View Full Version : Unsure of hair type. Need help please

March 3rd, 2012, 12:11 PM
Ok I am new to forum and when originally did hair typing I claimed I was alot straighter than I was. Since then I have stopped using cones. I changed to 2B. But I have just clarified my hair and its gained more wave/curl I didnt even know I had.

Sadly I am not all that pc savvy so my pics are in my album. So if any of you want to look at album and say if you agree I should stay 2B or change I would be most gratful. Oh they are not great pics but I dont have a great camera :p

Thanks in advance

Whitedove :)

PS. btw I am dyslexic and my mum will only help with my spelling.

March 3rd, 2012, 12:14 PM
That looks 2b to me.

March 3rd, 2012, 12:18 PM
Your hair looks a lot like mine off of cones and I call myself a 2b.

March 3rd, 2012, 12:18 PM
I agree on 2b :)

Lady Neeva
March 3rd, 2012, 12:23 PM
I think it's somewhere btw 2b/2c, since I looked at Dianyla's and her's is less wavy. Not quite spiral, though.

March 3rd, 2012, 12:44 PM
Thank you all :)

Lady Neeva its the almost spirals that threw me, on the underside that you cant quite see theres some spirals but majority is as seen.

I think I will say as a 2b and probally go back to cones or at least figure how to sort the wave :)

March 3rd, 2012, 03:10 PM
If there are that many spirals, then you would be a 2c. 2c means that you have "some" or "a few" spiral curls. :)

March 3rd, 2012, 04:46 PM
All your pictures say they're finger combed. That means you touched your hair. And well, the reason for the no touching thing is even a tiny bit of finger combing can straighten out your natural wave a great deal. The effect is weaker for coarser hair, but it can be pretty overwhelming for fine hair.

So my answer is, dunno. That's an awful strong wave pattern for fine hair that's been handled, and you've got huge volume, which makes me think the finger combing is really doing a number on your hair type.

As a baseline, my sister-outlaw has about 3a hair. If she touches it even a bit while it dries, it looks more like 2c. If she combs it with an actual comb? More like 1c or 1b. Handle it like curly hair, and you can actually see just how bouncy and springy her hair is.

March 3rd, 2012, 06:24 PM
Torrilin, I finger combed because I was worried about dryness after clarifing. Might try a no touch wash next wash. Did think about trying the curly girl method see what that produces.

My hair has always been huge after washing and drying, didnt think anything of it until I came to this forum. Both my parents have curly/wave prone hair, so I asumed it was normal... how wrong could I be :)

Guess its all about testing and thats what I will be doing.

March 3rd, 2012, 08:27 PM
I know some people say not to condition for hair typing. I tend to think you're not looking for a one true photograph, but something that gives you an idea of your hair's potential... so if you're not sure how curly you really are, it might take many samples before you have an idea of where you really belong. And for a curly, conditioner used judiciously and appropriately for your hair is definitely going to be involved in the process.

And really, most people don't actually have a single hair type. There's a range. I've got individual hairs (probably less than 20) that are 4a. And I've got lots of hairs that are 1a. The vast majority of my hairs are very fine, but some are of medium thickness where it doesn't take 4-5 hairs to actually *look* like a hair. So it's not surprising that figuring out the right type is not super duper rigid. You're looking for a way of describing most of your hair, most of the time :D.