View Full Version : Growing as long as it will go! (The Terminal Goal Thread)

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March 18th, 2012, 07:26 PM
I haven't seen any threads for particular goal lengths- but I think terminal is a special goal with its own unique challenges (for instance... where is it!? :D)

So this is a thread for all of us who want see how long our hair can really get! :cheer:


I decided to grow to terminal mostly because I am just curious and also because of an increasing desire to not cut it due to personal spiritual reasons, but those ideas haven't really solidified for me.

My biggest worry now is just not knowing if/when trims are going to be necessary or useful. My hair is in crazy layers from growing out a pixie and I'm wondering if I should eventually get it all to one length and if so should I grow and then chop or trim a little bit at a time. :confused:

March 18th, 2012, 07:34 PM
I think maybe after i hit WL....i'll decide whether or not i want to grow to terminal length. Idk...i feel like my terminal length may be at tbl...i only say that because the last time i grew to waist length...i had a stall....as if it was hard for my hair to conjure up the strength to grow any longer...but eventually it picked up again and made it to my waist.

So i'll see once i get back in that territory if i want to go terminal.

March 18th, 2012, 07:35 PM
I usually just wait to trim when my hair seems overly split or dry/velcro-y on the ends. If it is really uneven, then you might like a little trim, but I think layers are ok. I've gone 3 years before without any trims at all. I used to not care for my hair too much. I guess I was a benign neglect-or with out even knowing it. Right now, I'm aiming for once or twice a year trims. I trimmed once in 2011. I'd like to make it to classic. I've tried before, but never got much past TB, without layers.

March 18th, 2012, 07:49 PM
Oh my gosh!! YAY!! Seriously, I am so happy to see a terminal length thread on the boards now. Although it hadn't even crossed my mind once to make one. :o I really want to see the terminal goalers come out of the woodwork here and come together for some inspiration as I've been looking at people's goals when I get the chance, usually just on their posts while reading threads, to find fellow termie goalers .

I am a terminal grower myself. My reason for growing my hair to this extreme is, of course, partly out of curiosity. To see what my genetics has dealt me with, especially since I have a knee-length cousin. Also, I've shaven nearly my entire head and felt what that is like, but not to have hair that has actually reached its max growth. I don't know, maybe it will have a "feel". lol I also just figure, if I'm going to grow my hair, I want to do it with the pedal to the metal, no holds barred. I want to be able to just embrace my obsession with attaining my long (well it was long hair to me at the time: APL) hair back, and then some, to be able to bury myself in the lovely stuff that I can now appreciate, being more knowledgeable and self-aware. APL is the longest I've ever had it in my life. I want MORE. ^.^

Oh, to answer your question about the trimming and one length. You know, I'm really not sure, though I imagine that you're a step ahead with the natural look of a non-cutter. If you don't cut your hair you are going to end up with layers anyway because your hair falls out and grows as it may, dozens of hairs a day. So really, if you just leave it and let it be for a time, it will look like that is what has always been going on. Let nature take its course and the hairs will fall as they may I say. Or at least that is what I would do.

I'm going to be sticking to this thread like.... well I can't think off anything clever so, I'll just start moving my things in, because this thread is going to be one of my new homes. lol

March 18th, 2012, 07:52 PM
I would like to see how long I can grow my hair (although it might take a long time, or I might already be close to my terminal). :D

Nice thread! :)

March 18th, 2012, 07:59 PM
im curious to know if anyone has ever reached their terminal growth? what was the final outcome? and how long did it take to achieve? :)

Carrie Ingalls
March 18th, 2012, 08:00 PM
I have toyed with growing to terminal, but the current state of my life (and the next few years) is not conducive to pursuing that length. I am kinda curious as to what my terminal length would be, I know it is longer than floor length because I have been a bit longer than that before.

Maybe one day I will join this thread in earnest, but for now I will enjoy seeing all of you grow towards your goal. One of the things I find so interesting about terminal length is that there is such variety! My mom's hair has never grown longer than shoulder blades/BSL, ever, and it is not because she abuses it in any way. Evidently Grace and I got our hair genes from dad's side of the family, ;) But mom never made us cut it.

March 18th, 2012, 08:01 PM
I belong here :) YEE FINALLY!
exept for one thing. i planned to keep my hair at classic and thicken my hair up so does that break the rules? after that ill be growing as long as it can go.
or maybe i wont keep to my plan and just keep growing we'll see.
but i certainly will keep up in this thread. :)

March 18th, 2012, 08:07 PM
What an intersting thread!
I've been wondering for a long time what my terminal length will be, and I'm going to continue let I grow, as long as it looks healthy.
As it is now my hair is at tb-length and I feel that so far the time and care it need is manageable, but if that where to change, I would keep my hair at a length that does.

March 18th, 2012, 08:10 PM
Nice to see a thread for terminal. :)

I'm growing to this length because I really don't like to cut it too much and I think it's the only right thing to do. My belief system prohibits dyeing or cutting hair, so I try not to do either of those things. But I think I don't really want to grow longer than floor, because it would be impractical. We'll see when I get there, though.

March 18th, 2012, 08:10 PM
Maybe it is best to trim only when hair is damaged.

I'm thinking about it now because the last time I cut my hair was November and if I were trying to maintain an even hemline I'd probably need a cut around now. Also there's quite a bit of difference in length between my shortest layer and my longest, about 5 or 6 inches. You can see in my signature picture the piece of hair that hangs over my face vs. the length of my hair in the back and that's not even a piece of my shortest hair.

I think my hair is too thin for layers. I also think my hair is too fragile to gain any significant length without trims. I feel like I'm probably going to need to keep my ends strong if they are going to grow- even though I know it's going to take a lot more time that way.

Then again, I am really liking the idea of "uncut" hair, but like I said my ideas on that subject have not really solidified yet, so I am torn.

lol, like I said... :confused:

March 18th, 2012, 08:13 PM
AcornMystic- I know! I was really surprised to find, when I did a search, that there was nothing close to a thread like this!

I keep seeing people who have "terminal" in their hair stats as a goal and want to ask them a question but it would be total thread derailment!

gthlvrmx- You make your own rules! :D

March 18th, 2012, 08:15 PM
I want to see what my terminal length is, too. I've only ever had tbl.... We shall see. I'm hoping for at least knee.

March 18th, 2012, 08:20 PM
Alrite then im in :) woot woot! finally a thread for termi's.

March 18th, 2012, 08:27 PM
I'm growing to see how long it can get too. Right now I'm closing in on hl and then onto tbl. Figure full tbl will take me until 2013-14. :0)

March 18th, 2012, 08:41 PM
EdG has terminal hair. He hasn't even trimmed in ten years. Yay for EdG!

My goal is terminal, but in the process I have discovered that I have patches on my scalp that have a very short terminal length and then areas where the hair grows like a jackrabbit. It makes my ends look very sparse and scraggly. I had to trim about 3 inches a few months ago in order to be able to feel comfortable wearing it down. So, some of my hairs get trimmed, while others are already at terminal length and will stay that way.

March 18th, 2012, 09:02 PM
I'm growing to terminal...though if my terminal is longer than floor when wet, I'm probably going to change my goal once I reach that (unless I'm just too lazy to get it cut at that point, which is honestly a very good possibility).

I've been wondering for a while, but haven't wanted to start a new thread or derail one: when your hair takes hours to dry, how do you dry it once it gets longer than floor-when-sitting-down? I figure that before that point you can drape it over the back of your chair, but my floors have never been the cleanest of things, and I can't imagine that's going to change in the future.

March 18th, 2012, 09:05 PM
I'm not sure, but I may end up here too. First I wanted waist length. Then I thought that tailbone would be good since it's as long as it can be without having to worry about sitting on it. But I've been having this strange urge to just see how long it can go. Probably just a rebellion thing since I've always been told my hair is too thin to be long.

March 18th, 2012, 09:13 PM
Me, too ravenheather.

Let's prove them wrong!! :cheer:

March 18th, 2012, 09:15 PM
I'm not sure, but I may end up here too. First I wanted waist length. Then I thought that tailbone would be good since it's as long as it can be without having to worry about sitting on it. But I've been having this strange urge to just see how long it can go. Probably just a rebellion thing since I've always been told my hair is too thin to be long.
Ive been told by my best friends mother that guys with long hair just cant grow it out because it looks too thin at the ends and ugly -_- made me feel bad since my hair thinned out from medications and braids.
So im kinda hoping ill show her up with a nice mane of knee length hair one day :) rebellion yea!!

March 18th, 2012, 09:19 PM
Darklyndsea- Madora wrote an excellent article about drying long hair here. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/vbjournal.php?do=article&articleid=223)

March 18th, 2012, 10:10 PM
I'm planning on growing to terminal, so I think I fit in here! :)

holothuroidea I grew out from a pixie, and I trimmed it every few months back to nape length. I was in the military at the time, and the way hair rules were, it was much easier that way.

And darklyndsea, to dry my hair, I usually just wash at night, and after taking the turbie twist off, I let my hair dry draped over the side of the bed. It works better if you don't move around a lot at night I imagine. I put a towel down on the ground for my hair to rest on.

March 18th, 2012, 10:15 PM

...we are hair twins, except yours is WAY more impressive!! :thud:

I've been considering cutting back to nape when my shortest layers get that long or maybe even doing it a little at a time. Maybe it's just an awkward stage right now but my hair feels pretty scraggly sneaking down my shoulders in strings.

March 18th, 2012, 11:09 PM
I also want to see how long my hair can grow. I am just really curious! At this point, it is thigh length, with a lot of taper and scraggly ends, but it does not matter because I wear it up at all times.

March 18th, 2012, 11:16 PM
Very interesting thread, I have mulled this over and am undecided. I am guessing my terminal may be really long based on growth rate and retention, but who knows.

I am just at TB now, the longest it has ever been and so far it is still manageable. Far easier than I had ever anticipated it would be.

A big thank you to the LHC commmunity for that, because due to volume I would have never been able to tolerate this length in the frizzy, bushy condition it was becoming pre-LHC.

I am wondering though if the day to day aspect of dealing with the extra length will get a lot more difficult at the Classic and below level, or if it is all just a matter of stages and as each one approaches you just get used to it.

It would be interesting to know what percentage of the population has hair longer than classic. I am guessing it is a very small fraction, as our perception gets skewed being on here and seeing and chatting with super long hairs on a daily basis.

March 18th, 2012, 11:32 PM
My goal is knee length : ) I still have a way to go!


March 18th, 2012, 11:45 PM
My official goal at the moment is tailbone because everything else seems so far away it's depressing. Also, I have a feeling that tailbone may turn out to be terminal on me. In any case, I will be watching this thread with interest and possibly joining in a couple of years. Good luck!

March 18th, 2012, 11:46 PM
EdG has terminal hair. He hasn't even trimmed in ten years. Yay for EdG!Thank you! :flowers:

I reached terminal length in 2008. I originally wanted to find out what my terminal length was. Now, I know! :)

Terminal length is an appealing goal because it is set by one's genetics, not by some preconceived notion of how long hair should be.

Terminal length sneaks up on one. The hair gradually stops getting longer. One can't tell for sure that one has reached terminal length until some time afterwards.

March 18th, 2012, 11:47 PM
Ooh, I'm growing to terminal! I want to see if I can do it with bleached hair. :)

March 19th, 2012, 12:51 AM
I grew out from a short cut (a pageboy rather than a pixie, but still, short) and never trimmed. While I didn't go through particularly awkward stages, the last 8" or so of my hair have annoying pseudo-layers. I plan to cut at least half of that off this summer, quite possibly all of it. It'd mean sacrificing a bit over half a year's growth, but it'd mean being done with the weird ends.

I'm lucky, my hair grows at an extremely even pace and doesn't split, so I don't have to trim for either of those reasons. I will probably trim a bit as things get really long and it starts getting uneven because it's terminal, so I may never let myself get to a 'true' terminal, but my profession demands being extremely formal in dress, so I may need my ends neat to make nice buns.

I do worry a little about where my terminal will be - I worry that it will be too long to manage and I won't actually find out how long my hair is capable of growing. I just don't have much taper. My ponytail circ is just over 5" (after a major shed last summer - I was more like 5.7-5.8" before that), and I still have 4.25" at the bottom of my ribcage, where the not-quite-layering from growing out starts. I don't know how thick my hair was at waist or lower pre-shed, but I do know that when I was in my teens, if I braided my waist-length hair in two braids, each of them was as big around as my wrist. Granted, I have small wrists (just under 6" around), but still.

Anyhow, so, yes, my goal is terminal, but I recognize that I may not reach it, between the genetics that give me abundant, tough, fast-growing hair and the genetics that give me extremely delicate, easily injured, painful joints.


March 19th, 2012, 05:38 AM
Yay a terminal goal thread!

I'm growing to terminal because I love the look of uncut, natural hair and the idea of of having as much hair as I can possibly have! I'm pretty sure my terminal won't be an extremely long length. I'm about BCL now but will probably be reaching a false terminal soon, the last few inches of my hair are very tapered and I know it's partly from growing out colour damage.

March 19th, 2012, 06:51 AM
I hope to reach terminal, although if it is more than floor length I might reconsider... I am afraid that it will be before my dream length - knee.

March 19th, 2012, 09:01 AM
I'm headed towards terminal with semi regular trims. Overdue for one now, actually. My hair isn't all one length but I do try to keep it straight across what ends I have, at least.

Think I'm getting near it, actually. Measured at 56.5" last night, which puts me at only 2-2.5" of growth for the past 5 months. Or maybe I'm just impatient? :p

March 19th, 2012, 09:15 AM
So can you keep a blunt hem at terminal or is it always fairytale?

March 19th, 2012, 09:19 AM
I think if you reached terminal length for all of your hairs you would have fairy tale ends, because each individual follicle has a unique growth cycle and some will be longer than others.

I suppose that you could grow until all your hairs are at terminal, and determine where the shortest hairs are and cut your hemline there. I think it would be subjective as to whether or not you could call that terminal. Maybe you could call it a "blunt terminal" length?

March 19th, 2012, 09:27 AM
I'm in, at least until I get bored. I've never been longer than midback, but that is going to change.

March 19th, 2012, 09:31 AM
i'm afraid that it will be longer than floorlength and i dont think i can handle it that long...i will just go for ankle and hope not to fall or strangle myself:P

March 19th, 2012, 09:32 AM
i'm afraid that it will be longer than floorlength and i dont think i can handle it that long...i will just go for ankle and hope not to fall or strangle myself:P
you can always trim so it wont reach floor :) ankle would be a nice idea.

March 19th, 2012, 10:10 AM
I'm intrigued about the idea but also fear it would be longer than floor length.
Anyway, I now have my natural color back and I'm growing my hair without dyeing and trimming and we'll see where it ends up and how much hair I can handle...

March 19th, 2012, 10:21 AM
I'm growing to terminal. Thus far I like my hair more and more as it gets longer.

March 19th, 2012, 10:23 AM
i'm afraid that it will be longer than floorlength and i dont think i can handle it that long...i will just go for ankle and hope not to fall or strangle myself:P

Ha ha! Same here, if my terminal length is longer than floorlength I would probably end up cutting it and keeping it at ankle. I can just imagine how much it would hurt to trip on it at that length :D

March 19th, 2012, 10:26 AM
Joliebaby, your hair is going to be thudtastic.

March 19th, 2012, 10:27 AM
I'm toying with the goal of terminal, but I will be trimming from time to time because my hair does tend to split and get awful on the ends. I don't want to do more to it (like catnip tea soaks) than I do already.

So -- terminal or however long I can still manage it.

March 19th, 2012, 10:35 AM
I'm toying with the goal of terminal, but I will be trimming from time to time because my hair does tend to split and get awful on the ends. I don't want to do more to it (like catnip tea soaks) than I do already.

So -- terminal or however long I can still manage it.

That sounds like a goal I can go for: terminal or however long is manageable. I have no idea what my hair will do as it has never been past apl to midback.

March 19th, 2012, 10:35 AM
I'm aiming for terminal. I know that my terminal length is definitely past TBL because it's been that long in the past (picture on the left in my sig, a bigger version is here (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=8101&pictureid=105737)) but I have no idea where I will end up with terminal. It would be nice to get to mid thigh or knee. If terminal turned out to be beyond floor length then I may abandon it as a goal!

I'm a non trimmer and haven't had any kind of cut, trim, microtrim or even S&D since November 2010. I do check for splits regularly but I just don't seem to get them, though I'm sure that will change in the future! I probably will have a cut at some point to even up my hemline and get rid of the few remaining layers but it's not high on my list of priorities. As others have said earlier in the thread due to hair shed you end up with a "naturally layered" look anyway if you go to terminal.

March 19th, 2012, 11:37 AM
Since I keep adjusting my hair goal I may end up growing to terminal, or close to it. Right now my interim goal is TBL, but I'm already thinking beyond that and wondering about getting to classic. It's funny how the longer hair gets, the less long it seems. ;) I want to keep a neat hemline so it would probably be a little above terminal. I suspect my terminal is somewhere between classic and knee.

March 19th, 2012, 11:59 AM
EdG has terminal hair. He hasn't even trimmed in ten years. Yay for EdG!

My goal is terminal, but in the process I have discovered that I have patches on my scalp that have a very short terminal length and then areas where the hair grows like a jackrabbit. It makes my ends look very sparse and scraggly. I had to trim about 3 inches a few months ago in order to be able to feel comfortable wearing it down. So, some of my hairs get trimmed, while others are already at terminal length and will stay that way.
I believe Trolleypup is terminal, too, and I know there's a few others as well.

March 19th, 2012, 12:04 PM
I might join this thread at some point, because I am a bit curious... But I would trim on a regular basis, though. I just like a thick hemline, that is just my personal preference ;) Anyway, for now I will try to focus on health instead of length, and hope the length will come in time. :)

March 19th, 2012, 12:04 PM
Nope; Trolleypup has been enjoying additional growth this year.

March 19th, 2012, 12:16 PM
I really want to grow to terminal length like some of the others, mostly out of curiosity. Right now my hair is the longest it has ever been, so it's starting to get exciting and challenging at the same time.

March 19th, 2012, 12:24 PM
I wonder tho...for ppl who have reached terminal...when you trim it (if you ever have) does it grow back? I wonder how the scalp just knows that "this is the end of the line"?

March 19th, 2012, 12:41 PM
I wonder tho...for ppl who have reached terminal...when you trim it (if you ever have) does it grow back? I wonder how the scalp just knows that "this is the end of the line"?

Because of shedding not all the hairs on your head will be at terminal at any given time, even if the majority of them are at terminal. If you cut or trim at terminal it will grow back because other hairs that were not previously at terminal will grow down to take their place. The hairs that you have cut that were at terminal will eventually shed and new ones will begin growing out from the scalp, and they too will eventually reach terminal.

I hope the way I've explained this makes sense, I'm sure there are a few people with more hair knowledge than me who can phrase it better!

To further confuse things not every follicle on your head will have the same terminal length. I regularly lose terminal hairs that are only a few inches long - I know they are terminal because they have a tapered tip and a bulb at the root end.

March 19th, 2012, 01:07 PM
This thread is a great idea, there is already a lot of gorgeous hair here :)

I'll be checking in here on the way to waist/hip but don't know until I get there if terminal is an option :shrug:

Terminal is kind of like a mythical beast to me as I've never reached it, even with dreads that got to knee I wasn't sure if they were that long because my hair would actually grow that long... or if it was because the hair was locked that they were knee?!

The last time I had long hair I maintained at waist/hip for a few years then kind of forgot to trim for about a year and reached classic, but it definitely slowed down at that point.

I really do like the idea of conquering the mythical terminal beast though :pegasus:

March 19th, 2012, 01:57 PM
I'm curious also as to what my terminal length is. Right now, at almost knee, it is longer than it has ever been. I'm not sure I want to handle floor length, but it be fun to try it!

March 19th, 2012, 09:48 PM
I am toying with the thought of growing to terminal. I have only let my hair grow to hip. My primary goal has been classic, then to cut out the layers. I haven't had a cut or trim in 2 1/2years except for s&d, but I think I'll just micro trim and keep growing.

March 19th, 2012, 09:52 PM
I am toying with the thought of growing to terminal. I have only let my hair grow to hip. My primary goal has been classic, then to cut out the layers. I haven't had a cut or trim in 2 1/2years except for s&d, but I think I'll just micro trim and keep growing.

Leave the layers and go for terminal... Eventually, the layers will remove themselves :toast:

March 19th, 2012, 10:38 PM
Count me in!! :D Great idea for a thread, I'm excited all the terminal length-ers can get together!

Why do I want to grow to terminal? Let's see... Curiosity, partly, and partly because if I'm gonna have really long hair, I want really long hair! :thumbsup:

My goal is terminal, but with a couple qualifications: I plan to maintain a decent hem as far down as I can get it, then when I can't get my hair any longer with a decent hemline I'll let it fairytale out to terminal. Once I reach terminal so I can see how long it is, I'll very likely cut back to the longest length I can have with an even hem.

Also, if my ultra-tangly hair ever gets to the point where I just can't reasonably deal with it, I will cut back to whatever length is manageable. I'm hoping this won't happen though! My hair is really improving with LHC care ;)

I honestly would love to have hair so long it drags the floor behind me when loose :eyebrows: (Yes, I know that may sound a little nuts even by LHC standards :D) However, I doubt my hair will get that long... My ponytail is only 2.5" circumference. I have high hopes of getting to at least fingertip or knee though!

Who says thin hair can't be grown long? Pfft, I say to that! :D :D

March 19th, 2012, 10:45 PM
I'm growing to terminal...though if my terminal is longer than floor when wet, I'm probably going to change my goal once I reach that (unless I'm just too lazy to get it cut at that point, which is honestly a very good possibility).

I've been wondering for a while, but haven't wanted to start a new thread or derail one: when your hair takes hours to dry, how do you dry it once it gets longer than floor-when-sitting-down? I figure that before that point you can drape it over the back of your chair, but my floors have never been the cleanest of things, and I can't imagine that's going to change in the future.

I get so dreamy and wishful thinking of all of those lonnng lengths mentioned on here...floor length?! That is POSSIBLE!!! I wanna sit on my hair while ont he ground! I wann do ALL of this, then i see my not even BSL hair....so pititful! I am NOT nice enough to my hair to even make it WL i don't think.....soooo sadddddd:(

March 19th, 2012, 11:05 PM
I think I'm going to try for this.

Last time I was on the boards (about 2 years ago) my hair was about waist-length; one complicated break-up, lots of bad hair advice, and a year of uber-short hair later I'm ready to grow long, again. :)

I think I'm going to avoid trimming it at altogether. I've basically got virgin hair, I'd just as soon keep it away from stylists and product (I'm an SOer). It's gonna make for a beastly growing out stage...

But the thought of long, pretty hair is a compelling one. :D

Dragon Faery
March 20th, 2012, 12:04 AM
YESSS!!! Thank you for starting this thread!!! :cheese:

Oh my gosh!! YAY!! Seriously, I am so happy to see a terminal length thread on the boards now. Although it hadn't even crossed my mind once to make one. :o I really want to see the terminal goalers come out of the woodwork here and come together for some inspiration as I've been looking at people's goals when I get the chance, usually just on their posts while reading threads, to find fellow termie goalers .

I'm going to be sticking to this thread like.... well I can't think off anything clever so, I'll just start moving my things in, because this thread is going to be one of my new homes. lol

I agree on both counts. I'm moving in, too! I can pass out hot chocolate, tea, and coffee to all the new arrivals. :) Anyone got s'mores? Cookies? Brownies?

I've been wondering for a while, but haven't wanted to start a new thread or derail one: when your hair takes hours to dry, how do you dry it once it gets longer than floor-when-sitting-down? I figure that before that point you can drape it over the back of your chair, but my floors have never been the cleanest of things, and I can't imagine that's going to change in the future.

I've been pondering this, and I could see myself keeping an old sheet just for this purpose. Or even a new satin sheet, depending on my level of fanaticism--I mean, commitment...

Count me in!! :D Great idea for a thread, I'm excited all the terminal length-ers can get together!

Why do I want to grow to terminal? Let's see... Curiosity, partly, and partly because if I'm gonna have really long hair, I want really long hair! :thumbsup:

My goal is terminal, but with a couple qualifications: I plan to maintain a decent hem as far down as I can get it, then when I can't get my hair any longer with a decent hemline I'll let it fairytale out to terminal. Once I reach terminal so I can see how long it is, I'll very likely cut back to the longest length I can have with an even hem.

I honestly would love to have hair so long it drags the floor behind me when loose :eyebrows: (Yes, I know that may sound a little nuts even by LHC standards :D) However, I doubt my hair will get that long.... I have high hopes of getting to at least fingertip or knee though!

RapunzelKat, we are exact goal buddies! Our hair type and lengths are very different, but your plan is exactly the same as mine. :)

Does anyone plan on doing anything special to "help" their hair along? Anyone intend to benignly neglect it and be surprised every so often by the length? What's your growth strategy?

I'm in process of learning how to protect my somewhat finicky wurls and curls, and trying to get used to noticing things I do that may cause mechanical damage in the long run. I'm also trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with my health, and cautiously trying different supplements, herbs, and teas to see what my body (And therefore my hair) will respond to the best. Being a dry curly, I CO-wash as needed and don't seem to need to clarify very often. I try to keep the ends oiled, but the oil varies. I also try to deep oil before most washes, and about every other night I use Castor Oil of varying dilutions on my scalp. Eventually I will restart applying teas to my scalp in the mornings.

What about all y'all? High maintenance? Low? Still searching for that elusive perfect routine? Settled in and patiently, steadily growing?

March 20th, 2012, 04:01 AM
I'm very curious to see just how long my hair gets, I'll join you all here, I know it will take many years...hopefully lol to find out but I'm game!

Holothuroidea, patience, I grew out of a shaved head and eventually your layers will all catch up, I left mine go until it reached BSL then had a nice big trim, to clear out splits and dry ends, but after that it was smooth sailing ;)

March 20th, 2012, 04:10 AM
I will be growing mine as long as it will grow also. I'm starting from Chemo length, so it's going to be awhile :)

March 20th, 2012, 07:21 AM
Dragon Faery-- I'm still working on my routine. Right now I'm using 'poo bars and acv and switching with toadstool products. Not sure who will win. Also vo5 shae cashmere conditioner. My routine is fairly simple. I'm washing 2xs a week. I wo inbetween or do a green tea rinse with acv. My fine hair is slightly oily, but I'm hoping this will work itself out. I coconut oil the ends before washing. I bbb every morning and braid or bun at night. I still wear my hair down on wash day. I'm hoping my hair will thicken up as bangs and shorter bits make it to my ponytail. I don't think I quite qualify as benign neglect, but I think I'm simpler than most. I'm fighting the urge to try neelibringhandi oil. I shed quite a bit so I'm curious, but the cost and supposed smell don't sound nice.

March 20th, 2012, 08:35 AM
Does anyone plan on doing anything special to "help" their hair along? Anyone intend to benignly neglect it and be surprised every so often by the length? What's your growth strategy?

What about all y'all? High maintenance? Low? Still searching for that elusive perfect routine? Settled in and patiently, steadily growing?

Thank you for the very good questions. :D

Well I think my hair is going to need some help. It's very fragile and tangley. I feel like I'm going to need to actively care about whether it grows and benign neglect probably will not work for me. I suppose there is the option of just letting it do its own thing and see how long it gets, then maybe do some coaxing and trimming to get it to grow more.

I know I'm a very long way away from my goal. I accept that it might be even a decade away and that I am going to be closer to 40 than I really want to think about. I doubt I'm going to have the same routine or, even the same attitude about my hair, for that long.

Right now I'm still washing every day. I have scalp acne that causes crazy shedding and has thus far only been remedied by daily washing. I've been working on ways to make the washing better for my hair. I now know how to wash without getting any tangles. I tried diluting shampoo and it came back. I've been trying different ways to use ACV and I hope I find something that helps. I'm lucky that my hair is very non-porous and dries fast and doesn't seem to be suffering from getting wet every day.

So, ah, high maintenance but not by choice!!

I'm very curious to see just how long my hair gets, I'll join you all here, I know it will take many years...hopefully lol to find out but I'm game!

Holothuroidea, patience, I grew out of a shaved head and eventually your layers will all catch up, I left mine go until it reached BSL then had a nice big trim, to clear out splits and dry ends, but after that it was smooth sailing ;)

Thank you! Patience is not easy during this awkward stage. I've decided to only take a trim when the health of my hair will be better for it. Right now my ends are brand new and shiny and trimming them off seems unnecessary, although I do feel like the hair in my short layers are feeling lonely and isolated, LOL

I will be growing mine as long as it will grow also. I'm starting from Chemo length, so it's going to be awhile :)

:grouphug: Ohh chemo sucks :( but congratulations on surviving! :hifive:

I'll just be over here, doing this for you :cheer: :cheer: Grow, hair, grow!!

March 20th, 2012, 08:51 AM
I'm going for terminal. Hopefully a fancy graphic one, not an 80×25 (I passed 80 months ago). :D

March 20th, 2012, 10:21 AM
I am sure that I have been at terminal for some years - my last trim was in 1994, and I have gained no length since 1997; not quite the 20 years mentionbed in an earlier post, but enough to be sure.

Unfortunately, although my goalh when I was 14 was to grow to fingertip length, my terminal length is only APL, so I can only envy the likes of Trolleypup and EdG!

However, there is something very satisfying in growing to terminal and staying there for as many years as possible.

A few comments on trimming and ends. I don't trim - I don't have enough hair for that luxury! If you don't trim you will develop fairytail ends, if you do, then up to a point you will regain the length, but not entirely. If you trim an inch off a hair which is 34" long, and which would have grown to 36", then it will only grow to 35". You will, in fact, make the longest lengths thinner by reducing the number of hairs which will reach that length.

anyway, whatever kind of terminal length you go for, enjoy the journey!

March 20th, 2012, 11:06 AM
Does anyone plan on doing anything special to "help" their hair along? Anyone intend to benignly neglect it and be surprised every so often by the length? What's your growth strategy?

I'm in process of learning how to protect my somewhat finicky wurls and curls, and trying to get used to noticing things I do that may cause mechanical damage in the long run. I'm also trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with my health, and cautiously trying different supplements, herbs, and teas to see what my body (And therefore my hair) will respond to the best. Being a dry curly, I CO-wash as needed and don't seem to need to clarify very often. I try to keep the ends oiled, but the oil varies. I also try to deep oil before most washes, and about every other night I use Castor Oil of varying dilutions on my scalp. Eventually I will restart applying teas to my scalp in the mornings.

What about all y'all? High maintenance? Low? Still searching for that elusive perfect routine? Settled in and patiently, steadily growing?
I am currently only washing my hair once a week, air dry, then put it in a top bun that i wont take down until the next week. It protects the ends and i can make different type of buns on top (braided, non braided) and it keeps me from looking at my hair length. I was planning on growing to classic or knee (whenever that will be) and then thickening my ends, and THEN letting it grow as far as it want but now im thinking.....it wouldn't matter if your hair were blunt cut or not because at terminal, its the fairy tale ends come back!all layered up, so there's no use for me to want a blunt cut. I guess i'll let my hair do it's thing until i reach terminal.
I was concerned about my hair thickness by the time it reaches my butt of knees but if it's terminal, the other hairs on top will catch up eventually and reach that terminal length (hopefully at least ankle)

I guess you can call that low maintenance since i never see my hair and just CO wash my hair 1 a week.
So i guess it's nothing SPECIAL but just full of benign neglect that has been working for me so far. 7 months since my last trim and not a single split end found.

March 20th, 2012, 11:16 AM
I have a question for the termi's, when do you decide to trim?
Or is everyone growing all natural and letting splits happen?
and HOW do you trim? (especially layered ends, those are hard) do you trim by yourself or do you go to the salon with that glorious mane following behind you? :P

im confused and im planning on doing the CG method of trimming and trimming a tiny bit off each curl when i get the splits again. that and S&D once a year.

March 20th, 2012, 11:48 AM
I trim when I get tired of fighting with my hair. The more damaged my ends, the more my hair sticks together, and the harder it is to get a comb through it.

My routine is a pre-wash length coconut oiling followed by CWC with diluted shampoo about every 4 days, plus wear my hair up as often as possible to prevent tangles and mechanical wear and tear. I don't apply anything to my scalp to try to increase growth because I fear that if I accelerate growth, it might all shed out at the same time if/when I stop treatment. Slow and steady according to nature, that's good enough for me.

March 20th, 2012, 03:36 PM

...we are hair twins, except yours is WAY more impressive!! :thud:

I've been considering cutting back to nape when my shortest layers get that long or maybe even doing it a little at a time. Maybe it's just an awkward stage right now but my hair feels pretty scraggly sneaking down my shoulders in strings.

Thanks! :) I think we are hair twins, and you will catch up!

March 20th, 2012, 03:38 PM
Dragon Faery:

Right now my evil master plan is letting it grow. I haven't any length to speak of, so putting it up and trimming the ends aren't really possibilities. Just... Waiting. :(

As for my routine, I've been a WOer for a while now, washing every three days or so, and I've decided to take this opportunity to go all-out NW/SO. Which means I'll be massaging and scritching and using my bbb every day.

Shadow Walker
March 20th, 2012, 03:39 PM
I'm going for terminal as well. If it weren't for a few unfortunate setbacks, I'd probably be at upper thigh right now instead of hip, again. Ah well, I continue onward!

March 20th, 2012, 03:42 PM
I might try to get there but I might need some trims.

