View Full Version : Great Henna Source

March 4th, 2012, 02:51 PM
I have been searching for the best deal on henna powder out there, especially since I live in Canada and it seems hard to get here for a reasonable shipping price. Everyone wants to make a profit on the shipping! Real turn off! Pet peeve!!

So anyway, I found a great place to get it online. Mehendi911 (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Fresh-Jamila-2011-BAQ-Henna-mehndi-powder-100g-/270782927685)with an EBay store! I ordered 200g of Jamilla BAQ 2011 stamped crop henna powder, priced at $6 ea. I know this is not a fabulously cheap price, although it is good, but she only charged me $4.90 in shipping for two boxes. One box is just $3.60 shipping from Calif to Ontario!! And I got it in about a week!

I'm thrilled to find someone who ships for what it cost them and not what they can get away with! I used the product last night, really happy with it! I don't know if she sells other types of henna. I was looking for Jamilla when I found her.

I don't work for her either, just wanted everyone to know that there are people out there who don't charge you $16 for shipping when it only cost them $6 and no, I don't care if the boxes of henna come in a bubble mailer when I have to pay $10 more for the boxes to come in a box.

I think if someone wants more money for their product, they should charge more so people know what the real cost is.

I'm ranting - sorry. Really peeved about unnecessary shipping costs lately.

March 5th, 2012, 05:10 PM
Sheryl. Where are u exactly in Ontario?? I live in Montreal and henna here is all over the place and very good quality. I am sure Toronto has a lot of Indian stores where u can get good henna for a fraction of the price. If u find a store near u PM me and I will give u the names of all the brands I tried. I am sure u can find some of them. Jamila is sold here for 1,99$ , the one for hair but really I see no difference in color whatsoever. :)

April 23rd, 2012, 11:58 AM
Unfortunately, I am in Barrie and we don't have any Indian Stores. I know that Toronto has a lot of them but it's just too far for me to drive. :(

If I knew exactly where one was located, I might be able to ask a friend or two, who do drive to TO, to pick some up for me.

April 23rd, 2012, 12:00 PM
Have you tried Hennsooq? I believe they ship from Ontario, because I get it about two days after it ships out! The shipping costs aren't bad at all!

April 23rd, 2012, 02:19 PM
Unfortunately, I am in Barrie and we don't have any Indian Stores. I know that Toronto has a lot of them but it's just too far for me to drive. :(

If I knew exactly where one was located, I might be able to ask a friend or two, who do drive to TO, to pick some up for me.
Here is a link to all Indian stores in Toronto. Hope this is helpful