View Full Version : Why getting rid of split ends is necessary...:(

February 18th, 2012, 07:41 AM
Because if you don't, from the back it tends to look uneven, thin, stringy, etc. Or is that what you call "Fairy tale ends"?

But it sucks cause, from the front, it looks fine, and obviously, when you wear it up.

But alas, if you wear it down, it looks painfully obvious from the back :(

This pic is when I had it longer and got a trim shortly after. I loved the length but it started to crap out at the ends :(
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/228704_10150623634285161_901745160_18599047_441634 9_n.jpg

I think this pic shows my hair in a healthy light. I'm not sure if it's just a matter of how the hair dries, or if trims make the difference.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/45838_10150266954410161_901745160_14341959_517614_ n.jpg

Here is a link to a pic that maybe NSFW cause it shows a little butt crack :/
<link removed>

February 18th, 2012, 07:45 AM
Many people love fairy tale ends. There's an entire thread devoted to it. However, if it's not to your liking, you could always trim them up and thicken your hem line.

February 18th, 2012, 07:48 AM
Many people love fairy tale ends. There's an entire thread devoted to it. However, if it's not to your liking, you could always trim them up and thicken your hem line.

Sorry, I guess this is what I really wanted to ask...

Are split ends and fairy tale ends the same thing?

Because I'm assuming these "fairy tale ends" if that is what I have (as opposed to split ends) make the hair look unhealthy?

February 18th, 2012, 07:49 AM
HeartcoreLegend, here is a link to Feye's self trim method (blunt cut)


If you're interested in her other self-trim method, see the HairStyling section (click on Articles, grey menu bar, above)

February 18th, 2012, 07:50 AM
Maybe try microtrims? You don't use heat, do you?

February 18th, 2012, 07:51 AM
Sorry, I guess this is what I really wanted to ask...

Are split ends and fairy tale ends the same thing?

Because I'm assuming these "fairy tale ends" if that is what I have (as opposed to split ends) make the hair look unhealthy?

Your pictures show fairytale ends, not split ends.

You would need to post closer pictures of your ends for the viewers to determine if your hair had split ends..or white dots.

ETA: You might find this helpful:

February 18th, 2012, 07:53 AM
Split ends and fairytale ends are not the same. The first is just that, split ends which tends to thin out the hemline and make it look uneven, and still damaged.
Fairytale ends are healthy ends with can be uneven and with a bit of taper. It is definitely not the same as damaged hair or split ends.

February 18th, 2012, 08:09 AM
First off, nice underoos! :laugh

Secondly, if you don't like your hemline, go ahead and trim. Quality over quantity I say :D.

February 18th, 2012, 08:19 AM
It's not so much that I don't like the hemline, it's just that, I always assumed and understood that a "blunt cut look" was preferred and an indicator of "healthy looking hair".

I mean, in my mind I see raggedy, thin, scraggly, rat tail ends which I thought everyone found unattractive.

I mean, I don't want to turn into an example of having the kind of hair that girls always complain that guys have i.e. not maintained, bad looking, etc.

But if from the pics, it doesn't look bad, then I guess that's cool.

I just want to see pics of bad looking long hair I guess, so I can see what that looks like.
I do have a few split ends, yes. But if from the pics it's not that apparent then I guess it's nothing to fuss over.

February 18th, 2012, 08:29 AM
Blunt cut ends are not the gold standard, thank goodness. There is a whole range of beautiful, healthy end types here :toast:

TBH I do think your ends would look better if they were trimmed but that's only my opinion.

February 18th, 2012, 08:31 AM
It looks like your hair gets thin as you go down the length. Perhaps some fairytale ends. I can't see splits since they're showing the length and not the ends of your hair.

I don't really get why all of your pictures you posted are of you in your underwear...

February 18th, 2012, 08:44 AM
Sorry, I guess this is what I really wanted to ask...

Are split ends and fairy tale ends the same thing?

Because I'm assuming these "fairy tale ends" if that is what I have (as opposed to split ends) make the hair look unhealthy?

What you have are fairy tale ends. They are a natural consequence of growing your hair with minimal or no trimming. If you are growing your hair to terminal, they are unavoidable.

This does NOT mean your hair is automatically at terminal. Most of us do not have hair that grows absolutely uniformly at all times. Some hairs are slower growing, others are faster. Some have relatively short terminal lengths, others have longer. Chances are the hairs that are hovering around your waist can still grow a good bit... just they take longer than the hairs that are longer.

A split end is when the hair is physically damaged, and you can see the hair is breaking to pieces before your eyes. This is not good at all, and in some hair types a split can "run" all the way to the top of your head. Mostly the split bits will break off and encourage the hair to split higher up. Most people have some split ends, but it'd be unusual to have them all concentrated along the bottom of your hem. After all, if your hair lengths vary all over your head... the ends are all over the place too.

Since your hair is fairly wavy, fairy tail ends can look quite nice. You'd want to care for your hair in a way that encourages the waves tho, and that may or may not be a look you like, or it may take methods you find annoying. If you strongly prefer your hair to look straighter, you might find a blunter hemline looks better. Hemline style is (like all style choices) largely a matter of taste. Only you can decide what style you want.

