View Full Version : What do you guys think of this video...?

March 22nd, 2012, 02:20 PM
So, before I came to LHC, this was one of those videos that turned me into a BS&ACV freak, as in using BS&ACV EVERY DAY.

I look back at the video a year after being with LHC and I'm like, "This woman obviously doesn't know what she's saying, " and yet she does show an obvious awareness that others use different options for their hair and those options are all right.

So it kind of confuses me. lol I mean, is she just an uncommon case where BS&ACV works safely as an everyday routine, or is she still pretty off?

I only want some thoughts because I'm curious and want to understand. :D This is not an attempt to attack anyone.

HERE'S THE VIDEO: http://youtu.be/HciNySjusNE

heidi w.
March 22nd, 2012, 02:45 PM
This lady is spreading terrible misinformation and leading people to have serious problems with their hair as is evidenced by the comments I read. She has NO IDEA why things work or WHY she's doing stuff. Even IN the video she takes a guess at the "massaging" idea as to being the reason that stuff works. She hasn't done her homework, it appears to me.

I hate when people just make stuff up and call it a reason. I feel very badly for her commenters that are crying about their hair being dry.

Everyone's just guessing at stuff.

For example, she could talk about Acid Mantle, sebum, how hair grows in its cycle and explain some of this from one of those points of view. She's on a kick to be au naturale, but I have some bad news: bleach is a natural product and yet it's really bad for us to drink, to eat, and color our hair with!!

heidi w.

March 22nd, 2012, 02:52 PM
The no shampoo "movement". Huh? Did I miss something? :roll:

ETA: this video is so *overly* dramatic!

March 22nd, 2012, 02:56 PM
I noticed that, too. She kind of gave the impression that she started using BS&ACV based off one article and hadn't really gone beyond that despite saying in her part 2 video that some people don't have to use BS&ACV. But what she meant by that is that some people don't use any products whatsoever. lol Like NW/SO or WO. I don't know. *scratches head* She's confusing.

If you might have noticed, I commented on that video already with my thoughts (caadam87). I just couldn't hold back trying to inform others what BS could really do to hair if used too often.

March 22nd, 2012, 02:57 PM
lapushka I've watched some of her other videos, and I think that's just how she is. lol She's a dramatic lady. ;)

March 22nd, 2012, 03:04 PM
I dunnooo.. the video kinda weirded me out..

March 22nd, 2012, 03:24 PM
I was immediately put off by the obviously (to me) intended vibe of: "here I am in my garden in the lotus position, which proves that I'm more spiritually advanced than you."

My own experience with baking soda was bad, although the solution in water not as bad as the baking soda with shampoo clarifying experiment. I've seen in my research that baking soda severely disrupts the natural acid mantle that protects scalp and skin from infection and that using it makes a person more vulnerable to fungus infection. Big strike against it right there.

Plus what is so natural about baking soda? I know there can be natural deposits of it, but uranium is natural, too, and the baking soda sold in the U.S.A. is made in a lab using ammonia and salt. I'd rather use a product made in a lab from plant extracts (as many shampoos are).

Going strictly by how her hair looks, not bad but not envy-worthy, either. I'm not motivated by her results to try her method. I know at this length my ends would be destroyed if I washed it every day like she does.

March 22nd, 2012, 03:35 PM
I think that the hype she's in (even a few years after she created this video, it seems) along with the hype she's supported in this BS&ACV every day movement is done out of hearsay rather than actually looking for information. That is, information for ALL points of view, from people who know what BS is actually doing to the hair and scalp. Rather, she along with others are just band wagoning. It's nothing against her alone—I used to be the same way until I learned it's not a wise habit. lol

I watched her third video, and even though it was made two years ago, she still responds, even if it takes her a while. For anyone who's interested: http://youtu.be/6aKfmczy6Cw

Again, I feel like she's coming across as though her experience is a general one or something, despite her disclaimers. And she made it clear that she hasn't moved beyond using BS every day except for "every once in a while" without success.

March 22nd, 2012, 03:37 PM
Well she did say she applied it to her scalp, even motioning and naming off where on the scalp she applies it, and then she used the word hair for the ACV rinse, which suggests her actual length. I am sure a lot of people who are new to this concept, excited at the novelty of it all, aren't going to catch on to that and go, "Oh, on my scalp only". She was in the right to say what she did, because that can work, if it is your scalp only. They'll probably put the ACV on their scalp too, which I've found isn't the greatest idea because it reduces the "clean feeling" time for my scalp. They probably won't understand only applying certain products to certain parts of the hair (length/scalp/tips) like we do, as we are normally taught that they go from scalp to tips, drench it all chemicals to be "clean and pretty". If you wash your scalp everyday there is no opportunity for an increased level of sebum to display itself and that has worked for some people. If you go the BS method though, and every day for that matter, it's crucial to use proper levels of ACV to counter the BS's base property, which I think she should have mentioned and that wouldn't have been an dramatic to stress (it would have helped prevent some of these cases of those commenting, I'm sure). Some people also have sensitive scalps and that's an individual case issue.

She also even mentioned those with shorter hair using a different balance of the two and how many people would think to do that and not take the easy way of just doing what she does in hopes of getting the same hair and then royally mess up there hair and try to over-compensate, messing it up more. Really I think it is good that this woman even has this video on informing people of alternative options and gave people that option to be a part of this alternative way of hair care. She didn't tell everyone that it's the way to go, but she allowed them to look into it for themselves. If people take her word as gold, go out and buy BS and ACV and smother their hair in it for a week straight, then it says something about those people. Maybe she's done her research, just hasn't put it all in video, and other people who watch her videos need to do theirs (these people commenting). *shrug*

That is just my view on it all. There is more she could have said to explain it all, but I'll give this girl more credit because of her awareness to this alternative way of hair care and how it has worked for her.

ETA: I watched that other video you linked. I must say, I was turned off by the contrast of how she talks like she's irritated or something and I really didn't like how she dissed oils for the hair... I also got to see a better look at her ends. She may have an alright idea of what works for her scalp, but she could use some oil on her ends... She may have done some research, but she certainly hasn't been to LHC... and she her way of presenting herself in this one makes her sound a little bossy >.>

March 22nd, 2012, 03:49 PM
AcornMystic Oh, sure. I never said that she didn't know anything beyond BS&ACV. I said in my OP that she is obviously aware of other methods.

However, what makes it sketchy is that despite the reality of her being "aware" of other methods, she STILL uses BS&ACV every single day. Which is bad, no matter who you are. lol So it has to make you wonder how MUCH time and effort she put into researching what BS does to the scalp and hair, especially when she has claimed in her third video in the comments that she's tried going WO "every once in a while" with no success. It makes me think that she hasn't given a long enough transitional period, which could mean she hasn't done enough research. And from these videos I really think she doesn't even know LHC exists, or else she wouldn't be so vague in her answers when people are asking questions about other methods.

That's all I'm confused about, really. It's just out of curiosity that I'm trying to figure out where this lady is coming from. :)

March 22nd, 2012, 05:09 PM
I watched it and appreciate her sincerity but I don't think her hair looks clean and that's the bottom line.

March 22nd, 2012, 06:35 PM
Her hair doesn't look or move like I think healthy, clean hair should. *shrugs* And certainly, she's part of that lovely group that seems to think that 'natural' means 'healthy' and 'good for the environment' when neither is necessarily true. (If you're bridling at that, consider substances like sulfuric acid and sulfur gas, feces, arsenic, and lead, all of which are natural. And yes, I know feces can have some use as natural fertilizers, but they are a mechanism of disease spread for a lot of diseases, many of which like cholera and typhoid are very deadly)


March 22nd, 2012, 06:44 PM
To be succinct: she's trying too hard.

March 22nd, 2012, 07:07 PM
Her hair doesn't look or move like I think healthy, clean hair should. *shrugs* And certainly, she's part of that lovely group that seems to think that 'natural' means 'healthy' and 'good for the environment' when neither is necessarily true.

Exactly! (you too, Macaroni)

March 22nd, 2012, 07:27 PM
I complained about it a little on my Facebook. lol Like, nothing too bad, but one of my friends from high school started talking about how she washes with BS twice a week. SHe agrees, though, that washing every day with BS is bad.

March 22nd, 2012, 08:02 PM
Do you think she uses the no shampoo method on her dog? I almost died laughing when the hairless dog showed up! Too funny.

March 23rd, 2012, 02:23 PM
AcornMystic Oh, sure. I never said that she didn't know anything beyond BS&ACV. I said in my OP that she is obviously aware of other methods.

However, what makes it sketchy is that despite the reality of her being "aware" of other methods, she STILL uses BS&ACV every single day. Which is bad, no matter who you are. lol So it has to make you wonder how MUCH time and effort she put into researching what BS does to the scalp and hair, especially when she has claimed in her third video in the comments that she's tried going WO "every once in a while" with no success. It makes me think that she hasn't given a long enough transitional period, which could mean she hasn't done enough research. And from these videos I really think she doesn't even know LHC exists, or else she wouldn't be so vague in her answers when people are asking questions about other methods.

That's all I'm confused about, really. It's just out of curiosity that I'm trying to figure out where this lady is coming from. :)

Perhaps someone could point her in the right direction? Once she sees what oils can do for someone's ends, the hair envy might set in and she won't continue to talk so much smack about them. :p:p:p:D

March 23rd, 2012, 02:39 PM
Well, that's 9.27 minutes of my life I'll never get back! :poop: