View Full Version : Can you ever over oil your hair?

March 4th, 2012, 12:17 PM
I use oil in the morning, lunchtime ( weekends) and when I get back from school, and I use oil before I go to bed. My hair is dry as a bone, and extremely prone to split ends. I have never seen my hair greasy, I can easily go a month without a hair wash ( but I usually wash my hair once a week) . I told my friends I put oil in my hair, and they said my hair wil become reliant on it. Is this true?

March 4th, 2012, 01:58 PM
What oil are you using? Generally if you use too much oil, it can be difficult to wash out, which can make it build up and cause crunchy ends and dryness. Oiling three times a day sounds like a lot to me, I use it only after washing my hair.

March 4th, 2012, 02:01 PM
Well naturally your hair is reliant on oil anyway, your scalp produces it's own oils for your hair, which is why your hair looks 'greasy' after not washing it.

I don't think you can over oil, as long as you can get it all out... I wouldn't recommend putting too much oil on.

March 4th, 2012, 02:03 PM
I notice that oil draws lint and dust into my hair, so I only oil it pre-wash. That would be my main concern - that your hair is going to get a lot dirtier between washes because of the oil.

If the oil is ever hard to get out, just load your hair up with a lot of conditioner and let it sit 15-30 minutes.

March 4th, 2012, 02:05 PM
Different things work for different people. I have a very oily scalp naturally so I don't oil all over my hair, only from the ears down. If I over oil I get buildup that I have to clarify out. If I put heavy oils on my scalp it makes me shed. I think it also depends on what type of oil you use. Certain oils build up more than others.

March 4th, 2012, 02:40 PM
I use a ton of oil, and have never had any issues.

March 4th, 2012, 03:26 PM
I mist mine on once a day and my hair is good. My hair likes it and I don't have any issues with dirt or lent. I'd watch how much you put on.

March 4th, 2012, 03:33 PM
I can use a ton of oil to, I have naturally dry hair. It has not given me any problems yet. I like to mist the hair a bit before applying the oil though, oil does not contain any moisture in it self, just helps to keep it in and gives slip and protection. That might be an idea if your hair is really dry.
Another idea is a mister bottle with water, oil or conditioner. You can also put in EO`s and humectants such as aloe vera. Makes for a light application, moisture and shine. :)

March 4th, 2012, 05:57 PM
I use oil in the morning, lunchtime ( weekends) and when I get back from school, and I use oil before I go to bed. My hair is dry as a bone, and extremely prone to split ends. I have never seen my hair greasy, I can easily go a month without a hair wash ( but I usually wash my hair once a week) . I told my friends I put oil in my hair, and they said my hair wil become reliant on it. Is this true?

Way too much oil!

Your hair is dry as a bone because your hair lacks moisture.
No moisture means split ends and damaged hair.

Mineral oil (used sparingly after your hair has been clarified) can aid greatly is keeping your hair moisturized.

There are different types of mineral oil (aka "baby oil") so be careful which one you choose.

Ktani, our resident oil researcher, has written a very informative article on the properties of mineral oil and what it can do for your hair:

There is also a mineral oil thread that might be of interest.

March 4th, 2012, 06:17 PM
My hair was SUPER DRY too! I've never seen my hair greasy due solely to my own scalp oils. It's gotten much better since being on the LHC though and looking great! I've gotten my first compliments on my hair ever a couple days ago! This is what I do:

I wash my hair twice at most, I do a heavy oiling before every wash with castor oil on my scalp and coconut oil on my length. I wash my hair with a shampoo with coconut oil in it also! And after my shower I take about 2 drops of baby oil and rub between my hands and then through my length. This has worked well for me! I don't know if it's perfect for everyone! But remember that my hair is super dry! My hair has been so soft the curls have been so pretty lately! So far, I haven't experienced any over-oiling!!

I suggest trying different oils?? Maybe the oil you're using isn't the best type for your hair. I know there are many ladies and men on LHC that swear by different oils...so try a few!! It's fun!

March 4th, 2012, 06:22 PM
I am your exact hair opposite. I can't put one drop of oil in my hair without it looking greasy. I have to use nightbloomings panacea as a leave in, since my hair has dictated that oils are not allowed. It's ok though.... Panacea works absolute wonders on my hair.

March 4th, 2012, 06:26 PM
I oil regularly, but there have been times when my hair seems to be like yours - bone dry, and sucking up tons of oil without getting better. That problem was solved with clarifying, since I, at least, tend to get some buildup from oils.

