View Full Version : Grey hairs

July 21st, 2008, 12:14 PM
I have had one grey hair on my head since i was around 20. Now I am 34, and recently noticed a surge of in the greay hairs, near my ears. Cant blame my genes as my mom did not have any grey till she was over 40, and my dad over 45.
I do have a stressful personal life, could it be due to that? Is there anything I can do to prevent this from getting worse?

July 21st, 2008, 08:03 PM
There is a chinese herb called he shou wu (and sometimes also called fo-ti that is a longevity tonic that is used for greying hair. I have used it (it is in many of the formulas I take periodically for my kidney disorder), but not with much frequency and I'm not sure how long you must take it (or in which dosage) to see an effect. (Also, please check with your doctor because I do not know if there are any adverse reactions with western medications)

July 21st, 2008, 08:25 PM
Over the last few years I have been noticing grey hairs growing in 2-3 at a time all over my head. My mother was almost totally grey by the time she was in her mid 30's but my father had the salt and pepper look. So I don't know if it is actually due to genetics or stress, but I am purposefully gradually growing my gray hairs back in (after a couple of years of henna). I can't wait until the streaks are showing all the way down the length of my hair! But I like white and grey hair, I think it's very distinguishing.:)

July 21st, 2008, 08:37 PM
Try thinking of it as silver - a precious thing. I have only a few and I'm twice your age plus, so IMHO it's genetic. Not much you can do about it other than enjoy. :) See what can be done to enhance them - perhaps some of the folks here will have good ideas.