March 20th, 2012, 10:55 PM
YESSS!!! Thank you for starting this thread!!! :cheese:

Does anyone plan on doing anything special to "help" their hair along? Anyone intend to benignly neglect it and be surprised every so often by the length? What's your growth strategy?

I'm in process of learning how to protect my somewhat finicky wurls and curls, and trying to get used to noticing things I do that may cause mechanical damage in the long run. I'm also trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with my health, and cautiously trying different supplements, herbs, and teas to see what my body (And therefore my hair) will respond to the best. Being a dry curly, I CO-wash as needed and don't seem to need to clarify very often. I try to keep the ends oiled, but the oil varies. I also try to deep oil before most washes, and about every other night I use Castor Oil of varying dilutions on my scalp. Eventually I will restart applying teas to my scalp in the mornings.

What about all y'all? High maintenance? Low? Still searching for that elusive perfect routine? Settled in and patiently, steadily growing?

Well I just updated my profile. Terminal it is. I have been on a long hair journey for a while but with a major set back of shedding for five years and a false terminal. Well the shedding has abated and I will be babying my hair with a modified Tightly Curly method. Twists, braids and buns to protect my hair. My home made products and a very healthy diet with excersise. I am a non cut/trimmer. I was taught years ago to use a preventive approach to splits and you won't have to trim them. So I use oils and butters to keep the splits away, and gental detangling to prevent the SSK's.

I have never had a full head of healthy long hair and I really want to know what that will be like. Letting it go till it won't grow any more based on its natural bent and not damage or scissors. This will be a beautiful journey. High maintence it is.

March 20th, 2012, 11:19 PM
I agree on both counts. I'm moving in, too! I can pass out hot chocolate, tea, and coffee to all the new arrivals. :) Anyone got s'mores? Cookies? Brownies?

RapunzelKat, we are exact goal buddies! Our hair type and lengths are very different, but your plan is exactly the same as mine. :)

Does anyone plan on doing anything special to "help" their hair along? Anyone intend to benignly neglect it and be surprised every so often by the length? What's your growth strategy?

I'm in process of learning how to protect my somewhat finicky wurls and curls, and trying to get used to noticing things I do that may cause mechanical damage in the long run. I'm also trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with my health, and cautiously trying different supplements, herbs, and teas to see what my body (And therefore my hair) will respond to the best. Being a dry curly, I CO-wash as needed and don't seem to need to clarify very often. I try to keep the ends oiled, but the oil varies. I also try to deep oil before most washes, and about every other night I use Castor Oil of varying dilutions on my scalp. Eventually I will restart applying teas to my scalp in the mornings.

What about all y'all? High maintenance? Low? Still searching for that elusive perfect routine? Settled in and patiently, steadily growing?

Pass the hot chocolate please :D Cupcakes anyone? ;)

Haha, that's cool we're goal buddies! :hifive: Interesting that we have such different hair types but such similar goals :D

My hair routine is currently in transition... :disco:I spent, oh, between two or three years wearing basically the same style (English braid) alllll the time, with the odd bee butt bun thrown in here and there. My hair was pretty long and actually in pretty decent shape but I had no clue how to handle it! I was also starting to have such trouble with tangles that I was pretty sure I was either going to have to cut back to hip or tailbone, or at least not let my hair get any longer. In my desperate search for new styles to make my hair less boring, I came across the LHC! :cheese: Thank goodness! My tangly hair is SO much better, and I'm feeling confident again about growing to terminal. (My styling skills... Well, I'm still working on that but at least I can do more than just an English braid now :D)

I'm eventually hoping for a simple routine, but with good variety in my protective styles and the ability to deal with my tangles. Right now I'm handling my hair a lot more than I really want to (three to four times a day instead of one or two). Since my hair is so fine and prone to mechanical damage, I really want to get to the point where I'm not fiddling with it much. It's gonna take a while to really nail a routine down though, I think. Once I get there, I'll be sure to post!:D

March 20th, 2012, 11:49 PM
I'm growing mine as long as it will possibly go but will reassess once it gets to my waist. The longest I ever had is bra strap length so who knows where my terminal length is?

hanne jensen
March 21st, 2012, 03:32 AM
I want to grow my hair to terminal length too. I'm only at MBL, but I'm curious about how long my hair can get. Both my grandmothers had hair below their knees, so I should be abel to have very long hair in time.

I have to dust regularly as my hair grows very unevenly and I have a ducktail that grows 3 times faster than the rest of my hair. My hair also breaks very easily and I don't want to look like a haystack.

Happy Growing!

Dragon Faery
March 21st, 2012, 12:54 PM
Wow, thanks for all the responses! I love hearing everyone's routines! :cheese:

I have a question for the termi's, when do you decide to trim?
Or is everyone growing all natural and letting splits happen?
and HOW do you trim? (especially layered ends, those are hard) do you trim by yourself or do you go to the salon with that glorious mane following behind you? :P

im confused and im planning on doing the CG method of trimming and trimming a tiny bit off each curl when i get the splits again. that and S&D once a year.

I'm trimming similarly to RapunzelKat, as far as aesthetics go. Which for me in practice means I will trim anytime my hemline starts to look too thin for my liking, or any time my ends start to get velcro-ey because of splits. I have layers at the moment, which save me from the dreaded Triangle Head Syndrome, but I plan on cutting those out one by one as I reach different milestones. My hair currently waves and/or frizzes unless I work to coax it into ringlets, so I can trim using Feye's methods.

Pass the hot chocolate please :D Cupcakes anyone? ;)

Haha, that's cool we're goal buddies! :hifive: Interesting that we have such different hair types but such similar goals :D

My hair routine is currently in transition... :disco:I spent, oh, between two or three years wearing basically the same style (English braid) alllll the time, with the odd bee butt bun thrown in here and there. My hair was pretty long and actually in pretty decent shape but I had no clue how to handle it! I was also starting to have such trouble with tangles that I was pretty sure I was either going to have to cut back to hip or tailbone, or at least not let my hair get any longer. In my desperate search for new styles to make my hair less boring, I came across the LHC! :cheese: Thank goodness! My tangly hair is SO much better, and I'm feeling confident again about growing to terminal. (My styling skills... Well, I'm still working on that but at least I can do more than just an English braid now :D)

I'm eventually hoping for a simple routine, but with good variety in my protective styles and the ability to deal with my tangles. Right now I'm handling my hair a lot more than I really want to (three to four times a day instead of one or two). Since my hair is so fine and prone to mechanical damage, I really want to get to the point where I'm not fiddling with it much. It's gonna take a while to really nail a routine down though, I think. Once I get there, I'll be sure to post!:D

*passes hot chocolate*
I was so happy you posted ahead of me, because then I could just say "yes, that's me too!" And not have to figure out how to word things.

Stylewise I can do a lot of things and usually don't have trouble picking up new braids or buns, but I'm hindered by my layers and by it still being TOO SHORT for the things I like the best. :p

Thank goodness for the LHC! Without everyone here I would already have had to trim back to APL because of damage, and I would be sooo frustrated right now.

Happy growing, all!

March 21st, 2012, 01:00 PM
I'm still in doubts whether to grow my hair up to its terminal length. I just might go for it as it can't hurt to cut my hair when it grows longer than thigh (my current goal length). I've never grown to terminal length before, and I'm curious. The job could be fun!

March 21st, 2012, 01:14 PM
When people ask me why my hair is long, I tell them I'm conducting a long-running science experiment on my head to see how long it will go. :D

March 25th, 2012, 08:07 PM
I really want to chop off these layers. NOW

:scissors: :wail:

March 25th, 2012, 08:09 PM
I would like to try to grow as long as it can grow but the longest I ever had was waist .

March 25th, 2012, 08:10 PM
You can do it, Perelka :cheer:

March 25th, 2012, 08:12 PM
Yes we all can with some hard work and patience .

March 25th, 2012, 08:52 PM
I'm trimming similarly to RapunzelKat, as far as aesthetics go. Which for me in practice means I will trim anytime my hemline starts to look too thin for my liking, or any time my ends start to get velcro-ey because of splits. I have layers at the moment, which save me from the dreaded Triangle Head Syndrome, but I plan on cutting those out one by one as I reach different milestones. My hair currently waves and/or frizzes unless I work to coax it into ringlets, so I can trim using Feye's methods.
ah ok sounds like a good plan! :D

March 25th, 2012, 10:42 PM
I really want to chop off these layers. NOW

:scissors: :wail:

Maybe just a very small trim on your bottom layer, to make them closer in length, would make you happier with your hair? I know you have expressed that you were feeling undecided about trimming/not trimming earlier in the thread... Maybe a little 1/8 or 1/4" dusting would be within your comfort zone and help you decide how you're going to feel about trimming? :flower:

If it's any help, I can tell you I was very glad when I finally cut my layers out :) For those of us with thin hair, it makes the bottom of the hair much thicker and sturdier feeling. I loved layers in short hair, as it gave my hair good movement, but in long hair I didn't like them at all.

Welcome, Perelka74! :waving:

March 25th, 2012, 11:08 PM
My great Grandmother never cut her hair and once she let it down during the day to let them take a picture (which I can't find) on how long it was it was to her knees. I've always wanted knee length hair and since that was term for her I'm hoping it is for me as well.

I'm HL right now and growing.

March 26th, 2012, 02:26 AM
I believe Trolleypup is terminal, too, and I know there's a few others as well.
Except that that was just a years long stall. I've been gaining quite slowly the last year or so. Right now I am at the "Well, that is definitely past almost knee and into the Can I Call This Knee" territory! 56" plus some amount of small change.

March 26th, 2012, 02:39 AM
Except that that was just a years long stall. I've been gaining quite slowly the last year or so. Right now I am at the "Well, that is definitely past almost knee and into the Can I Call This Knee" territory! 56" plus some amount of small change.

I'm curious, do you have any idea why you had a stall in your growth? It's awesome that you're pretty much at knee now!

March 26th, 2012, 03:33 AM
A fun thread and a worthy goal!
My current official goal is classic, which I hope to reach some time this autumn. But once I get there, I'll probably see more length sort of creep up on me, albeit more slowly, since I do have some damage I want to trim away, bit by bit.
I don't think I'll go for terminal myself, since I am not a fan of fairytale ends, at least not for my own hair. It will be interesting to see what length I'll end up with, though! :D

March 26th, 2012, 06:05 AM
I really want to chop off these layers. NOW

:scissors: :wail:

It seems like the layers matter less as your hair gets longer. This time last year I was really hating my hemline and wanting to be rid of the layers but over time it actually seems to have neatened out a bit (compare this (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=8088&pictureid=105630) photo from May of last year with this (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=8123&pictureid=128378) one taken a couple of weeks ago). Although still layered my hair seems to have gained a natural looking soft 'U' shaped hemline and I now have no particular desire to have it all one length. Just hang in there, I'm sure things will improve!

It also helps to have your shortest layers long enough that they will fit into your updo :D

March 26th, 2012, 06:20 AM
I really want to chop off these layers. NOW

:scissors: :wail:

Noooo! Your hair is looking good - you'll be at shoulder before you know it!

March 26th, 2012, 07:00 AM
Thanks, everyone.

I just want to mention that these layers are not natural layers from growing out an all-one-length pixie. These are layers from the Worst Haircut in the History of Scissors. The front is longer than the back but the middle (is there even a middle?) is the shortest and I have layers next to my ear that are shorter than my fringe. :confused:

I don't think this is ever going to get "neater" as it grows!!

I want to have uncut hair but I think it's fair to give myself a starting point that I am comfortable with. At this point, I'm wondering whether I should maintain at nape until the layers catch up or grow it out until the shortest hairs are at nape and then chop. The latter option is probably 3-4 months away.

Oh, there's also the option of shaving bald and really starting from scratch! :D (Am I crazy?)

If I find a picture of that horrible hair cut I'll post it so you can see just how bad it really was.

March 26th, 2012, 10:01 AM
Thanks, everyone.

I just want to mention that these layers are not natural layers from growing out an all-one-length pixie. These are layers from the Worst Haircut in the History of Scissors. The front is longer than the back but the middle (is there even a middle?) is the shortest and I have layers next to my ear that are shorter than my fringe. :confused:
I'd say: Ignore it and let it grow. Once it gets a bit of length the layers won't show where they started so much.

I'm curious, do you have any idea why you had a stall in your growth? It's awesome that you're pretty much at knee now!
No idea whatsoever. No significant change in hair care, diet or lifestyle. And it was years of being textbook terminal. I'm definitely not gaining all 1/2 per month of my normal growth per month though.

I am just going to wait and see where it goes!

March 26th, 2012, 10:14 AM
But, but, but... Aaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgg!! :scissors: :hatchet: :scissors:

March 26th, 2012, 10:20 AM
But, but, but... Aaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgg!! :scissors: :hatchet: :scissors:
Hang in there! Don't cut, it can only get longer from here!:D

March 26th, 2012, 10:30 AM
My layers aren't natural from a short pixie either, they're from several years of self-cut layers and then trying to trim back from about APL to UBL to get rid of some of the layers when I had no idea what I was doing (hence why it looks like I cut it with a knife and fork in the older photo :p). They become more natural-looking over time due to shed etc. and like I say once the shortest are fairly long you really don't notice.

Oh, there's also the option of shaving bald and really starting from scratch! :D (Am I crazy?)

I'm sure you're probably not serious but just so you know, if you want to get rid of layers shaving bald is the worst thing you can do! You have to keep trimming the hair at the back to wait for the front and the sides to catch up and this can take a year or more.

I would vote for going non-trimming for a lengthy period of time and trying to wear up and forget about it. Hopefully at the end of this you'll have gained a good bit of length and it'll look better to you. If you still hate it you'll be in a position where you can get a blunt hemline cut across and then you'll have your starting point to get to terminal.

Good luck whatever you decide ;)

March 26th, 2012, 10:31 AM
But, but, but... Aaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgg!! :scissors: :hatchet: :scissors:
Sounds like a bad attack of Awkward Stage! I wore baseball caps for years until my bangs were long enough to stay back!

March 26th, 2012, 10:47 AM
There are many of you telling me that it will even out as it gets longer or I wont notice. I have to be honest- I really don't believe you. My hair is very fine and thin, and mostly straight, and I don't see these random choppy bits of hair being not noticeable or my hemline looking anything but ragged and scraggly.

I have a serious thin-hair complex and having hair that's chopped up in places is NOT helping. I don't know if I can live with hair like this long enough to grow it out.

But you guys know long hair better than I do and I should listen to you, so I will try. I have a feeling that I am going to find something about my hair to be insecure about no matter what, and right now I am just picking on layers.

Just for reference, this is the hair cut I am growing out. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v296/holothuroidea/SAM_0519.jpg)

March 26th, 2012, 11:20 AM
Now Im even more impressed with your growth! I can see that those layers must be a pain, but it looks like they're blending in surprisingly well now (from what I can see of the back from your avatar), maybe the length is pulling them straighter (compared with the pics in your album)?

I don't think your hair looks thin! And it'll be long enough to put up soon.

March 26th, 2012, 11:27 AM
I believe I have reach my terminal length at 29 inches. Hair has not grown in at least three years.:justy: But I have started again on biotin. Who knows maybe it will grow? I am happy with it.

March 26th, 2012, 11:34 AM
There are many of you telling me that it will even out as it gets longer or I wont notice. I have to be honest- I really don't believe you. My hair is very fine and thin, and mostly straight, and I don't see these random choppy bits of hair being not noticeable or my hemline looking anything but ragged and scraggly.

I have a serious thin-hair complex and having hair that's chopped up in places is NOT helping. I don't know if I can live with hair like this long enough to grow it out.

But you guys know long hair better than I do and I should listen to you, so I will try. I have a feeling that I am going to find something about my hair to be insecure about no matter what, and right now I am just picking on layers.

Just for reference, this is the hair cut I am growing out. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v296/holothuroidea/SAM_0519.jpg)
I think your hair has grown out rather well! I don't think your hair looks too thin. I understand about the insecurity thing, I go through the same thing. I do tend to pick at certain aspects of my hair or self, if it's not one thing it's another:rolleyes:
My sister and I have both been in your situation regarding growing out hair cuts. She tends to cut more and even out and I tend to grow more and eventually trim. Either way it all tends to even out, we both end up in the same place. So I think you should take to some time to make sure your sure about your decision and then do what makes you feel good:)

March 26th, 2012, 11:50 AM
I'm already at terminal, I believe. My hair hasn't grown much more now for 3 years. It has been a fun fulfilling journey and to be quite honest, I don't want my hair growing past knee.

It will be interesting to see you all fufill your goal of terminal! It will take some time, though. But once you click your fingers, it will be here. Although, one of my friends has reached terminal at BSL. It is still very beautiful and considered long hair!!!!

March 26th, 2012, 12:39 PM
Thanks, everyone.

I just want to mention that these layers are not natural layers from growing out an all-one-length pixie. These are layers from the Worst Haircut in the History of Scissors. The front is longer than the back but the middle (is there even a middle?) is the shortest and I have layers next to my ear that are shorter than my fringe. :confused:

I don't think this is ever going to get "neater" as it grows!!

I want to have uncut hair but I think it's fair to give myself a starting point that I am comfortable with. At this point, I'm wondering whether I should maintain at nape until the layers catch up or grow it out until the shortest hairs are at nape and then chop. The latter option is probably 3-4 months away.

Oh, there's also the option of shaving bald and really starting from scratch! :D (Am I crazy?)

If I find a picture of that horrible hair cut I'll post it so you can see just how bad it really was.

If it was me, I'd wait on trimming. What helped me with the awkward stage was either a headband to keep it off my face or a barrette for just the top/bangs. If the front looks neat then I can tolerate flippy choppy ends in the back. If you don't trim you are just that much closer to being able to put it up. I don't think your hair looks thin. Just remember we're here to talk you down from the ledge. LOL.

March 26th, 2012, 12:49 PM
Except that that was just a years long stall. I've been gaining quite slowly the last year or so. Right now I am at the "Well, that is definitely past almost knee and into the Can I Call This Knee" territory! 56" plus some amount of small change.
That's right, I remember you mentioning somewhere you're growing again. So no more terminal for you!

Holothuroidea, if I were you I would pick a length (chin, nape, whatever) and get all your layers caught up, and then grow. It may not take that long. I understand what you mean about dealing with choppy layers, and IMO they will just continue to drive you crazy until they're gone, so you might as well face the music and do it now. You may be OK with the last layer or two, but if you have that much uneveness now I would focus on getting rid of that first. It looks like you've already done a lot of the growing, so a few more months will probably take care of the rest.

March 26th, 2012, 04:09 PM
Leave the layers and go for terminal... Eventually, the layers will remove themselves :toast:

Thanks for this. Sometimes it just does'nt seem they will.:(

March 26th, 2012, 05:42 PM
I am sort of fascinated by terminal... but I am not sure if I will actually ever try for it. I'm a bit ho hum, simply because I want to be able to wear my long hair loose... and I don't know that terminal ends would really suit that! I've always preferred neat ends.

Then again... I don't think my terminal would be very long, so it might be a nice idea to get there, and then just trim up the ends. Given my hair's natural thinness... and its propensity to shed, I don't think the growth phase of my hair is long enough to create truly "long" terminal hair.

Ultimately, if my terminal is longer than hip I will be happy, because I'd like hip length hair ;). Still... it will be awhile before I know given all the trimming I did last year :rolleyes:... from almost waist I'm barely APL now.

March 26th, 2012, 05:59 PM
When people ask me why my hair is long, I tell them I'm conducting a long-running science experiment on my head to see how long it will go. :D

I have said that too. It's all in the name of science. ;)

March 26th, 2012, 06:01 PM

When I grew out from a haircut similar to yours, a alcohol free gel, and bobby pins were my friends. Also scarves and hats, and I don't look good in hats. After that I transitioned to african butterfly hairclips, and I wore those for 2 years. My coworkers, never saw my hair down. I now have gotten to the point where I CAN NOT STAND the african butterfly hairclips, and threw them away, but they worked. I did the wear your hair up challenge and benign neglect, before I ever discovered LHC. Wearing your hair up out of the way, and benign neglect works.

Evening up layers does help as it grows longer, but growing it out can be done

March 26th, 2012, 06:40 PM
Thank you very much for the confidence boost, summergreen! :D :flowers:

Prairie Rose- I think you are right. I will probably end up in the same place 6 years from now no matter what I do. It might be worth it, though, to even up the hemline in the beginning stages just to make them more tolerable and to feel less self conscious. I'm still completely undecided, but I have at least 3 months before I can even consider chopping to the shortest layer so I will mull it over until then.

Jeanniet- Thank you for the alternative perspective. You basically summed up my rational for getting rid of the layers. I just don't know if it's exactly what I want to do, yet. If my goal was waist or hip or something it would make more sense- but growing to terminal means I'm going to have fairy tale ends and I have thin-ish hair and something tells me that I might just have to learn to accept that.

elthia- Bobby pins are my worst enemy. I still have a cocaktoo thing sprouting out of the part right in the front of my head from bobby pin damage (pinning fringe back, to be precise) I am only putting those things in my hair for special occasions! My hair is really fragile and I don't think the butterfly clips would work for me due to the elastic- although they are very cool and would probably be lovely in other hair types so thanks for the rec. :)

Thanks again everyone! :flower:

March 26th, 2012, 07:53 PM
holothuroidea, I grew out from a layered cut not exactly like yours, but similar. When you get just a little longer, a sanded claw clip will be your best friend. Put it up in a peacock twist and ignore the sh*t out of it. Haha.

Benign neglect was the only way I made it out of that awkward growing stage. Our hairtype seems similar, and until I made it past shoulder my hair drove me nuts, but I just decided to do it and in retrospect I'm glad. It got me out of that stage as quickly as possible. If you need a trim to even out the layers, I'd say wait until your shortest layer is close to shoulder. I did two years with no trims and it got me to APL.

March 26th, 2012, 08:10 PM
Holo, how about silk and satin scarves. You can get cheap ones at consignment stores or Marshalls, TJMaxx, and use them as headbands. Also you can buy a three pack of terry fabric headbands at walgreens for 5 bucks.

March 26th, 2012, 08:34 PM
Hey all!

I'm growing my hair out as long as I can handle it. The growth slowed down a lot when I reached hip length last time, so that may be terminal for me. It may also be that it was just getting too much wear and tear... I'm keeping it up a lot more this grow-around, so we'll see how long it wants to grow.


March 26th, 2012, 08:55 PM
I cut mine all to blunt when my sides reached my shoulders and grew out from there Holo. Knowing what I do now, I'd have waited until the shortest parts were long enough to properly put up before trimming.

When you are growing for the long haul, that initial damage will not matter as much in the long run since it will be trimmed away. At least, most people do *some* trimming although nothing says you have to. I like to grow a bit beyond a milemarker point by an inch or so and then trim back to it so I still have the mental squee of being at x length. I may also be easily amused and very patient. It is a combo that I highly recommend.

March 26th, 2012, 08:57 PM
*checks hair* Nope. Still short. Sigh.

March 26th, 2012, 09:09 PM
*checks hair* Nope. Still short. Sigh.

This is how I feel right now.

March 26th, 2012, 09:16 PM
Thank you very much for the confidence boost, summergreen! :D :flowers:

Prairie Rose- I think you are right. I will probably end up in the same place 6 years from now no matter what I do. It might be worth it, though, to even up the hemline in the beginning stages just to make them more tolerable and to feel less self conscious. I'm still completely undecided, but I have at least 3 months before I can even consider chopping to the shortest layer so I will mull it over until then.

Jeanniet- Thank you for the alternative perspective. You basically summed up my rational for getting rid of the layers. I just don't know if it's exactly what I want to do, yet. If my goal was waist or hip or something it would make more sense- but growing to terminal means I'm going to have fairy tale ends and I have thin-ish hair and something tells me that I might just have to learn to accept that.

elthia- Bobby pins are my worst enemy. I still have a cocaktoo thing sprouting out of the part right in the front of my head from bobby pin damage (pinning fringe back, to be precise) I am only putting those things in my hair for special occasions! My hair is really fragile and I don't think the butterfly clips would work for me due to the elastic- although they are very cool and would probably be lovely in other hair types so thanks for the rec. :)

Thanks again everyone! :flower:
If you do end up growing to terminal, you'll have lots of time to get used to how your hair is at longer lengths. But right now, you're in the most difficult stage, IMO, so whatever you have to do to make it easier on yourself, I'd do it. Once you're at shoulder/APLish, the hard part is behind you, and then you can let your hemline do what it will. But don't drive yourself batty now.

March 26th, 2012, 09:36 PM
I am toying with the idea of growing to terminal length. I'm not sure how long my terminal would be (I've only grown to waist and that was in high school).

I love Chromis' idea of growing an inch past a milemarker point and then trimming. I think I'll try that when I reach my next milemarker of BSL (should be in a month or two I think).

March 26th, 2012, 10:13 PM
Part of me thinks I might as well let it grow to terminal since I get so much shrinkage no one would know unless I wore it stretched in some way. I'm taking it in baby steps though, let me see if I like WL first...

March 26th, 2012, 10:23 PM
I'm growing to terminal. :) I'm just at waist now, but it seems to be in a stall because I've been at waist for a couple of months now. I think my wearing it down too often may be contributing to that, but I can't help it, I love it down!

I'm also doing a no-trim challenge this year, only allowing myself to s&d as needed. I'm taking a biotin supplement too. Slowly but hopefully surely creeping towards classic. :D

March 26th, 2012, 11:23 PM
Terminal or bust! I haven't trimmed since 2009 and just hit tailbone. Looks like my terminal length will be relatively short. It's already tapered away to just about nothing. I'll be pleasantly surprised if it makes it to classic.

March 27th, 2012, 11:29 PM
YESSS!!! Thank you for starting this thread!!! :cheese:

I agree on both counts. I'm moving in, too! I can pass out hot chocolate, tea, and coffee to all the new arrivals. :) Anyone got s'mores? Cookies? Brownies?

I've been pondering this, and I could see myself keeping an old sheet just for this purpose. Or even a new satin sheet, depending on my level of fanaticism--I mean, commitment...

Does anyone plan on doing anything special to "help" their hair along? Anyone intend to benignly neglect it and be surprised every so often by the length? What's your growth strategy?

I'm in process of learning how to protect my somewhat finicky wurls and curls, and trying to get used to noticing things I do that may cause mechanical damage in the long run. I'm also trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with my health, and cautiously trying different supplements, herbs, and teas to see what my body (And therefore my hair) will respond to the best. Being a dry curly, I CO-wash as needed and don't seem to need to clarify very often. I try to keep the ends oiled, but the oil varies. I also try to deep oil before most washes, and about every other night I use Castor Oil of varying dilutions on my scalp. Eventually I will restart applying teas to my scalp in the mornings.

What about all y'all? High maintenance? Low? Still searching for that elusive perfect routine? Settled in and patiently, steadily growing?

I'll have some tea! Peppermint tea... mmm. Yummy. Oh oh, and brownies!! ^.^

About my routine though. I'll just take what I said in the benefits of oils vs cones. Although it's not anything particularly special (I haven't yet heard of those who do S/O and use leave-in oils as their conditioners), it basically says what my routine is and will be once my hair grows longer, if everything goes as I think it will for what my hair will need when longer:

"As my signature says, I am cone-free and have been for many months now. I never get build-up on my hair do to products and what you see is what it is, so I never need to clarify. I also don't need to do protein treatments because I retain the protein in my hair. My last length update picture explains my situation that got me into the hair care routine that I am in, however, I am not using the Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition that I bought. I only used it 3-4 times in combination with the baby shampoo I use. Now, the conditioner I mentioned does not contain cones, however, what makes this interesting is I have, for now, replaced that conditioner and am using my argan oil as my conditioner. I use no wash out conditioners. I wash with baby shampoo which is light (perfect for my fine hair) and just takes the layer of whatever oil is on the surface of my hair that would make it look greasy and leaves the rest. I do have to wash a little more often, 2-3 days, but it is extremely gentle. After washing it and having had it turbied for several minutes, I lightly argan oil it and let it dry. My hair could not be more softer and it is indeed my hair. My hair, being virgin and ultra absorbent, absorbs the oil so I can apply it to my length as well, just avoid the scalp is all, naturally. With my experience, my hair is way better than when I used cones. Lighter and feels... like long animal fur rather than the synthetic fur of a stuffed animal if that makes sense. Although it could partially be the good feeling of stroking my own hair than plastics coating it.

ETA: What made me want to do this experiment is that I have to wash my hair upstairs, at my mother's place because the shower of the basement suite I am living in under her is broken. Her shower is also broken but she has a tub so I can wash it that way. It is freakin cold up there, even still with being spring, so I wanted to spend less time up there and conditioning takes the most time as I like to let it sit, but not long enough that a towel could be used and going about my business. I just like to get the wash over and done with. So... I started skipping the condition part of my wash and got the brilliant idea to replace it with a leave-in, my argan oil! I can just turbi it and come back down to the warmness that is my apartment to continue my hair business. That's what I've been doing and I love it. With this length of hair I don't burn through my oil, argan oil is not cheap >.>, so I think I'm just going to keep doing that until my hair gets long enough that I need something a little less expensive, the cone-free conditioner I bought that is tucked away for example, to keep the mass of hair conditioned and then just continue to use the argan oil just on my ends."

I mostly just try to ignore my hair and keep it up, but sometimes I can't help but have it down and stroke it and admire the colour and the tiny bits of my body (neck so far XD) it is passing that I'd previously pined for it to even reach. It just feels so good to finally have it brushing my shoulders, if only a little.

Sorry, all that kinda made it long, but it works. :o:p

I have a question for the termi's, when do you decide to trim?
Or is everyone growing all natural and letting splits happen?
and HOW do you trim? (especially layered ends, those are hard) do you trim by yourself or do you go to the salon with that glorious mane following behind you? :P

im confused and im planning on doing the CG method of trimming and trimming a tiny bit off each curl when i get the splits again. that and S&D once a year.

Well at this point I'm not trimming, but when I accomplish this No-Trims challenge I will be trimming my own hair as it will finally be long enough to use Feye's Method and somewhat comfortably.

When I decide to trim will be dependent, I think, on damage. I would have a hard time letting splits be; just knowing that they are there and what a detriment they are.

Until I know first hand how to care for long hair, I can only speak as though I will indeed get damage enough needed for a trim to continue my long hair journey. That may not be the case because I've got a head start being here at LHC with short hair and so have time to fill up on long hair care knowledge for my hair type throughout the growth stages.

I may just go the route of trimming my hair once a year and perhaps trim more when I goof up on a change of routine to accommodate the changing needs of my growing hair. At this point, for this challenge, I'm not even S&Ding, because I want to get all hairs into a pony-tail first and finally, and speaking of head starts, get a nice head start, my first full year as a member, on reaching a length that could be considered "long hair". I want maximum growth for all my hair strands this year. We'll see how things pan out in the future once my commitment to this challenge has been followed through.

March 27th, 2012, 11:30 PM
Thanks, everyone.

I just want to mention that these layers are not natural layers from growing out an all-one-length pixie. These are layers from the Worst Haircut in the History of Scissors. The front is longer than the back but the middle (is there even a middle?) is the shortest and I have layers next to my ear that are shorter than my fringe. :confused:

I don't think this is ever going to get "neater" as it grows!!

I want to have uncut hair but I think it's fair to give myself a starting point that I am comfortable with. At this point, I'm wondering whether I should maintain at nape until the layers catch up or grow it out until the shortest hairs are at nape and then chop. The latter option is probably 3-4 months away.

Oh, there's also the option of shaving bald and really starting from scratch! :D (Am I crazy?)

If I find a picture of that horrible hair cut I'll post it so you can see just how bad it really was.

Oh no. Don't shave your head. Of anything I can stress that would be it. I gave myself an undercut back in September of 2010 out of frustration to rid myself of botched layers. Little did I know I only made the problem worse with more layers than I could have ever wanted, and the only reason why I don't regret it as much as I could have is because it was a new experience and I discovered I had an L shaped scar the back of my head which my nickname starts with (Liz).

It felt like soooo long to grow out. It was about a year and the transition was terrible... Long hairs getting caught in the short back hairs, hairs above my ear peeking out from underneath the bangs looking like I was wearing a messed up wig. The bangs really made my appearance look less flattering when down. Fortunately, my crown hairs were untouched so I only had to grow out the lower 3/4s, and the mullet stage I was able to avoid. If you shave though, you'll have a lot of maintaining to do since if you grow out a shave job as opposed to what you have, you'll be embarrassing yourself more if you are insecure now and you'll have to hide it longer. You will also have to go through the mullet stage unless you keep your nape hairs shorter until your side hairs grow down. That could take a year plus. I say just stick it out. That's how I did it. I couldn't even put my hair back without exposing my shorter hairs and I was never bold enough to wear up my hair like in my photo of my undercut in my album in public, only around friends and family, so I had no choice really but to wear it down and deal with everything that came through that transition.

My hair is still not where I would like it to be as I have some weird layers going on, but I know that if I just keep wearing it up at work as I do and enjoying it when it is down, feeling it brush on my shoulders knowing that it is growing, that I will eventually have the hair I want and might I say that people may admire. *looks off into the distance coyly* :D:p

From the looks of it, you're so close to being able to put it up. I remember when I was still pining to be able to get the lower hairs up in a pony, it really was not all that long ago. Just you wait, when you can get it up in a ponytail, you'll be able to put it up and ignore it. You can do it. *thumbs up*

Dragon Faery
March 28th, 2012, 12:43 AM
*AcornMystic,* tea and brownies sounds wonderful! :)

That sounds like a really good routine for you. I love hearing how everyone finds the routines that work for them, and it's so cool when you find your routine by accident! I will remember yours if I ever have to recommend something that might work for someone else with hair like yours. :)


I'm so excited because I'm *almost* at waist-when-wet, but I'm frustrated because I just want to BE there already. And suddenly a lot of my go-to buns aren't working, even though my hair is longer, because my bangs have finally grown out enough to fit in the base of the bun, and the new thickness has made my hair too SHORT again! Yay for the thickness, but it's so strange! Buns I could just barely do at BSL are now impossible for another few inches.

What challenges have y'all encountered as you've gained length or thickness? Or both?

March 28th, 2012, 02:26 AM
I'm so excited because I'm *almost* at waist-when-wet, but I'm frustrated because I just want to BE there already. And suddenly a lot of my go-to buns aren't working, even though my hair is longer, because my bangs have finally grown out enough to fit in the base of the bun, and the new thickness has made my hair too SHORT again! Yay for the thickness, but it's so strange! Buns I could just barely do at BSL are now impossible for another few inches.

What challenges have y'all encountered as you've gained length or thickness? Or both?

I am finding that at 2 inches below BSL, I can't keep my hair in a french twist. This was my go to style for work. It is very frustrating. I need a hairstyle that can STAY UP for 12+ hours, as I don't like to touch my hair at work. I can't wear hats at work. Head coverings are for religious purposes only. I take on and take off isolation gowns that have mid size neck holes constantly, and if I use hairsticks, my bun will fall out pretty quickly from being knocked about. A flexi will work, but I am worried about the damage from the pulling on my hair with the gowns.

I have been wearing braids, but they get messy pretty fast with my layers, and people like to touch my braid and tassel. In a hospital, yechh...germy grossness.

I think once I hit waist my buns will be more stable and easier to manage, especially as I hopefully should be able to do a braided bun.

March 28th, 2012, 05:40 AM
I also belong to this thread :cheer:

I“ll grow terminal unless it is much too long. We“ll see.

My hair has been about classic before. Now it is somewhere between waist and hip.

March 28th, 2012, 06:57 AM
I am finding that at 2 inches below BSL, I can't keep my hair in a french twist. This was my go to style for work. It is very frustrating. I need a hairstyle that can STAY UP for 12+ hours, as I don't like to touch my hair at work. I can't wear hats at work. Head coverings are for religious purposes only. I take on and take off isolation gowns that have mid size neck holes constantly, and if I use hairsticks, my bun will fall out pretty quickly from being knocked about. A flexi will work, but I am worried about the damage from the pulling on my hair with the gowns.

I have been wearing braids, but they get messy pretty fast with my layers, and people like to touch my braid and tassel. In a hospital, yechh...germy grossness.

I think once I hit waist my buns will be more stable and easier to manage, especially as I hopefully should be able to do a braided bun.

Try spin pins. They are non damaging and super secure.

March 28th, 2012, 09:50 AM
Kind of funny. I've grown out henna before, also bleach-blonde, and having 2-tone hair didn't bother me in the least. But when I grew out a pixie, all those flippy little ends bothered me constantly, and I had a trim every 6-8 weeks to neaten up the edges. It helped my feelings SO MUCH. Therefore, Holo(etc), I don't see any problem whatsoever in getting little trims as you grow. It looks like you got the Kate Gosselin hair-cut, which I agree is awful.

March 28th, 2012, 10:05 AM
I cut mine all to blunt when my sides reached my shoulders and grew out from there Holo. Knowing what I do now, I'd have waited until the shortest parts were long enough to properly put up before trimming.

When you are growing for the long haul, that initial damage will not matter as much in the long run since it will be trimmed away. At least, most people do *some* trimming although nothing says you have to. I like to grow a bit beyond a milemarker point by an inch or so and then trim back to it so I still have the mental squee of being at x length. I may also be easily amused and very patient. It is a combo that I highly recommend.

Your hair is beautiful. How long was you journey to knee?

March 28th, 2012, 10:12 AM
Yes terminal. Gone this far! The only going to stop me is if I get to something like 6 feet of it dragggimg along the ground because there is no sane way to hold it up on my head.

March 28th, 2012, 10:13 AM
Terminal or bust! I haven't trimmed since 2009 and just hit tailbone. Looks like my terminal length will be relatively short. It's already tapered away to just about nothing. I'll be pleasantly surprised if it makes it to classic.

I was just given advice that when you think it is done check again. Look at your health and see if you need supplements. Our bodies are not the same today as they were even a year ago. Re address your regimine. Do you wear it down alot. Do you protect and keep your ends moistured and sealed. Run through the list of care options and then see. What we want and what we do to get it may not be in line. I had a 5 year stall. There is another poster and others who have reported lengthy stalls. When they changed up some things the retaining of length started again and they reached new lengths.

Hope to see you at knee length someday.

March 28th, 2012, 10:32 AM
Your hair is beautiful. How long was you journey to knee?

Thank you! It has been about 8 or 9 years now. Long enough that I'd have to check my medical records for the year :lol:

I'm considering that a *very* good thing! :cheese:

March 28th, 2012, 10:37 AM
Very beutiful hair, indeed :)

I“m thinking, IF my hair should grow past floor length, I still might let it grow a bit, just out of curiosity. Then I could never wear it loose, but actually I never wear shorter hair loose, either. Loose hair is just somehow very uncomfortable for me. It gets to my face all the time.

I“m only wondering, how is it that you wash super long hair..? Or dye it?! I“m dyeing again, but I think I only need to do roots from now on.

March 28th, 2012, 11:37 AM
Kind of funny. I've grown out henna before, also bleach-blonde, and having 2-tone hair didn't bother me in the least. But when I grew out a pixie, all those flippy little ends bothered me constantly, and I had a trim every 6-8 weeks to neaten up the edges. It helped my feelings SO MUCH. Therefore, Holo(etc), I don't see any problem whatsoever in getting little trims as you grow. It looks like you got the Kate Gosselin hair-cut, which I agree is awful.

:blueeek: OMG NOOOo that is NOT what I asked for. (I didn't know about the Kate Gosselin hair cut- I had to look it up, I don't watch TV). I asked for an ear-length shag cut. I was TRAUMATIZED by that hair cut. I thought she just massively screwed it up but I see now she was intent on giving me a "popular" style that she liked. WTH Who gives her the right!? :hatchet:

I'm never getting my hair cut by a "stylist" ever again.


March 28th, 2012, 11:43 AM
I don't watch T.V. either, but I've seen KG on AOL.

March 28th, 2012, 01:01 PM
For me, past waist or hip is too much. I do ground work in martial arts, so my ends are easily trashed to start with. Plus fine hair that splits easily means my scissors are my friend. But seeing as I've not grown past shoulder yet thanks to my scissors and major henna damage. DH doesn't like his hair past hip. He covers it for work, and past hip is too much. Plus his hair is loced. Brushed out a year ago, he was past knee from hip length locs. Not sure how long really as we kept cutting the ends while working them out.

However, J, who is almost 7, wants Rapunzel hair yet. She gets past knee pulled straight, but growing out damage, so we cut her ends pretty often. She's at classic wet right now. But term for her isn't really set yet. Still growing and I'm sure daily washing isn't helping.

March 28th, 2012, 01:25 PM
Holo, just to throw another opinion in. My hair is the same fine, easily damaged fun. I started at bald, 6 years to jaw. 2 years now here, got to shoulder, hated the damage and cut again. 11 inches in two years cut. I'm now back to low nape or high trap. If I pull it straight, collarbone.

Trims are your friend. Trim a little as you go. Otherwise, it turns into an obnoxious something you can't do much with and you'll be way more tempted to go for a big chop.

March 28th, 2012, 01:52 PM
Very beutiful hair, indeed :)

I“m thinking, IF my hair should grow past floor length, I still might let it grow a bit, just out of curiosity. Then I could never wear it loose, but actually I never wear shorter hair loose, either. Loose hair is just somehow very uncomfortable for me. It gets to my face all the time.

I“m only wondering, how is it that you wash super long hair..? Or dye it?! I“m dying again, but I think I only need to do roots from now on.

Thank you!

I am not that super long yet, but so far I wash just like I did when my hair was shorter. Doesn't really take me any longer, though I have likely gotten more efficient!

I henna sometimes. It takes more henna, but otherwise is not any more difficult than before. I've never used regular dye but there other knee and thigh length folks here that do, even bleach! I don't think offhand they are going for terminal though.

March 28th, 2012, 04:39 PM
Love this thread. I think I'm changing my goal to Term too. But only because it actually seems more reasonable than waist or tailbone.

See, I'm also a fine-haired thinnie, and just don't believe my hair will get very long. I believe BSL to waist, maximum, will be my limit. :shrug: Even if it does turn out I have the capacity to grow longer, I doubt it'll get past classic, so even then I should be fine. My hair is so light-weight that I don't think it'll be a hassle.

We're sorta hair twins holo, except I'm curlier. But my hair is also very fragile, like baby hair, or feather. It just seems to float.

I've been having a growth stall for a few months at just above APL. I also have some androgenetic alopecia issues, so while my hair looks decently "thick" at the ends, I've got what I think are very bad "roots". Long hair at least detracts from attention on my scalp.

Holo, I want to ask a question and only feel free to reply if you're comfortable. Can you elaborate on your reasons for wanting to go terminal? I think we may have something in common there ;)

Again, love the energy in this thread.

March 28th, 2012, 04:51 PM
..Holo, I want to ask a question and only feel free to reply if you're comfortable. Can you elaborate on your reasons for wanting to go terminal? I think we may have something in common there ;)...

Well my hair has never really been long. My whole life I was told I would never be able to grow nice hair, because it was too fine and thin. The way my mom took care of my hair (and eventually, the way I did, too) was murderous for fine hair and actually quite painful- involving washing twice daily, not using enough conditioner, and ripping a brush through tangles when wet sometimes for upwards of 15 minutes.

The longest my hair has ever been was just past APL, and I remember being pregnant and having to sit and take a break in the middle of brushing because it was so exhausting and painful. I also remember people telling me how much I needed a hair cut, and at that point I believed them I was just too depressed to care.

This, for me, is really a journey of acceptance- of appreciating my hair for what it is and finding beauty in it in spite of everyone's telling me that it "should" be short for whatever reason.

March 28th, 2012, 05:02 PM
I've toyed with idea of terminal before...but since I was still getting 0.5" to 0.75" length increase per month at knee length, I assume my terminal length might be longer than I'd want to deal with. I might try someday anyway, if I can ever get a thick hemline at knee I might let it grow to see how long it gets.

(I had major shedding issues, but the hairs that weren't shedding continued to grow; interestingly, now that I've gone back to eating gluten for celiac testing my hair has started shedding again).

March 28th, 2012, 08:03 PM
Well my hair has never really been long. My whole life I was told I would never be able to grow nice hair, because it was too fine and thin. The way my mom took care of my hair (and eventually, the way I did, too) was murderous for fine hair and actually quite painful- involving washing twice daily, not using enough conditioner, and ripping a brush through tangles when wet sometimes for upwards of 15 minutes.

The longest my hair has ever been was just past APL, and I remember being pregnant and having to sit and take a break in the middle of brushing because it was so exhausting and painful. I also remember people telling me how much I needed a hair cut, and at that point I believed them I was just too depressed to care.

This, for me, is really a journey of acceptance- of appreciating my hair for what it is and finding beauty in it in spite of everyone's telling me that it "should" be short for whatever reason.

Thanks holothuroidea!
My longest ever was just short of BSL and that was when I was 16, and I'm almost 34. My big shed, when I lost half my hair, was when I was 21. Since then, My hair has never been longer than APL. While I don't *think* I'm losing any more hair, it has miniaturized, where the hairs just seem to get thinner and finer. I really have no idea what it's potential is, but it might look nicer the longer it gets. So I'll give it a try.

The idea of terminal and just "letting it go", is more of a way for me to be unconventional. I'm surrounded by a lot of people who think I should look a certain way or follow certain norms as far as fashion and appearance. I hate norms.

March 28th, 2012, 08:35 PM
The idea of terminal and just "letting it go", is more of a way for me to be unconventional. I'm surrounded by a lot of people who think I should look a certain way or follow certain norms as far as fashion and appearance. I hate norms.I hate norms too. :D

I say "go for it!" :cheese:

March 29th, 2012, 02:37 AM
Yay, this is my thread! :cheese:
I'm a terminal non-trimmer going for as long as it'll go. I'm most surprised at how my hair so far seems to get easier to handle as it gets longer. Buns are more stable, it's easier to do scalp only washes, hair stays on my back etc etc. Also how far I've been able to take harm reduction. As far as damage and split ends go I really don't need trims anymore.

March 29th, 2012, 05:56 AM
I hate norms.

I hate norms too. :D

Poor Norm...:(

March 29th, 2012, 06:22 AM
Poor Norm...:(


AAAAahaha thanks for that one!

March 29th, 2012, 06:37 AM
Another terminal grower here!! I started growing from a pixie at the age of 40. Now at the age of 56-1/2, I'm very curious to see just how long it will grow. I'm not much of a trimmer, so I'll just wait patiently. I seem to encounter long stalls every now and then so we'll see what happens. I've noticed that just recently when I wear my hair in a braid, the tassel annoys me, so I've been wrapping the ends around and fastening so that my braid is shorter. We'll see if this also serves to protect my ends so I have less breakage/longer growth.

P.S. I'm not really crazy about those norms either. :gabigrin:

March 29th, 2012, 07:11 AM
My hair growth journey is also about self acceptance. I've grown tired of trying to be what other say I "should" be. I'd rather love and take care of what I've been given. For me having children, especially as they are girls has caused me to do alot of soul searching. I want to be the best example for my girls.

March 29th, 2012, 08:52 AM
Well my hair has never really been long. My whole life I was told I would never be able to grow nice hair, because it was too fine and thin. The way my mom took care of my hair (and eventually, the way I did, too) was murderous for fine hair and actually quite painful- involving washing twice daily, not using enough conditioner, and ripping a brush through tangles when wet sometimes for upwards of 15 minutes.

Ew, talk about your self fulfilling prophecies!

My hair is fine, and luckily, my mom knew she was awful at hair. So she always made sure I had good stylists who listened to me (even when I was a 5 year old with a desperate desire for a pixie cut that wouldn't suit me). So as a kid I got lots of reinforcement of the idea that I should be gentle with my hair, and that I should use as much conditioner as I needed to detangle, and that I should use as much spray detangler as I needed to be comfortable. And my stylists always preached that it was better to air dry if at all possible, and while I *could* do things like perm or dye it, I was pretty the way I was and perm or dye would be hard on my hair.

As an adult, the best way I've found to find stylists who will be like the ones I had as a kid is to go in for a brow wax. The ones who are kind and gentle and take the time to listen to what I want and make a painful procedure into something pleasant tend to be really good with hair too.

The stage you're dealing with in growing out is just that. A stage. It sucks, and it takes a long time to get through. The more you trim and try to get your hair perfect tho... the longer that stage will take. The less you trim the faster you'll get through it. What I'd do in your position is fool around with learning to do lace braids, since they're the style of braiding that takes the least possible length. It's not super difficult, and the better you are at braiding, the more options you have for styling as your hair gets longer :). IMO, lace braids are much harder to learn when you have longer hair, so the more mastery you get now, the better.

March 29th, 2012, 10:22 AM
Yes, torrilin, self-fulfilling prophecy indeed!

I'm going to try out some lace braids, thanks for the inspiration. :D

March 29th, 2012, 10:22 AM
Well, I guess I belong on this thread, since ultimately I would like to grow to terminal length.

Partly it is out of simple curiosity - I would really like to see where terminal length is for me. I always thought it was about BSL, since that's where it used to stop and fairytale out when I was younger, but when I brushed my dreads out the longest hair (and I do mean singular hair) was a few inches past classic, so I guess I have a little more growth potential than I had originally thought.

I also really like terminal as a goal since I know it is achievable for me. If I made my goal knee length or whatever, I think I might lay awake at night wondering if I can really grow that long, lol.

And yeah, definitely a way to mess with the norms. I must admit, it kind of cracks me up when cultural expectations are so out of whack with nature, that what is natural seems outrageous.

Oh, and to Holo, I just wanted to mention that I have grown out a buzz cut, and I have grown out shaved-up-the-back bobs (though never a Kate Gosselin), and the thing that worked the best for me was to wait until the longest bits were about shoulder length, and then cut back to a nice even bob that was at least as long as my lower hairline in back. The awkward stage really sucks, but it looks like you are almost through it. :grouphug:

March 29th, 2012, 10:25 AM

And yeah, definitely a way to mess with the norms. I must admit, it kind of cracks me up when cultural expectations are so out of whack with nature, that what is natural seems outrageous.

wow,i love the way you said this!

