View Full Version : stretching washes = no change?

February 17th, 2012, 12:39 PM
just wondering if anyone else has found that stretching washes hasnt really helped anything at all? i see no difference, actually i think it might be in slightly worse condition now.. just seeking others opinions please :)

February 17th, 2012, 01:02 PM
it didn't really make a difference for me, either, and I see we are hair twins. :)

In my opinion fine wavy hair is quite hard to manage. At least mine is, and I have been trying to grow it long for many years now.

What stretching washes did for ME is taught me what moisturized (as opposed to over dry) hair feels like. As a long time bleach head and heat abuser I had never experienced my hair not being either dry or greasy. It is, IMO, a good method for learning what your hair feels like when it is clean but not over dried, and what dirty is or isn't on healthier, more moisturized hair. If that makes sense. ;)

However, finding that happy medium for fine, wavy hair is hard, and I still struggle, and have been growing for 7 plus years now.

February 17th, 2012, 01:21 PM
One thing changed - I got used to having less than fresh, clean, fluffy hair.

Otherwise - no. Third day hair still looks like it needs to be washed, which I usually do that day or the fourth day. I tried washing just once per week for awhile, and all it did was make me hate my hair the 2nd half of the week.

February 17th, 2012, 01:42 PM
YES. I second that hating the hair when I try and stretch washes.
I have fine hair and it just looks oily on the second day. It always has. And I don't like walking around with an oily head.

My scalp never magically changed when I washed less frequently. It is what it is. Some people have oily scalps.:p

February 17th, 2012, 01:46 PM
you all seem like fair haired ladies, Even before LHC I only washed my hair once a week, but I'm dark haired, maybe darker hair can just "get away" with it for longer?

February 17th, 2012, 02:06 PM
I couldn't really tell any difference. The only reason I still try to stretch a little is to make my shampoo and conditioner last longer.

February 17th, 2012, 02:06 PM
It's not a miracle, and I cant tell the difference now in my hair condition. But stretching washes to me is about not overly manipulating the hair. Wet hair is very fragile, so frequent washing...may not be the best thing if that hair on my scalp is to be around my hips one day....

:hmm: However, many members wash their hair frequently and have gorgeous long hair :shrug:

I say, do what makes you happy. If stretching washes makes you feel less then glamorous...it is not worth it.

in terms of looks, I've accustomed to wearing it slicked back the last two days before washing to disguise the greasy roots. :cool:

February 17th, 2012, 02:07 PM
Maybe Kitsu, plus we each have our own level of oiliness. If I had your level, I might wash only once per week, too.

February 17th, 2012, 02:30 PM
I get an itchy scalp if I don't at least CO wash every other day, and not washing just makes my hair look like an oil slick.

February 17th, 2012, 02:30 PM
Stretching washes works for me until I'm greasy, typically day 4. Then I have to wash or I hate my hair lol, it feels yuck, looks horrid and itches!

Although now I do CO and don't use sulfates, my hair doesn't need washed as much, so I don't feel like I'm stretching as such.

February 17th, 2012, 03:01 PM
I personally extend washes up to only 4 days. Only throught weekdays, never weekends since I hangout. But I am at school so I don't care. I wash my hair twice a week and only because I would need to buy a bottle of 23.5oz conditioner a well :P and I am lazy as well. My hair after 3 days of not washing gets drier and REALLY frizzy, the reason why I wear it in buns and braids and 4-5 days.

February 17th, 2012, 04:05 PM
Stretching washes hasn't changed the quality of my hair in and of itself, but it does reduce the inevitable wear and tear that happens for me on wash day. No matter how gentle I am, I always shed most, and break most hair when I wash it. So stretching has definitely helped me reduce the damage I would otherwise inflict on it.

February 17th, 2012, 04:11 PM
One thing changed - I got used to having less than fresh, clean, fluffy hair.

Haha, yes, my thoughts exactly.

February 17th, 2012, 04:36 PM
Stretching washes really doesn't make my hair better. I can get to every other day, but no longer than that--I've tried quite a few times. My hair just gets way too greasy. Plus I have bangs, and they don't look too hot if I don't wash them every day! I just S&C my hair every day, but making sure to not scrub harshly.

I've never had problems with dryness or breakage because of my washing routine. If anything, my hair breaks if I put it up in tight styles or fool with it, or over brush it, or going too long between trims--not from over washing.

February 17th, 2012, 05:00 PM
I've often said in my blog, that stretching washes isn't all that it's cracked up to be here at LHC. I was an almost every day washer pre-LHC and now I'm every 2-3 days. I agree with Spidermom when she says she's gotten used to less than fresh and fluffy hair. Me too. I've dealt with it by doing buns and braid on non wash days. If I want to wear my hair down, it must be washed that morning. That hasn't changed and isn't going to change. I'm the same hair type as the OP and also light haired. We may be on to something with that. I feel like blonde hair shows the least bit of grease and sebum. I'm VERY conscious of my hair looking greasy/piecy. My day 2 or 3 hair is always pulled back in some way so it's not moving around and showing off it's greasiness. I don't see any benefits to going longer than 2-3 days. It's certainly not helping my hair and scalp in any way and it looks so awful I'm embarrassed to go anywhere other than Walmart.

I've found my ends are much drier when I haven't washed/wet my hair. My hair needs to be at least CO'd. I've never seen one iota of improvement letting my ends get drier and drier. I find sebum coated hair to be very unpleasant too. Mine is smelly and looks awful. I don't like the look of sebum coated blonde hair. I agree it's not as noticeable on darker hair and especially darker and curlier hair.

I've never gone a whole 7 days without washing. I think I've gone 5 a couple of times and that was due to illness so it didn't matter to me how dreadful my hair looked. 5 day hair was super dry on the ends and my scalp was itching horribly. I don't think that's particularly good for my hair.

February 17th, 2012, 09:30 PM
I can go two days instead of one without greasy hair (but still stretch to four days with up-dos). Not a significant improvement in the condition of my hair, really.

February 17th, 2012, 09:41 PM
Stretching washes just leaves me with super greasy roots. I always hoped something would work and make my scalp change so I could wash weekly. Nothing ever worked though.

February 17th, 2012, 09:41 PM
I have to wash my hair every day or else it looks funny, because of the short hair and layers. Back when I had longer hair, though, I washed it maybe 3 times a week, and it was fine. Most of the time I was lazy and just put it back into a ponytail..

I've NEVER been the type of girl who was into styling and spending hours in front of the mirror. Waaaay too much work.

February 18th, 2012, 06:05 AM
Hmm.. when I was using heat I blow dried and straightened my hair every time after it had been washed, and it would stay dead straight until I next washed it, meaning the less washing the less heat damage. I used to wash every day or every other day but I started to stretch between 3 and 5 days. I have also found that oiling my scalp actually makes it get greasy LESS quickly!

However now I have left heat tools behind I am beginning to think I might like to wash my hair more often, as Carolyn said the ends seem to get drier and drier the longer I stretch

February 18th, 2012, 06:44 AM
just wondering if anyone else has found that stretching washes hasnt really helped anything at all? i see no difference, actually i think it might be in slightly worse condition now.. just seeking others opinions please :)

I guess I'm wondering what you expected to change by stretching out your washes? What were your goals???

Mostly what I notice is it eventually takes longer for the sebum to start squirting out in a vengeance, and it takes time for that to happen, even if you're only going an extra day. It's also best if done slowly, over a long period of time. It took me two years to get where I am with NW/SO.

What it definitely does right from the get go, is it allows your hair to have that extra time between getting stripped right to it's core (I picture severe prison washes where they use harsh soaps and a fire hose to spray you down - you're the hair in this scenario).

Longterm, your sebum production will not only slow down but will have the chance to nourish and protect your hair, if you take the time to spread it gently.

If it's been a long time you've been trying to do this, you might want to also look at what else you're doing and putting in your hair, and also look at the water you wash with.

February 18th, 2012, 09:10 AM
I've been stretching my washes for over a year now, and yeah, they still get greasy on day 3 :rolleyes:

But well, I got lazy and used to less fluffy hair (as Spiderwoman said) :p so to hide the grease I use dry-shampoo (I know, it's not a favorite method of many but it works for me) to at least don't have that obvious greasy roots and then I can stretch to 4 days (tried 5 too, but then my scalp is itchy).

The benefit for my hair: I have the impression that it is better nourished and moisturized, but that might be as well because I use a leave-in every day in the ends ... but it's not just the ends, it's also the length that feels better so it seems to have a benefit.

anyway, it's surely a benefit for my time! :p

February 18th, 2012, 09:27 AM
Ive noticed a difference in that I spend less money on poo & condish :P but seriously my hair splits less and my waves go more curly near a wash day. I normally wash every 4 days.

February 18th, 2012, 09:30 AM
Stretching hasn't helped much - at all. There was a time where I could only have my hair washed every two weeks and that lasted quite a while (consequence: major bout of SD). It didn't help, though. I *still*, just as before, need to have my hair washed twice a week for it to look decent. Lately my hair's washed every 5 (to sometimes 6) days and that *is*... stretching it (with a grosser look every day past due).

February 18th, 2012, 10:03 AM
I saw an immediate difference. My hair is on the thicker side so when I wash it, it holds water like a cactus:mad: But once I reduced washing to once a week my hair was sleeker and silkier. I assume it was because my hair had a chance to dry completley and the natural oils could be distributed. My hair starts to get kinda oily on the fourth day, and gradually gets more oily. It doesn't smell though, I'm thankful for that!:)