February 18th, 2012, 08:46 AM
I think most people who are not that into hair see fairytale ends and split and damaged hair as the same. If you want the average population to like your hair I think it would be best to have an even hemline. That however can but cut blunt across, a v-shape or a u-shaped hemline. You choose.

February 18th, 2012, 08:57 AM
Since your hair is fairly wavy, fairy tail ends can look quite nice. You'd want to care for your hair in a way that encourages the waves tho,

From my observation, it seems that if I let my hair dry naturally (which may take about an hour or so), then I get these natural looking wavy curls/ends.

It's only when I brush, it tends to start looking dried out and frizzy.

Which makes me think that, brushing hair may not apply to everyone.

For the most part, I just take a comb and style the front, otherwise I "finger-brush" my hair when needed, if that's what you call it :)

February 18th, 2012, 09:34 AM
I think your hair looks nice :)

February 18th, 2012, 09:34 AM
Fairytale ends!!!! :D

Yours are gorgeous by the way!

February 18th, 2012, 09:58 AM
From my observation, it seems that if I let my hair dry naturally (which may take about an hour or so), then I get these natural looking wavy curls/ends.

It's only when I brush, it tends to start looking dried out and frizzy.

Which makes me think that, brushing hair may not apply to everyone.

For the most part, I just take a comb and style the front, otherwise I "finger-brush" my hair when needed, if that's what you call it :)

Brushing is good for your hair (except for curlies because of their hair structure).

However, how you use the brush, and what kind of brush you use, can have a significant bearing on the overall health of your hair.

If you notice that your hair is frizzy and dried out after using the brush, it may be that your hair needs more moisture in it.

You might want to look into oiling the ends with a tiny bit of coconut oil to help protect them. The longer the hair is, the more fragile the ends are..and more prone to damage.

February 18th, 2012, 10:18 AM
I've got blunt, thick ends right now, also plenty of split ends.

Your hair looks really good, HeartcoreLegend, especially after the trim. Your ends were getting pretty wispy.

heidi w.
February 18th, 2012, 10:24 AM
I would say that those are fairytale ends, but I can't be sure as we do not have a closeup of the hair's health in the ends. IF there's boatloads of splits, then perhaps a trim is in order.

You also have a bit of waviness, and slight curliness, and this hair type tends to coil in clusters separate from one another, as your pictures demonstrate. That's just how curly or wavy hair behaves.

Overall, things look basically fine. I wonder that you're using enough conditioner?

heidi w.

heidi w.
February 18th, 2012, 10:26 AM
First off, nice underoos! :laugh

Ditto! I was slightly perturbed by photos in underoos, but I understand why you took them this way. I would recommend avoiding butt crack photos. That's just TMI! LOL

heidi w.

heidi w.
February 18th, 2012, 10:34 AM
Brushing is good for your hair (except for curlies because of their hair structure).

However, how you use the brush, and what kind of brush you use, can have a significant bearing on the overall health of your hair.

If you notice that your hair is frizzy and dried out after using the brush, it may be that your hair needs more moisture in it.

You might want to look into oiling the ends with a tiny bit of coconut oil to help protect them. The longer the hair is, the more fragile the ends are..and more prone to damage.

In general, you have somewhat fine hair, and I think you might benefit from a bit more moisture -- whether that affects your conditioner choice, or you oil the length is up to you (you could try Conditioner Only washing on the length only, not the scalp hair though)

Devachan Salon is created by Lorraine Massey who's a super curly girl and she created products with low- and no-shampoo (meaning no SLS; no sulfates, so it doesn't foam the same as regular shampoo). You might benefit from a change that way too. Her salon, her name, this salon name -- it's all easily findable on the internet.

You might want to take a look at Dave Decker (LHC member here). He has hair somewhat like yours, and you might, as a male, really appreciate getting to know something about his hair care routine. He takes lots of vitamins, I believe. He's fighting somewhat the problem for men with hair loss as they progress in age, and you might face this problem at some point. His hair is easily twice as long as yours.

Don't worry about hair tapering. All hair tapers. Everyone's hair tapers. That's just the way it goes.

I would recommend you not use a brush on your hair, overall. I would recommend using a wide-toothed comb, and finding ways to wrap your hair up to protect its integrity. You may need an extra wide-tooth comb. I did, and until I found this comb I simply could not comb my hair to detangle it.

I further recommend you sleep on a smooth-fabricked (sp?) pillowcase such as sateen, satin, or polyester -- not even cotton, though. It's not the smoothest surface there is for hair to slide upon during the night.

I'm sure you realize that the oldest hair is on the ends; the youngest hair is closest to the scalp. And age is in between going down the length. So, it's really, really important to really take care of those ends.

I wish you the best in your journey. You've got a nice starter kit. Keep up the good work.

ETA: Any changes you decide to try, make sure to do one at a time, perhaps a few times, to determine if it works well or not. This way it's easier to figure out what the culprit is if something goes wrong or doesn't work well. If you change 2 or 3 things at once, you have a problem determining which one is the real crux of the problem. So one change at a time. END ETA
heidi w.

February 18th, 2012, 11:42 AM
I think it looks fine as it is. Full disclosure - I'm partial to fairytale ends. If you're not a fan of the look you could get a blunt cut or do it yourself with Feye's method which someone else linked to above. If your ends are damaged you could S&D if you don't want to cut it right now.

Also, I completely understand why you're in your underwear! Pretty much all my length pics are in my sleepwear - tank top and lounge pants. I don't think anyone should read into it too much.

February 18th, 2012, 12:02 PM
Also, I completely understand why you're in your underwear! Pretty much all my length pics are in my sleepwear - tank top and lounge pants. I don't think anyone should read into it too much.

I feel that the length of the hair is best seen with a background of either bare skin or white colored clothing. Sadly, I didn't think of putting on white tighty whiteys (and I'm thinking LHC is better off for it LOL) nor do I have any white jeans or pants.

In hindsight, looking at the underwear I did wear, I'm thinking they look more like 'granny panties' based on the fact of the long hair and my really skinny legs.

February 18th, 2012, 12:02 PM
I like fairytale ends, I think they look especialy good on men to keep in with the more 'natural' look (by NO MEANS do I mean unkempt ;)) Was slightly distracted by the underwear, but then, if we ladies have the 'bra strap' pictures, I think fairs fair :)

February 18th, 2012, 12:13 PM
Here are some attempted close up shots of my hair to determine if I have split ends or not.

But it got me to thinking, if split ends are something that you have to be really up close to see, then I don’t get what the fuss and panic is about on cutting them, if when you zoom out and see the hair in it’s entirety, it looks fine? :/





February 18th, 2012, 12:16 PM
Looks in decent condition to me, its just a lot of taper (nothing wrong with taper, if you ask me) If youre not a fan, you might want to try regular microtrimming to avoid losing length but to thicken the hemline :)

February 18th, 2012, 12:23 PM
From my observation, it seems that if I let my hair dry naturally (which may take about an hour or so), then I get these natural looking wavy curls/ends.

It's only when I brush, it tends to start looking dried out and frizzy.

Which makes me think that, brushing hair may not apply to everyone.

For the most part, I just take a comb and style the front, otherwise I "finger-brush" my hair when needed, if that's what you call it :)

I have exactly the same and this is the reason i dont brush my hair the first 2 days after a wash, it ruins my wurls.
Do you wear your hair loose at night? that can also be a trigger for these ends, try sleeping with it up or braided and maybe start using some drops of oil on them.
I really believe in microtrimming and i think you have wonderfull hair(color and structure/length) and im sure it can be fixed with some dedication and reading the boards here..

February 18th, 2012, 12:31 PM
I think your hair looks good, I don't think the ends look bad at all.:)

February 18th, 2012, 12:34 PM

Judging from your closeups, your hair seems to be all right but in need of moisture.

The reason many of us here are "split conscious" is because splits can run up the strand and ruin it. Thus, we S and D when possible to remove any damage we see..or trim it as needed.

You can definitely spot damage/splits on hair that has not been propery taken care of..even at a distance. It looks unhealthy and "fried".

Your hair does not have that look but a small trim might be in order.

February 18th, 2012, 12:41 PM
Do you wear your hair loose at night? that can also be a trigger for these ends, try sleeping with it up or braided and maybe start using some drops of oil on them.

I actually wear my hair up in a bun 99.9% of the time.

I only let it down on the weekends when I have no where to go and just feel like doing nothing but resting, and feeling pretty. LOL. And that's not too often either.

Which only adds to my surprise when I wear it down and freak out at the length. LOL

February 18th, 2012, 12:52 PM
I further recommend you sleep on a smooth-fabricked (sp?) pillowcase such as sateen, satin, or polyester -- not even cotton, though. It's not the smoothest surface there is for hair to slide upon during the night.

Lots of great advice Heidi! If I could just add.. if you tend to get hot during the night, which I notice a lot of men seem to do, make sure you get a silk or rayon satin pillowcase rather than a polyester one. Silk or rayon are much cooler and more absorbent than polyester.

But it got me to thinking, if split ends are something that you have to be really up close to see, then I don’t get what the fuss and panic is about on cutting them, if when you zoom out and see the hair in it’s entirety, it looks fine? :/

Unfortunately you can see the effects of split ends from a distance. Hair will look dull, ratty, unsmooth, frizzy, etc but you can't really tell why until you look close up and see that is caused by the split ends. The reason you want to nab split ends as soon as you can is because they can travel up the shaft.

p.s. I was just teasing you about the underwear and I think your legs look great :D!

February 18th, 2012, 02:04 PM
I typically don't like fairytale ends on women at all-- though certain super long curly hair can look ok with them -- but I don't find them unappealing on men, oddly enough.

Velvet Smoke
February 18th, 2012, 03:58 PM
Fairytale and splits aren't the same,so your hair could be really healthy like that. It does tend to look less maintained and therefore, I guess less healthy to most people.

Cool hair... But was the butt crack picture really necessary? :agape: