View Full Version : Experimenting with different parts? Surprised!

March 7th, 2012, 03:14 PM
I haven't realized how "comfortable" I've become with wearing my hair parted and down until recently!

Typically, I part my hair on the left side so that the majority of my hair falls to the right. Well, about a week ago, I noticed my hair wanted to do the opposite... and parted on the right side with all of my hair falling to the left.

I have light hair and IMMEDIATELY noticed a huge difference! All of my sun highlights were gone! The hair was so healthy! It was like I had just received the best haircut ever that made it look shiny, soft and new!

I suppose I had worn my hair like that for so long that I completely forget about having a "new" side to expose! :joy: Am I just seeing this or has anyone else noticed a difference in their own part, too? Maybe it's silly how excited I am but it's like I now have the option of switching between winter darkness and summer highlights! lol.

Now the next question is do I continue wearing my hair like this and let this side gradually get beat up or should I alter it? I feel like I am completely new obsession territory now. :eyebrows:

March 7th, 2012, 03:18 PM
i've tried it before and it feels.....well i can't really find an exxact word for it but it feels good and....different o.o and i kidna feel like i gave the other side a break, if that makes sense.
i think it would be a good idea to change everynow and then :) or atleast thats what i try to do.

March 7th, 2012, 03:53 PM
I started switching my part around as a teenager, so I don't remember an "ah-ha!" moment. It's been a good thing, though. I don't get a sore scalp from changing how I wear my hair, and I've seen a lot of complaints about that around here.

March 7th, 2012, 03:57 PM
That is such a good idea! I will definitly try this the next time I wash my hair. I always have my hair parted on the right side or in the middle. This might even help me decide if I want to expose my hair to the sun this summer and get sun streaks, or try to protect it as much as possible. Thanks :)

March 7th, 2012, 04:22 PM
Totally true for me as well :D I move my part around a lot, just to shift the hair around so I don't have the pressure in the same spot all the time. I have read/heard that it's best for your hair to avoid using the same part always. I have recently started wearing my hair pulled back without a part again, which I hadn't done for a while. My hair is a completely different color pulled straight back! :magic: It is light brow instead of golden blonde. My buns are golden blonde though, so it looks kinda funny ;)

March 7th, 2012, 05:36 PM
It is light brow instead of golden blonde. My buns are golden blonde though, so it looks kinda funny ;)

Lol, I have this problem too! My buns are almost white blonde, and then my roots are so mousey and dark! I think it's why I don't wear them as much, but I like the way it looks in intricate braids. :D

March 7th, 2012, 06:10 PM
I was just thinking about parts tonight! I would think that changing where hair is parted would be good BUT I remember reading something somewhere about the George Michael method has a theory that keeping the part on the right side because it protects the folicles. I was just googling about it but couldn't find anything. Sometimes when I change where the part is my scalp feels sore. I have to shampoo first and then I can move the part.

March 7th, 2012, 06:13 PM
Totally true for me as well :D I move my part around a lot, just to shift the hair around so I don't have the pressure in the same spot all the time. I have read/heard that it's best for your hair to avoid using the same part always.

I heard that too, and that's also why I change mine from time to time, but haven't had that "Ah-ha!" moment either =/

March 7th, 2012, 06:42 PM
I think my part was chiselled into my head at birth. It is right in the middle, and although I have tried to part it on the side, it makes me forget how to hold my head.

March 7th, 2012, 06:45 PM
Likewise, my part falls naturally after combing since I've had it that way for years... And it's more or less in the middle too...

I've tried parting it to the side but it doesn't stay in place unless I pin it down.

What to do.... :confused:

March 7th, 2012, 07:57 PM
I think my part was chiselled into my head at birth. It is right in the middle, and although I have tried to part it on the side, it makes me forget how to hold my head.

Likewise, my part falls naturally after combing since I've had it that way for years... And it's more or less in the middle too...

I've tried parting it to the side but it doesn't stay in place unless I pin it down.

What to do.... :confused:

What usually works for me is to put the new part in after a wash, while the hair is still damp. The weight of the wet hair usually helps hold it down. I do have a natural part just off to the left, so sometimes I have to hairspray my new part line to keep my hair from flipping back to the natural part :D My stylist told me once that you can "train" your hair to a new part line, but I'm not sure if that's true for all heads of hair. I have about 4 slightly different ways I can choose from. Well, unless my hair is feeling super uncooperative. :D Then it's back to the natural part line! ;)

Interestingly, I now notice that if I leave one part in place too long, my scalp gets itchy and drier along that part line. :shrug:

March 7th, 2012, 08:00 PM
Lol, I have this problem too! My buns are almost white blonde, and then my roots are so mousey and dark! I think it's why I don't wear them as much, but I like the way it looks in intricate braids. :D

Sometimes I worry that people will notice the color difference and think I have really dirty roots or something :o I'm thinking I will try to wear my hair pulled back a lot more this summer, and see if I can even things out a bit.

I agree about the braids! It gets such a cool variegated effect! :thumbsup: