View Full Version : Warning on supplements: beware of severe shed

February 16th, 2012, 09:01 AM
I'm putting this out there as a cautionary tale based off of what I recently went through. It had been suggested to me by an nurse practitioner because of slightly low Vitamin D levels to take a regiment of supplements. The suggestion was: a Women's One a Day, D3 capsules, and a capsule of fish oil. I was told to start out with three D3 capsules (http://www.target.com/p/Nature-Made-Vitamin-D-Maximum-Strength-Tablets-100-Count/-/A-11010164?ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001&AFID=Google_PLA_df&LNM=|11010164&CPNG=health%20beauty&ci_sku=11010164&ci_gpa=pla&ci_kw=) of 2000 I.U. each. Since I noticed the Women's One A Day also had this same vitamin, I only took two.

Four days ago I took these supplements with a bowl of cereal. About one hour later I became nauseous and slightly dizzy. Two days later the feeling had completely subsided. But then I had a major shed. As in, every single time I ran my hand through my hair about 5-10 strands came out. Since, joining LHC I have never had a shed even remotely close to this. Luckily it has slowed down and stopped.

Since I am not sure what has caused this and the NP dismissed my concerns, I will only be taking the Women's One A Day now. This is just a warning to start slowly with supplementation since it seems that there can be some sort of negative reactions.

February 16th, 2012, 09:06 AM
Interesting. I've never heard of D3 being implicated in hair loss. I have heard of fish oil causing hair loss; also flax seed oil. I take a lot of D but my shedding is always the same--too much.

February 16th, 2012, 09:12 AM
Oh dear, I have also wondered about that. I had a nurse practitioner recommend extra vitamin D with calcium awhile back, but I think that recommendation has been disputed with some recent studies. It's fat soluble so there is the potential for trouble...I'm very sorry about your shed! I'm not really a believer that you can "build up" tolerance to a supplement - either you're deficient in it or not as far as I understand. I would think that the regular multi vitamin would have enough vitamin D in most circumstances...any way be well!

February 16th, 2012, 09:50 AM
I'm kind of shocked that she would tell you to take that much Vit. D. I was more than slightly deficient in D (I live in California, but don't seem to absorb it well), and the doctor only had me taking 2000 IU to get my levels up. 6000 IU is a LOT! I don't take any other supplements, BTW, other than calcium (osteoporosis in my family and I have some thinning). I think the multivitamin should be enough, and you can always have your D levels tested in a few months to see.

February 16th, 2012, 09:57 AM
I've heard from many sources that some people find one-a-day type of supplements heavy on the digestive system (nausea, dizziness). I've never heard of such a problem with D3 capsules, though of course it's possible that you reacted to one of the constituents (although, usually, they are just the gelatin shell, olive oil and D3).

However, I don't think anything you ate in the morning would have any effect whatsoever on your shedding the same day (ETA: or 2 days later). Nutrition takes time to be reflected in hair loss (or growth). If anything, I'd suspect that your shedding is due to nutritional deficiencies (not necessarily D3, but who knows) that you have been experiencing for months without knowing.

Glad to hear your shed has stopped, anyway! :D

February 16th, 2012, 10:00 AM
I've never heard of vitamin D doing that! WOAH! Glad your shedding as stopped though!

heidi w.
February 16th, 2012, 10:13 AM
I'm one who has consistently had problems taking vitamin supplements. My stomach becomes upset and I commonly feel nauseus (sp?). It's to the point that I just don't take any supplements. Not to mention the price. When you're on a lower income to no income, you just don't buy stuff like that because you can't justify the cost.

The only vitamin I've ever entertained long-term is the family of B vitamins, such as a stress B vitamin. That's the only vitamin that hasn't produced stomach aches and nauseau.

heidi w.

"Vitamin D is an essential vitamin in cell growth, and vitamin D deficiency may be associated with diffuse hair loss"


Apparently there's a correlation between Vitamin D and hair loss.

heidi w.

February 16th, 2012, 11:16 AM
That's odd, I take vitamin D everyday and have never noticed any hair loss.

February 16th, 2012, 11:26 AM
It is not a good idea to overuse any Vitamin supplement.

Here is more on Vitamin D from the Mayo Clinic
"The main consequence of vitamin D toxicity is a buildup of calcium in your blood (hypercalcemia), causing symptoms such as:

Polyuria (frequent urination)
Weight loss
Poor appetite
Heart rhythm abnormalities
Kidney stones"

Vitamins A and D can be toxic, Vitamin C and cause problems and B Vitamins are best used balanced.

It was thought at one time that betacarotene, could help prevent lung cancer in smokers. It can but not in supplement form. In supplement form it increases the risk. Vitamin E was thought at one time to help in mega doses, that has been proven wrong too.

Mulitivitamins are usually balanced in the formula for whatever the purpose. They are not however meant to be overused either.


February 16th, 2012, 02:01 PM
Thank you for the info ktani. I am not sure what caused the upset stomach and feeling I had for a few days before the shed (what in the mix was the issue). I agree with jeanniet that 6000 IU may just be way too much to ingest.

February 16th, 2012, 02:28 PM
Vitamin D doesn't cause hair loss....I would be more likely to suspect an allergy to something in the multi-vitamin. I take 7000 IU per day and my immune system has been infinitely better since starting to take it!

February 16th, 2012, 03:28 PM
Thank you for the info ktani. I am not sure what caused the upset stomach and feeling I had for a few days before the shed (what in the mix was the issue). I agree with jeanniet that 6000 IU may just be way too much to ingest.

You are very welcome. It is not good to overdo Vitamin supplements period.

February 17th, 2012, 05:08 AM
I'm going to throw in another idea for the cause of the brief shedding episode- rancid fish oils. If you don't buy a top quality fish oil supplement (and then refrigerate) you are asking for trouble. Rancid fish oils are more the norm than the exception according to my study. Rancid fish oils can cause lipid peroxides, upset stomach, not to mention auto-immune reactions. I'm ultra cautious with all oils- flax, fish, vit A, etc. There are more shedding stories out there concerning these oils than there are for multi's and Vit D, although Vit D is fat soluble.

The fact that you have continued on the multi means it probably wasn't that, although multi's have always caused stomach stuff for me, so I take everything individually so I can watch and adjust.

The other thing, the fact that Vit D is a hormone and not a 'vitamin' could have caused a hormonal upset that caused a shedding episode, especially such a large dose starting out. For me, anything that causes a hormone tumult will lift my shed. No exceptions. I take 8000 iu of Vit D daily during the winter, but always lower and raise incrementally so as not to cause upsets.

Anyway, I'm glad you posted this and hope you don't give up on trying the Vit D.


February 17th, 2012, 06:32 AM
I'm going to throw in another idea for the cause of the brief shedding episode- rancid fish oils. If you don't buy a top quality fish oil supplement (and then refrigerate) you are asking for trouble. Rancid fish oils are more the norm than the exception according to my study. Rancid fish oils can cause lipid peroxides, upset stomach, not to mention auto-immune reactions. I'm ultra cautious with all oils- flax, fish, vit A, etc. There are more shedding stories out there concerning these oils than there are for multi's and Vit D, although Vit D is fat soluble.

The fact that you have continued on the multi means it probably wasn't that, although multi's have always caused stomach stuff for me, so I take everything individually so I can watch and adjust.

The other thing, the fact that Vit D is a hormone and not a 'vitamin' could have caused a hormonal upset that caused a shedding episode, especially such a large dose starting out. For me, anything that causes a hormone tumult will lift my shed. No exceptions. I take 8000 iu of Vit D daily during the winter, but always lower and raise incrementally so as not to cause upsets.

Anyway, I'm glad you posted this and hope you don't give up on trying the Vit D.


This is very informative. It very well may have been the fish oil it was the type in capsules if that makes a difference. Since the women's one a day also has Vit D, I think that should be enough. I may try taking one of the D3 tabelts also without the fish oil but I'm a little afraid of feeling ill again ^_^'

February 17th, 2012, 06:51 AM
The other thing, the fact that Vit D is a hormone and not a 'vitamin' could have caused a hormonal upset that caused a shedding episode, especially such a large dose starting out. For me, anything that causes a hormone tumult will lift my shed. No exceptions. I take 8000 iu of Vit D daily during the winter, but always lower and raise incrementally so as not to cause upsets.

Anyway, I'm glad you posted this and hope you don't give up on trying the Vit D.


I had not heard about the hormone definition and in checking that out, I found for and aganist that, in sources.

This seems to be a more complete explantion although it takes some going through.
From "Conclusions"
"2.) Researchers have also expanded the parent vitamin D3's nutritional sphere of influence from a focus on bone health to include 5 additional physiologic systems. ..."

February 17th, 2012, 07:28 AM
I take Vit. D due to a deficiency and only have had this problem if I take it on an empty stomach. I also take a few other supplements as recommended by my doctor and have my blood tested every few months as to no overdo it on the supplements.

Did you take all your supplements at the same time? I spit my up over the course of the day because 1 - thats a lot of pills to take all at once and 2 - I've read that your body never absorbs 100% of a supplement so I figure spreading it out helps my body to absorb as much as possible.

So my recommendation would be to spread out the dosage along with blood tests every three months or so. My shedding decreased with the Vit. D but it does take time for your body to first up it's stores and then you start to see less shedding. For me it took a couple of months. Now my hair is growing in much healthier than before.

February 17th, 2012, 07:52 AM

February 17th, 2012, 02:48 PM
This is very informative. It very well may have been the fish oil it was the type in capsules if that makes a difference. Since the women's one a day also has Vit D, I think that should be enough. I may try taking one of the D3 tabelts also without the fish oil but I'm a little afraid of feeling ill again ^_^'

Don't be afraid to cut tablets into pieces! I've been know to break open capsules and pierce gel caps to either take less, or smell the insides. When it comes to oils you want to know! I'm not familiar with fish oils in capsules unless you mean the solid gel caps..? This must be what you mean. Also, if you burp a taste of fish after ingesting this is typically a sign of rancidity. I only take LEF and Nordic Naturals when it comes to fish oils. And right now I take 1 that's 1000 mg. Hair is fine with this dose. Good luck to you! Can I ask what your Vit D level was starting out?


February 17th, 2012, 02:52 PM
I had not heard about the hormone definition and in checking that out, I found for and aganist that, in sources.

This seems to be a more complete explantion although it takes some going through.
From "Conclusions"
"2.) Researchers have also expanded the parent vitamin D3's nutritional sphere of influence from a focus on bone health to include 5 additional physiologic systems. ..."

I think that even if the definition of Vit D as hormone or not remains in question, it's pretty well documented that Vit D acts as a hormone. This being the case it's able to impact those with hormone sensitive follicles. It certainly does me.


February 17th, 2012, 03:01 PM
I'd suspect the multivitamin more than the Vit D. I frequently feel nauseous taking most multivitamins. I just take all my supplements individually now, even though that means I'm taking about a dozen individual capsules every morning. I feel better knowing exactly how much I'm ingesting of any particular supplement, and it's solved my nausea problem as well.

February 17th, 2012, 03:10 PM
I think that even if the definition of Vit D as hormone or not remains in question, it's pretty well documented that Vit D acts as a hormone. This being the case it's able to impact those with hormone sensitive follicles. It certainly does me.


I am still "digesting "this

Not a forms of Vitamin D are equal and it is a "precursor hormone". There is a lot of information in that article.

ETA: There are some good basic recommendations there including getting tested for Vitamin D deficiency and if needed, taking less toxic, more bioavailable, higher doses of Vitamin D3, only under a doctor's supervision. Makes sense to me.

February 17th, 2012, 03:48 PM
Thank you for the info ktani. I am not sure what caused the upset stomach and feeling I had for a few days before the shed (what in the mix was the issue). I agree with jeanniet that 6000 IU may just be way too much to ingest.

Given my last post and that article, I agree that 6000 IU was way too much to start off with and the NP should have been monitoring you.

I know stress can cause hair loss. The hormone correlation in this case may be the cause.
"This is usually a reaction to intense stress on the body's physical or hormonal systems, or as a reaction to medication.
The condition, which can occur at any age, generally begins fairly suddenly and gets better on its own within about six months, although for a few people it can become a chronic problem."

February 17th, 2012, 03:55 PM
I'm going to throw in another idea for the cause of the brief shedding episode- rancid fish oils. If you don't buy a top quality fish oil supplement (and then refrigerate) you are asking for trouble. Rancid fish oils are more the norm than the exception according to my study. Rancid fish oils can cause lipid peroxides, upset stomach, not to mention auto-immune reactions. I'm ultra cautious with all oils- flax, fish, vit A, etc. There are more shedding stories out there concerning these oils than there are for multi's and Vit D, although Vit D is fat soluble.

The fact that you have continued on the multi means it probably wasn't that, although multi's have always caused stomach stuff for me, so I take everything individually so I can watch and adjust.

The other thing, the fact that Vit D is a hormone and not a 'vitamin' could have caused a hormonal upset that caused a shedding episode, especially such a large dose starting out. For me, anything that causes a hormone tumult will lift my shed. No exceptions. I take 8000 iu of Vit D daily during the winter, but always lower and raise incrementally so as not to cause upsets.

Anyway, I'm glad you posted this and hope you don't give up on trying the Vit D.


Very possible. I just like to do my own checking.

February 17th, 2012, 05:02 PM
I respond very well to supplements, and just this week got a couple new ones, but one can never be too sure so thank you for the warning :flower:
Glad the shedding stopped :)

February 17th, 2012, 05:49 PM
I'm going to throw in another idea for the cause of the brief shedding episode- rancid fish oils. If you don't buy a top quality fish oil supplement (and then refrigerate) you are asking for trouble. Rancid fish oils are more the norm than the exception according to my study.

