View Full Version : Repeated Henna application over white/gray hair

March 16th, 2012, 09:21 AM
Well, i have gray/white roots... a lot. plus my base color is a medium/brown... right now, my whole head is a rich vibrant red/copper color after 1 Celebration application and a couple of henna/cassia glosses. The top of my head's hair is slightly lighter than the rest overall. But now my roots are coming through and it ain't that pretty... :( See pictures in my album:



I can see 2 things... color dye my hair a light/medium brown then do full henna head appliations until saturation (hoping my whites will catch up...) OR

Do full hennas on the color I have now and hoping that it will get a nice deep saturation and the new growth and old will blend in...

Anyone had an idea or a different way to do this? I would like to keep coloring with Henna for my the health of my hair...
I would like to get your opinions and or expertise... Thank you!

March 16th, 2012, 10:19 AM
If I were you I would use henna my roots.

March 16th, 2012, 10:37 AM
Yup, I would just henna the roots as well. Henna doesn't fade the way that regular red dye does, so you don't need the overall upkeep. I did two all over henna's and then I've just touched up the roots when they start to show. There is definitely colour variation between the white and brown when henna'd, but it's pretty and adds depth to the red.

March 16th, 2012, 10:39 AM
Hi There!

Well I'm sorry I don't have any advice for you, but I'm actually going to henna my hair for the first time this afternoon. I'm really excited to start using henna and get away form the boxed chemical stuff I was using. I also have medium brown hair, mostly, but my roots have been growing out with LOTS of white (too much, for my 35 years, anyway, I think :mad:) I'm interested to see how the henna will turn out and also to hear some good advice from other members, as I find this community to be an EXCELLENT source of info on all things hair-related! Good luck with your roots! :)

March 16th, 2012, 10:41 AM
Thank you for the reply, i am concerned because my natural hair color (roots) is darker than the rest of my current hennaed hair and might be afraid it might not blend in well.

I can try my roots tonight with the Raj Twilight and see how that goes...
I love darker burgundy hair, so that wouldn't bother me if it got darker...

Here is the current color of my hair:


March 16th, 2012, 10:51 AM
Thank you for the reply, i am concerned because my natural hair color (roots) is darker than the rest of my current hennaed hair and might be afraid it might not blend in well.

I can try my roots tonight with the Raj Twilight and see how that goes...
I love darker burgundy hair, so that wouldn't bother me if it got darker...

Here is the current color of my hair:


Well, henna is good for hair so in my opinion both solutions are quite well. I have also quite a few gray roots in my dark brown hair and usually I did 2 steps: henna and hendigo. Usually indigo faded a bit and my roots were a bit more red than the length of my hair. My grays usually became red or brownish (I use henna+amla). Then as the second step I did hendigo on my roots only. It usually covered everything in dark brown/black. But after fading a bit, grays could be seen as red. But actually I do not bother at all, even if roots are different colour and grays are different. I like in henna the fact, that my hair has different reflections.
If you do not mind saturation of the hair with more henna, just do full application. Nothing wrong can happen.