View Full Version : Stress related hair loss: my story

February 22nd, 2012, 02:07 PM
I wanted to raise more awareness about stress related hair loss. I'm suffering from it for the second time, this time also due to illness. I think not enough people are aware that most of the times there's something that can be done about it. Sometimes I'm having a hard time with this, since it will take me multiple years to gain all the thickness back all over the length.

Here I share my story and give some tips (excuse my English, I'm not a native speaker)

I think making the video was also therapeuthic for myself, reminding myself that it will get better. Making it wasn't easy though. It's painful enough to have to go through a lot and then as a longhair, your pride and glory starts falling out :? I sometimes was afraid to post about it, since I'm still lucky enough to have a normal thickness after all this, but it doesn't mean it hurts me any less. It's still a big blow to your self condidence, when hair is so important to you.

:grouphug: to other people who suffer from this.

February 22nd, 2012, 03:05 PM
I can't watch the video right now, but I'm sorry to hear you have to go through this for a second time... I can't imagine how bad I'd feel if I'd have to go through something like that... :flower:

February 22nd, 2012, 03:40 PM
Thanks for sharing. I hope your growth recovers itself as quickly as possible. Lots of good advice there whether you're having hair loss issues or not! Realizing that its possible to have fun and be kind to yourself even when there are large swathes of crap in your life is so important. Its finally started to sink into my head. :D

Happy harp playing!

February 22nd, 2012, 04:16 PM
Wow, I wish you had had this up on you tube last year, when I was searching all over trying to find tips lol. I am glad you did this.

You have a very charming accent by the way!

My doctor also paid no attention to my hair falling out, even when it was at its worst, and he is normally a pretty good doctor, it was a very hard time for me. I hope I never go through it again. :(

February 22nd, 2012, 04:46 PM
thank you sooo much, my mum is suffering from hair loss from stress and I have been searching for tips everywhere. I have found a site that will deliver hair potency to england so will be ordering it tommorow yay.
Again thank you it's been really helpfull to get tips from someone who's been through it themselves (:

February 22nd, 2012, 06:13 PM
Thank you for posting your video, it is very informative. Especially thank you for reading the ingredients of the product so I can find something similar where I live.

February 22nd, 2012, 07:06 PM
Phal, my sympathy I know how it feels. I've had stress and nutrient deficiency (vitamin D) hair loss. I went from 4.5" to 3.5". Lost about an inch in thickness. I'm still recovering from it. Getting some thickness in my ends. This summer it was pretty bad too. I was pulling out whole strands in the wash.

The vitamin thing was identified by the doctor. So I second seeing a doctor. Also check hormone, ovarian and thyroid, levels, that could be influencing things.

During the hair loss and while it's regrowing wearing it up helped me a lot. I put it up and didn't think about it. I have way too many hobbies to keep myself from obsessing about one thing. I didn't go for clothes or make up. I channeled more toward creating things so I learned how to knit, crochet, weaving and now spinning. So I got more self confidence from my creations rather than how I looked.

February 22nd, 2012, 07:18 PM
Thanks for starting this discussion! No doubt there will be a lot of non-LHC, non-longhair ladies out there perturbed by their own stress-related hair loss, or even mysterious hair loss, who will be greatly comforted.

It is traumatic. It's such a helpless feeling. After my illness-induced shed last year I cursed myself for having worn my hair up so often while I was still in the good ol' days of normal thickness (for me). I was wishing I had enjoyed it more.

February 23rd, 2012, 12:14 AM
I had a recent illness and shed a lot of hair. Most people I know told me to be thankful I still had a decent head of hair, but it was distressing to ME. My hair is part of me, it defines me, it makes me feel feminine, beautiful, depending on how I wear it, sophisticated, punkish, romantic. When you are ill, you already are losing much of your independence, then to lose your hair, it feels like you are starting to lose your identity also.

February 23rd, 2012, 04:01 AM
I have just gone through my second shed in two years, so I know how you feel. In my case my thickest hair is probably only about "average" (hard to tell its potential, as I had my first major shed before LHC and thus never measured my circumference before joining).

So now my hair is noticeably thin...

I can see new hairs, which is great... but considering I have two lots of new hairs (the oldest ones are probably 8-9" long) it's a bit depressing, and makes my hair look a bit weird. I had a hairdresser friend ask if my hair was breaking, and seemed skeptical when I told her it was regrowth :rolleyes:. A lot of people don't seem to "get" it!

February 23rd, 2012, 06:28 AM
Good video! I think it's very nice of you to share your advice and give your support to those who need it. You are a strong and kind woman!

P.S. Your hair is lovely in the video! You look very pretty!

