh and BTW 41 ain't that old, I am 39, yikes!!! I am not an old lady "yet" ;)

Riot Crrl
July 24th, 2008, 01:09 PM
That's really freaky your niece was reacting that way. Any chance your brother was egging that on?

Considering that he placed the phone call, not much mystery there. If I'd spoken to anyone like that when I was seven I'd have been in a world of trouble with my parents. Let alone them actually facilitating it by setting up the phone call. Terrible form IMO.

July 24th, 2008, 01:24 PM
Yeah, I agree that someone put that idea on your neice. As I have mentioned in other posts, my dad has almost always had really long hair, and having all daughters frequently had different little girls over, their parents were always shocked when they finally met him to realize it was dad instead of mom that was playing hair with them. The little girls never even thought to mention it was a man, they just told their parent's "yeah, we played hair, and dress-up and Barbie".

Anywho, I am sorry you have had such vocal negative reactions, but good luck to your hair growing, I think it looks nice too.

July 24th, 2008, 01:29 PM
Maybe the niece was just a bit freaked out by the change...? Poor kid. But don't let it get you down.

I think people are actually quite suspicious of change. I've had long hair for over a decade, and if I cut my hair my family would probably react the way yours did, wondering if I was having some sort of crisis. So I think people tend to react that way in general when a change occurs in something they are used to seeing as 'the same' for quite some time.

Give it some time - it'll work its way out of their system. The important thing is that you like it. Don't rise to their bait.

Soon people that meet you will only know you as a long-hair so it'll even out. Good luck!

July 24th, 2008, 01:46 PM
Maybe it was his brother who influenced the kid, maybe not. When I was a child I had this intense fear of bald men, I would panic and hide under furniture, usually a chair. My folks always tell when my half brother got into college and had his head shaved, and I ran away from him crying and screaming (I was 5). I actually remember it, and I also remember why I feared so much bald men... it was because of this dummy in an amusement park.... anyway, it would get too long to tell it.

July 24th, 2008, 02:16 PM
Just wait until your hair is long enough to play with, then your niece will come around. :)

July 24th, 2008, 02:20 PM
Welcome to LHC! Time for you to start practicing our favorite reply: "I'm not here to decorate your world!" ;)

July 24th, 2008, 02:20 PM
Welcome to LHC, where we love to encourage growing gorgeous long hair! Not everyone feels the same as we do though, so try to ignore the tongues that wag negatively. Embrace the compliments that come your way and always wear your hair for you!

By the way, I do get a kick out of the .25 cent hair cut! I love elderly people, always have, they add so much dimension to life!

July 24th, 2008, 02:33 PM
41 is an "older man?" Older than what?

Oh, hell, if you're old, that means I'm old since I'm older. And even though I'm clearly not a man, I'm also not old. Not even close.

I fail to see why growing your hair longer than .5" equates with going through a mid-life crisis. Okay, you may be somewhere around mid-life, but what's the crisis, exactly? My DH grew his hair long at the age of about 45 a few years ago just because he'd never had long hair before and wanted to give it a go. No crisis involved, just curiosity.

If your wife likes it, and you like it really that's all that matters. Long hair on men (and often on women) elicits many types of responses from people, frequently they are negative. Everyone has an opinion, and you know what they say about that!!!

Judging from your photo, you look quite nice with 6" long hair. I can only imagine how nice it will be as it gets longer!

Welcome to LHC, by the way! You'll find heaps of support here...but I guess you probably know that already!

July 24th, 2008, 02:34 PM
I think that comments on hair are the most bizarre thing after all!
We should have long hair as it is only natural to have it!
But – yes –some little kids are afraid of me – I look strange to them!
But on the other hand my students love me! They feel at ease with someone who is not in gray suite and way too serious!
So just grow it!
I had the same problem when I started – now I don’t care! I love my long hair! Longer the better!

Small hijack here..... your hair is very, very wonderful!

July 24th, 2008, 02:37 PM

This guy is 44 and he has awesome hair ;) so don't worry about your age, it doesn't mean that you are not allowed to have long hair!

And 41 is NOT old!!!