March 29th, 2012, 10:52 AM
:blueeek: OMG NOOOo that is NOT what I asked for. (I didn't know about the Kate Gosselin hair cut- I had to look it up, I don't watch TV). I asked for an ear-length shag cut. I was TRAUMATIZED by that hair cut. I thought she just massively screwed it up but I see now she was intent on giving me a "popular" style that she liked. WTH Who gives her the right!? :hatchet:

I'm never getting my hair cut by a "stylist" ever again.


Oh god no! I don't think it looks like Kate Gosselin at all! Especially since that would mean that I had her hair too! yuck! Our cuts were much cuter than that!

When I was growing out this one I ended up with diamond head. Be happy you don't have curls right now!

I know you have a hard time finding clips that aren't damaging but I'm going to tell you what I did anyway. When it got long enough I'd twist it up into a tails up and secure it with two or three tiny claw clips. The sides that fell out I would pull back as far as they would go and secure them with claws too.


March 29th, 2012, 06:10 PM
Does anyone know how long it takes to reach terminal? :( I haven't trimmed for about two and a half years. Then it was somewhere between APL and waist length, and I had thinned bangs to my eyebrows. My hair in the back is at classic now but I'm SO tired of those bangs at half as long as the rest. How long will it take before they're all the same length?!

March 29th, 2012, 06:33 PM
Does anyone know how long it takes to reach terminal? :( I haven't trimmed for about two and a half years. Then it was somewhere between APL and waist length, and I had thinned bangs to my eyebrows. My hair in the back is at classic now but I'm SO tired of those bangs at half as long as the rest. How long will it take before they're all the same length?!

Everyone's growth phase length is different. I think the average is 6 years. If your hair grows half an inch per month, and your terminal is at 36'', then your growing time is 6 years. However, if you hair grows 1 inch per month and your terminal is at 36'' then your growing time is 3 years.

Is your hair in the back still gaining length?

March 29th, 2012, 08:37 PM
Poor Norm...:(


AAAAahaha thanks for that one!



March 29th, 2012, 08:37 PM
I'm contemplating growing to terminal... not something I have to worry about yet, since I'm just at shoulder at the moment! But I'd like to see what terminal is... I know it takes about three years fro me to grow from shoulder to waist, since I've done that twice, but always got talked into cutting it both times. Now OH really wants me to grow to terminal- he's decided he loves long hair, wish he'd told me this before I chopped from waist to shoulder partly because I thought he didn't care for it!

March 30th, 2012, 12:59 AM
I'm so excited because I'm *almost* at waist-when-wet, but I'm frustrated because I just want to BE there already. And suddenly a lot of my go-to buns aren't working, even though my hair is longer, because my bangs have finally grown out enough to fit in the base of the bun, and the new thickness has made my hair too SHORT again! Yay for the thickness, but it's so strange! Buns I could just barely do at BSL are now impossible for another few inches.

What challenges have y'all encountered as you've gained length or thickness? Or both?

Hang in there! You'll be there before you know it! :flower:

As far as challenges... Oooh, tangles!! :justy: I'm pretty sure I'd be past classic already if it wasn't for tangle damage. I actually thought for a long time that this was just the way my hair was past TBL, but now I'm on a journey of discover to learn how to prevent them! :cheer:

They may have won a few battles, but I will win the war! :eyebrows:

I hate norms.

I hate norms too. :D

Poor Norm...:(

Hee hee hee! :rollin:
I don't think anyone has ever accused me of being normal :D

Also, as far as growing thin, fine hair long - I also say go for it. :thumbsup: My hair is thin and fine, and it's nearly classic. Pesrsonally, I do think it looks better long.

March 30th, 2012, 06:13 AM
I agree that thin, fine hair looks better long. I kept my hair around APL right through my 20s and 30s, thinking (and being told!) that I'd lose all volume if I went longer. My hair would never hang properly without lots of heat styling, so that didn't help the thickness either. Now my hair's longer it's got far more volume and sits nicely over my back and arms - the turning point of this was about BSL for me, but it's improved more as it's grown. I have had 'off' days or weeks when it seemed to droop and I thought it had kind of outgrown its strength - but so far it's always bounced back after a while!

Dragon Faery
March 30th, 2012, 02:20 PM
Hang in there! You'll be there before you know it! :flower:

As far as challenges... Oooh, tangles!! :justy: I'm pretty sure I'd be past classic already if it wasn't for tangle damage. I actually thought for a long time that this was just the way my hair was past TBL, but now I'm on a journey of discover to learn how to prevent them! :cheer:

They may have won a few battles, but I will win the war! :eyebrows:

Thank you! :) Going to wash sometime today and see if I'm any closer. If I'm not there yet I'm going to go ahead and dust 1/4" to get rid of the splits I'm seeing. So I'll either be happy because I'm at waist, or I'll be happy because my splits (and therefore tangles) are lessened. ;)

Good luck with your tangle reduction! My ends like Shea Butter, but that might be way too thick for your hair. :D

March 30th, 2012, 07:17 PM
Try spin pins. They are non damaging and super secure.

Sorry for the late reply, I just worked two double shifts in a row. I just can't get spin pins to work for me, my bun falls apart, maybe I need to use 4 instead of two.

March 30th, 2012, 07:52 PM
Sorry for the late reply, I just worked two double shifts in a row. I just can't get spin pins to work for me, my bun falls apart, maybe I need to use 4 instead of two.

The instructions say not to, but I can only get them to hold my slithery hair if I interlock them just carefully undo them, they are fine.

For J's massive tons of hair, it takes six. One at 12, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. Those may interlock with another, but not always.

March 31st, 2012, 12:17 AM
i want let it terminal too!
in really i have a more strange set: no cutting my hair until certain thing i want to do, but since that thing may take a while, it problably gonna be terminal...right now its at waist lenght

Dragon Faery
March 31st, 2012, 12:45 AM
Sorry for the late reply, I just worked two double shifts in a row. I just can't get spin pins to work for me, my bun falls apart, maybe I need to use 4 instead of two.

What about a fork that's not any longer than the diameter of your bun? If it is mostly in the hair, it shouldn't catch on your clothes when you have to change them, and it should hold better than sticks anyway.

The trick with any hair fastener is to make sure it is grabbing both the scalp hair and the bun hair. You're basically sewing or weaving the bun to your head. If your scalp hair is too slippery to allow the hair toy to grip it, try using a French Braid as a base, stopping when you get to the length and changing to a bun. The weave created by the french braid pattern on your head should give your hair toy something secure to grip on to.

Maybe you already knew all that.

But anyway, good luck! :)

March 31st, 2012, 06:22 AM
What about a fork that's not any longer than the diameter of your bun? If it is mostly in the hair, it shouldn't catch on your clothes when you have to change them, and it should hold better than sticks anyway.

The trick with any hair fastener is to make sure it is grabbing both the scalp hair and the bun hair. You're basically sewing or weaving the bun to your head. If your scalp hair is too slippery to allow the hair toy to grip it, try using a French Braid as a base, stopping when you get to the length and changing to a bun. The weave created by the french braid pattern on your head should give your hair toy something secure to grip on to.

Maybe you already knew all that.

But anyway, good luck! :)

I think as I gain length and my top layers catch up, I can do my buns lower, and it won't be such a problem. I am just impatient.


March 31st, 2012, 07:14 AM
I'm doing an Oklahoma! medley in my chorus and every time I see the title of this thread I keep wanting to sing "They've gone about a fer as they can go!" :D

Just had to share.

Anyway, my official goal is waist, but I think about going for terminal sometimes. On the other hand, if my terminal was longer than ankle, I don't think I would want to keep going. I already know I can get to classic.

It's going to take me a while to get to waist anyway, so if I get there and decide I want to go further, maybe I will join this thread.

Happy growing!

March 31st, 2012, 03:36 PM
I'm hoping to grow to terminal now. I grew to Almost Knee before giving in to temptation and hacking back to hip in 2010. I'm back to classic now and wondering how much longer it will get now I've got much more grey in my hair. I have this idea that grey hair breaks off or falls out sooner but I'm not sure where I heard it. Anyhow I'm going to wait and see. I do two tiny weeny trims a year, just to keep my ends neat, but the rest of the time it's pretty much benign neglect for me :)

April 1st, 2012, 01:28 PM
Terminal length is exactly what I am aiming for. I think that has been my goal since I was at classic length. It's now near floor length and still growing though extremely thin at the ends. I wouldn't mind if it grew past floor length, I just want to grow it as long as possible. Out of curiosity and because I like it that way. :)

What I was wondering: there seem to be quite some people here aiming at terminal length, but at the same time very few who actually achieved that point. Do people change their minds once the ends become very thin and not as nice looking? Personally I don't mind the thin ends that much, it's part of growing to terminal length and I never wear my hair down anyway! :p

April 1st, 2012, 02:03 PM
Terminal length is exactly what I am aiming for. I think that has been my goal since I was at classic length. It's now near floor length and still growing though extremely thin at the ends. I wouldn't mind if it grew past floor length, I just want to grow it as long as possible. Out of curiosity and because I like it that way. :)

What I was wondering: there seem to be quite some people here aiming at terminal length, but at the same time very few who actually achieved that point. Do people change their minds once the ends become very thin and not as nice looking? Personally I don't mind the thin ends that much, it's part of growing to terminal length and I never wear my hair down anyway! :p
I think it's probably less about the condition of people's ends, and more about the fact that most of us growing to terminal simply haven't been growing for long enough! That, and a lot of us aren't necessarily growing for terminal per se: we're going for terminal unless it's longer than ______, or as long as it can get without the ends looking too bad, or whatever. I don't think I've seen anybody say that their goal used to be terminal but that they'd given up on it, except possibly for medical reasons or peer pressure.

April 1st, 2012, 02:55 PM
I think it's probably less about the condition of people's ends, and more about the fact that most of us growing to terminal simply haven't been growing for long enough!

I suppose there should be people here in all stages of the growing process, it's not like everybody started simultanously to grow out their hair! ;) So reasonably one would expect a greater number of people to have reached terminal length, I'd say. So maybe it is like you say, they're "going for terminal unless it's longer than ______, or as long as it can get without the ends looking too bad, or whatever". Anyway, personally I feel confident that I will stick to my goal no matter what! :D

April 1st, 2012, 08:04 PM
I'm curious about getting to terminal. The longest I've been is knee lengths, but I was just a kid, so the length is a little different now.

April 1st, 2012, 08:55 PM
Having read through recent discussion in this thread, I'm wondering if I count as growing to terminal anymore.

Does terminal require quitting trimming and growing out to fairy tale ends?

If so, I don't think I'll be doing that. Even though the circumference of my ends is far far less than my pony tail circumference, I do trim them to a blunt cut every 4-6 months. I notice this makes a difference in getting less back-braiding and being easier to brush, so I think it might help my hair stay in better condition long enough to get another few inches.

April 2nd, 2012, 12:49 AM
Having read through recent discussion in this thread, I'm wondering if I count as growing to terminal anymore.

Does terminal require quitting trimming and growing out to fairy tale ends?

If so, I don't think I'll be doing that. Even though the circumference of my ends is far far less than my pony tail circumference, I do trim them to a blunt cut every 4-6 months. I notice this makes a difference in getting less back-braiding and being easier to brush, so I think it might help my hair stay in better condition long enough to get another few inches.

If I understood correctly from the beginning of the thread, it's a make-your-own-rules thread :flower: I'm also planning on keeping blunt ends, then just letting them fairytale out when I can't get a blunt hem to grow any longer. Also, I think there are several people who have limitations, like not letting their hair get long enough to drag the ground. So I definitely think you should stick around! :D

April 2nd, 2012, 01:20 AM
I'm opting fpr a faux terminal length - I'm curious, but I also love my full, straight hemline... :cool:

hanne jensen
April 2nd, 2012, 03:45 AM
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going for a true terminal length where my hair just won't grow beyond a certain point. I'm a frequent duster and always will be. I want a nice tidy even hemline. My hair grows unevenly, so every centimeter growth I get my hemline looks like w's.

April 2nd, 2012, 05:54 AM
My goal is ankle, but growth is getting slower and slower, so I'm fairly sure I'll reach terminal first. Boo hoo! My hair is at mid-calf now, with fairytale ends.

I'm not trimming, other than a bit of S&D now and then.

April 2nd, 2012, 06:08 AM
My goal is ankle, but growth is getting slower and slower, so I'm fairly sure I'll reach terminal first. Boo hoo! My hair is at mid-calf now, with fairytale ends.

I'm not trimming, other than a bit of S&D now and then.

You might be surprised, Teazel! Whatever length you achieve, your hair is spectacular! :inlove:

April 2nd, 2012, 10:53 AM
I agree with Xandergrammy, Teaazel. Your hair is stunningly beautiful! You are an inspiration!

April 4th, 2012, 05:09 AM
Aw, thank you so much, Xandergrammy and Honestwitness. You're both so encouraging! :flowers:

April 4th, 2012, 05:28 AM
I have this idea that grey hair breaks off or falls out sooner but I'm not sure where I heard it.
Ive also been told this - by my GP - Im really hoping its not true! There are plenty of people on here with beautiful long silver/partly silver/white hair (like Teazel, Honestwitness and Xandergrammy for example!), so that gives me hope!

April 4th, 2012, 05:36 AM
And I'm also undecided about trimming. I don't want a blunt hemline and love fairytales, but recently (after not trimming for 3 years plus) a very few hairs have speeded right up and it looks a bit strange...but I like the idea of letting it totally do its own thing (S and D excepted) so i just dont know...

April 4th, 2012, 06:27 AM
And I'm also undecided about trimming. I don't want a blunt hemline and love fairytales, but recently (after not trimming for 3 years plus) a very few hairs have speeded right up and it looks a bit strange...but I like the idea of letting it totally do its own thing (S and D excepted) so i just dont know...

summergreen, I have about 3 or 4 "racers" that are a bit longer than the rest of my longer bits. I've decided to leave them alone and have been wearing my hair up mostly. I'm hoping that the rest of my hairs catch up with the longest ones. :gabigrin:

April 4th, 2012, 06:47 AM
How long is terminal length? I kind of want to do this, or rather I want to grow my hair as long as I can get it and still have a thick hemline. If my hair get very thin at the ends I will rather cut that off so I can keep a razor sharp, thick hemline, but other than that I want to grow it for as long as I can manage it.

April 4th, 2012, 07:09 AM
I think I'm ok with fairytale ends. I don't know how I'll feel if it's just a couple hairs though.

April 4th, 2012, 07:15 AM
I will be changing my goal to term soon! I am growing out a heavily layered chop with old highlights (with help of demi-permanent dye). but since reaching APL again, the layers actually don't look that bad! Think i will hide the scissors for another half year :) and re-evaluate then.

April 5th, 2012, 06:17 AM
How long is terminal length?

Varies quite considerably from person to person - some can't grow past midback, others can make it to the ground or longer. Depends entirely on your own individual growth cycle (how long each hair will grow before it sheds and how fast it grows). This makes it quite exciting when growing to terminal, finding out how long it will actually go!

I think I read somewhere that the average terminal length is 42 inches which on me would be midthigh (again this would vary from person to person depending on their height) but for LHC people this could probably be stretched a fair bit as we tend to take care of our hair a little better than most people ;)

April 5th, 2012, 06:35 AM
I am not sure yet, but I think I will want to grow it to terminal too. I'll see has things go and be attentive to this thread. :)

Dragon Faery
April 5th, 2012, 10:55 AM
How long is terminal length? I kind of want to do this, or rather I want to grow my hair as long as I can get it and still have a thick hemline. If my hair get very thin at the ends I will rather cut that off so I can keep a razor sharp, thick hemline, but other than that I want to grow it for as long as I can manage it.

Terminal is different for everyone, but it's basically however long your hair gets before it reaches the end of its growing cycle. At that point it will hang on for awhile (up to several years, I think) before falling out and being replaced by a new one. Some people reach terminal at relatively "short" lengths like waist, whereas others reach floor and beyond before reaching terminal. Health, genetics, and trimming all affect where your terminal might be. Sometimes people can think they're at terminal for years and then suddenly their hair will get longer. It's a crazy, inexact, and mostly unresearched science. ;)

April 5th, 2012, 04:47 PM
What I was wondering: there seem to be quite some people here aiming at terminal length, but at the same time very few who actually achieved that point. Do people change their minds once the ends become very thin and not as nice looking? Personally I don't mind the thin ends that much, it's part of growing to terminal length and I never wear my hair down anyway! :p

Actually that is the reason why I'm not growing to terminal. Some people look lovely with fairytale ends but I don't think my hair would look nice that way. Not that I've ever tried, but I enjoy my ends a bit more on the blunt side.
My first goal is Classic and then Knee as a personal challenge. I suspect terminal might get to me before knee but who knows? :)

April 5th, 2012, 05:35 PM
If you get trims to even it up, won't it affect the final length? I mean, if each hair only grows a certain amount of time, then cutting it off will shorten the final length it reaches, right? Or do I not understand hair growth cycle?