March 5th, 2012, 06:59 AM
It is not the oil that makes hair dry and "crunchy", it is what is underneath it on the hair, http://ktanihairsense.blogspot.com/2012/02/more-on-oils-and-oil-shampoo.html

Too much oil used on clarified hair just makes it oily.

I am seeing the same thing over and over here on the boards.

People use too much product to remedy dry hair and their hair gets drier and drier.

Conditioners and both shea butter and cocoa butter contain waxy ingredrients, the butters the waxy constituent, stearic acid.

Waxy ingredients build-up and require clarifying not to mention that oils, any oil, can leave a residue if too much is used and not properly removed.

Drying oils are the worst for that as they leave a tough film on the hair, http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=2020749&postcount=11

Less is more with oil and any conditioning product.

Mineral oil/baby oil drops can be completely removed with each wash, using non sulfate shampoo or conditioner only and ETA can moisturize hair - with one only application needed between washes.

March 5th, 2012, 07:18 AM
I was using EVOO for awhile. and like the results, but got tired of putting it in and then washing it out again...

Perhaps I will give mineral oil a try, after washing, and see how my hair likes it...

It might be a good substitute for the leave-in conditioner I normally finger comb in after I have used water to rejuvenate my curls during the week in between washings (I only wash 1 x week - its such a hassle...)

Thanks for this thread and all the interesting opinions and information!!!

March 5th, 2012, 07:50 AM
Maybe clarifying and moisturizing do the trick now. You can over-oil your hair, and hair gets dryer and dryer.
Been there, done that :D

March 5th, 2012, 11:36 AM
I use Aragon oil ( not sure if it's spelt right) or morancan oil. Just like I drop the size of a fingernail each time, I am going to try to cut back using it, thanks for your comments :)

heidi w.
March 5th, 2012, 11:47 AM
Your hair needs a good conditioning session, seems to me. Do you have curly or heavily bodied hair? This hair type needs a lot of moisture. Maybe deep conditioning would help you out?

I have stick straight hair, whether it's short or long. Doesn't matter. I merely oil once after a fresh full hair wash. That's it. No re-applying needed.

What kind of pillowcase are you sleeping on? Something your hair can slide on, I hope.

Yes, to your basic question, it IS possible to over-oil your hair. This can happen from applying too much oil at one time (which is common for newbies to do until they find out how little is required) to over-oiling over a day or two span of time. If one over-oils, one simply gets in the shower and washes it out, at worst clarified to get it all out.

Regarding lint in hair: I have discovered that my hair gets a bit more lint in it the longer it has become. This I have learned. Most tangles are caused by lint bits that I have to remove when I detangle. I remove with my fingers though.

heidi w.

March 5th, 2012, 12:04 PM
I sleep in a silk sleeping hat, But the pillow case is cotton. It's so annoying, I had a hair cut a week ago, and I inspected the ends and I found splits :( what is lint?

March 5th, 2012, 12:09 PM
I sleep in a silk sleeping hat, But the pillow case is cotton. It's so annoying, I had a hair cut a week ago, and I inspected the ends and I found splits :( what is lint?

Lint..think of dustbunnies in miniscule form..that's lint. It comes from what floats in the air, from tiny fibers in your clothes. Flannel is notorious for lintiness.

It seems to be worse in winter than in other months. Brushing your hair regularly helps cut down on the lint.

March 5th, 2012, 12:21 PM
Lint..think of dustbunnies in miniscule form..that's lint. It comes from what floats in the air, from tiny fibers in your clothes. Flannel is notorious for lintiness.

It seems to be worse in winter than in other months. Brushing your hair regularly helps cut down on the lint.

That is true - It comes from fabrics mostly in the house dust I see. Some fabrics are worse than others. I posted in another thread about a thick cotton duvet cover I had years ago that spread purple lint everywhere in my bedroom. It was very easy to see, lol. I washed it several times but the problem remained. I have it put away in a cupboard and use satin acetate bedding now, lol.

I do not get much if any in my hair. I always rinse out catnip treatments and it has also been reported here that mineral oil/bably oil use does not attract it like other, sticky oils and products can. That is true for me too. I saw no lint in my hair with baby oil use at all.

heidi w.
March 5th, 2012, 01:01 PM
I sleep in a silk sleeping hat, But the pillow case is cotton. It's so annoying, I had a hair cut a week ago, and I inspected the ends and I found splits :( what is lint?

Lint is a kind of dust culled from fabric. It looks like a tiny dustball, sometimes with color such as black because it's coming from some kind of fabric.

heidi w.

heidi w.
March 5th, 2012, 01:03 PM
Now that I reside in "snow-y" winters, I now understand the notion of spring cleaning. Dust just builds up in the house over winter. And you can't get it out until the snow clears, which is in spring. Because it's too cold to air out the house, open a door or even a window.

heidi w.

March 5th, 2012, 01:26 PM
I think I recently over oiled my hair! I had oiled it heavily a couple of weeks ago with a mixture of peanut, olive and lanolin oil (Aura glow massage oil) and washed that out and my hair was nice.

Then a week ago I used my auryvedic oil and did another heavy oiling and washed it out. Again nice.

Then I decided to go whole hog and do a heavy EVOO oiling and it took me 3 full washes to get all the oil out and after this my hair was drier and straighter than before!!! as well as crispy on the ends!!! my hair is never crispy on the ends!!!

So today I hennaed (really needed it) and my hair seems to be happy again.

I'm sticking to just light oilings with my auryvedic oil which I can wash out in 1 go... The others were too much!

March 5th, 2012, 01:36 PM
I had some issues when I first came to LHC with finding the right oil for my hair. Thin and fine, I thought a little bit of coconut oil would be good, but my hair didn't seem to like it much. Lately, I've been doing castor oil mixed with coconut oil on my scalp, my hair seems happier with the combo instead of just one alone. I do this just once a week and really let it sit for as long as I can stand my scalp to feel funky. I try not to over stimulate with scalp massages as my hair just seems to shed a ton afterward, oil used or not.

I will baby oil my ends in the front after a shower, since they're dry and damaged anyway from heavy highlighting around my face. I do this so the damage doesn't keep traveling up the hair shaft as it's too short for me to cut again right now. If I'm going to do any heat styling on my hair ( and this is a rare thing these days) I like using argan oil to help protect my hair, it works great for me.

Ktani is a wealth of information about oils and hair care, I'd love to pick her brain! Finding the right oil/rinse/wash routine for your hair is just trial and error. Don't be afraid to try different things, if your hair reacts in a way you don't like just clarify and move forward. Good luck :)

Edit to add: I'm trying to grow out the horrid inverted bob cut, and my hair has hit a slow growth season. That is why I oil my scalp, besides having some issues with it being dry here in the winter time. Normally I'd keep it away from my scalp because of my hair type. But a few drops of baby oil to the ends really helps keep the splits at bay.

March 5th, 2012, 01:47 PM
I'm going to have to try the drops of baby oil I think. I can never remember to get any though!!!

March 5th, 2012, 02:33 PM
I had some issues when I first came to LHC with finding the right oil for my hair. Thin and fine, I thought a little bit of coconut oil would be good, but my hair didn't seem to like it much. Lately, I've been doing castor oil mixed with coconut oil on my scalp, my hair seems happier with the combo instead of just one alone. I do this just once a week and really let it sit for as long as I can stand my scalp to feel funky. I try not to over stimulate with scalp massages as my hair just seems to shed a ton afterward, oil used or not.

I will baby oil my ends in the front after a shower, since they're dry and damaged anyway from heavy highlighting around my face. I do this so the damage doesn't keep traveling up the hair shaft as it's too short for me to cut again right now. If I'm going to do any heat styling on my hair ( and this is a rare thing these days) I like using argan oil to help protect my hair, it works great for me.

Ktani is a wealth of information about oils and hair care, I'd love to pick her brain! Finding the right oil/rinse/wash routine for your hair is just trial and error. Don't be afraid to try different things, if your hair reacts in a way you don't like just clarify and move forward. Good luck :)

Edit to add: I'm trying to grow out the horrid inverted bob cut, and my hair has hit a slow growth season. That is why I oil my scalp, besides having some issues with it being dry here in the winter time. Normally I'd keep it away from my scalp because of my hair type. But a few drops of baby oil to the ends really helps keep the splits at bay.

Thank you! You can pm me for that, lol.

Glad to hear that the mineral oil/baby oil is working well although I am not surprised at all. Others using it long term (several months since I started posting about it at the beginning of December) have said the same thing.

People here have used it before. What makes this different is that the drops present no issues with residue or delivery and have done much more.

The reason I keep saying mineral oil/baby oil is because these days there are vegetable oil baby oils and it is to clarify what kind of oil is being discussed.