(no he is NOT from Lord of the Rings, he's a German musician)

July 24th, 2008, 03:31 PM
It's YOUR hair!! If people are so worried about your hair, I think they need to broaden their horizons. I mean, flattering as it may seem. I have a few people who are acquantences, that, everytime they see me, tell me I should cut my hair. I ask 'why?'. After they give me their reasons, I say 'why do you care? It's my hair" :D I'm such a smart @ss :)

July 24th, 2008, 03:42 PM
Lipovic, I'm wondering what part of the country you live in to get that kind of reaction. Longhairs are considered part of the norm down here in central Texas. Longhaired cowboys, longhaired hippies, longhaired rednecks. Whatever.

July 24th, 2008, 03:45 PM
My guess, for what it's worth..

Having short hair is fine. Having long hair is fine.
Getting from short hair to long hair often requires passage through some hellish stages.
If you are presently visiting one of those 'less fun' stages that might be part of the reason people are commenting.

It doesn't really matter though, because (all together now):


July 24th, 2008, 04:03 PM
These responses sound more like manipulation rather than anger. These folks probably find it amusing to persuade you to do what they want. These people are toying with you.

The little girl is not angry, she is using her most productive technique to manipulate you, no doubt she is being manipulated by one or both of the adult women who seem to have too much interest in your hair, and are apparently experienced manipulators.

The old man is just making a joke (old guys have more experience with comedy, and he had to say it without any hint of humor, or else his comment wouldn't have the same effect).

Sounds like you married the right woman, because you already have too many manipulators in your life.

July 24th, 2008, 04:09 PM
Welcome, lipovic! I can honestly say the one negative reaction I have gotten is from my mother, who when she saw my hair last year, shook her head slightly and said "I don't think I will ever get used to long hair on men". :)

Of course I now walk around with my hair in a bun, held by a thin metal hairstick - so it is possible that people are confusing me with My Favorite Martian.

July 24th, 2008, 04:10 PM
41 is an "older man?" Older than what?

Ha! I was thinking the same thing. 50 is the new 30 baby!

And I agree. Wear your hair like *you* want it.

And yep, the sobbing niece sounds like she got hijacked by the parents' agenda.

July 24th, 2008, 05:01 PM
Welcome! Hang out here with us. We like men with long hair! :D

July 24th, 2008, 05:02 PM
50 here, but I've had long hair since I was 15, so can't really relate to growing it out at an older age.

Kids can be strange. Very small children can find long hair scary, at least combined with a beard. 7 year olds should be fairly rational though, mostly. I would guess that your niece has been told that you are going off the rails. You, know the kind of thing, if you are growing out your hair you must be on drugs, hanging out with bikers who bite the heads off chickens, etc., LOL!

Lady Verity
July 24th, 2008, 05:06 PM
People are weird. Little girls, however, are another species entirely. :p

Do ignore them. We need more men with long hair. :)

July 24th, 2008, 05:10 PM
You, know the kind of thing, if you are growing out your hair you must be on drugs, hanging out with bikers who bite the heads off chickens, etc., LOL!

Yeah, okay, that would scare the pants off me, too!

July 24th, 2008, 05:15 PM
This post made me smile.
Just keep on growing and people will probably get the idea that it's fun for you and back off eventually.

Everyone goes through a time when their looks are the object of ridicule for one reason or another--I'm sorry to hear it's happening to you, but hey, wouldn't you rather have what YOU want???

I also agree that the growing-out stage (like from short to chin length) can be awkward looking at times on both men and women. Once you're a bit longer, I think the comments will stop.

July 24th, 2008, 06:30 PM
I will have to reiterate: Since when does being 41 make you an "older" man? What kind of poppycock is that?

I am very distressed that you have such reactions from people, especially from your niece. You will likely always encounter ignorant and/or spiteful people; the only way you can turn them away will be a polite reply that you like your hair that way, and it is no business of theirs, etc.

Personally: long, nice hair + grown man = attractive. How is that a bad equation??

