View Full Version : Magic Eraser for cleaning ficcares etc

July 19th, 2008, 08:25 PM
Just wanted to share tonights experience.
I have yet another crystal to replace on my Superstar Ficcare,
so after the umpteenth time seeing it in the drawer I took it out
and left it by my computer as a reminder.
But it was also a reminder of how I never wear it because
it looks so...dull.
I remembered I had some Magic Erasers (http://http://www.mrclean.com/en_US/products/eraser_extra_power.shtml) so I took it into the kitchen and swiped it
a few times....:agape:
I swear its like brand new! (except for that darned crystal I have to fix)

Soooo shiney !! :cheer: :crush:
I of course immediately dragged out all my ficcares and wiped
them clean too...lots of tarnish came off and they look better but
the Superstar is AMAZING !

figured I'd mention it in case someone else had the same dull-ficcare issues.

take care !

July 19th, 2008, 09:26 PM
Cool! I'll keep that in mind when I finally get a ficcare.

July 19th, 2008, 09:27 PM
I have the same problems with lost sets too. I keep forgetting to call and ask for them to send me some more. I bought one of those Magic Erasers ages ago and never used it. Maybe it has found it's purpose in life :D

July 19th, 2008, 10:02 PM
Ohhhh thank you sooo much. I'd have never thought of it.

My little minis have gotten dull looking and don't sparkle anymore. I took a magic eraser to them. 3 passes and they look like new!:magic:

Koala Kim
July 19th, 2008, 10:17 PM
Ooo! Must try this on my silver Ficcare; thanks Hairbrain! :cheese:

July 19th, 2008, 10:19 PM
Funny! I just bought one of those Magic Erasers. It's an excellent product. I was amazed that it really did take the pen off the sofa when our naughty little neighbour decided to draw on it!

July 20th, 2008, 12:09 AM
Funny! I just bought one of those Magic Erasers. It's an excellent product. I was amazed that it really did take the pen off the sofa when our naughty little neighbour decided to draw on it!

Magic Erasers are the most amazing product ever known on earth.

I just had to say that....


July 20th, 2008, 10:42 AM
I have flexi-8 that is looking a bit dull. I will have to pick up a magic eraser on my next shopping trip & give it a few swipes. Thanks for such a helpful post!:D

July 20th, 2008, 11:02 AM
I love Magic Erasers, they work on just about everything! :)

July 20th, 2008, 11:36 AM
Now I'm certain I need to go buy one of those.I have few toys that have lost their luster.Thanks for the tip Hairbrain :flowers:

July 21st, 2008, 07:17 AM
I'm glad you guys are finding it helpful :D
I love the Magic Erasers...I like to use it on pots & pans on the bottom and
sides where that 'stuff' just wont come off...and the stovetop. The eraser
cleans ANYTHING.

My ficcares though...I was afraid of what would happen to the finish at
first...but then figured Im not wearing it anyway and it does wonders on
the stove without touching the finish so....I went ahead and WOW. so glad I did.

Im loving the shiny-ness of my hairclips !

July 30th, 2008, 10:09 AM
I'll have to try this tonight. My Ficcare are starting to look a bit dull to me.

July 30th, 2008, 10:13 AM
I tried this tonight on one of the Ficcares I'd gotten to do some tests on (in my since abandoned attempts to transplant a Jade onto silver).

This clip had all the enamel and top glossy coat off, but was pretty badly stained underneath. I took the Magic Eraser to it and it DID come clean. Now, a think film of some coating or another came off, so I don't know if this was a Ficcare coating, or if this is something the previous owner had sprayed on the inside of the top of the clip when attempting to reattach the enamel. In any event, it did return to bright silver, and no such coating came off the bottom of the beak.

August 1st, 2008, 08:41 PM
I even cleaned the leather in my car with a magic eraser - and just about everything else in the house. They are wonderful - I wouldn't have thought to clean my ficcare though. Know what I will be doing this weekend.

Cinnamon Hair
August 1st, 2008, 09:55 PM
Has anyone tried this on a matte gold ficcare? I know the silver ficcares actually are a silver color metal underneath the top coating, but I think gold ones are silver colored under the top layer. I'm afraid of magic erasing a gold ficcare into a silver one.

August 2nd, 2008, 05:23 AM
Has anyone tried this on a matte gold ficcare? I know the silver ficcares actually are a silver color metal underneath the top coating, but I think gold ones are silver colored under the top layer. I'm afraid of magic erasing a gold ficcare into a silver one.

I use toothpaste to polish my jewelry, it doesn't remove any coatings. I would try that. Paste type works best, either rub in with your fingers or use an old soft toothbrush. I start off with a dry rub of toothpaste until I get a really nasty gunk, then I add some water and pick off any missed spots. It's a trick I learned when I used to do silversmithing.

August 2nd, 2008, 08:23 AM
Cinnamon, mine are all gold and I didnt notice any finish coming off,
I would like to stress if anyone's worried about the finish, dont
use the magic eraser. I was using one that
I actually expected the finish to come off and if it did,
I wasnt going to be too upset...but it didnt,
all that happened was it was more shiney! :p

My ficcares are all gold, and some have the finish coming off where
its been handled a lot (on the part where you open/close it and also
around the edge of my ficcarissimo), so I was willing to experiment.

I just cleaned another one of my beaks and took a video:

sorry its a bit blurry in some spots but it did get a lot shinier:

FICCARE CLEANING VID (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v181/HAIRBRAIN/?action=view&current=100_6650.flv)

I wish it came out better (the video being easier to see)
but hey, I tried :shrug:
(you can hear that darned dog in the background ! oi vay! That dog
barks at the wind, I swear it!!)

Cinnamon Hair
August 2nd, 2008, 08:31 AM
Hairbrain, thanks for the video. It does look a lot shinier after using the cloth. I have a matte gold millenium that I may try polishing, will have to get some cloths first though. It was one of my first clips and is looking its age.

August 2nd, 2008, 09:12 AM
thanks for the tip HairBrain.
My kids use the Magic Eraser on their leather sneakers. Like new.