View Full Version : Scrunching help! :(

March 23rd, 2012, 11:37 AM
Guys, I really need help figuring out how to scrunch. I've been doing it for, like, two or more months, and I still don't have it down. My top layer of hair is frizzy after it dries after scrunching, while I've got lovely, moisturized, shiny, defined waves (and some ringlets) underneath... but you can't see them because of the frizz on the top layer of hair! :( I think my problem is that I'm not distributing my leave-in conditioner evenly, no matter how hard I try... so does anyone have any tips? How do you make sure you do it evenly?

March 23rd, 2012, 12:02 PM
Try the super soaker method.

Lean your head over the tub/sink and scrunch as you would with your product. Scoop up water in your hands and scrunch that in (focusing on your "bad" spots) as if the water were product. You basically want to re-soak your hair so you get big, fat clumps of curls and waves. Then scrunch with a non-terry towel.

I'd suggest you try a little more product as well. I was shocked with how much product I can actually get away with in my hair. And yes, the products you use play a role. I can't get nearly the same result with Suave condish that I can get from a few pumps of Deva One. You may have to play around with your products.

And for what it's worth, that halo has always been an issue for me as well. The curls on the bottom want to be all sproingy, while the canopy doesn't know what to do with itself :)

ETA: I forgot that a gel (for me) is key. I don't get the long-lasting definition with just a leave in condish. I need to get my hair crunchy with a handful of gel, then scrunch it out when it dries. Then I have defined and separated curls, as opposed to a fluffy, wavy/wurly carpet.

March 23rd, 2012, 12:13 PM
i get the exact same problem! I've had better results this week by using a small amount of regular intensive treatment conditioner on damp hair after showering instead of specific leave-in products. i then apply a bit of oil (i have an oil serum mixy thing with cones in at the moment while i wait for more coconut oil to arrive). Do try playing around with your products if you can afford to try some alternatives. i also find i can get good results if i scrunch, leave to dry, braid and sleep on it then wear it down next day. The scrunch before braid seems to help it keep a bit more body

March 23rd, 2012, 12:36 PM
I hear ya on this issue!! I don't even bother towel-scrunching anymore. What I do: throw hair into a towel immediately after shower, take off towel 5mins later approx (my hair's still wet but not sopping at this point) & flip head upside down. Add 2 dollops or so of leave-in condish and scrunch. Spray like crazy with bumble&bumble conditioning spray top&bottom. scrunch again like crazy & leave it.
If B&B is too expensive, I also find using above method with oil serum works (i'm using old john frieda serum from the "Brilliant brunette" line -discontinued). good luck!

March 23rd, 2012, 02:24 PM
Try using a bit of gel on that section. That usually does it for me.

March 23rd, 2012, 03:35 PM
Try the super soaker method.

Lean your head over the tub/sink and scrunch as you would with your product. Scoop up water in your hands and scrunch that in (focusing on your "bad" spots) as if the water were product. You basically want to re-soak your hair so you get big, fat clumps of curls and waves. Then scrunch with a non-terry towel.

I'd suggest you try a little more product as well. I was shocked with how much product I can actually get away with in my hair. And yes, the products you use play a role. I can't get nearly the same result with Suave condish that I can get from a few pumps of Deva One. You may have to play around with your products.

And for what it's worth, that halo has always been an issue for me as well. The curls on the bottom want to be all sproingy, while the canopy doesn't know what to do with itself :)

ETA: I forgot that a gel (for me) is key. I don't get the long-lasting definition with just a leave in condish. I need to get my hair crunchy with a handful of gel, then scrunch it out when it dries. Then I have defined and separated curls, as opposed to a fluffy, wavy/wurly carpet.

Thanks for all of the advice! So, when you "scrunch out" the gel after your hair is dry, is your hair no longer hard from the gel?

I hear ya on this issue!! I don't even bother towel-scrunching anymore. What I do: throw hair into a towel immediately after shower, take off towel 5mins later approx (my hair's still wet but not sopping at this point) & flip head upside down. Add 2 dollops or so of leave-in condish and scrunch. Spray like crazy with bumble&bumble conditioning spray top&bottom. scrunch again like crazy & leave it.
If B&B is too expensive, I also find using above method with oil serum works (i'm using old john frieda serum from the "Brilliant brunette" line -discontinued). good luck!

This is my scrunching method, but without the conditioning spray. Hmm... I have never tried a conditioning spray. Is that meant to keep the frizz down? I'll have to look into it!

Try using a bit of gel on that section. That usually does it for me.

And the gel doesn't leave your hair hard or weird? I have fine hair, so it gets overpowered easily... :(

March 23rd, 2012, 04:25 PM
Put the top layer into a halfup and the waves underneath will be visible.

March 23rd, 2012, 04:44 PM
For me my hair really does have to be sopping wet when I scrunch or I'm frizz central! I find doing when it's really wet and squidging the product in helps it distribute better and stick the hairs all together rather than each going their own way. I like using a curl cream for hold, I know you can 'scrunch the crunch' from gel but I don't like having to put up with stiff hair until its 100% dry, that takes most of the day!

ETA: if it helps my routine is to scrunch in product when sopping wet, scrunch a few times with towel just to remove the really drippy bits and seperate the curls, plop for 5/10 mins then leave to dry and don't touch under any circumstances!

March 23rd, 2012, 04:51 PM
I always recommend this product


and I use this one if I can't find the other one


it really helps keep the halo at bay

March 23rd, 2012, 05:36 PM
Yes, when you scrunch out the crunch your hair is soft and shiny.