July 24th, 2008, 07:10 PM
The lady who thinks long hair is gay needs to broaden her horizons. Just watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, none of them have long hair; nor do Elton John or his partner. I would have agreed with the poster who opined that your niece was scared IF she'd had that reaction to you face to face, having it over the phone screams manipulation; in fact, she may have been crying because her parents forced her to say something bad to her favourite uncle. Do what you want to do. It's the benefit of being 41, you no longer need "adult" approval!

July 24th, 2008, 07:15 PM
My husband is 38 and growing his hair out long for the first time, ever. For a while he's been getting the "get a haircut" comment a lot from family. His reaction to them all is now "I will when my wife says I can". that usually hushes em up.

He was feeling "weird " about his hair, poufy, over full and curly.......like a bush that he couldnt control. But he's glad he hung on, its starting to get long and he's got a small ponytail going on now. He cant wait to get a few leather tooled hair toys and holders.

At our recent renaissance faire venue, now he's definately committed, women were going nuts over his long hair LOL!!

July 24th, 2008, 08:18 PM
I'm quite surprised that the little girl is allowed (and even encouraged) to have such appallingly bad manners. My parents (and grandparents) certainly would NEVER have allowed such bad behavior under any circumstances.

As I recall, I think I've only ever seen one gay person with long hair in my entire life.

July 24th, 2008, 08:30 PM
Of course I now walk around with my hair in a bun, held by a thin metal hairstick - so it is possible that people are confusing me with My Favorite Martian.
Hahahaha!!! *climbs back into chair after having fallen out*

July 24th, 2008, 08:36 PM
BTW, I agree with the things sedonia said. When you get to 80ish you can say you're an "older" person :P

Riot Crrl
July 24th, 2008, 08:36 PM
I'm quite surprised that the little girl is allowed (and even encouraged) to have such appallingly bad manners. My parents (and grandparents) certainly would NEVER have allowed such bad behavior under any circumstances.

That was my main reaction to the OP as well. Sure, some people don't like long hair... but OMG who lets (or makes) a seven year old act like that?

July 24th, 2008, 11:47 PM
Your niece was taught to say that, no doubt about that. I was taught to tell everybody they look great since I was 4. Kids have absolutely no problem with lying once they get the authorization from parents or teachers. I'd never have the nerve to tell an adult they're ugly when I was that age. :)

It's best to tell those people you totally intend to grow it out to very long length, you're not just slacking off with haircuts. My DH got many questions and suggestions when he's at "the awkward length". Once his hair got long enough to all get into a ponytail people stopped those comments.

July 24th, 2008, 11:59 PM
My dad is 59 and he has the most beautiful wavy auburn hair that is about half way down his back. The most common reaction I notice toward him is how women envy his amazing hair!

lady G
July 25th, 2008, 01:43 AM
you wear your hair the way it makes you feel happy! people are always too keen to comment on personal choices which is not right! If you and your wife are happy then that is what matters most of all :)

July 25th, 2008, 01:54 AM
Yeah, Riot Crrl, I
ETA: would have been in HUUUUGE trouble for speaking to ANYONE that way and unthinkable trouble for saying it to an adult. I am seriously shocked that adults would put her up to something I would have been "beaten to within an inch of my life" (so to speak) for doing.

July 25th, 2008, 04:01 AM
Wow, your brother and sister in law really don't like your hair then!
It can be a real problem.
I know my priest stopped wearing his hair and beard long when his little girl came home from school one day in tears because everyone had told her that her father was a woman (I guess the robes didn't help either). People are conditioned to expect everyone to conform to looking 'normal' - just look at the amount of hassel some women get for cutting their hair short or shoving a scarf over it. I will never understand why people get sooo obsessed about other people's physical appearance. I mean there is absolutely no way in which someone else's apperance can hurt one, and if people don't like the way we look - then don't look. Grrr, it really gets on my nerves.
Good luck, I'm sure your hair looks fantastic (men nearly always have great hair when they grow it, so unfair most of the time but at least you're taking advantage)

July 25th, 2008, 04:28 AM
My husband is 38 and growing his hair out long for the first time, ever. For a while he's been getting the "get a haircut" comment a lot from family. His reaction to them all is now "I will when my wife says I can". that usually hushes em up.