February 23rd, 2012, 09:11 AM
Good advice in the vid, about how to have your bloodwork done. Vitally important when going through something like this! Thanks for making the video!

February 23rd, 2012, 03:06 PM
Wow, I wish you had had this up on you tube last year, when I was searching all over trying to find tips lol. I am glad you did this.

Oh, this is so sweet! Thank you!

thank you sooo much, my mum is suffering from hair loss from stress and I have been searching for tips everywhere. I have found a site that will deliver hair potency to england so will be ordering it tommorow yay.
Again thank you it's been really helpfull to get tips from someone who's been through it themselves (:
This touched me, I really hope it helps her!

Thanks everyone for the comments and sharing your stories :flower:

February 23rd, 2012, 03:58 PM
Thank you so much for posting this =) I was actually considering starting a thread with my own recent issues because they have been making me legitimately depressed lately (not just the hair but the hair triggers it, badly).

I've been shedding way too much since early summer, I've gone from a thicker than average of 8.5 cm down to what seems to be around or below 7 by now, and it is now starting to feel and look so much thinner :( I've been trying everything but nothing seems to be working on the longterm.

I went to my doctor several times, and while we did find issues (a mildly lower functioning thyroid which seems to have stabilized, a kind of dandruff which I have to treat with antifungal cream) she said none of them could have really caused this hairloss.

I've been doing castor oilings since last autumn or something but sometimes I'm wondering if I'm just making it worse because I sometimes shed a lot when oiling my scalp. I thought I saw new growth sprouting up which made me very happy but a lot of it seems to be gone already.

I wasn't even satisfied with my original thickness (I was aiming for 9-10 with good care) but at least I reminded myself I was still a bit above average. Now I'm really heading for the thinner side and it's making me feel absolutely awful. I'm sorry for the very long post but I just needed to get this all out >_< any help anyone can give is more than appreciated.

And once again thank you for your video, especially the part about not obsessing over it I should take to heart (I've measured my circumference about six times in the past two days alone...) let's hope both of us get out of the negativity and get to growing wonderful hair again =)

February 23rd, 2012, 04:09 PM
To add insult to injury, some of the medications often prescribed to people who are going through periods of stress/anxiety cause hair to shed as well. I was given one of them (an SSRI, I forget its name now) it will be years before regrowth makes its way all the way down my length.

Just as distressing, in perhaps a more noticeable way, is when the hair all falls out from one spot. Twice after stressful events I've lost all the hair in the same small patch at the front of my hair. I'm lucky that the overall fall and thickness of the hair made it easy to hide.

February 27th, 2012, 04:57 PM
My last two showers I had quite a low/back to normal shed, let's hope the crazy shedding stopped and I can regain my thickness :o

February 29th, 2012, 06:56 AM
Hi everyone, I'm glad I found this thread, it's sad to hear people's stories but good to have somewhere to share them with others.

I don't have thick hair at all - it's around 3 inches (max). I'm not sure if it used to be more before the colouring and flat ironing but I'm one of those 'thin hair but lots of it' people, or at least I used to be.

I've always shed/dropped hairs, they get everywhere! But very recently I've noticed more and more coming out when I wash my hair. Last night I was pulling 5 strands out at a time, this happened several times over. I must have lost around 50 compared with a standard 10 or so per shower.

Can anyone tell me if this is akin to their experience or if I am worrying about nothing?

I've recently relocated from London, am renovating a house (you can imagine the dust is no good for my hair!) and looking for jobs. I wonder if stress is playing it's part...

February 29th, 2012, 06:29 PM
Hi everyone, I'm glad I found this thread, it's sad to hear people's stories but good to have somewhere to share them with others.

I don't have thick hair at all - it's around 3 inches (max). I'm not sure if it used to be more before the colouring and flat ironing but I'm one of those 'thin hair but lots of it' people, or at least I used to be.

I've always shed/dropped hairs, they get everywhere! But very recently I've noticed more and more coming out when I wash my hair. Last night I was pulling 5 strands out at a time, this happened several times over. I must have lost around 50 compared with a standard 10 or so per shower.

Can anyone tell me if this is akin to their experience or if I am worrying about nothing?

I've recently relocated from London, am renovating a house (you can imagine the dust is no good for my hair!) and looking for jobs. I wonder if stress is playing it's part...

This sounds very similar to what happened to me, and I also wonder how much stress is a part of it. My hair used to be around 3.5 inches and it's now actually below three =(

I also used to be a "pretty fine hair but lots of it" person but well, the last part is becoming an issue...

February 29th, 2012, 06:34 PM
Hm, very interesting. Thank you because I think I am suffereing from this now but God will help me grow it back.

February 29th, 2012, 06:35 PM
Hm, very interesting. Thank you because I think I am suffering from this now but God will help me grow it back.