View Full Version : 1 inch Trim Tonight:(

February 24th, 2012, 04:26 PM
Every six months i trim my hair 1 inch and tonight is the lucky night:( Is there anything you do to your ends after you trim?

February 24th, 2012, 05:30 PM
Good luck. I often wet my ends and put some kind of leave in conditioner and/or oils in them after trimming. Not shure why, to get them to look as good and moisturized as possible I guess, to feel better about the trim. I have dryish hair and ends. ;)

February 24th, 2012, 05:33 PM
Good luck! I don't usually do anything besides not wash hair for a week to loom in the style. Be sure to post pics of your polished ends!:)

February 24th, 2012, 05:42 PM
I really don't do much different after a trim- my usual protect and moisturize. Most of my special care is protecting my ends so I don't need to trim them so much in the first place.

1 inch every six months is honestly not that bad, and I imagine your hair must be in really good shape if that's how long you can go without a trim :)


February 24th, 2012, 06:27 PM
I do my same old everyday routine.

February 24th, 2012, 06:46 PM
Coconut and grapeseed oil to ends.

February 25th, 2012, 10:09 PM
I feel you, I had to trim my hair a couple of days ago :(
I oiled my hair yesterday, which my ends seemed to like. Look on the bright side, fewer tangles and split ends!