Wow, this is very useful - I read a bit further and it does seem to be a big problem. thanks for posting - very infomative.

February 19th, 2012, 11:02 AM
Wow, this is very useful - I read a bit further and it does seem to be a big problem. thanks for posting - very infomative.

I'm happy you found this useful. I learned the hard way. There's a specialized lab test for lipid peroxidation levels (Metametrix) that shows just how much oxidation is taking place on the lipid walls (cell walls) throughout the body. High oxidation to these lipid cellular walls is caused by rancid fats and/or not enough fat soluble antioxidants. My levels were off the charts high year after year until I figured out it was the fish oils I was taking! Now this doesn't mean the fish oils were necessarily rancid, but were going rancid in my body, which they will do if fat soluble antioxidants aren't high enough. Your basic fish oils don't have antioxidants within them as does Krill oil. Krill oil contains naturally occurring Aztaxanthin. Some fish oil manufactures have started to add things like sesame lignans to prevent rancidity. I started taking Astaxanthin and ALA (a fat soluble antioxidant) and down came my LP's fast. The whole time I had high LP's I shed! Granted there were other factors contributing to the shedding, but I learned this valuble lesson about fish oils along the way. We know that sebum is lipids. What if there's a sebum connection to lipid peroxidation from injested fish oils??? Brings up a lot of questions.


Cara Heather
February 19th, 2012, 03:26 PM
I take 1 prescribed pill of vitamin D ~50,000 IU. I have a vitamin D deficiency, but I don't think I had hair loss. Without a deficiency most woman I have talked to are happy with the daily 1,000 IUs. They say it gives them more energy. I still feel the same as far as energy goes with out with it.

February 20th, 2012, 11:58 AM
During summer time when the sun stands high, the skin produces about 10.000 UI of D-vitamin a day if you stay in the sun between 15-30 min. I take vitamin D3 supplements during the whole winter when the sun stands too low in Sweden for the skin to produce any D-vitamin. I take 5000 IU most days.

My hair is looking great and I haven't noticed any extra shedding.

You are taking the equivalent of 6000 IU a day which is really much less than you get from the sun during summers, so it shouldn't affect your hair negatively.

I would suspect the multivitamin? (It's really best to get most vitamins and minerals from healthy food, but it's very hard to get enough vitamin D from food only)

(ignore my crappy english) :)

February 20th, 2012, 12:09 PM
My little brother's doctor noticed he had zero levels of zinc in his system, and told my kid brother to take a supplement for it. We found out, when my brother started throwing up, that his body doesn't absorb it because his body is allergic/intolerant of it. If he ever wanted to skip school, all he'd have to do is take zinc.

Sorry you had a reaction like that to your supplement, OP. Shedding is never fun. :(

February 20th, 2012, 12:26 PM
I recently started taking a womens' multi from nature's way (it's all natural). I have a sensitive stomach and was afraid of hitting it too hard so I break the pills in half and take half with lunch and half with dinner. I have not had any problems so far...I always shed a lot in the shower anyway.

February 20th, 2012, 01:03 PM
I take a generic version of Centrum and it works for me. I too have a sensitive stomach with some of the supplements in there (zinc and iron), so whatever this version is has been the best so far. I prefer a multi vitamin to just one of the several we need, though I'm sure this OP was trusting the knowledge of a NP, which is a shame---I thought that dose was pretty high too.

Hope the shed has seized!

September 11th, 2012, 06:50 AM
I know that the coating of women's one a day makes me feel nauseated. I take at least 8000iu of d3 a day and don't have a problem with it. In fact it helps prevent me from getting all those pesky colds/flus my friends keep complaining about. I keep telling them to follow my lead, but oh well.

September 11th, 2012, 07:21 AM
My husband gets an upset stomach if he takes capsules or tablets, so I mix a liquid multi-vitamin, liquid vitamin D, and banana/strawberry flavored flaxseed oil into orange juice for him. He has no nausea from it and the liquids absorbs better. He takes 10,000 iu of vitamin D (under dr's orders). His levels are finally where the doctor wants them and his hair is shedding much less.

September 11th, 2012, 08:31 AM
Wow, I'm sorry you had such hair loss. I have been on huge doses of vit D3, through my doctor, for years as I am severely deficient in it. At one time I was on 50,000 IU of it a week. Now I take 4,000 IU a day. I also take a womans multivitamin. Ive not had any of the hair loss though. Thank goodness, it would scare me to death! Yeah, everyone should be sure ro have their levels checked from time to time and not have too little OR too much of anything.