He was feeling "weird " about his hair, poufy, over full and curly.......like a bush that he couldnt control. But he's glad he hung on, its starting to get long and he's got a small ponytail going on now. He cant wait to get a few leather tooled hair toys and holders.

At our recent renaissance faire venue, now he's definately committed, women were going nuts over his long hair LOL!!
We all grow hair for someone who appreciates it!
So if someone I love says ‘never cut it!’ I’ll never cut it again as long as I live! And I am sure she would do the same for me!
We would grow it together for two of us – and I would not care for anyone’s comments – even if I would have to quit my, family, job, or anything!

July 25th, 2008, 09:33 AM
I just have to know...does your avatar reflect your current length? If yes, maybe you should show some of these people in your life what "long hair" really looks like! :D

I'm sure you could get some fellow LHC'ers to help you out there. :D

I remember about 10-12 years ago, my dad grew his hair out...It got to be between bsl and waist length when it was stretched out...It was beautiful, and I typically don't find long hair attractive on a man, but I can appreciate a head of healthy looking hair on anyone.

July 26th, 2008, 01:27 AM
My boyfriend has long hair... I only find men with long hair attractive!

July 26th, 2008, 05:21 AM
Geez, I'd hate to think you old; what does that make me?

Family will make comments. Somehow they think they have free reign to be the naysayers.

I have spent the last two years growing my hair out for the first time since college in the early 70's.

And loving every minute of it!

July 26th, 2008, 05:31 AM
Marcipangris said:

As a man with long hair, depending on your style, you can not only look like
1. a wizard
2. a viking
but also 3. a rock star
All of which are awesome.

Haha, I totally agree!!!!

July 26th, 2008, 05:42 AM
My Uncle is in his late 80's and has beautiful white hair which he usually wears in a low ponytail. Welcome aboard!

July 26th, 2008, 05:49 AM
41 is an "older man?" Older than what?
40? :lol:

July 26th, 2008, 07:17 AM
I'm female and when I was a teenager I cut off all my long hair and I got terrible reactions. The trouble was that I was having neck problems and needed to do it. Once when going into a public washroom a woman looked shocked and asked if she had just been in the correct bathroom. I am really glad that I've been able to grow my hair back because *I* love it, but it was really strange to see how friends and family seemed to think that they owned my hair, like they had some right to see it only the way they liked it, and not one of them thought that my health considerations were important.

What you might find is that by the time your hair gets long, people may have decided that they don't mind it, like it, love it in spite of themselves, or that they'll just live with it because you're obviously not changing for them. It is more likely that you will get more positive reactions once it's grown out, just because it is more likely to look nicer than while in-between. But you may find, by that time, that you're not as interested in their opinions, or only care about the good ones.

I'm actually happy now to have gone through my enforced short-hair phase. It really taught me to just do my own thing. In the long run, seeing you do what you decide for yourself may be of great benefit to your niece, not to mention a few other people you know.

July 26th, 2008, 07:39 AM
Welcome lipovic to LHC!

I think the reactions should diminish as your hair gets down to your shoulders. Right now you are in the awkward phase and people are questioning your decision to grow your hair. The negative comments will die down once it becomes apparent that you've had long hair for many years. :)

As for extreme reactions, yes, I get those all the time. They're always positive. The board even has an icon to express the feeling. :thud:

July 26th, 2008, 12:41 PM
I've been having fun with color the past few years (currently blonde and purple), so everyone has pretty much adjusted to the fact that I change things up a lot. Occasionally, a stranger will say something, but nothing real rude yet.

However, as a mother of six, I've grown use to some real rude comments about how many children I have. It's sad that people think it's ok to say and do whatever they please.

You love it. Your wife loves it. No one else matters. Have fun growing it out. :) I wish my hubby would grow his out again. He has beautiful hair. :)

July 26th, 2008, 12:48 PM
Welcome lipovic to LHC!

I think the reactions should diminish as your hair gets down to your shoulders. Right now you are in the awkward phase and people are questioning your decision to grow your hair. The negative comments will die down once it becomes apparent that you've had long hair for many years. :)

As for extreme reactions, yes, I get those all the time. They're always positive. The board even has an icon to express the feeling. :thud:
I agree Ed!
Once your hair gets long enough for ponytail - the comments would go out, or you'll get used to it...

ole gray mare
July 26th, 2008, 02:36 PM
She's sobbing. I mean, SOBBING. In between sobs she says, to her once beloved Uncle David, "Uncle David, I don't like your long hair. You're ugly and you look like a girl!" And continues crying, hysterically.

Shame on your brother for that. Even if her response is genuine, he shouldn't a) let her get all out of control about it, and b) simply calm her down. She's being taught to be judgmental at a pretty young age, don't you think?

Tom Erwin, a 94-year-old charter member of our Kiwanis Club who STILL ATTENDS each Friday meeting, offered me 25 cents to get a hair cut.

With a smile, tell him you'll give him 50 cents if he lives to 95. Nothing like couch change to motivate a person!

My pastor's wife said she thinks I'm going through a mid-life crisis. My sister-in-law says my Facebook photo looks gay. Whoever knew long hair could expose such anger.

Nothing wrong with a good midlife crisis, and nothing wrong with being gay. But they have PRECIOUS LITTLE TO DO WITH ONE'S DESIRE TO GROW HAIR.

On the other hand, my wife loves it...

Now there's a smart woman and I can see why you've been married for 20 years.

Take it from your elders (I am 45), if long hair is a true expression of who you are, or if it's just an experiment...so flippin' what? Enjoy the process and come here for support.

Wind Dragon
July 26th, 2008, 03:22 PM
Maybe the niece was just a bit freaked out by the change...?

Bingo! If the way she's always known her beloved Uncle David to look has changed, that could mean that her beloved Uncle David himself has changed. That's a scary thing for a child to contemplate.

I'm not sure how old I was the first time my dad completely shaved off his full beard. Probably younger than your niece, since I don't remember this at all, but I'm told it took a day or three for me to notice -- and then I bawled. For a long, long time. You don't say what your brother and sister-in-law's reactions have been to your growing out your hair, so I think it's a bit presumptuous of us to make assumptions there, but I can tell you that a child who's inconsolable over something her parents consider insignificant is a baffling and fearsome thing for those parents to behold. It's quite possible, if that was the case, that your brother thought it might help for her to talk to you about it.

As for the rest of it, the negative reactions will probably diminish once it gets long enough for you to pull it back (though they may never entirely go away.) The in-between lengths aren't very attractive to a lot of people, besides being just a general pain to deal with (especially for guys who aren't comfortable with using tools like headbands and hair clips,) but once you get past that it should get easier to deal with.

Good luck to you on your journey, and glad the wife likes it -- that should make it easier to grow a thickish skin against the rest. :blossom:

July 26th, 2008, 10:40 PM
Welcome to LHC! Time for you to start practicing our favorite reply: "I'm not here to decorate your world!" ;)

Ditto. And your brother should really rethink upsetting his daughter so much about something that is so not important in her life. :rolleyes:

And finally: 25 cents?! You gotta jump all over that one.... :p

Lady Godiva
July 27th, 2008, 04:57 PM
You might have to put up with other people's negativity while your hair is in the difficult "in-between" stage. Usually once your hair can be pulled back into a decent ponytail, the naysayers give up. This seems to be a common experience for many in your shoes.

Nothing wrong with a good midlife crisis, and nothing wrong with being gay. But they have PRECIOUS LITTLE TO DO WITH ONE'S DESIRE TO GROW HAIR.Exactly.

Here's something I've learned to say that takes the edge off a harsh retort: "You say 'midlife crisis' as if it's a bad thing..." ;)

Many folks do great things following a midlife crisis (and some don't - no question about that - they become jerks). Some folks quit their boring, repetitive jobs and launch into new careers that for the first time in their lives are fulfilling and use their actual talents. Some folks going through midlife crises stop playing the conformity game just to placate everyone else, and this scares a lot of people around them. They see it as a rebellion, when all it really means is that a person is finally being true to himself, true to who he was meant to be from the start. Sadly, it can take 41 years for some folks to wise up to becoming more true to who they are. Regardless of when it happens, it can be such a morale boost and journey of self-discovery.

So everyone else should just butt out and let you and your wife live your lives. :twisted:

Today I spent some time at a big biker event. Many of the hardcore bikers had long hair, and there was NOTHING remotely, stereotypically feminine about them. They look like warriors. :rockerdud

July 28th, 2008, 07:03 AM
:agape: WTF (scuse my abbreviated french)
Some guy lets his daughter phone you in tears about your hair? People attack your sexuality on facebook? :rolleyes:
That's just crazy. I hope your loved ones get over it soon and start treating you better.:)

July 30th, 2008, 11:06 AM
Wow. What great responses.

Well, for some background, Bree has serious trouble with change and abandonment, as her mom left the family (drugs) two years ago without so much as a good-bye. And my poor brother has always been somewhat challenged about expressing emotions, especially negative ones. So I only suspected Bree's outburst (and I am confident it came from her, though I wouldn't put it past my brother to have made some sort of comment) as coming from her insecurities and inability to express her frustrations over the REAL crap that's been thrown at her.

My mom definitely would like to see my get it cut off.

But through it all, I've only observed the reactions with interest. I have no problem keeping it if I want to do so.

As for the "older men" comment I made ... to be clear, I suppose my comment is really only a reference to the fact that -- as far as mainstream, broadcasted society is concerned, the so-called fashion afficionados of our day -- men over the age of 35 generally have short hair in the movies, in advertising, in promotional material, etc. Unless you look 25 or younger, hair over the face, especially, hanging over the eyes, is just rarely seen. Look up men's hair fashion on the Internet and this is clearly evident.

This is not to say that our hairstyles should be dictated from this nebulous authority. Only an observation that I admit has somewhat of an influence on my own opinions.

Yes, I live in a more conservative region. The Southeast and dead center of the Bible belt. Chattanooga, Tennessee. Some churches here I would bet might just consider kicking me out for having such sinfully long hair. Well, probably not. But they are probably thinking it!

Again, don't know where I am going with all this long hair. Guess we'll just see.

Grow on!


July 30th, 2008, 11:46 AM
Wow. What great responses.

Well, for some background, Bree has serious trouble with change and abandonment, as her mom left the family (drugs) two years ago without so much as a good-bye. And my poor brother has always been somewhat challenged about expressing emotions, especially negative ones. So I only suspected Bree's outburst (and I am confident it came from her, though I wouldn't put it past my brother to have made some sort of comment) as coming from her insecurities and inability to express her frustrations over the REAL crap that's been thrown at her.

My mom definitely would like to see my get it cut off.

But through it all, I've only observed the reactions with interest. I have no problem keeping it if I want to do so.

As for the "older men" comment I made ... to be clear, I suppose my comment is really only a reference to the fact that -- as far as mainstream, broadcasted society is concerned, the so-called fashion afficionados of our day -- men over the age of 35 generally have short hair in the movies, in advertising, in promotional material, etc. Unless you look 25 or younger, hair over the face, especially, hanging over the eyes, is just rarely seen. Look up men's hair fashion on the Internet and this is clearly evident.

This is not to say that our hairstyles should be dictated from this nebulous authority. Only an observation that I admit has somewhat of an influence on my own opinions.

Yes, I live in a more conservative region. The Southeast and dead center of the Bible belt. Chattanooga, Tennessee. Some churches here I would bet might just consider kicking me out for having such sinfully long hair. Well, probably not. But they are probably thinking it!

Again, don't know where I am going with all this long hair. Guess we'll just see.

Grow on!


Can I just say that you have the sort of face that demands long hair! :rockerdud If people ask you why again just tell them willowcandra said it was the law.

July 30th, 2008, 12:37 PM
You're gonna look awesome with long hair.

Insofar as that bit in the Bible concerning women not having short hair, and men not having long - it's very possible Paul said that becuase (I think it's in Corinthians?) in the area he was writing the letter to, the female prostitutes had short hair, and the male long. So it was to avoid being thought of as one. Nowadays, you can have your hair any length and be anyone.

I'm very sorry for you niece; perhaps if she was just upset because it was an outlet for deeper hurt, she'll get over it.