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March 5th, 2012, 10:07 PM
My split ends. They're learning.

When I'm out in a random area, far from scissors, I can look and see several just out there, waving back at me, bold as can be.

When I'm sitting here, scissors in hand, looking for them with oil free hair to make them more noticeable. They're nowhere to be found. For days.

I saw like 10 the other day when I wasn't looking for them because I was at the in-laws.
Everyday since, I've been looking and it's like they were never there. :rolleyes:

March 5th, 2012, 10:10 PM
Lighting, lighting, lighting.

I feel you though, the best time for me to spot splits is in my morning classes where I have the awful fluorescent light combined with some sun from the window--my splits glow! Can I do anything about it? No!

March 5th, 2012, 10:12 PM
:grouphug:Mine appear on the bus, when even if I did have scissors I couldn't cut them without risking taking a chunk of my hair.

March 5th, 2012, 10:12 PM
I know! See, I know I always see them in the car, for instance, in sunlight. But if I go sit in the car to look for them (yes, I do that...lol) are they there? NO. 15 minutes later when we're driving down the road, no way to snip them...they're practically doing a conga line in front of my face. lol

March 6th, 2012, 12:20 AM
lol this cracked me up. Very clever. Maybe you should start carrying some scissors with you?

March 6th, 2012, 01:42 AM
I have the same problem. When S&D-ing, I sit under direct sunlight and still can't find them. When I sit at a cafe or in a library they suddenly appear in every single strand. I swear one day I'll just go to a cafe with a friend, take my scissors out and surprise my split ends :D And other guests, too ...

Dragon Faery
March 6th, 2012, 01:55 AM
Mine do this too! It drives me crazy!

It got to the point several years ago that I had a pair of scissors in my purse, another in the bathroom, and another in my room. But then the only time they dared show themselves was when *I* was the one driving the car. Figures. Those things have some sort of radar.

March 6th, 2012, 03:00 AM
Haha I thought I was crazy for doing s& d in my car.... Glad I'm not the only one :) natural sunlight works the best for me.

March 6th, 2012, 03:18 AM
Yup! I always find tons of them when there are no scissors around...

March 6th, 2012, 03:20 AM
That's my exact predicament, whenever inappropriate - in class, when I'm driving, out with friends, the lil suckers are teasing me lol the worst one is at university I can't concentrate cos I can see them out the corner of my eye , have to wear hair up lol

March 6th, 2012, 03:47 AM
Yup it happens to me too. I carry a pair of scissors in my handbag and quite often pull out the scissors at the traffic lights to snip of a few splitty's haha I should really be focusing on the lights changing to green haha

March 6th, 2012, 03:49 AM
Do you have to cut splits?

I really lack the confidence to S&D my own hair, is there some alternative that I could try? Or should I suck it up and get to it?

March 6th, 2012, 05:31 AM
Your hair is like mine. I have splits that do the same. I found that its the light natural sunlight is the best for them.

March 6th, 2012, 11:30 AM
Split ends with intelligence... Now that's a scary thought.

heidi w.
March 6th, 2012, 11:35 AM
You need to be in far better lighting such as halogen lamp light or sunlight itself. ALSO you need to be working against a color backdrop that is opposite your hair color. If you're dark haired working against a dark background, you won't see them so easily.

I know the problem. This is how I figured out the color background thing and the lighting needs.

Do not work in your own shadow.

heidi w.

heidi w.
March 6th, 2012, 11:37 AM
Do you have to cut splits?

I really lack the confidence to S&D my own hair, is there some alternative that I could try? Or should I suck it up and get to it?

It's pretty hard to mess up cutting one strand at a time. Give it a try. Just use great scissors as in scissors intended for use on hair. And only use them on hair, nothing else (no paper, no string, no cloth, no plastic. Just hair.)

heidi w.

March 6th, 2012, 12:43 PM
I just died of laughter! I'm sitting here snipping my split ends, thinking about what others like to do to prevent them, so I come online and see this! I carry my hair scissors in my purse, so on slow days at work I look through my hair to snip them away!

March 6th, 2012, 01:59 PM
Do you have to cut splits?

I really lack the confidence to S&D my own hair, is there some alternative that I could try? Or should I suck it up and get to it?

Well, if you don't, then the split will split further, doing more damage to the strand. Best to get 'em while they're young.

Just be sure your shears are SHARP. Dull scissors may cut..but your hair will appear to have white dots because the strand was not cut with SHARP scissors.

How you do it..and how often..is up to you, but it is best done in sunlight, where the light spectrum is true and you have the best chance of spotting the split.

You can hold up a few strands, or twist a few strands gently and nip off any splits that may pop up, or go strand by strand. There's no set way.

However, it is best to cut the split against a contrasting background so that it is easier to see. If your hair is a light color, then cut against a dark background, and vice versa.

If you just have too many splits, then a trim might be in order.

March 6th, 2012, 02:13 PM
I S&D in the car too. Long trips when DBF is driving are perfect!

March 6th, 2012, 02:31 PM
Haha, this cracks me up! I usually see them in my bathroom when I'm getting ready for bed. (We have really good lighting in there) By the time I've reached into the drawer for my special hair scissors, they've disappeared!

March 6th, 2012, 03:06 PM
My hair is tucked far far away so no car seat, seatbelt, wind, zippers...etc. can get to it. this might help you guys not think about it till you are in the bathroom brushing hair for the night or in the morning. I rather wear my hair up a bit more often then fuss over splits.

I rarely SD, and when I do it is only in the front two inches around my face and the inch just above the nape of my neck. These areas get the most abuse and tend to split for me. Otherwise, I don't worry to much, if I'm unhappy about the splits I sometimes move up my schedule to microtrim (which i usually do every three or four months), and use some coconut oil on the ends

March 6th, 2012, 10:27 PM
lol...So my crafty splits aren't alone!! ;)

Yeah, usually sunlight works best for me and I hold the hair up to the light in the car, against our condo building (cream colored) in the background. lol. I also see them if we're out to eat!!! I KNOW other people think I'm nuts, because if I'm bored and my hair isn't bunned, I will inevitably sit and look at my ends and search out the buggers. I want to keep my ends as well I can because right now I'm aiming to get to TB length, let my hair get a bit past and then do a couple inch trim to just thicken up everything generally.

Ya know, I really might as well carry some small scissors in my purse. I've got everything else on earth in there. Lotion, wipes, hair brush, hair ties, "lady stuff", pocket knife, glue, asprin...lol. What's one more tiny item? ;)

March 6th, 2012, 10:50 PM
My friends and family have learned to tolerate my pulling out and or asking for scissors and cutting splits and throwing them away. I feel as long as you're polite about it what's the harm.

For example my Fiance's boss asked me what I was doing one of the times I had stopped by to give Muffin a hug and I told him with maniacal laughter and evil voice "Search and Destrooooy." Mother in law shook her head and elaborated "Split ends."

They already know I am weird, so why bother trying to behave normally?

March 6th, 2012, 10:57 PM
They already know I am weird, so why bother trying to behave normally?

Valid point. ;) lol

I've attempted to be more normal just so as not to scare the in laws the last 5 years. Though I leak out more of the weird nowdays. Come to find my MIL is really just as nutty as I am!

March 6th, 2012, 11:20 PM
Valid point. ;) lol

I've attempted to be more normal just so as not to scare the in laws the last 5 years. Though I leak out more of the weird nowdays. Come to find my MIL is really just as nutty as I am!

My soon to be mother in law is a psycho pancake. We do not spend time together any more because she resents me for marrying her son.