April 5th, 2012, 06:42 PM
If you get trims to even it up, won't it affect the final length? I mean, if each hair only grows a certain amount of time, then cutting it off will shorten the final length it reaches, right? Or do I not understand hair growth cycle?

That's true, but not all hairs are in the same phase simultaneously. If you get a trim, many of the hairs that are in the growth phase are not long enough to be cut. The hairs that do get trimmed are likely to be shed before the growing hairs reach terminal length anyway.

Of course that depends on how often and how much you trim, but evening the hemline when you reach a milestone shouldn't affect your ability to grow to a true terminal length, although it might take longer.

Dragon Faery
April 6th, 2012, 06:51 PM
If you get trims to even it up, won't it affect the final length? I mean, if each hair only grows a certain amount of time, then cutting it off will shorten the final length it reaches, right? Or do I not understand hair growth cycle?

That's true, but not all hairs are in the same phase simultaneously. If you get a trim, many of the hairs that are in the growth phase are not long enough to be cut. The hairs that do get trimmed are likely to be shed before the growing hairs reach terminal length anyway.

Of course that depends on how often and how much you trim, but evening the hemline when you reach a milestone shouldn't affect your ability to grow to a true terminal length, although it might take longer.

This. :) Also, I would guess that even if the initial few years' worth of longest hairs have been trimmed to get rid of splits and such, they should act as a protective barrier for whatever ends are several inches shorter than them, which would ultimately result in a longer terminal length, as those hairs caught up with and passed the previously trimmed ones that had finished growing. (I hope that wording's not too confusing.)

April 6th, 2012, 08:22 PM
This. :) Also, I would guess that even if the initial few years' worth of longest hairs have been trimmed to get rid of splits and such, they should act as a protective barrier for whatever ends are several inches shorter than them, which would ultimately result in a longer terminal length, as those hairs caught up with and passed the previously trimmed ones that had finished growing. (I hope that wording's not too confusing.)

I am in the no trim/cut orientation. I am also growing out shed induced layers if that makes since. So if I am understanding you I am hoping my longest layers are only a mild indication of the terminal I may achieve. I have alot of new hairs growing in at 1-6 inches. I also have several bulk levels through out my head. I know I am just rambling and hopeful that after while my newer growth will pass the current long hairs.:o
Thank you for your insite.

April 7th, 2012, 03:05 AM
I must confess. I just gave up trimming :) And I am way too lazy to s&d, and I don't have an awful lot of splits anyway... But as long as I see my blunt hair ends I know it's not terminal yet :)

April 7th, 2012, 03:43 AM
I must confess. I just gave up trimming :) And I am way too lazy to s&d, and I don't have an awful lot of splits anyway... But as long as I see my blunt hair ends I know it's not terminal yet :)

I hate s&d'ing. However I can't stand it when I get velcro ends.

I went over two years without a haircut or trim, so I have to s&d every now and then. About once a month I make myself sit down for an intense s&d session, and then I don't do it again. I just tell myself that at the end of the year, I'll get a trim, and it won't be so bad.

April 7th, 2012, 04:02 AM
Terminal is different for everyone, but it's basically however long your hair gets before it reaches the end of its growing cycle. At that point it will hang on for awhile (up to several years, I think) before falling out and being replaced by a new one. Some people reach terminal at relatively "short" lengths like waist, whereas others reach floor and beyond before reaching terminal. Health, genetics, and trimming all affect where your terminal might be. Sometimes people can think they're at terminal for years and then suddenly their hair will get longer. It's a crazy, inexact, and mostly unresearched science. ;)

Also, not all hairs of one person grow to the same length. In my case, many hairs reach terminal length after just one or two years, while others are almost hitting floorlength.

As a result, most shedded hairs are short, the very long ones rarely fall out. The hair on top of my head and at the temples won't grow long at all, while some at the back of my head have an extremely long growth cycle.

I am not sure if these differences are as pronounced for most people, but it is an interesting phenomenon that not many people seem to be aware of.

This is also why it is very difficult to predict one's terminal length by comparing the circumference at different lengths. When my hair was at classic length, I calculated that it wouldn't grow longer than knee, and now it is almost touching the floor...

April 7th, 2012, 05:18 AM
Also, not all hairs of one person grow to the same length. In my case, many hairs reach terminal length after just one or two years, while others are almost hitting floorlength.

As a result, most shedded hairs are short, the very long ones rarely fall out. The hair on top of my head and at the temples won't grow long at all, while some at the back of my head have an extremely long growth cycle.

I am not sure if these differences are as pronounced for most people, but it is an interesting phenomenon that not many people seem to be aware of.

This is also why it is very difficult to predict one's terminal length by comparing the circumference at different lengths. When my hair was at classic length, I calculated that it wouldn't grow longer than knee, and now it is almost touching the floor...My hair also has a wide range of terminal lengths. Most of my shed strands are short (one foot or less), but every once in a while I shed a whopper (three feet or more).

Hairs near the crown of my head (where a man's bald spot would be if I had one) have a terminal length of only a few inches to a foot. Temple hairs are also short.

My longest strands appear to come from the nape and lower sides. These strands can grow past my knees. Unfortunately, I have very few hairs like that.

I have a lot of breakage, so I'm not completely sure that I can't get more hairs down to my knees. Photos of my hair show little change over the past three years.

April 7th, 2012, 05:59 AM
This sounds very similar to me! I wonder if the hairs near the crown of the head in our case are shorter exactly BECAUSE they grow where a man's bald spot would be, or if this is the same with women.

Yes, I guess you might have more hairs reaching knee length if you would manage to get rid of the breakage problem. I am lucky because I have hardy any breakage or split ends, so I guess in my case terminal length is pretty much terminal length as determined by the natural growth cycle...

April 7th, 2012, 06:12 AM
I think I read somewhere that these distinct differences in terminal length from one part of the scalp to another are fairly common in men and not so much in women.

Is this true, do you think?

Fascinating, anyway, I would love to have such intimate knowledge of my hair. :) Grow, grow, grow!!

April 7th, 2012, 06:15 AM
I think the short terminal length in the place where the bald spot would be is related - as I understand, the terminal length shrinks over time, eventually going to zero. I'm pretty sure that I'm not genetically dispositioned to go bald.

One change that I have noticed over the years is that my hair is not nearly as strong as it once was. I think that hair weakens as one gets older, and that may be the reason why my hair is more prone to breakage now than a decade ago.

You're very lucky to have so much hair limited by the natural growth cycle.

ETA: holothuroidea - let's poll the LHC members. :cheese:


April 7th, 2012, 07:38 AM
Though the hair near the crown of my head is relatively short, I don't think either I am going to be bald at that spot very soon. But it would be interesting to know if indeed one's terminal length gets shorter over the years. Or maybe again, this is different from person to person.

I have a few grey hairs, they seem to be of a different quality as well. But then again, I have no idea if this is a result of the hair weakening over the years...

@ holothuroidea: that's what I would like to know as well!

April 7th, 2012, 07:42 AM
I too am curious to know what my maximum hair length could reach to! This looks to be an interesting thread topic.

April 7th, 2012, 07:43 AM
This sounds very similar to me! I wonder if the hairs near the crown of the head in our case are shorter exactly BECAUSE they grow where a man's bald spot would be, or if this is the same with women.

Good question! I find that many women have thin shorter (5cm/2 inches or less) hairs at the hairline near the forehead and/or at the nape. I've met several people that had a piece of hair on their foreheads that had a short terminal length and just wouldn't grow past chin length.
I believe short hairs at the hairline are most commonly caused by breakage. (Sometimes they are just caused by stress or illness related hairloss, but those tend to grow back when the problem is solved.)
I've also seen many women grow a reversed U shape at the ends, while men seem to be more prone to grow a V shaped hairline.

I have a few grey hairs, they seem to be of a different quality as well. But then again, I have no idea if this is a result of the hair weakening over the years...

Up until a couple years ago I thought hair would grow weaker because it was going gray, but now I believe the thinning is just the result of age because I have quite a few gray hairs myself and they are as thick and strong as the rest of the hair on my head.

ETA: holothuroidea - let's poll the LHC members. :cheese:

Good idea! :D

April 7th, 2012, 08:35 AM
For the poll, I am female, and the hairs at my temples have never grown more than a few inches. The "bald spot" area, however, grows long. There are a lot of short hairs visible all around the circumference of my hairline. Maybe I have shorter hairs elsewhere on my head, but they are not as easy to see.

At this time, the hair on the top half of my head is much longer than the hair on the bottom half of my head. That may be because I was wearing half-ups for a long time and the exposed bottom half got damaged. I hope the bottom half will eventually catch up now that I am protecting it in updos.

April 7th, 2012, 08:37 AM
Good question! I find that many women have thin shorter (5cm/2 inches or less) hairs at the hairline near the forehead and/or at the nape. I've met several people that had a piece of hair on their foreheads that had a short terminal length and just wouldn't grow past chin length.
I believe short hairs at the hairline are most commonly caused by breakage.

Chiming in to agree with you, RitaPG. I have hairs around my forehead that only grow to about chin length. They're very light blonde, quite thin, and terrifyingly full of splits even at nose or lip length. I don't trim them because they tend to break off or shed slowly thereafter - and what length would I trim those tiny chunks into anyway? Eyebrow length? :p

April 7th, 2012, 09:28 AM
gossamer, I think some of the folks here on LHC call them "natural bangs" :p some use it to their advantage and let them loose when doing updos, it seems to soften the look a lot.

April 7th, 2012, 09:56 AM
@ RitaPG, gossamer:
Does this mean that, apart from those hairs at the hairline, all of your hair grows more or less to the same length? What about the hair at the temples?

It could mean that at least two men here have "a wide range of terminal lengths", and two or three women haven't. That may be a first indication that there is a difference between men and women in this respect...

April 7th, 2012, 10:00 AM
This sounds very similar to me! I wonder if the hairs near the crown of the head in our case are shorter exactly BECAUSE they grow where a man's bald spot would be, or if this is the same with women.

Yes, I guess you might have more hairs reaching knee length if you would manage to get rid of the breakage problem. I am lucky because I have hardy any breakage or split ends, so I guess in my case terminal length is pretty much terminal length as determined by the natural growth cycle...

I think the short terminal length in the place where the bald spot would be is related - as I understand, the terminal length shrinks over time, eventually going to zero. I'm pretty sure that I'm not genetically dispositioned to go bald.

One change that I have noticed over the years is that my hair is not nearly as strong as it once was. I think that hair weakens as one gets older, and that may be the reason why my hair is more prone to breakage now than a decade ago.

You're very lucky to have so much hair limited by the natural growth cycle.

ETA: holothuroidea - let's poll the LHC members. :cheese:


I've read that many men have shorter hair where a bald spot would be even if they will never actually go bald, but most are not even aware of it because they never grow their hair long enough to find it out. So it's interesting to hear it from the source. It's kind of one of those "only on LHC" moments, isn't it.

For me, my hair is at its thinnest, finest, and shortest over my temples, and I have hair all around my hairline that has a very short terminal length, but it gets thicker and longer the farther in it is. It kind of seems like the bald-spot area has the most growth potential for me, though I couldn't say for sure at this length.

April 7th, 2012, 10:05 AM
I've read that many men have shorter hair where a bald spot would be even if they will never actually go bald, but most are not even aware of it because they never grow their hair long enough to find it out. So it's interesting to hear it from the source. It's kind of one of those "only on LHC" moments, isn't it.Yes, this is an "only on LHC" moment. I like the science of hair. :cheese:

April 7th, 2012, 10:57 AM
@ RitaPG, gossamer:
Does this mean that, apart from those hairs at the hairline, all of your hair grows more or less to the same length? What about the hair at the temples?

It could mean that at least two men here have "a wide range of terminal lengths", and two or three women haven't. That may be a first indication that there is a difference between men and women in this respect...

Well, I'm still at Hip, but so far all my hair seems to grow evenly all around, I can't say about my hairline though because a couple years ago I had a big shed and while it all grew back (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=6333&pictureid=83619), I cut bangs last year, and I'm still growing them out.
But yeah, apart from my hairline near the forehead, my hair has been growing all even.
Though this may change once I get past Classic. It seems a lot of people start to see a difference after that milestone.

Gotta run now, I'm having a wisdom tooth pulled today :shudder: Wish me luck!

April 7th, 2012, 11:04 AM
Good luck, RitaPG!

Dragon Faery
April 7th, 2012, 12:04 PM
I am in the no trim/cut orientation. I am also growing out shed induced layers if that makes since. So if I am understanding you I am hoping my longest layers are only a mild indication of the terminal I may achieve. I have alot of new hairs growing in at 1-6 inches. I also have several bulk levels through out my head. I know I am just rambling and hopeful that after while my newer growth will pass the current long hairs.:o
Thank you for your insite.

You're welcome, and here's hoping! Theoretically if your health is improving since your shed(s), you should be in luck. :)

Also, not all hairs of one person grow to the same length. In my case, many hairs reach terminal length after just one or two years, while others are almost hitting floorlength.

As a result, most shedded hairs are short, the very long ones rarely fall out. The hair on top of my head and at the temples won't grow long at all, while some at the back of my head have an extremely long growth cycle.

I am not sure if these differences are as pronounced for most people, but it is an interesting phenomenon that not many people seem to be aware of.

This is also why it is very difficult to predict one's terminal length by comparing the circumference at different lengths. When my hair was at classic length, I calculated that it wouldn't grow longer than knee, and now it is almost touching the floor...

Is this why I tend to shed very short, 1- to 3-inch hairs? That's crazy and cool. I wish I could tell which part of my head they were from!

I am another woman whi is thin just above the temples. Rooibos and Castor Oil applications thickened up the visible number of hairs in those places, but I'm not sure if it will make them frow very long. I have a few thin, shorter hairs at my nape, as well. They get maybe 4 to 6 inches long. My hair right now seems longest at the crown, but I don't know how this will change with added length. I'll try to remember to report back in a few years.

Oh, maybe it's worth mentioning that the bulk of the thickness of my hair comes from the crown and the sort of half-circle of hair just above the ears that's usually left when men go bald on top. My temples and nape contribute very little to my thickness, which is something I have to compensate for in french types of braids.

April 7th, 2012, 05:22 PM
@ RitaPG, gossamer:
Does this mean that, apart from those hairs at the hairline, all of your hair grows more or less to the same length? What about the hair at the temples?

It could mean that at least two men here have "a wide range of terminal lengths", and two or three women haven't. That may be a first indication that there is a difference between men and women in this respect...

Hair at the temples gets about this long:

Seems like the terminal length for all the hairs around my front hairline is about chin length or so. I have wispy 3-4" long hairs at my neckline too.

In the past year, however, the section on the left has grown long enough to be incorporated into low buns, even if it still falls out of pony tails, braids and high buns.

April 8th, 2012, 08:54 AM
I fear that I am nearing terminal, already. My hair has never grown to classic length. It stops somewhere near tailbone, just long enough to get stepped on if I sit on the floor or sat on if someone sits next to me on the couch. I have only grown 3 inches this year, and most of the growth I see is on the sides that were layered shorter than the longest part in the back. I want to grow, but my hair is so slow! I also know that if it grows 3 in in a year, that is not terminal, but I just don't think it will grow much more. But still hoping for solid TB this summer (that would be 2 more inches, I think.)

April 8th, 2012, 10:02 AM
I think my hair has thinned with age. It went from crazy-thick to normal-thick.

May 2nd, 2012, 10:27 PM

My hair grew an inch this month. :happydance:

May 2nd, 2012, 10:30 PM
That is great holothuroidea! ! !! :cheer:

I have been thinking, how can a person tell if their hair has reached terminal?

May 2nd, 2012, 10:32 PM

My hair grew an inch this month. :happydance:

I'm jealous. Mine only grew a quarter of an inch!:( Usually I get a half.

May 2nd, 2012, 10:33 PM
I'm jealous. Mine only grew a quarter of an inch!:( Usually I get a half.

Awww maybe you are saving up for a growth spurt? My hair grows in fits and starts. I had an inch this month but only half last month.

May 2nd, 2012, 10:51 PM
I definitely want to see what terminal is on me...then again I'm pretty sure that terminal for me (if I get lucky) will be waist. If I'm not lucky it will be something shorter. :sigh:

May 2nd, 2012, 11:45 PM
My hair is at hip. I would love to have it grow to middle thigh. But if it does not, then tailbone
or classic would be nice. Just have to wait & see how long it gets.

May 3rd, 2012, 12:47 AM

My hair grew an inch this month. :happydance:

Awesome!! :joy: Congrats!! :cheer:
I'll have to start paying attention to my growth rate one of these days... I honestly don't know what it is. I've always figured half an inch-ish... Be interesting to find out for sure ;)

May 3rd, 2012, 01:22 AM
That is great holothuroidea! ! !! :cheer:

I have been thinking, how can a person tell if their hair has reached terminal?
Typically, when it is fairytaled, and has stabilized at a particular length after gaining length at your regular rate. It stays at this length for an extended time (a year or more?) and if you trim an inch or two off, it grows back to the same length and shape at your regular growth rate.

At least, that is what I used to say...but after several years at 53" with all indications pointing at terminal, I am now growing again, currently at 57.5!

May 3rd, 2012, 01:49 AM
I want to try once in my life..But.. First i want to thicken up alot, the healthiest part of my hair without real damage reaches mbl,so i see myself as that i am mbl right now(the rest needs to be cut off eventually,so the first goal will be a healthy classic length,i will maintain there a while and if the basics are good i would love to grow for as long as it gets.

May 3rd, 2012, 03:02 AM

My hair grew an inch this month. :happydance:


May 6th, 2012, 02:21 AM
Hi everyone! I'm hoping I'll be lucky enough to grow my mane ankle length but that goal might be slightly unrealistic...

Anyone managed extreme length on here? How did you do it!!


Dragon Faery
May 6th, 2012, 02:56 AM
Hi everyone! I'm hoping I'll be lucky enough to grow my mane ankle length but that goal might be slightly unrealistic...

Anyone managed extreme length on here? How did you do it!!


Hello and welcome! :)
We have quite a few members with knee length or longer hair. The consensus among them (at east as I understand it) seems to be that patience and gentle handling are the two things most necessary when growing super-long hair. Beyond that it varies depending on your individual hair type and what it likes and dislikes. :)

May 6th, 2012, 08:35 AM
My "realistic goal" (so I don't get crushed) is solidly classic, but I would LOVE knee length. Do many people with fine hair get super long hair? Most of the people I know with long hair have medium or coarse hair. That kind of worries me :S

May 6th, 2012, 09:18 AM
Sometimes I'm so impatient with the process. I want to find out what terminal is on me, then do something else!

May 6th, 2012, 10:37 AM
Hi everyone! I'm hoping I'll be lucky enough to grow my mane ankle length but that goal might be slightly unrealistic...

Anyone managed extreme length on here? How did you do it!!


There are a handful of people here with extreme lengths. Whether you can grow that long is determined mostly by genetics. Everyone's hair has a different "life span" and yours has to be very long if you want ankle length hair.

Other than that, though, it's all about keeping the hair that does grow protected so it doesn't break off. Gentle handling and protective styling. :)

I think a lot of people just list their goal as "terminal" because they have a goal of extreme length but realize they might not get there.

My "realistic goal" (so I don't get crushed) is solidly classic, but I would LOVE knee length. Do many people with fine hair get super long hair? Most of the people I know with long hair have medium or coarse hair. That kind of worries me :S

I know gossamer has F/M hair, but I haven't noticed anyone with super fine hair that has reached an extreme length. That doesn't mean yours won't, though. I know people with fine hair that is very strong, and of course it all depends on how you treat it.

ETA: I have not noticed because apparently I am dense and unobservant. :laugh: I did a member search for people with fine hair that is currently at knee and got 7 results. You can do searches like that yourself and find people with your hair type that are at your goal and send them a message asking them what their secrets are. :D EndETA

How long your hair actually grows has nothing to do with how fine/coarse it is, but length you get will depend on the hair not breaking. So if your goal is extreme length you might want to start practicing extremely gentle handling now. Less washing, never wearing it down, avoid tangles as if your life depended on it, that sort of thing.

May 6th, 2012, 10:40 AM
Sometimes I'm so impatient with the process. I want to find out what terminal is on me, then do something else!

Hang in there!!! You've already done so much of the work!

:cheer: Grow, Spiderhair, Grow! :cheer:

May 6th, 2012, 10:49 AM
Typically, when it is fairytaled, and has stabilized at a particular length after gaining length at your regular rate. It stays at this length for an extended time (a year or more?) and if you trim an inch or two off, it grows back to the same length and shape at your regular growth rate.

At least, that is what I used to say...but after several years at 53" with all indications pointing at terminal, I am now growing again, currently at 57.5!

Ah, okay thanks! :)

I had never even heard of terminal length until I joined this forum. I hope my terminal length is long. :p That is so great that your hair started growing after such a wait, maybe your hair was taking a rest for a while? :)

May 6th, 2012, 11:01 AM
I'm growing out to terminal because I want to test my family genes. My great grandmother holds the record for growing hair to floor. My oldest sister grew hair to her ankles before she cut it back to waist when she gave birth to her first child. Plus, I'm the odd one in my family for having wurly hair. I've encountered some people who told me that growing curly hair to extreme lengths is not possible. Interesting thread!

May 6th, 2012, 11:34 AM
Hang in there!!! You've already done so much of the work!

:cheer: Grow, Spiderhair, Grow! :cheer:

What she said!

I figure I'm more than halfway there, but who knows. I'm not so sure I'll hold out for terminal length if my hair length passes my knees.

May 6th, 2012, 11:41 AM
I figure I'm more than halfway there, but who knows. I'm not so sure I'll hold out for terminal length if my hair length passes my knees.

That's how I feel too. I definitely want to get my hair to at least waist (which I've done before) and I'm thinking seriously about going for classic -- and if I get there in a few years, it'll be tempting to see where terminal is, *just because*. However, I can't see myself coping with longer than knee-length hair. There's something about approaching floor that is intimidating.

May 6th, 2012, 11:48 AM

My hair grew an inch this month. :happydance:

Yayyy! Its looking good in the new pic!

May 6th, 2012, 10:38 PM
holothuroide: "ETA: I have not noticed because apparently I am dense and unobservant. I did a member search for people with fine hair that is currently at knee and got 7 results. You can do searches like that yourself and find people with your hair type that are at your goal and send them a message asking them what their secrets are. EndETA"

Thanks! I don't think I can search members quite yet, because my account is still limited. I didn't know I could search for hair types though. That's awesome- thanks!

May 6th, 2012, 10:44 PM
holothuroide: "ETA: I have not noticed because apparently I am dense and unobservant. I did a member search for people with fine hair that is currently at knee and got 7 results. You can do searches like that yourself and find people with your hair type that are at your goal and send them a message asking them what their secrets are. EndETA"

Thanks! I don't think I can search members quite yet, because my account is still limited. I didn't know I could search for hair types though. That's awesome- thanks!

Once you are able to view profiles, click on the "Members List" link in the bar at the top of the page. Then click on the "search" button on the upper left hand side of the list. Go to "Advanced Search" and you can search for lots of stuff. :)

May 7th, 2012, 04:28 AM
There are a handful of people here with extreme lengths. Whether you can grow that long is determined mostly by genetics. Everyone's hair has a different "life span" and yours has to be very long if you want ankle length hair.

Other than that, though, it's all about keeping the hair that does grow protected so it doesn't break off. Gentle handling and protective styling. :)

I think a lot of people just list their goal as "terminal" because they have a goal of extreme length but realize they might not get there.

I know gossamer has F/M hair, but I haven't noticed anyone with super fine hair that has reached an extreme length. That doesn't mean yours won't, though. I know people with fine hair that is very strong, and of course it all depends on how you treat it.

ETA: I have not noticed because apparently I am dense and unobservant. :laugh: I did a member search for people with fine hair that is currently at knee and got 7 results. You can do searches like that yourself and find people with your hair type that are at your goal and send them a message asking them what their secrets are. :D EndETA

How long your hair actually grows has nothing to do with how fine/coarse it is, but length you get will depend on the hair not breaking. So if your goal is extreme length you might want to start practicing extremely gentle handling now. Less washing, never wearing it down, avoid tangles as if your life depended on it, that sort of thing.
Thanks for the tips. It's so encouraging that there's a network of similar minded and goal centered people out there. :) Certainly helps terminal growing a lot easier to get through!

I had to trim my hair yesterday... the split ends were getting drastic. I always get so sad to trim but as far as I know it's slightly neccessary for proper healthy hair.

May 7th, 2012, 05:30 AM
I had never even heard of terminal length until I joined this forum.

Me neither, nor any of the markers we use here, like Classic, etc.

I'm growing out to terminal because I want to test my family genes. My great grandmother holds the record for growing hair to floor. My oldest sister grew hair to her ankles before she cut it back to waist

My aunt has terminal length hair at just above TBL. She has fine, straight, medium to dark brown hair and FTE's and has had the same length hair for years and wears it down ALL THE TIME. My Mom told me the other day that I have a great or great-great grandmother who was known for her long hair but no picture and no actual length. How interesting to be known down the generations for your hair.

I figure I'm more than halfway there, but who knows.

Oooh, that is a good thought! I have no clue if I am half way there or not, though. I would think so. TBL is half my body height so I was excited when I past that mark.

I can't see myself coping with longer than knee-length hair. There's something about approaching floor that is intimidating.

I am concerned about braiding once it my braid gets past FTL. I have a paranda and was braiding it into my hair yesterday and towards the end I could no longer keep tension on it to braid because of its length. I read somewhere a couple years ago here on TLHC that hair past knee has its own set of needs because you cannot just brush it out in one stroke due to the length. I am sure you learn to cope as it grows.

I have been concerned about hair that touches the floor once sitting (my guess is knee length or slightly past). Plus, if it is loose and ankle length and you stoop or bend for ANY reason it would touch the floor. My hair touches the floor now if I lean forward to pick something up or if I sit on the floor, l which I often do in the library when I am looking on the bottom two shelves. Hair on the floor is cringe material for me. The thought of it getting stepped on is almost unbearable. LOL. It can always be piled in the lap when sitting.

The decision to continue to term will have to be re-made continually after new hallmarks are reached. I still have not decided to grow to term, though. For now I am lightheartedly shooting for knee with my next real benchmark being FTL.

May 7th, 2012, 06:05 AM
Well... I think that I have decided to grow my hair to terminal length, but only IF my terminal length is shorter than knee length. If it turns out to be longer than knee length, then... well awesome, but I don't know if I will be going for terminal at that point. I'll have to decide at that point.

I am really hoping that my terminal length is at least past classic... as I would like to maintain my hair at classic with a full hemline after I have discovered my terminal length.

For the most part, I am just curious about my genetics. No one in my family has ever been known for long hair. All of my old family photos that go back several generations show women with bobs - for both sides of the family. I haven't the slightest clue what terminal could be for me.

I am curious to know how many people have grown their hair to terminal only to find out that their terminal length is less than Classic.

May 7th, 2012, 07:25 AM
Well... I think that I have decided to grow my hair to terminal length, but only IF my terminal length is shorter than knee length. If it turns out to be longer than knee length, then... well awesome, but I don't know if I will be going for terminal at that point. I'll have to decide at that point.

I am really hoping that my terminal length is at least past classic... as I would like to maintain my hair at classic with a full hemline after I have discovered my terminal length.

For the most part, I am just curious about my genetics. No one in my family has ever been known for long hair. All of my old family photos that go back several generations show women with bobs - for both sides of the family. I haven't the slightest clue what terminal could be for me.

I am curious to know how many people have grown their hair to terminal only to find out that their terminal length is less than Classic.

I don't know of any longhairs in my family either. And my immediate family doesn't even think I'll be able to grow to waist. I'm out to prove them wrong. I've never had hair past apl so I don't know how I'll handle it or what it will look like on me. My secret fear is that it will only grow to bsl.

May 7th, 2012, 07:27 AM
I am concerned about braiding once it my braid gets past FTL. I have a paranda and was braiding it into my hair yesterday and towards the end I could no longer keep tension on it to braid because of its length. I read somewhere a couple years ago here on TLHC that hair past knee has its own set of needs because you cannot just brush it out in one stroke due to the length. I am sure you learn to cope as it grows.

Braiding knee length and past is not much harder than shorter hair, just more tedious. What I do is loop the braid around my neck like a scarf once I have braided down far enough. Voila! Tension! I've seen that some folks wrap it around an elbow or hold it in their mouth, but that sounds like it would take much more concentration to me.

I rarely wear mine down for long, but if I want to do something like use a toilet or sit on the floor I use the same trick again. Just wear it like a scarf to keep it out of the way. Otherwise I neatly coil it in my lap while seated. Again though, I don't like wearing it down for long. (This is nothing new, I have preferred keeping it up ever since I found Ficcares and hair forks/sticks)

Curly Hermione
May 7th, 2012, 07:52 AM
I'm aiming for terminal. It will take ages, and, knowing my luck, not be very long, but I can still try! I can't wait to see how long I can go :)

May 7th, 2012, 08:02 AM
I have never seen my mom with long hair or any pictures of family either... I am insanely curious to know where my hair is going to stop! I have a fear that it will stop at waist or something :( Is there a thread somewhere where people have posted their terminal lengths? That would be a fantastic read!

May 7th, 2012, 08:07 AM
I have never seen my mom with long hair or any pictures of family either... I am insanely curious to know where my hair is going to stop! I have a fear that it will stop at waist or something :( Is there a thread somewhere where people have posted their terminal lengths? That would be a fantastic read!

Totally agree!

May 7th, 2012, 08:26 AM
Totally agree!

Good call. I've always had mixed impressions of the term "terminal." Some people I've met here thought that they were at terminal because their hair stop growing for five years, and then it started to grow again on the sixth year. Do you think it would be safe to assume that if you wait like 10 years of non-growth then that would determine terminal length? The fact is everyone is different, so I sometimes feel like terminal is a very subjective topic to determine.:confused:

May 7th, 2012, 08:32 AM
My aunt has terminal length hair at just above TBL. She has fine, straight, medium to dark brown hair and FTE's and has had the same length hair for years and wears it down ALL THE TIME. My Mom told me the other day that I have a great or great-great grandmother who was known for her long hair but no picture and no actual length. How interesting to be known down the generations for your hair.

I find genetics to be such an interesting topic. I always thought scientist bases that men should look at their mother's side of the family. But that side of my family all have straight hair. I find it funny that I ended up with wurly hair compared to both my older sisters.

May 7th, 2012, 08:37 AM
I have never seen my mom with long hair or any pictures of family either... I am insanely curious to know where my hair is going to stop! I have a fear that it will stop at waist or something :( Is there a thread somewhere where people have posted their terminal lengths? That would be a fantastic read!

Wouldn't it be nice if there was some way to know. For a long time I thought I had reached terminal at BSL back in high school (makes me think I must have been so mean to my hair back then...). I was really shocked when I brushed my dreads out and found that I had hairs that were past classic. I had no idea my hair was capable of growing that long.

Good call. I've always had mixed impressions of the term "terminal." Some people I've met here thought that they were at terminal because their hair stop growing for five years, and then it started to grow again on the sixth year. Do you think it would be safe to assume that if you wait like 10 years of non-growth then that would determine terminal length? The fact is everyone is different, so I sometimes feel like terminal is a very subjective topic to determine.:confused:

The tricky thing with terminal length is that not only is everyone very different, but that one person's growth rate/ growth cycle changes over their lifetime as well, and sometimes in unpredictable ways. So theoretically, if someone reaches terminal it could be possible for their hair to gradually become longer or shorter over time.

Dragon Faery
May 7th, 2012, 10:36 AM
Good call. I've always had mixed impressions of the term "terminal." Some people I've met here thought that they were at terminal because their hair stop growing for five years, and then it started to grow again on the sixth year. Do you think it would be safe to assume that if you wait like 10 years of non-growth then that would determine terminal length? The fact is everyone is different, so I sometimes feel like terminal is a very subjective topic to determine.:confused:

There is a factor I've wondered about, but never heard anyone mention. Say I start growing my hair today, and seven years from now (give or take a few years) I reach terminal. The catch is, I've been trimming it all my life to get rid of splits. Lots of Splits. And I intend to keep fishing them out of my hair as needed. [That's not the thing I'm ultimately getting at; I have heard people mention that factor before.] Trechnically, it should take me LONGER than that time to find my true terminal, as I have to wait for hair that's never been cut to make it all the way down and past my current "terminal" length.
Here's the real factor I've been wondering about:
What if, several years after I begin growing on my quest for Terminal, I change my routine? For example, when my hair was at APL I started castor oil and rooibos treatments, as well as CO washing. Regardless of whether it grows any faster with those changes, the hair that has only known this treatment is a lot healthier and stronger than the hair I had before. So the top 6-8 inches of my hair have a much better chance at actually reaching terminal than the hair currently almost at waist. But what if, several years from now, I improve my health somhehow, and my hair starts growing faster? It will take whatever new hair comes in at that time YEARS to catch up with the rest. Any change I make 2 years from now will be 3-4 years behind the rest of my hair, depending on how much I've trimmed. And by the time I've grown for 7-10 years, I may have forgotten about making that change. So, conceiveably, I could see no growth for 4 years or more (depending on what changed when), and then suddenly start growing again.

I don't know if I made that understandable or not, but it's something I've been wondering, especially since *trolleypup's* hair started growing again recently.