View Full Version : Rocking the Dishwater

February 28th, 2012, 12:28 AM
I hate that term for my hair color, I have golden dark blond light brownish sort of ash blond, so there, lol.
My natural color is so interesting, I love it, blast you platinum blond former self! There is depth to my hair now, and no it is not the stunner of my former platinum self, but it is long now, hitting tail bone long:D

February 28th, 2012, 04:40 AM
I was just reading a thread on a homemade hair treatment with interesting ingredients so your thread title worried me a bit for a second!

I also have dark-sometimes-warm-sometimes-cool-blonde hair. I can't call it dishwater, though. I've seen a lot of dishwater in my time, and it comes in too wide a range of colors. Especially on a ravioli night.

February 28th, 2012, 08:03 AM
As a brunette, I always wondered why people with golden dark blond light brownish sort of ash blond hair and even ashy taupe light brown blond hair (etc) would dye it. I admire those hair colors because they are both rich and elusive; soft, yet deep and interesting; and flattering next to the skin. I think the term "dishwater" came to be accepted as the name of this range of hair color because wardrobe colors affect its appearance so dramatically. It is easily deadened with the wrong color choices, but breathtaking when flattered with the perfect ones.

February 28th, 2012, 08:07 AM
Great post, Trillcat! Something I need to read whenever I see TB bleached hair and think I should try that. It looks lovely but I don't think my hair would be able to handle it.

heidi w.
February 28th, 2012, 08:08 AM
I'm the Queen of the Dishwater. In actuality it's turned a pretty color, especially when the sun is shining, which it is not today.

Some people sometimes refer to me as a brunette, but I am not. Not quite yet. LOL

Hair color can change dramatically over a lifetime, and we all end up gray haired in some way.

heidi w.

February 28th, 2012, 09:47 AM
As a brunette, I always wondered why people with golden dark blond light brownish sort of ash blond hair and even ashy taupe light brown blond hair (etc) would dye it. I admire those hair colors because they are both rich and elusive; soft, yet deep and interesting; and flattering next to the skin. I think the term "dishwater" came to be accepted as the name of this range of hair color because wardrobe colors affect its appearance so dramatically. It is easily deadened with the wrong color choices, but breathtaking when flattered with the perfect ones.

Boy, this sure made me feel better! I agree with the importance of pairing the right wardrobe colors with this type of hair.

February 28th, 2012, 09:47 AM
I hate that term too. Just be proud of it and don't let others get to you.